Become Stronger From Hunter

Chapter 68 Huge Lava And Lava Titan

In Jin's eyes, the volcanoes in his field of vision were very mild, with no signs of eruption at all.

However, each volcano has a huge lava on its outlet edge.

Red magma gushes out of these lavas every once in a while, turning into lava titans with a height of more than three meters. As soon as the lava titans appear, they wave their huge arms transformed from magma, and roar to the sky, It's like celebrating your own birth.

Every time these lava titans wave, the originally mild volcano group will erupt once, and countless lavas will soar into the sky.

This situation is clear at a glance. Obviously, the eruption of the volcanic group this time is caused by the existence of these lava titans.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe it. There is such a legendary creature in this world. The nature is really amazing." Seeing a lava titan born from the lava, I was shocked.

He had only seen this kind of thing in those story books when he was a child.

"Nature is always mysterious. It's normal for what kind of races will be born. 19. Existence is reasonable, isn't it?" Netero, on the other hand, looked very calm when he saw these lava titans, and said with a smile.

"Indeed, the mystery of nature is beyond our comprehension." Jin nodded and said in agreement.

For Jin, who has been tossing around various relics, he is the most clear about the power of nature, and he will not be too surprised or difficult to accept what happens.

"President, what should we do with these volcanoes? According to the current situation, if these lava titans continue to rage, I'm afraid that the entire Taike country will suffer [maybe it will even threaten other countries or the world." Potter's Day asked Netero.

Every time these lava titans appear, they will cause terrible eruptions in the volcano group.

Now there are only a few dozen lava titans below, and the volcanoes have erupted to such an extent that the entire Kekeli ruins are on the verge of destruction.

If it continues, it will definitely threaten the entire country of Taike and then the entire world.

Although some alarmist talk, but according to this situation, if it is not stopped, there is definitely this possibility.

"Well, that's right, destroy the huge lava coming out of the crater, those are the source, without that, the lava titan would not be born." Netero stroked his beard, "lightly nodded in agreement.

They're here to fix this problem.

"Let's do it!!!" Netero shouted first, and then jumped down, a golden Buddha figure with hundreds of arms quickly formed.

Netero slowly made a prayer movement, and the next moment, the huge golden arm suddenly blasted out and landed on the huge lava below.

The first form of Avalokitesvara


Accompanied by a loud noise, the huge lava was split apart under the attack of the golden arm's hand knife, turned into countless fragments, and shot out in all directions.

This immediately inspired the lava titans born from the huge lava, roaring and attacking the Netero in midair.

Under the control of these lava titans, the overwhelming lava turned into nets, covering Netero with a bang.

Facing the attack that seemed to have nowhere to escape, Netero looked indifferent, and put his hands together in a prayer gesture again, slowly closing them together.

The Eighteenth Form of Avalokitesvara

The densely packed arms swept out in all directions, and under the densely packed attack, the dense net formed by the magma shattered in less than two seconds, turning into bits of magma that fell powerlessly into the magma below. , Flowing slowly.

Not only that, as the giant lava net was shattered, the attack of Netero's Hundred Style Guanyin also crashed down on the lava titan below.

Under the terrifying power, the lava titan of this volcanic group didn't even have the ability to resist, so it was smashed into pieces by countless golden Buddha's palms, and melted into the flowing lava.

Afterwards, Netero quickly controlled Baishi Guanyin and flew towards another volcano.

The three of Jin watched Netero show off his might, and after looking at each other in blank dismay, they each started to act.

I saw Jin jumping up, and under the force of terror, Jin shot out like a cannonball into the volcano next door. After two seconds, the sonic boom cloud appeared in front of Jin before he knew it. standing on a branch.

But Potter Bai and Yinda were not as free and easy as Jin (don't want to die), after begging to the branches, they rushed towards other volcanoes supported by the branches.

The strength of these lava titans is not strong, the powerful force of these lava titans lies in triggering volcanic eruptions.

The people present are all Nen masters, the strongest Nen recognized by the world, and one of the top five Nen in the world.

There are two remaining, one is close to Netero in strength, and the other is also extremely powerful.

Under the shots of the four, the huge lava in the volcano group was soon shattered.

The lava titans born from the lava were also wiped out one by one by five people.

"It's really hard for this old man, I still have to come out to do tasks at such an old age." After eliminating the huge lava and lava titan, several people gathered together, Netero hammered his old waist, complaining, But there was no sign of fatigue on his face, instead he was full of energy.

The two twelve earthly branches looked at Netero, a living treasure, and shook their heads speechlessly.

But Jin, this guy didn't care about Netero's tricks at all, but stared at his palm with a solemn expression.

"Jin, what are you looking at?" Potter asked with a frown.

"Did you encounter this when you killed those lava titans just now?" Jin stretched out the things in his palm to Netero and the others, and asked them.

In Jin's hand is a red spar exuding a scorching aura, and a strange aura emanates from the spar at this time.

"What is this?" Netero asked curiously.

"Didn't you notice the things that fell from the lava titans after killing them?" Jin explained truthfully, and then asked back, with a serious look on his face.

He now has an ominous premonition, and this ominous premonition is brought to him by this spar.

The three of them shook their heads when they heard the words.

"The old man didn't pay attention to this."

"Me too."


Seeing this, Jin frowned slightly, and complained to the three of them inwardly.

"Those three guys, no details at all."

However, after finishing speaking, a scorching tingling sensation suddenly came from Jin's palm.

Jin couldn't help throwing the red spar in his hand away from the pain.

Jin quickly ran to the edge of the branch and looked down.

I saw that the red spar fell into the magma, and soon fused with the magma.

Seeing this scene, Jin frowned tightly, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. .

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