Chapter 139 Mission

"Don't try to run away, stupid pig of Hakone"

After Naruko moved on the copper bridge, he shouted loudly from behind, and the rhythm of the legs under him was even faster, and the speed reached 70 kilometers.

In the last 1 kilometer from the finish line, the decisive battle has broken out.

At this time, Aoyagi also rushed out from behind Naruko, the purpose was naturally to lead the ride first and catch up with Tongqiao at the fastest speed.

"Total North at the last moment, tied up"

A spectator holding a paper tube, watching this fierce competition, involuntarily told the picture he saw.

Naruko looked at the copper bridge beside him proudly, and said with a smile: "How about it, Zongbei doesn't sound strong as you say."

Then Naruko and Aoyagi quickly overtook the past at a speed of 70 kilometers.

"There is no problem with the leg strength, then just rush to the finish line like this, Teshima, I will definitely bring the victory back"

Ao Yagi took the lead, and he couldn't help but feel confident, as if victory was beckoning to him.

"Only when the prey runs ahead, can it be preyed"

At this moment, the 02 copper bridge is like a beast, staring at the two people in front of him, his free left hand tightly grasps the zipper of the car jacket on his chest, and then pulls down the zipper, so that the car jacket is in the wind and naturally behind him. fluttering.

In the last 700 meters, Tongqiao followed closely behind the two of Aoyagi.

"Ugh, run away, run away, fun, fun. It's the most exciting when you're chasing like this"

Tongqiao seemed to have transformed into a beast, his voice was low and hoarse, as if endless anger was about to come out from his throat.

Feeling the spirit of Tongqiao, Aoyagi decided to bring out his hidden abilities.

"Aoyagi must kill pure, muscle projectile, Bambi mode"

Originally, after absorbing a lot of oxygen, the chest that was raised up returned to its usual appearance, because at this time, after taking a deep breath, he was completely in the stage of holding his breath and exhaling slowly.

However, the pedaling rhythm of Aoyagi's two legs has changed. Under the condition that the gear ratio of the flywheel remains unchanged, the pedaling frequency has changed from 80 to 90 rpm.

Under this anaerobic sprint, Aoyagi's legs seem to have become much thicker.

"The total north is accelerating, so fast"

"Why does his leg seem to be getting thicker, it was round and round just now, and it has changed again"

"After exiting the bend, the gap is even bigger"

Seeing Aoyagi's acceleration, the audience couldn't help exclaiming.

However, this state could not last long. It was supposed to be the ultimate move he used in the last 150m sprint, but now he used it at 700m.

Although it is true that there is a gap between Tongqiao and Naruko, this state still makes Aoyagi's legs twitch.

"Damn, hold on, Teshima is still waiting for me"

When Naruko saw Aoyagi in front of her, she couldn't help but sigh, whether it was Teshima or Aoyagi, they were all working hard through their own efforts.

I lost to Tiansuo last year, and I will never lose this year, even if it is Silent Senior.

When Tongqiao caught up with Aoyagi, who slowed down due to leg cramps, Naruko also caught up with the two from the side.

"Get out of the way, it's over," Tongqiao said with a big laugh, roaring at Aoyagi who was beside him.

"The finish line is 300 meters, tied, and the three are tied"

The audience's voice interrupted Tongqiao's self-satisfaction, because Aoyagi who attacked just now made Tongqiao the only enemy in his eyes, thus ignoring the other runner who was running towards the end of the sprint.

"Three people?"

"Kakaka, Senior Silent, it's really amazing," Naruko said with a big smile.

"Dwarf, how can you keep up with me?"

Tongqiao was very surprised that this sprinter who was not very good could keep up with his riding. When sprinters sprint on the flat track, they usually have the advantage of being bigger. This is the standard in road cycling, but Naruko's strength completely broke his cognition.

"Stupid Pig" Naruko glared at him very dissatisfied when he heard Tongqiao address him.

"It doesn't change anything if you increase it to two people, I will surpass you all in one breath, shorty," Copper Bridge roared loudly.

From Tongqiao's point of view, Hakone's training volume should be the strongest. If they can catch up until now, Zong Bei and the two should be at the end of the line, but they still have leg strength.

In this final 350 meters, the winner is definitely himself.

"I thought that as long as I used the Bambi mode, I could leave the copper bridge behind and go straight to the finish line, but his strength is indeed far beyond my imagination, and even the foot strength that he thought he could escape from any pursuit was ineffective. He caught up.

"Onoda is right to worry, once we fail the sprint, the rhythm will be completely lost. Fortunately, you are here too, Naruko"

"The sprint award is up to you, Naruko. This is the mission that must be shouldered by the ace sprinter as the No. 3 total north, and you can definitely do it."

"Next, I will do my best to help you and follow me"

Ao Yagi patted his twitching thigh hard, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and stepped on it with all his strength.

"Hey, Senior Silent, don't you want to compete with me before the finish line? If you lead the ride, do you still have the strength to sprint at the finish line?"

Naruko asked very puzzled, although he understood the meaning of the team, but the competition with Tiansuo last year made him feel that since he is a sprint player, he should try his best to fight for the first place, why should he give up the competition and leave the opportunity to other sprints Players, even if the sprinter is a teammate.

"Don't be long-winded, listen to my orders to rush up, I no longer have the foot strength to sprint the finish line, but we must win the sprint award, so that Teshima and the others can control the rhythm in the army"

"The 073 you are carrying now is not your own goal as a sprinter, but also the mission that Teshima and the others gave you, and the sustenance of me, a sprinter, for you. Naruko, win the sprint finish."

Aoyagi almost roared out, but the trampling under his feet did not stop at all. Even if he broke his leg, he would definitely send Teshima and the others to the front.

After listening to Aoyagi's words, Naruko suddenly woke up. Yes, the sprint award is the pursuit of all sprinters, but on top of that, there is also the task of Zongbei, whether it is to capture the finish by himself, or with the help of his teammates, as long as he can win the finish of the sprint, that is completed his mission.

"Understood," Naruko responded with a serious face, and then Naruko hid behind Aoyagi.

When Aoyagi was side by side with Tongqiao again, Tongqiao couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

So far, how many sprint champions I have won, and how many sprinters I have defeated, so I can know who is the real sprinter and who can hit the finish line just by feeling. Dude, there is no thought of making myself feel like he's a sprinter.

Even if he knew that Naruko was a sprinter last year, in his opinion, he was just an ordinary sprinter.

At this time, Naruko ignored Tongqiao's thoughts at all, and now he just wants to win the sprint championship.

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