Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 193 The sprint race without a finish

Chapter 193 The sprint race without a finish

On the straight before the finish line, there is no doubt that Izumi Tian and Kishigami Koju are leading the way faster.

And it is also before the finish line. There is no such thing as retaining physical strength. The ace of the two teams that follow closely behind will consume some of their foot strength here, but after all, they have a windshield, so they will also be a lot easier.

And although Imaizumi followed closely and the gap was small, it was gradually opened up a lot.

However, an interesting thing happened when the two sprinters stepped forward.

Kishisami Xiaoju stretched his hand into Izumi's open clothes and grabbed Izumi's left pectoral muscle at once, which Izumi called "Frank".

Izumi suddenly shook off Kishishen's outstretched hand, and glared at Xiaoju at the same time.

"Sorry, I'm a little..."

"One hundred zero" "It's too hot, I'm a little dizzy"

"Speaking of which, I've endured all the way to show your muscles in front of me like you, how do you want me to endure it?"

Kishigami Koju used his left hand to protect the right hand that touched Izumi's chest muscle just now, while recalling the feeling of the touch just now.

Although Imaizumi took this opportunity to ride forward, the eyes of both teams were on Kishigami Xiaoju, and on this flat road, they didn't think Imaizumi could escape anywhere.

"You really are a man who doesn't know how to endure."

Midosuji covered his mouth and snickered, for this very pure teammate, Midosuji still trusts him very much, because they are a kind of people, they are all people who can use all means for their purpose.

It just so happened that the two of them had different goals, so when they cooperated, Midosuji was extremely tolerant of the god on the other side.

Although I heard about Jingfu's temporary rotation as a substitute before the game, on the first day of the track, Izumi didn't have much communication with Kishishen.

And Kuroda wouldn't tell him that he was touched by a pervert.

Therefore, Izumi Tian's understanding of the god of the other side was only the person who rode behind Midosuji when he and Midosuji were chasing the lead.

At this time, because of Kishijin's activity, Izumi Tian began to face this Jingfu's first grade, No. 116 Kishijin Xiaoju.

Last year's feud at the opening ceremony, Izumada still paid attention to Jingfu's players, and felt that it was nothing to be afraid of at the time, but now Kishishen's performance, although there is not much information and materials, it still makes Izumada pay attention.

Because perverts usually have a certain ability, otherwise they would have been kicked out of the team long ago.

"Taichiro, this first year was also yesterday, touch his muscles before Koyuki attacks, be careful"

"Also, Zongbei has launched an attack."

Yesterday, Kishijin was just trying to attract attention and didn't show too much strength, but Reed Kiba still reminded Izumita on purpose.

"No problem, Takuto, we are kings, we are Hakone Academy"

"No matter what kind of enemy comes to challenge, you must defeat him from the front. This is the king."

"Since there is no enemy data, just collect it in battle"

"Takuto, Hiroto, you all follow closely, but don't be left behind"


After speaking, Quan Tian immediately grabbed the lower handle and prepared to sprint with all his strength.

"Let me hear more about your voice called 'abs'"

At the moment when Quan Tian started, Anshen Xiaoju also stepped on and followed the test, with an excited smile on his face.

"Zongbei's ace assists Imaizumi leading the way"

"Box School sent the ace sprinter to lead the ride"

"Jingfu is... is the third grade Guangxi Zuoda on the 116th"

"Actually kept up, this Guangxi is amazing."

Because Kishijin is not well-known, many viewers who read the player manual are not aware of the existence of Kishijin.

"Although you can keep up with me, are you trying too hard? Could it be that your breathing has become disordered?"

Izumi quickly caught up with Imaizumi, then looked back at Kishijin and said sarcastically.

"What, my breath? Of course I have to breathe."

"I can actually watch your muscle movements up close, of course I'm gasping for excitement."

Kishijin still said excitedly.

"How about this, abs"

"abs, muscles, muscles"

Because so far, as the ace sprinter of box learning, he has not been completely released, so at this stage of leading the riding, Izumi hopes to release his emotions frantically.

"This is also good"

Kishishen couldn't help but exclaimed as if a normal person saw a stunning beauty.

Quan Tian continued to speed up, hoping to vent all his annoyance that he could not participate in the competition for the sprint award.

"Onoda, this is not good, I will surpass you soon"

"Do you want to come forward and compete? Last year, you defeated our ace sprinter Xinkai senior."

He didn't care about Imaizumi, who had been caught up by him, because in his opinion, Imaizumi was not a sprinter, and he couldn't satisfy him in sprinting.

"Oh, are you trying to take revenge for Senior Shinkai? You lost to Naruko Hetian last year, do you think you are stronger than Shinkai this year?"

Onoda didn't care about Izumi's provocation, but instead provoked Izumita.

"Vengeance? No, Senior Xinkai doesn't need me to take revenge. What I want to take revenge on is the throne that was taken away by you last year."

"The Box Society from today reclaims the throne, just like the Sprint and Mountain Awards"

Izumi continued to speak. Of course, on the one hand, he wanted to defeat the person who won the title of "fastest and strongest" last year. On the other hand, he also wanted to consume Onoda. Because the sprint line, Aedi Kiba was also consumed by the sprinter Naruko of the north. foot strength.

"It seems that you have really become stronger. You don't even pay attention to Xinkai. I remember last year that you were very much looking forward to Xinkai's predecessors, right?"

"Last year is different from this year, I am the ace of the total north, I have my own task"

Onoda can clearly perceive this year's Quan Tian, ​​his muscles are far stronger than last year, 0.3, but just like this, he wants to let the ace himself go off the court, and Onoda can still distinguish the importance.

"That's really a pity, then wait for you to be thrown away by me, and I will send Takuto to the finish line first."

Izumada ignored Onoda, turned his head to look forward, and rode past Imaizumi.

"Shake it off? I won't let you shake it off."

Imaizumi looked at Izumi who looked down on him like this, and quickly followed with gritted teeth.

However, after lasting for two kilometers, Imaizumi was gradually opened up by Izumi Tian, ​​which was a physical gap.

The sprinter's body is more about exercising muscle strength and explosiveness, which is difficult for all-rounders and climbers to match.

However, the box school led by Izumi was not the only leading team. Jingfu's Kishishen Xiaoju was not slower than him, and followed closely behind Izumi half a parking space.

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