Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 184: Avalokitesvara In Hundred Forms Zero Form

"Are you hunting my subordinates?" The crocodile-shaped head of the chimera ant division standing in front of Kurapika questioned.

"The head of the crocodile division? And you already have mind energy." Kurapika didn't respond to the question of the head of the crocodile division, but stared at him silently thinking.

"You guy, I'm going to ask you something again, answer quickly." Seeing that Kurapika ignored his question, the head of the crocodile division roared angrily and punched Kurapika.

Kurapika turned sideways slightly, avoiding the attack of the head of the crocodile division. The fist of the head of the crocodile division landed on the big tree behind Kurapika, directly splitting the tree in two.

"It's too slow." Kurapika's eyes flashed as he turned sideways, and the chain wound up instantly, directly entangled the head of the crocodile division.

"Slippery, get out of here!!!" The head of the crocodile division roared, and the chains that had just wrapped around his body were broken off.

This time, Kurapika did not set the kind of strong or even unsolvable constraints that he had dealt with Phantom Troupe before, so the power of the bound middle finger chain was not strong.

Before it had time to play a role, it was directly broken free.

The body of the crocodile that broke free turned around at an incredible speed for its huge physique, and its huge fist slammed directly at Kurapika's face.

"What!!!" Kurapika was surprised by the sudden speed, this guy's speed is so fast.

The next moment, Kurapika reacted.

This guy is hiding his clumsiness. This is his real speed.

No, I can't make a conclusion yet, maybe this guy's speed will be even faster.

Thinking of this, Kurapika didn't stop.

The red eye state is instantly opened, and the chain shrinks into a ball in an instant to defend in front of the body, and the Enhancer's thoughts cover it, forming a shield with extremely powerful defense.


Even so, Kurapika was still blown away under the huge force.

"This guy looks careless, but his mind is so cunning." Flying upside down, Kurapika's face was extremely heavy.

However, before Kurapika stopped, a strange sound, no, it was not a sound, but a very strange sound wave sounded in Kurapika's ears, and Kurapika immediately covered his ears in pain.

The action that was about to stop the body also stopped, the whole person fell directly on the ground, splashed on the ground, and finally hit a big tree heavily before stopping.

"Good job!!" The head of the crocodile division put down his hands covering his ears, and shouted to the bat soldier captain flying above.

"Hey!!" The captain of the bat soldier smiled after being praised.

Then, the head of the crocodile division stepped forward and rushed towards Kurapika at the fastest speed.

"Shout, carelessness." Kurapika Wu covered his bleeding forehead, stood up slowly, looked at the head of the crocodile division rushing over and said indifferently, the bewitching color in his eyes became more and more bright red.

This kind of battle doesn't just happen on Kurapika's side, where Mo Laowu, Nobu, Kate and others are also fighting differently.

After the massacre of the four, the division heads finally appeared and stood in front of the four with their subordinates.

On the other side, the battlefield where Netero and Kim are.

"Old man, I'm really old, and I'm too arrogant." The opening gestures are constantly raised, Netero's breathing rate has become slightly rapid, and the hundred postures of Avalokitesvara except for the ninety-nine palms and the zero posture have already slowed down. Used by Netero.

And it was repeated kills, but Yupi still couldn't be killed.

On the contrary, Yupi, although he suffered heavy damage in the battle, is constantly evolving.

Up to now, it has become a centaur, and its strength is becoming more and more terrifying.

There is absolutely no way for Netero to stop Yupi's evolution. After all, the only way is to kill Yupi.

However, Yupi is stronger than Netero in terms of physique and spirituality, and even stronger than Netero in terms of physique.

Netero's physique might have been comparable to Yupi's when he was young, but now, it can't be compared at all.

Aging and frailty, even Netero, the strongest nen half a century ago, is not immune.

If it could be killed, Netero would have killed it a long time ago, and Yupi would not have resisted his own attack abruptly and evolved to this point.

Looking at Yupi, who faintly showed new signs of evolution, Netero's face darkened, and he made a unique gesture.

Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara, Ninety Nine Forms!!!

In the next moment, stormy attacks came from all directions, firmly wrapping the attacking Yupi in it.

Horrific palm prints fell on Yupi's body continuously, and under the fierce attack, Yupi's incomparably strong body appeared densely packed with huge palm prints.

One by one, they landed on Youpi's body, overlapping layers of palm prints, almost cutting off Yupi's huge body, making Yupi's entire body smaller by one size.

Blood gushed out of Yupi's body and mouth continuously, but Yupi didn't show any pain, but became more and more excited.

He can feel that his anger is constantly accumulating, and he is already reading that he is approaching the critical point of evolution.

As long as it takes a while, after a while, you can evolve yourself.

At that time, I will definitely be able to kill the old man in front of me, and then quickly return to Wang's side.

Sure enough, the next moment, Yupi felt the breakthrough of the critical point.

||Here we go!!!" Yupi became more and more excited.

Intense light burst out from Yupi's body.

Netero's attack was shattered by a terrifying force.

Netero was pushed out under this force, and the whole person kept gliding in mid-air.

After gliding for tens of meters, Netero stopped. Half of the ninety-nine giant palms of Baishi Guanyin were destroyed, and they recovered quickly with the support of Netero's thoughts.

At this moment, Netero looked at the huge cocoon in front of him, with an incomparably dignified expression.

"Is it still evolved! Towel!"

"This evolution, old man, I don't think I can handle it. Sorry, as a warrior, old man, I should probably wait for your evolution to complete, and then continue the contest between warriors."

"However, as the president of the Hunter Association, I don't allow you to neglect your duties."

"After using this trick, the old man, I will completely lose the ability to fight, and I will no longer be able to participate in other battles.

"No, maybe it can, I can only put my hope on the thing Crook gave me, I don't know if this thing can restore the old man's full energy." Muttering silently in his heart, Netero slowly stood up The index and middle fingers of the right hand.

Avalokitesvara Zero Form!!!

The two giant palms slowly pressed on Yupi's cocoon, and fixed it firmly.

The next moment, the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara behind Netero slowly opened his mouth wide, and a powerful energy of thought condensed in his mouth, converging into a light cluster.

A few seconds later, the ball of light silently emitted a white beam of light, completely covering the huge cocoon. .

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