Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 50 Meet Menchi Again

In fact, it's not right to say that about Jin, because Jin will leave some seeds anyway.

If it were Qi Ya, if he had the ability, it is estimated that the monsters here would be killed by Qi Ya to extinction.

Qi Ya is now thinking about the Wetland, and when Qi Ya's strength is a little bit stronger, Qi Ya will fight back to the depths of the Wetland and meet those Warcraft overlords.

The next time I go there, Qi Ya will definitely fight those guys to the death.

Well, that's something that will happen later, at least the current Qi Ya still can't have enough power to fight those Warcraft overlords.

Again, the current Qi Ya is not a beast that can walk alone.

Having said that, after coming out of the airport, Qi Ya directly boarded a car and headed towards the Kekeli ruins.

This place is different from Shimele Wetland, because Hunter often goes to the ruins, so the drivers here are no longer surprised by the guests like Qi Ya who go to cities other than the ruins. .

These taxi drivers can't wait for someone to set off to the ruins.

Because it is about going to the ruins, they will charge a lot of fees every time they go to the territory outside the ruins and the secret realm.

The one-time fee is enough for these drivers to work for a month. After all, it is a special city close to ruins and secret places.

Seeking wealth and wealth refers to people like them.

After several hours' journey, Qi Ya finally arrived at the city outside the Kekeli ruins.

"Huh, let's find a hotel to rest for a night, and then set off to enter the Kekeli ruins tomorrow." After arriving in this city, Qi Ya decided to rest for a night before taking action.

After arriving at the only hotel in this fringe city and registering at the front desk of the lobby, Qi Ya carried her small backpack on her shoulders and walked towards the elevator with her room card.

However, before taking two steps, a very familiar voice came from behind Qi Ya, making Qi Ya stop.

Qi Ya turned her head slightly and looked over.


At the gate, Menchi, whom Qi Ya met in Shimeile Wetland before, was leading a few people towards this side. While walking, Menchi was stretching his fingers and closing his eyes and talking. Rebuking, or admonishing.

Although Qi Ya's voice is not loud, it is also not low, and it is easy to hear.

Menchi, who was talking, was stunned when he heard Qi Ya's voice, and opened his eyes to look over.

After seeing Qi Ya, her eyes lit up immediately, then she left her companion and ran towards Qi Ya in a hurry.

"Qi Ya!!" In the blink of an eye, Menchi appeared in front of Qi Ya, stretched out his hands to embrace Qi Ya in his arms, and offered benefits to Qi Ya.

"Stop it, don't use facial cleanser." Being swept up like this, Qi Ya suddenly had crossroads on his forehead, his face was full of displeasure, and he began to struggle.

However, Menchi couldn't break free from Menchi's hug at all, and if he really struggled hard, he was afraid of hurting Menchi, and after several minutes of continuous facial cleanser offensive, Menchi stopped.

"Why are you here?" Qi Ya asked unhappily while kneading her immature face.

"Ah, this, I'm here to explore Bakker's secret place, and see if I can unearth some ingredients. I didn't expect to meet you here. What are you doing here?" Menchi replied carelessly when he heard the words. Very excited.

The entrances to the Kekeli Ruins and Bakr's Secret Realm are both outside the city, but one is east and the other is westward, extending several kilometers before the real ruins secret realm.

The place Qi Ya wants to go to is the Kekeli ruins.

These two secret places and ruins are in opposite geographical locations.

"What else can you do, come here to explore." Qi Ya rolled his eyes when he heard this.

What else can people who come here do besides go to explore the secret land.

Of course, it is impossible for him to say that he came here to kill monsters to earn enhancement points.

"Really? That's great, let's go together." Hearing Qi Ya's words, Menchi's eyes lit up and he invited excitedly.

He knows how powerful Qi Ya is, even the big guy Sa Mo Ke has been taken care of by Qi Ya, which she has already confirmed from President Netero.

In addition, Qi Ya also has the ability to heal.

If Qi Ya can be invited to join their team, it will definitely be a great boon for their team.

With the addition of Qi Ya, they can basically walk sideways unless they encounter native traps in the secret realm.

Even if you encounter villains who are exploring secret places and ruins, you are not afraid.

And Qi Ya, after hearing Menchi's invitation, refused without thinking.

Just kidding, Menchi is a fuckin' guy, he doesn't want to act with this guy.

Although Menchi said before when they were separated that he would grow and mature.

However, how long has it been since we separated last time, Qi Ya can't believe that Menchi will have such a big change.

Qi Ya's refusal made Menchi very puzzled and annoyed, but soon changed his face.

"Why not together, the two of us met so soon, doesn't this prove our fate?"

"Since we've met, let's act together." Menchi put his hand on Qi Ya's shoulder, pinched Qi Ya's cheek, and said with a playful smile.

At this moment, the people who came with Menchi also came over and looked at Qi Ya in surprise.

They were old partners with Menchi, but it was the first time they saw Menchi like this.

It was the first time for Menchi to see a person so excited that he dumped their companions in a flash.

"Exactly, Qi Ya, let me introduce you some, these are my companions."

"This is Kekel, this is Bilu, this is Hengdali, and this is Buhara." Menchi introduced several companions.

Several companions are three men and one woman.

Kekel is a small young man with a killer haircut.

Bi Lu is a young lady who is very rich.

And Hendali is a middle-aged uncle with a gentle complexion.

As for the last one, this Qi Ya is very familiar.

In the future, the 287th Hunter trial, the fat examiner Buhara who appeared with Menchi in the second trial.

Following Menchi's introduction, several people nodded to Qi Ya.

Seeing this, Qi Ya also nodded slightly, and then prepared to introduce herself.

However, before the words could be spoken, Menchi cut him off.

"This is my little brother Qi Ya, what do you think?" Menchi started the facial cleanser offensive again to Qi Ya, and said to several companions at the same time.

"Who is your little brother, let me go." Qi Ya's forehead began to appear crossroads again, and his hands began to push Menchi's face.

Seeing the interaction between the two, the four people on the opposite side shook their heads amusedly.

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