Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 196: Arrangements By Nifebit

"How should this guy arrange it?" While rushing towards the ant nest, Qi Ya looked back at Neferbit from time to time, thinking silently.

Although he agreed to the Ant King and Reunion Bit's life, this guy is a ticking time bomb, who knows what this guy will do.

It is not a solution to stay by my side and monitor her all the time.

And Qi Ya looked at her so frequently, and Nifebit was also a little puzzled, but soon she understood why Qi Ya acted.

"If you are worried that I will kill wantonly then there is no need."

"Later, I will make a unilateral restriction oath for myself to limit my behavior." Neferbit said, and Neferbit also knows about restrictions and oaths from time to time.

"Huh?" Qi Ya was taken aback when he heard this, and then stopped.

Neferbit also stopped.

"This is a good way, then I will decide the content of the restriction oath." Qi Ya stroked his chin and thought for a moment, then said~.

"Yes." Neferbit nodded solemnly and agreed.

Unilateral restrictions‧vows will not increase strength, but a kind of contract used by some nen to suppress their endless desires.

Once this restriction and oath is used, the consequence of breaking it is your own life. Therefore, once you use this restriction and oath, you must abide by it, otherwise you should prepare for Game Over.

This kind of restriction and oath is really suitable for the current situation.

"First, don't hurt human beings unless necessary. Second, protect me and the people around me. These two points are enough." Qi Ya said.

"So loose?" Hearing this, Nifebit was stunned, because the content of the restriction oath given by Qi Ya was really too loose.

It's almost just a pair of loose shackles, she can get out of this shackles at any time, do some things, and then bring the shackles back without restriction.

For example, less than necessary time.

This does not have a lot of water when it is not necessary.

Because this rule is too lax.

As long as in her cognition, certain things are necessary, then she can do it without being restricted due to constraints.

"I give you this trust, don't let me down, or I will crush your head with my own hands." Qi Ya smiled lightly, then turned indifferent the next moment, and warned Neferbit.

"Yes!!!" Nephibit remained silent for a while, then knelt on one knee and saluted Qi Ya.

He was still an enemy of life and death before, but now he has given such loose conditions on this matter. One can imagine how incredible this trust is.

Neferbit is not an ignorant person, so he responded immediately.

Wang asked himself to obey this guy's orders in the future, which meant that he made himself this guy's subordinate.

Although Nifebbit agreed before and would obey Qi Ya's arrangement, but he did not recognize the existence of Qi Ya in his heart, it was only because of the king's order that he had to

However, now she is willing to carry out the king's order, become Qi Ya's subordinate, and serve Qi Ya.

For nothing else, I just don't want to disappoint Qi Ya's incredible trust.

Qi Ya naturally felt the change in Nifebit's attitude, so he was also a little surprised.

However, this is also a good thing, the corners of Qi Ya's mouth could not help but rise slightly, with a hint of a smile on it.

"Then, swear now, and read out your restriction oath." Immediately, Qi Ya opened his mouth to order.

"Yes, Master Qi Ya!!"

"You can just call me Master Qi Ya." Qi Ya corrected, compared to adults, he still prefers to be called Master.

"Yes, Master Qi Ya!!"

"I, Nifebit, hereby swear, make a restriction oath, I will not do anything to human beings unless necessary, I will do my best to protect Master Qi Ya and the people around Master Qi Ya, and sacrifice my life for this. "Nifebit began to swear very piously.

As soon as the words fell, the Nianqi on Nefebit erupted, and the terrifying aura made everything around him automatically without wind, and the Nianqi faintly became stronger.

……ask for flowers……

At the same time, both Neferbit and Qi Ya clearly felt an invisible shackle appearing on themselves (Nifelbit), restricting Neferbit.

Restrictions and oaths, read out and make in front of others will expose one's own restrictions and oaths, and become a weakness. However, correspondingly, even this kind of restriction and oath that only wants to limit oneself unilaterally will also increase its own power.

Just like Neferbit is doing now.

"Very good, Neferbit, from now on you will be a member of my Zoldyck family." Seeing that Neferbit successfully completed the restriction oath, Qi Ya smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke his head.


"Meow (*QwQ*)!!" The warm touch from his head made Neferbit slightly startled, the character of a cat was involuntarily released, his face showed an expression of enjoyment, and his tail kept wagging.

Qi Ya: "..………(*¯¯)*º

It's really a cat's character, this expression.

"Let's go." After masturbating Nephibit for a while, Qi Ya withdrew his hand, his face regained his composure, and said indifferently.

"Ah, yes!!" Nifebit also recovered, was startled, and then quickly responded.

The two of them sped up their speed again, flashing towards the direction of the ant nest.

The battle with the ant king makes the battlefield constantly shift, and the distance from the ant nest is getting farther and farther. It really takes a few minutes to feel the ant nest without using space to move.

"What was that just now? It made me show such an ugly face..." On the way, Nifebit's face was extremely calm, but his heart was extremely surprised.

"However, it's so comfortable, meow!! I really want to do it again." Because of the joy in his heart, Neferbit's tail was shaking excitedly even when he was on the road.

Qi Ya, who can sense Neferbit's behavior even without looking back: "...six".

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