Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 3: The logistics soldiers killed a Han Wan general!

 Chapter 3 The logistics soldiers killed a Han Wan general!

Hearing Wei Quan's voice.

The surrounding soldiers turned around and looked at Zhao Feng, who was almost ten feet away.

See this scene.

Wei Quan understood immediately and laughed and said: "Zhao Feng, you threw the sword very well. I was almost sent to see the King of Hell by this bitch."

"It's good that the generals are alive."

"I will continue to carry the corpse." Zhao Feng replied with a smile.

At this moment, he was still immersed in the excitement of having all his attributes break 200, and he had received another treasure box reward, and he was going to open it secretly.

"Boy Zhao."


"Do you know who you are killing?" Wei Quan shouted angrily.

"Isn't General Bai just a more fierce Korean soldier?"

"Who else could it be?"

The surrounding soldiers looked at Wei Quan in surprise.

The Korean soldier lying on the ground at this moment was just wearing the armor of an ordinary Korean soldier, and there was nothing special about him.

Zhao Feng stopped and looked at Wei Quan.

From the prompt on the panel just now, he also knew that this was a general of the Korean army.

But looking at Wei Quan like this, does this Han army general have any special status?

Wei Quan raised the military card in his hand and said with a big smile: "This person is Baoqiu, the son of General Bao Yuan of Han Dynasty."

"He was originally a general who commanded thousands of troops to guard the border of South Korea, but this time our Daqin army broke through the border but failed to capture him. Unexpectedly, he actually pretended to be dead among the corpses."

"Zhao Feng, you have made a great contribution."

"You killed a general."

"And this general is the son of General Han Bao Yuan!"


Wei Quan directly threw the military card in his hand at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng took it and took a look.

On this military card, Baoqiu's name was written in Korean characters.

On the battlefield.

As the only recognized military badge,

Hear Wei Quan's words.

Zhao Feng was still calm, but the surrounding soldiers were stunned.

"Oh My God."

"The Korean border guard was just blocked by Zhao?"

"This is a great achievement."

"Can this military achievement allow Zhao Fengguan to be promoted to the third level?"

"Killing a general requires not only a promotion, but also a knighthood."

All the soldiers around him cast envious looks at Zhao Feng.

Who wouldn’t want such great achievements?

In the Great Qin Army, soldiers who go to the battlefield are called sharp men. As long as they go to the battlefield, they are awarded a first-class knight. However, as a support soldier, they do not have a title, and their annual salary is only half of that of a first-class knight.

This is also the result of no pain and no gain.

The sharp soldiers go to the battlefield to fight for their lives, but the logistics soldiers are less dangerous.

"Aren't you a kid who's not happy at all?"

Looking at the calm Zhao Feng, Wei Quan walked over with a surprised look on his face.

"Hundred Generals."

"This is all done subconsciously to save you, I didn't think too much about it."

"You'd better rest well for the rest of your life. I'm going to carry the body." Zhao Feng smiled and handed the military badge to Wei Quan again.

Then he turned around and carried the body again.

If you have this time, you might as well carry two more corpses and pick up more attributes.

As for the rewards for killing generals, Zhao Feng is really not that enthusiastic about picking up attributes.

"You kid."

Looking at Zhao Feng's appearance, Wei Quan also smiled helplessly.


Gratitude to Zhao Feng also appeared in his eyes.

If it hadn't been for Zhao Feng's sword just now, he would really have gone to see the King of Hell. How could Wei Quan not be grateful for the life-saving grace.

"Come a few people."

"Pick up this Baoqiu's body and let's report it to the military lord." Wei Quan said loudly.


Several soldiers around him immediately led the troops and lifted Baoqiu's body, and Wei Quan led them to report to the superior military prince.

"Maybe there are still people alive." "Look carefully, maybe we can make a great contribution."

After watching Wei Quan leave, the soldiers of the Hundred Generals Battalion became eager and began to search among the piles of corpses, hoping to encounter such great achievements as Baoqiu again.


Zhao Feng, who was responsible for killing generals, was carrying the body while checking his own attributes.

Host: Zhao Feng

Age: 15 years old

Strength: 316 (The stronger the strength, the corresponding power can be exploded.)

Speed: 206 (The higher the number, the faster the speed.)

Physique: 208 (The stronger the physique, the faster recovery from injuries and endless physical strength.)

Spirit: 201 (The stronger the spirit, the clearer the mind and clear thoughts. When it grows to a certain level, it can sense the aura of heaven and earth.)

Lifespan: 86 years plus 68 days

Portable space: 2 cubic meters

"A punch with a force of three hundred kilograms can kill someone with one punch."

"A speed of two hundred points is twice as fast as an ordinary person's speed."

"This physique should be based on the current kidney function. If this physique reaches 1000 points, wouldn't it be the legendary golden kidney?"

"If you are spiritual, you can sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth faster. I have read so many novels in my previous life that cultivation requires the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Is it possible that I can still practice in the future?"

"The corpse-carrying soldiers are a good type of soldier."

Looking at his current attributes, Zhao Feng was delighted.

This is the source of motivation for Zhao Feng to carry the corpse!

the other side.

The general's main camp.

This is the battle to destroy Korea.

King Qin Yingzheng issued an edict and ordered the Lantian camp to go out.

General Li Teng led an army of 100,000 to attack it.

General Wang Jian was stationed at the Qin-Korean border to supervise the war.


"The war situation is advancing rapidly now."

"General Li Teng has already attacked Yangcheng."

"Within three months, Han will no longer exist."

In front of the Korean map, Wang Ben, one of the commanders of the Lantian camp, was excitedly reporting to Wang Jian.

"Han's territory is small and its military strength is only a hundred thousand. Do you know why the king asked me to move all the Lantian camp?" Wang Jian asked with a smile.

"The king's talents and strategies have long been planned to rule the world. To destroy Han only requires the strength of my Lantian camp, but to defend Zhao Wei requires the full strength of my Lantian camp." Wang Ben replied immediately.

"It's good that you see through that."

"Years ago, I, the Qin Dynasty, could easily destroy Han. The reason why I waited until this day was to wait for this opportunity to take things by surprise." Wang Jian said in a deep voice.

at this time.


"Report to the general."

"Some good news just came from the logistics army." A guard quickly ran into the camp.


Wang Jian waved his hand.

"The logistics army has discovered the violent hill."

"The body is outside." The guard respectfully reported.

"Four days."

"Finally found."

"Have a look."

Wang Jian immediately stood up and walked out of the tent.

Wang Ben followed closely behind.

Outside the tent.

Baoqiu's body lay on it, with a **** sword stuck in his chest.

"Did he just die?"

Looking at Baoqiu's body, Wang Jian immediately saw that the blood on Baoqiu's body was still fresh, so he had definitely not been dead for a few days.


"This is the commander of the logistics army."

"It was his military camp that discovered Baoqiu." The guard on the side pointed at the military leader who came to deliver the body.

"Who killed Baoqiu?" Wang Jian looked at Junhou and asked.

"Report to the general."

"He is a logistics soldier from our army camp." The army officer immediately replied.

PS: Pursuing reading is very important, pursuing reading is crucial, please please! Recommendation votes are also requested!

(End of chapter)

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