Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 63 Changing Cars

Chapter 63 Changing Cars

Early the next morning, Onoda rode to Hansaki's bike shop.

“Good morning, Sakamichi-kun”

"Good morning, dry. Are you ready today, go home for dinner"

"Yes, I will try to get my aunt to recognize me"

"It's okay, don't be nervous"

Seeing that Hansaki was preparing to sweep the floor with a broom, Onoda went up to help, and then asked her how she felt about the meal at Onoda's house today.

Originally there was no rubbish at the door. After cleaning the dust at the door a little, Kansaki brought Onoda into the store. At this time, Kansaki Kanzaki was maintaining a blue scottfoil road bike. Onoda knew that this was no accident. It should be Imaizumi's new car.


"Good morning, Kanzaki-san"

Han Saki blushed as soon as the elder brother shouted. After all, in this country that pays great attention to etiquette, the word elder brother is basically something that only relatives will say.

"Hey, don't call me eldest brother, by the way, when will you come to my house as a guest?"

Although he is very reluctant to give up his sister, Onoda is indeed powerful now, and he is qualified to be with his sister, and he also invited his sister to be a guest at home. Kanzaki Kanzaki also acquiesced to the existence of Onoda, the "brother-in-law".

"I can do it anytime when it's convenient"

"Then I'll ask you today to take good care of my sister."


Onoda half bowed and replied to Kanzaki, Kanzaki Kanzaki looked at 993 and recognized the real Onoda, and he was relieved. Then, he said: "By the way, give me the car that you won the championship before as a collection, and in exchange, give this car to you. 35

Hansaki pointed to the bicycle hanging on the back wall. "Carbon fiber is integrally formed, the frame is made of carbon brazing, and the whole body is yellow. This is a Swiss bmc. The most important thing is that as an ace player, the lightness of the vehicle is the key. The point is, this bmc is much lighter than gios. Ride it farther, it can really meet your needs.

Onoda was very moved when he saw it, but he couldn't agree directly. Kurakima did give the car to himself, but if Onoda gave him another person, he would definitely have to tell Kurakima.

"Sorry, Kanzaki-san, that car was given to me by Makishima, I have to ask him for his opinion, and it seems that this bmc should be very expensive, do you really want to replace it?"

"Okay, let's ask first. Is this bike a little over 1 million yen, but it's just hanging on the wall. If you exchange your high school league champion bike, I will It will be used as a sign in the store, and it will also attract more business at that time.99

"By the way, I will change the accessories to electronic ones. The speed of this car is now realized by using physical principles and relying on wire traction. I will change it to a signal-controlled motor to complete it, which is the feeling of switching gears with switches. ."

"Don't worry about the battery, you should be able to run 1,500 kilometers after changing it. It doesn't mean that the wire and the electronics are better or worse. It's purely because, like Imaizumi, you are a player who uses frequent shifting to manage your body. Even in a critical moment, you can ensure that Smooth shifting, which will also be a big advantage for you”

Kansaki Kanzaki said with a smile. Is it true that you are the master of the bicycle shop? Everyone who plays bicycles has money. It is true. You can give away anything you want. Although the champion vehicle is indeed valuable, it is not so expensive. It is very likely that Kansaki Kanzaki hopes Onoda If it can be stronger, it is said to be exchanged.

It's not that the gift will not hit Onoda, but it can also make Onoda faster, and can also attract business for his own store. Kanzaki Kanzaki is really amazing, and he is indeed a minister who brought out Jincheng and his generation.

Onoda rode the car to Kuishima's house and explained the situation to him, Kuishima said: "The car is sent to you, it is you who make your own decision, if you can become stronger, it will also be good for Zongbei. Besides, I also I should thank you, because of you, I was able to stand on the championship stage in the final high school league of high school. By the way, Dongtang asked us to go to his house to take a hot spring this weekend, and he said that he must ask you to go with him.”

"On the weekend, can I bring Hansaki, it's been a long time since we went out together"

"It should be fine, I'll turn to ask Dongtang. Your relationship is really good, Onoda"

Onoda smiled and didn't speak, then waved goodbye, and rode toward Hansaki's bicycle shop again. I got the news that the modification can be finished tomorrow, and it can be exchanged tomorrow. Then Onoda helped out in the shop, learning the basics of road bikes by the way.

In the evening, Hansaki also specially changed into more formal clothes and came to Onoda's house with a specially prepared gift for visiting.

After opening the door and entering, Hansaki said politely: "Hello, I'm Hansaki. It's too abrupt to visit for the first time. Please forgive me" and then sent the gift.

"Alas, Hansaki is here (acac), that's great, please come in." Mrs. Onoda felt that she had brought her a pair of slippers and invited her in.

"I'm so sorry, Hansaki, Onoda's father hasn't come back yet, so you have to sit here first." Mrs. Mingyue said as she went back to the kitchen, probably turned off the fire, and then walked out again. The original apron on her body was also removed, and she was simple and elegant in her home clothes.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's me who came early." Han Hao waved his hands hastily, indicating that it was his own problem.

"It's okay, just treat it as if you were at home, don't panic so much" Mrs. Onoda was looking at her daughter-in-law. After all, she really wanted her daughter back then.

Just when Hansaki didn't know what to say, the doorbell rang.

"Sorry, I'm sorry to leave. 39 Mrs. Onoda stood up and walked out of the living room.

Onoda couldn't help feeling that with outsiders around, his mother was much better.

Onoda and Hansaki stayed in the living room when they heard the sound of the door being opened again, followed by a conversation between husband and wife: "Dad, you're back, you've worked hard."

"Child's mother, I'm back, has Sakamichi's girlfriend come already?" Onoda's father's voice sounded a little gentle, and he felt that he was a humble and prudent person with a good personality.

"Already here, in the living room, waiting for you to come back for dinner"

"Really, I'm so sorry, mother child"

Onoda's father who walked in was slightly fat, with an ordinary appearance and a briefcase in his hand.

"You are Hansaki, Sakamichi has already mentioned it to us, very good, very good, very cute" Mr. Onoda was very happy, especially when he saw Hansaki's cute appearance, the smile on his face was even more exaggerated, Obviously, Onoda is very, very satisfied with having such a lovely girlfriend.

"Hello, Mr. Onoda, I'm Kansaki, I'm meeting you for the first time, sorry to bother you." Kansaki stood up and greeted very politely.

One night, Onoda's father was very good in etiquette. He spoke softly and tried his best to take care of the nervous Hansaki. He didn't ask too much about the two of them, but mainly introduced the family composition. Mrs. Onoda said a lot about Onoda's childhood, and took Hansaki to see many previous photos.

Taking Hansaki home in the evening, Hansaki said with a smile: "Sakamichi-kun, so you are an otaku, you don't usually see it at all"

Onoda said softly, "I can't help it. I usually either train or spend time with you. I don't think I have any time to stay home. By the way, let's go to the hot springs in Hakone this weekend."

"Hot spring, Kanagawa?" Hansaki looked surprised, not expecting Onoda to ask her to go so far.

"Yes, it is the family of Todo-senpai from Hakokaku who runs a hot spring. He invited me to play with Makishima-senpai. I want to play with you." Onoda gently stroked Hansaki's hair and said softly. .

"Is this okay, Senior Dongtang didn't invite me either," Han Hao said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes, let's go and play, we can pay for it by ourselves." Onoda looked at her with very doting eyes.

"Okay, then let's go to Kanagawa for a hot spring on the weekend"

Seeing Hansaki agree, Onoda is also very happy. After all, being able to hang out together is something worth celebrating.

I don't know if you have seen the theatrical version, but the next is the content of the theatrical version.

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