Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 150 Pixiu, Kurapikavs Nobunaga

"Pixiu, I'm sorry to trouble you, create a chance for me." The whole person soared into the air, Kurapika shouted at Pixiu below, and at the same time, quickly used the chain in his hand.

"I see, Kurapika." Pixiu, holding a samurai sword below, responded loudly.

The appearance of Kurapika quickly changed the situation on the battlefield.

The two teamed up and the battle situation that was suppressed by Nobunaga now became Nobunaga suppressed by Pixiu and Kurapika.

As for the stewards of the Zoldyck family, one has already died at the hands of Nobunaga.

The remaining five withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

Although these housekeepers are all nen, and their strength is not bad.

But it is still unable to intervene in the current battlefield.

If it was before, they could still hang around and help Pixiu share the pressure.

But as soon as Kurapika arrived, the situation on the entire battlefield changed rapidly.

Now that they join the battlefield, not only will they not be able to help Pixiu and Kurapika, but will become a burden and affect the performance of Kurapika and Pixiu.

However, although they withdrew from the battlefield, the butlers did not leave, but waited not far away.

"Well, that's it. The situation has changed. With Kurapika's joining, the two of them worked together to suppress one of the spiders." One of the butlers was reporting something with his hand on the wireless earphone next to his ear.

"That's right, 030 understands. If there is any change, please report to me immediately." There was a clear but serious voice in the earphone, a linen voice

"I understand, Miss Yamayin." The housekeeper replied seriously.


"Damn it, what the hell is going on with this guy?"

"Is it the Emitter or the Enhancer!!!" After slashing Pixiu's attack, Nobunaga immediately turned around to block the chain that Kurapika threw from the air, thinking angrily

He is the Nen of Enhancer. The main development of Nen is not to strengthen the body, but to strengthen the samurai sword in his hand, so that his samurai sword can slash everything without cutting power.

He didn't think it was strange that Pixiu could block his own slash, because Pixiu was also the Nen of the Enhancer, and he could fully exert the power of the Enhancer.

But what about this guy Kurapika?

That kind of fighting style of manipulating the chains to attack oneself at will is clearly the fighting style that an Emitter Nen should have, but why can this guy's chains strengthened by thoughts be able to block his own slashes without any damage!!

The aura on it is clearly a 100% enhancement that can only be achieved by Enhancer Nen.


Just when Nobunaga was suspicious and distracted because of this, Kurapika, who was flying into the air, landed in front of Nobunaga along the chain and punched Nobunaga's samurai sword.

With the strong force from the chains and Kurapika's punch, Nobunaga immediately felt a terrifying force spread from his arms to his whole body.

Even though his wrist was strong enough, he was still knocked back by the successive attacks.

With both feet inserted into the ground, he continued to slide towards the back.

Kurapika was so powerful that he pushed forward with his whole body, and the chain was thrown away violently again.

"Don't get carried away, brat." Although he was repulsed, Nobunaga was not injured at all. With a sudden step on his right foot, he forcibly stopped his backing body. He quickly slashed towards Kurapika.

Kurapika's expression remained unchanged, and the thought energy in his hand surged again, strengthening on the chain.

The speed of the chains accelerated again, and the pale yellow light became more substantial, together with Nobunaga's drawn sword.


The shock of terror spread from between the two of them, sweeping away towards the surroundings.

The ground cracked, and the gravel flew, and the place where the two of them were was directly collapsed.

stuck together.

"Damn, sure enough, this guy must be treated as an Enhancer. This kind of power can be compared with Uvogin." In the end, Nobunaga looked at Kurapika with extremely serious eyes

"Furthermore, the fact that this guy appears here means that Uvogin is in danger, damn it!!" Thinking of this, Nobunaga's anger surged again, and the energy in his body surged again, and he suppressed it towards Kurapika.

Seeing this, Kurapika on the opposite side looked solemn, and the energy in his body also skyrocketed again.

The momentum of the two collided instantly, and the impact became more and more fierce.

"Damn it, this kid's Nian Qi cultivation is actually so strong!!" Feeling the aura of being suppressed back, Nobunaga gritted his teeth and was secretly angry when he paused (bjff).

call out!!


At this moment, there was a slight groaning sound behind him.

Nobunaga's ears moved, his pupils shrank, and his aura suddenly exploded again. The samurai sword in his hand burst into intense white light again, swung away Kurapika, and turned around to slash at him.

Collided with the attacking Pixiu.



"This guy!!" Nobunaga, who was slashing with Pixiu, took a step back involuntarily. The whole person was also a little shorter, and he was directly suppressed. Nobunaga's pupils couldn't help shrinking again, looking at the skin in front of him. Xio couldn't believe it.

"This guy actually has this kind of strength, and he actually suppressed me!!"

"Is it related to these eyes!!" Nobunaga's eyes fixed on Pixiu and the crimson pupils in Pixiu's eyes.

"Kurapika, hurry up!!!" Pixiu with red eyes shouted to Kurapika who was flying upside down not far away.

Seeing that Pixiu suppressed Nobunaga, Kurapika was taken aback.

But after hearing Pixiu's shout, he regained consciousness instantly.

The thought energy on his body exploded, and he forcibly stopped his flying body regardless of his body.

Then, his pupils shrank, and the chain quickly swept towards Nobunaga.

"Damn it!!" Nobunaga also noticed this and cursed secretly.

Then, desperately, the thoughts in his body exploded again, wanting to break Pixiu's suppression in one fell swoop.

However, the moment the thought energy exploded, Nobunaga felt that the thought energy on Pixiu's body also skyrocketed and pressed down towards him.

Unexpectedly, Nobunaga dropped to one knee on the ground.

On the other side, Pixiu's red eyes had already shed blood red tears.

Obviously, Pixiu's ability to instantly increase his strength is not without side effects.

The suppressed Nobunaga roared, and a powerful force erupted from his knees kneeling on the ground, directly collapsing the ground with many cracks.

All of a sudden, gunpowder smoke and gravel flew everywhere.

The figures of Nobunaga and Pixiu disappeared from Kurapika's field of vision.

"Damn it!!" Pixiu and Kurapika, who were in the gunpowder, secretly said badly at the same time.

Kurapika quickly rushed towards the smoke.

As soon as he rushed into the gunpowder, Kurapika's eyes lit up, a white light swept towards him with lightning speed, and Kurapika quickly flashed to the side.

But it was too late, the white light fell straight from Kurapika's shoulders, slid from the shoulders to the abdomen, the hideous mouth, the flesh and blood were visible, and the blood splattered everywhere.

The intense pain distorted Kurapika's face, but he didn't cry out, but moved his hand towards Nobunaga whose head was rising from the smoke.

Nobunaga's eyes were fierce, seeing Kurapika's hand approaching, he dodged directly to the side, and at the same time the samurai sword in his hand swung forward again, ready to give Kurapika a fatal blow.

However, as soon as he left, there was a gust of wind behind him, and Nobunaga couldn't care about the injured Kurapika, and the whole person quickly covered his body and slashed out with a knife.



The terrifying power came again, and Xinchan was suppressed again.

At the same time, Kurapika's hand was on Nobunaga's shoulder.

Nobunaga's pupils shrank suddenly. .

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