Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 17 The second day of the dorm

Chapter 17 The second day of the dorm

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Onoda also stopped for dinner. In the past few hours, he made up for the difference from yesterday and completed 250 kilometers.

With the proficiency in the stand-up rocker (pulling the car) and gear switching, Onoda has become very proficient in controlling speed and physical strength.

Looking at the sandwiches from Tiansuo's own bakery, which is half a person tall, Onoda admired Tiansuo for a while, and at the same time he couldn't help feeling that road bikes are worthy of being played by rich people, and this is the energy supplement.

There seems to be something mixed in this group of rich second-generation. The bicycle equipment is not expensive. Onoda buys it all by itself, but the car, food, training equipment, think about it, it seems that in the original book, all the equipment of Onoda depends on delivery, it’s okay.

By the way, Kettle, it was only then that Onoda remembered, because he didn't get off the bus halfway through the accommodation, it seems that his official cp didn't see it, but it didn't matter.

"Hey, eat more, otherwise you'll be on the ground halfway the next day, Tiansuo's super-large hamburger specially made by Tiansuo Bakery, I'll give you a portion, you're welcome, eat it."

Silently bowed his head to speed up the progress of eating. After all, road racing requires the use of the entire body. The energy, muscle strength, endurance and mental strength of the human body will be consumed when riding, and these burdens on the stomach will also increase. When the consumption reaches the limit and energy needs to be replenished, the absorption of the stomach and intestines will not keep up, so the energy replenishment in the morning is very important.

Looking at his swollen belly, Onoda chose to sit next to him to rest, after all, there was no seat cushion in his car.

"Listen, the training intervals are arranged according to their respective strengths. It is appropriate to take ten to fifteen minutes each time. When running, don't forget to consider the remaining distance and the number of laps. You have already asked the coach for water and supplies."

"Then, the second day of the training camp, start"

I rested with Jincheng for half an hour, during which I gave some suggestions for my riding. The two then set off from the starting point together.

Onoda uses relatively light gears, and its speed is not as fast as Jincheng. He is soon left behind by Jincheng. Onoda is not annoyed. After all, this is a double test of speed and endurance. On the premise of ensuring speed, lengthen the ride Travel time is enough.

After running seven laps and 35 kilometers, Onoda chose to stop for hydration and energy.

After taking a break, he went to the tent and had a brief chat with Shan Yuan before continuing to ride.

After running to noon, having lunch, and watching the rising sun, Onoda did not choose to go out for a ride at this time like Naruko Imaizumi, but went back to her room to rest and replenish her state like Jincheng.

This kind of temperature, this kind of sunshine intensity, consumes about 1.5 times the normal physical energy, it is better to wait for the afternoon when the outside is slightly better to speed up. After all, this is an endurance race. Sometimes it's not very cool to be blindly enthusiastic. Is it wrong to cut firewood by sharpening a knife?

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when the weather was not so hot, Onoda came out and saw Imaizumi and Naruko who were slumped in the rest area. Looking at the two people who were fighting each other, Onoda did not bother them to fall in love and kill each other.

I took a look at the statistics board and recovered a lot. These two guys, blood is sometimes not a bad thing. The Onoda speeds up the ride.

In the evening, three first graders of Onoda continued to ride side by side with lights on.

"I said, what do you think about this co-op?"

"The starting point of that sunglasses general is actually very simple. He gave the task, we will complete it. Those who can't run this thousand kilometers are not eligible to participate in the selection of the high school league."

"I think so too, Onoda, do you have any news?"

"It's no longer news. The high school league is coming soon. In addition to the three 3rd graders, there are still 3 vacancies. Currently, there are two 2nd graders and 4th graders. Shan Yuan may not be able to complete this task. The three are chosen from the five of us. Compared with the unfamiliar second-year seniors, I want to join you in the high school league."

"Then what do you think?"

"Competition results, I think this thousand kilometers is a competition. The high school league is about 250 kilometers a day for three days. It is a test of physical strength and endurance. This co-op is actually a high school league within our headquarters."

"The third graders have now run more than 550 kilometers, they will be the first batch, and the second batch is that we compete with the seniors of the second grade. I have been observing from the beginning, the two seniors are acting together. Yes, the difference is at most two laps, which proves that they are helping to move forward. Since it is a competition, let’s cooperate. Although there are some tricks, the training so far, everyone’s riding style, rhythm, track details, etc., have almost mastered it. ."

"Since the purpose has been achieved, now is the time to take it to the main election"

"The top six in the total north camp competition are allowed to participate in the high school league"

With the help of the team, Naruko consciously rode to the front on the flat section of the road. "Follow up, if you are thrown away, you will not be eligible for the league." Naruko shouted to Imaizumi and Onoda behind him.

Jincheng, who was standing in the lounge on the second floor, saw the formation of the first-year "Have you already started to cooperate? I thought it would take until the third day to master the current car."

Take a look at the data in front of you:

Jincheng 128 circles 625 kilometers

Tiansuo 126 circles 615 kilometers

Roll Island 126 laps 615 kilometers

Teshima 114 laps 570 km

Aoyagi 113 laps 565 km

Onoda 112 laps 560 km

Imaizumi 104 laps 520 kilometers

Naruko 104 laps 520 km*

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