“Ding! The system is successfully started, and a newbie gift package will be given – washing the muscles and cutting the pith, please receive it as soon as possible! ”

“Wait! Wait until I get home first! Lin Beifan shouted in his heart.

He didn’t know what to expect, but it was better to find a safe and private place, so he called a taxi and rushed home as fast as he could.

As soon as I stepped into the doorstep, a powerful electric current ran through the whole body, and the washing of essence had begun.

Lin Beifan felt pain all over his body, tired and struggling on the floor, every organ, every tissue and every cell seemed to have been re-tempered, this process lasted for a whole hour, until Lin Beifan was about to collapse.

“Ding! Wash the essence and cut the essence is over! ”

“I really don’t want to suffer this kind of sin in the future.” Lin Beifan muttered, but felt that his body was full of vitality, felt that his arms were full of strength, and his state was better than ever.

Before, in order to survive, he often stayed up late and worked overtime to make money, and he accumulated a lot of hidden dangers physically, but now his body is still young and can hold on, but in a few years, this situation will definitely break out and drag him down.

Now that the hidden dangers have been removed, Lin Baifan feels more relaxed than ever and has a feeling of new life.

Lin Beifan supported his tired body, and an interface appeared in his mind.

Rich man system:

Attributes: Strength 10, Speed 10, Defense 10, Recovery 10, Control 10, Spirit 10

Lifespan: 100 years

Alien Technique: Heavenly Son Hope Qi Technique

1. Watching the Spirit of Birds and Beasts (Unlocked).

2. The power of watching mountains and rivers (unlocked).

3. Watch the fortune of the people’s home country (unlocked).

4. Watch the changes of heaven and earth (unlocked).

5. Observe the universe as it is always (unlocked).

Equipment: 0

Wealth: 620 million

Used: 0

Residual value: 620 million

This is Lin Beifan’s current data interface.

The basic attributes of normal people are 10, the limit is 30, after the washing and cutting of the pith just now, Lin Beifan’s data has reached the best situation of normal people, and the data in all aspects is very comprehensive and balanced.

As for the lifespan of 100 years, this is also the hidden benefit he has just received. Because according to his current physical condition, as long as he does not continue to die and squanders his body wantonly, it is still very possible to live to 100 years old.

As for the appearance price of 620 million, it was basically obtained from Bai Qingxue. I have to say that Bai Qingxue is really a rich woman, with personal assets reaching 1.24 billion.

However, what caught Lin Beifan’s attention the most was that strange technique, the Son of Heaven Hope Qi Technique, which was the book that smashed him through.

Now that everything is unlocked, Lin Beifan really wants to see what kind of power it will have when he unlocks.

“Ding! The host currently has assets of 620 million, which can strengthen the first layer of the Heavenly Son Hope Qi Technique by 60%, reaching the Xiaocheng realm! Is the host now starting to harden? ”

“Strengthen, there is no other choice anyway!” Lin Beifan said.

“Ding! Hardening begins, please prepare the host! ”

Lin Beifan’s body suddenly surged out of thin air, this heat flow in the body regularly, each time Lin Beifan flowed a little more strength in his body, there was a feeling of breaking out of the cocoon.

This feeling made Lin Beifan enjoy it very much.

“This is the standard mode for improving strength, lying down to improve strength!” Lin Beifan sighed, and then lay on the sofa and hummed comfortably.

After about half an hour, this stream of heat flowed to the eye and then disappeared.

Lin Beifan felt his eyes hot, and couldn’t help but close his eyes.

“Ding! Reinforcement is over! At present, the host ‘Qi’ (60%) has reached the Xiaocheng realm! The base attribute is increased by 6 points each, and the life span is increased by 60 years! ”

“Ding! Since the host has continuously broken through the realms of entry, beginner and small completion, the host is specially rewarded with 3 recruitment cards! Data Update! ”

Rich man system:

Attributes: Strength 16, Speed 16, Defense 16, Recovery 16, Control 16, Spirit 16

Lifespan: 160 years

Exercises: Son of Heaven Hope Qi Technique

1. Watching birds and animals (60%)

2. The power of watching mountains and rivers (unlocked).

3. Watch the fortune of the people’s home country (unlocked).

4. Watch the changes of heaven and earth (unlocked).

5. Observe the universe as it is always (unlocked).

Equipment: Recruitment Card × 3

Wealth: 620 million

Used: 600 million

Residual value: 20 million

Lin Beifan clenched his fist and felt that his strength had been greatly improved again, about 60%, and the effect was very obvious.

It turned out that his physique was only equivalent to ordinary people, and now he can be compared with special forces.

Even because Lin Beifan is well-rounded and very coordinated, his physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary special forces.

There is also vitality, which has also been significantly improved.

If there are no accidents, he can live to be 160 years old, exceeding the theoretical lifespan limit of humans!

This kind of improvement is all-round, Lin Beifan is very excited: “Great, I have become stronger, but there is no baldness!” With my current all-round improvement in attributes, it should not be a problem to deal with 7 or 8 ordinary big men! ”

Sure enough, if you have money, you can become stronger!

In the future, you must earn more money, make yourself stronger, and finally become a superhuman being!

“And what about the recruitment card?”

“Ding! Recruitment cards, recruits, are tools for secondary hosts to earn more money. If the host starts the recruitment card, then the talent that the host needs in his heart will meet the host within 24 hours, and the host can convince it to be effective, and the success rate will increase by 50%! And as long as the talent is invested in the host, it will never betray! ”

Lin Beifan raised his eyebrows and smiled: “This is good!” The efficiency of making money in the future will be greatly improved! ”

“Next, it’s time to see the ability of the Son of Heaven’s Hope Qi Technique!”

Lin Beifan’s eyes closed, and then he saw that there were two breaths on his body running in an orderly manner. One of the breaths is green, green and full of life, and the other is gray, gray and lifeless.

Among them, the green gas is very abundant, more than 95%.

Ash gas is relatively small, less than 5%.

Their regular flow in the body is uncertain. Where green air flows through, your cells and tissues become more active. Where the gray air flows through, cells and tissues age a little.

“Could it be… This is what the first cheng in the Heavenly Son Hope Qi Technique said about the anger of life and death? Lin Beifan remembered the introduction in that book, which was exactly the same as what he saw in front of him.

The first layer of “watching birds and beasts” refers to being able to see the qi representing “life” and the qi representing “death” on the animal, and by seeing these two qi, you can understand the birth, old age, illness and death of the animal, which is amazing.

Among them, the green one is the anger of life, and the gray one is the qi of death.

The richer the green, the more vigorous it is.

The faster the flow, the stronger the vitality.

Where the gray gas gathers, it means that there is a problem in this place.


These are all things that are recorded in the art of hope.

If all of this is true, then his eyes are more powerful than the testing instruments in the hospital.

Lin Beifan was very excited: “What’s the point of just looking at me alone?” Might as well go out and check it out! ”

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