Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 89: The Last Ride of Box Learning

Chapter 89: The Last Ride of Box Learning

During the training that night, Onoda found that Naruko had deliberately increased the training of the low gear ratio, obviously in preparation for the climb.

Although it is not for Naruko to directly transform, it is very necessary for sprinters to prepare for climbing.

Naruko naturally understands Onoda's mind, as long as it is not a complete transformation, he can accept it for the sake of Zongbei and the team.

Looking at Naruko, who was sweating profusely and still continuing to train, Onoda walked up to him after finishing all training, patted his shoulder, and said, "Naruko, it's hard work"

Naruko turned her head arrogantly, "I didn't practice because you told me to train, I just wanted to be more dazzling in the high school league and make the audience cheer for me."

Naruko became more and more excited, and Onoda responded with a smile.

Teshima watched all this with a smile on his lips. The captain of a team should always have a warm and a cold one.

From the third grade Kanjo Tiansuo, the current Teshima Aoyagi, to the next Onoda Imaizumi, this is the case.

In Mandarin, one sings a white face and the other sings a black face.

Shan Yuan did not participate in the training 02 at night. Compared to him still in middle school, it was better if he passed the test. If he did not pass the test, he would talk about his internal training and leak it out.

In this regard, Onoda and Teshima have a sense of balance.

After the warm-up training, Naruko clearly felt that he had become stronger. He could clearly feel the operation of his muscles, and he could also feel the leap of speed under his feet.

The competition between Tiansuo and Aoyagi in the high school league has made his running style more mature. In addition, the effect of basic training has gradually transformed into strength. He can clearly feel that he is much faster than when he was riding before.

Naruko's training was more attentive, and the atmosphere of the entire team became more harmonious.

At this time, Hakone is holding a third-grade see-off friendly match, which is the tradition of box learning.

At the end of November, when the weather is mildly cold, all team members will depart from the parking lot of the convenience store at the foot of Hakone Mountain.

The first grade said goodbye to the third grade, generation after generation, and now Fufu and other third graders have also become the ones who were sent off.

Hakone Gakuen Cycling Club, the last ride of the third grade, Fukutomi, Araki, Shinkai, Todo.

The four of them went straight to the front of the new generation of box school main force headed by Izumi Tian.

Quan Tian was the first to say, "Please advise me today"

"It's hard work", "Izumi Tian", "Please", "Don't fall"

From the outsiders' point of view, they would never have imagined that Huang Bei, who was a ruffian, would say the warmest words. Fufu was still cold as always, just called Quan Tian's name.

"The third grade farewell friendly match, start"

With the start of the club members, the third-year legion directly attacked.

"Thanks for the advice"

More than 100 players backed up by Box School, stood on both sides of the road, bowed and saluted, and finally thanked them.

The driving route is to enter the national highway and go south along the coast, turn right at Hejin, pass through the Amagi wilderness, and go forward to the destination municipal parking lot, a total of 120 kilometers.

This is the fixed route of Box Learning every year. All members of the bicycle department participate, and more than 100 road bikes set sail in batches. The speed is very fast, and it is very difficult to catch up if you are behind.

The local people in Hakono know that they have this tradition, so there are a lot of people watching the game, and there are cheers everywhere.

Among them, Dongtang is responsible for the appearance of the team, and is naturally loved by many girls. Of course, the new opening is also unbearable, second only to Dongtang.

Dongtang put a smile on his mouth and made his habitual movements. He raised his head slightly and stretched out his right hand, as if he was holding a sphere in his hand.

"Thank you for your warm welcome"

"Final farewell, come on. Lord Dongtang"

Huang Bei, who was riding behind Dongtang, was very unhappy. Here is the last of his fans. He complained to Dongtang and said: "Idiot, look ahead"

Dongtang began to become narcissistic again, "God gave me three talents, the ability to climb hills, the ability to speak well, and the appearance is still very high, my climbing can make the forest sleep."

"Say, look ahead, you idiot"

Looking at these seniors, the reserve team members are very envious of Dongtang, "Although I don't know the situation, the seniors of Dongtang are really amazing."

The other third-year backup players understood Dongtang's narcissism very well, and said to the first- and second-year players: "It's really good, Dongtang looks like a dick, but when he needs to win, he can always win in his best state. Contest"

"Isn't that what Hakone in the high school league is like? He's working hard where we can't see it, he's working hard."

Dongtang's Shunfenger heard someone compliment him at once, turned his head and said to Qianyuan: "No, Qianyuan, this is a talent bestowed by God, abbreviated, yes, genius."

Huang Bei was inexplicably unhappy at this time: "Looking ahead, idiot, I always feel very unhappy"

Xinkai put his arms around Fufu and said, "Thank you, Shouyi, for the past six years..."

Fufu still behaved very plainly, "Well, it's a new opening. After all, it's been since junior high school, and the friendship is not shallow."

"It's really great, I'm very lucky to have a birthday, thanks to you, I can continue to ride until now"

"The fastest man, what do you say. If you want to become stronger, you must be able to endure hardships and persevere. The reason why I have been able to sit here in the past six years is because the strong you are always by my side. Xinkai, thank you"

"I'm embarrassed to say it so solemnly, Shouyi"

The mutual recognition of the strong is very simple, the goal 007 is the same, encourage each other, and become stronger together.

At this time, Huang Bei stared at the two of them with an unhappy expression on his face, as if something he loved had been snatched away.

Under the gaze of one or two years old, Huang Bei shouted loudly: "Don't look at me expectantly, no, I have nothing to say in my heart"

At this time, Dongtang patted Huangbei's back and said, "No, it is because of you that the team is united."

Then Xinkai also came to Huangbei and put his hand on his shoulder, "Thank you for training with me"

Fufu also came to Huangbei at this time, "Huangbei, you are the best carrier"

"It's annoying, don't praise me." Although he said so, Huang Bei was a little shy to be praised.

In his heart, the companions of Bicycle and Box Learning didn't save him. He just became a high school student, and he didn't have a true friend by his side. The so-called subordinates were only because they were afraid of his force. Only in the Bicycle Department, He can feel the presence of friends.

When seeing the Hakone team, local vehicles will dodge for them, because this is the glory of Hakone.

Entering the national road, even if the game officially started, as Hakone, the farewell match also means the game.

The second-year trio headed by Izumada, and the first-year Mauna stepped forward, and the four-on-four match officially started.

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