Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 172 It's A Pity, Wow

"Aren't there any chimeric ants coming out?" Qi Ya stood on the branch of a big tree outside Nephibit's 'circle', quietly looking in the direction of the ant nest.

After a day and a night of extermination, Qi Ya exterminated all the chimeric ants that went out in charge of him.

There is no life breath in this area now.

The only breath of life is Qi Ya.

And this day and night of killing, Qi Ya's strengthening point is also hurricane, directly reaching more than 27,000.

Name: Qi Ya· Zoldyck


Nen: Conjurer Nen · Speed ​​· Thunder (40000), Flame (1000), Trait Nen · Space Manipulation (20000), Manipulator Nen · Ring of Angels · Domain · Guardian of Angels (10000), Enhancer Nen (80000), Emitter Nen·Different Mind Field (10 "350" 000) Transmuter Nen·Dragon Tooth (1000) Note: The strengthening points required for the next strengthening are in parentheses.

Deputy ability:

Cuisine: Advanced Cuisine (500), Archeology: Archeology Expert (5000) Note: In brackets are the enhancement points required for the next enhancement.

Reinforcement points: 27450

Items: Aluminum alloy yo-yo (one), 86 lava hearts.

"Twenty-seven thousand? I can't strengthen the Speed ​​and Enhancer."

"It can strengthen the trait system, the ability of Manipulator and Emitter, and Transmuter can also be used."

"However, among these, only the trait system has some hope, and the other current enhancements will not have any effect."

"Do you want to strengthen space manipulation?" Qi Ya focused on the trait system and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a few minutes, Qi Ya shook his head slightly, giving up the plan to strengthen space control.

"Wait a little longer, kill some chimera ants, increase the strengthening point, and then strengthen the speed or Enhancer."

Space manipulation, seemingly powerful, can use the mind to manipulate the space around oneself at will, but it should not have much effect on dealing with the ant king for the time being.

Even though its ability is the most flawed among Qi Ya's abilities, its power is indeed slightly insufficient.

If the physique is too strong, Qi Ya's space ability will hardly play a decisive role.

For example, using space ability to kill the king ant and so on.

Qi Ya's current space ability can manipulate the space within a radius of 100 meters to attack at will, but it is absolutely useless against the terrifying physique of the Ant King.

As for why Qi Ya would know.

Because Qi Ya herself tested herself.

Qi Ya once used his most powerful space ability on his arm, but he could only make some not deep wounds on his arm.

There is no way to destroy your own arm.

Because my arm is too tough and too hard.

Even space cannot achieve perfect interference.

This space ability can't even cause strong damage to his own arm, let alone the ant king.

In the battle with the Ant King, this space ability can only play an auxiliary role, and it is impossible to play a decisive role.

According to the strength of each strengthening ability, even if Qi Ya strengthens this ability once now, it is estimated that it will not be very useful.

Well, this is just Qi Ya's guess.

"Well, these abilities have been improved after this battle."

"Otherwise it would be a waste if such a good ability can't be used in battle." Qi Ya thought silently.

In fact, Qi Ya thought too much.

Although the space ability of the trait system can't be effective against the ant king, it is completely easy to deal with Ilmi and Hisoka and others.

The level of the ant king is too strong so it can't play a decisive role.

Turning his mind to the outside world, Qi Ya completely blocked his breath, and quietly waited for the next wave of chimeric ants to appear.

It is impossible for the chimeric ants not to come out and take action, Qi Ya just needs to sit here and wait.

On the other side, Kate and Kurapika also arrived here.

However, this time, the two of them did not break into Neferbit's circle again.

Standing in the distance, the two used 'Ning' to quietly observe the ant nest wrapped by Nephibit's 'Circle' theory.

"This thought, seeing it again still makes me tremble all over." Looking at the crimson irregular gas and feeling the extremely evil breath of the gas mountain, Kurapika took a deep breath and said.

Even Kurapika, who had seen Qi Ya's burst of Nian Qi, still felt extremely terrifying.

It is not the strength of the mind, but the mind.

The power of Nian Qi, Kurapika still thinks that Qi Ya is the strongest, but the evil aura on Nian Qi is the most terrifying and frightening of Nephibit...

"Ah, it's extremely evil. Kate said solemnly.

"Let's go, avoid this irregular 'circle' and look for the breath of President Netero and the others." Kate said after glancing at the ant nest, turning and leaving.


"It's so strange. It's been more than two hours, but no chimeric ants have appeared yet. Could it be that you were frightened, so you ran to Netero and the others?" Qi Ya leaned against the tree with his arms crossed He muttered with a tangled face.

More than two hours have passed since the beginning.

Qi Ya didn't feel the slightest breath of chimera ants.

Not to mention chimeric ants, there are no other animals in the entire forest except Qi Ya.

However, just as Qi Ya finished chanting, Qi Ya's mind flashed, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Here we come!!" Qi Ya disappeared from the spot in a flash.

When it reappeared, it was already more than a thousand meters away.

In front of Qi Ya, Sha Can was looking at Qi Ya in astonishment.

However, this stupefaction only took two seconds to recover.

"It seems that you are the human who killed all my troops. You are actually a child. Those guys are really useless."

"Ah, it is indeed me."

"As far as chimeric ants are concerned, you are the closest to humans, and you are also considered first-class in human appearance. It's a pity." Looking at the 4.8 killer in front of him, Qi Ya said lightly.

With the current appearance of this guy, he can be called a great beauty among human beings.

It's a pity that this guy will still transform.

The way he transformed is really unflattering.

Anyway, Qi Ya in the previous life was really nauseated after seeing this guy's transformation.

"Ala, thank you so much for the compliment. In fact, I am very confident in my appearance." Hearing Qi Ya's words, Sha Can was taken aback again, and then smiled charmingly with his red lips lightly.

However, the next moment, her face changed, becoming extremely angry.

Because, in front of her, Qi Ya was throwing up right now.

It's not an optical illusion, but really vomiting.

"You bastard!!!" Sha Can roared with a ferocious expression.

The body rushed out in an instant, and the needle tail on the tail stabbed straight at Qi Ya's face. .

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