If it weren’t for the fact that that kid had a life-saving grace for him, he would want to slap Lin Beifan down.

But after thinking about it carefully, he is strong and strong, he is old and decaying, and it seems that he does not have this ability.

I couldn’t help but smile ruefully, when I hadn’t heard it.

But he was unwilling, rolled his eyes, and asked casually: “Little rabbit cub, I heard that your daughter-in-law made a blind date show of “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere” earned, and received 800 million, isn’t that the case?” ”

Lin Beifan nodded: “Indeed.” ”

Old man Han, who was driving in front, secretly glanced at the two of them laughing.

“I heard that it was contracted by a large group, so powerful, it immediately eased your daughter-in-law’s dilemma.” Don’t you have anything to say to that group? Like thanks. ”

Old man Qin held his head high, ready to accept the praise from Lin Beifan.

“I really should be thankful…”

Old man Qin smiled and nodded, with an indifferent expression of enjoyment.

Lin Beifan continued: “Mainly thanks to their stupid money, this show can be covered by up to 500 million yuan, but they have to spend 300 million more, aren’t they fools?” Old man Qin, are you right? ”

“Ahem…” Old Man Qin was choked, and his face instantly darkened.

“Well said!” Old man Han, who was sitting in front, laughed and laughed very happily.

Old man Qin’s face darkened.

Lin Beifan looked confused: “Old man Qin, what’s wrong with you?” Is that disease about to be committed? ”

Old man Qin pulled out an ugly smile: “It’s nothing, it’s just that I didn’t catch my breath just now and got stuck, now it’s good to slow down.” ”

“Maybe my heart is also stuck, uncomfortable!” Old Man Han shouted in front.

“Old man Han, you are my driver now, don’t talk! If you say a little more nonsense, I told me to take you to dinner, I will kill you! Old man Qin said with a dark face.

“You are the boss now, you have the final say!” Old Man Han said with a smile.

Everyone was very cheerful along the way.

At this moment, four Wuling Hongguang and a Humvee suddenly rushed up from behind, and then inserted into the back of the Audi where Lin Beifan was in turn, cutting off Lin Beifan and the bodyguards behind.

Immediately afterwards, the two Wuling Hongguang at the back suddenly walked side by side, slowly slowing down, leaving only one Hummer and two Wuling Hongguang to continue chasing.

“Touching porcelain, the situation seems to be a little wrong…” Lin Beifan frowned.

Old Man Han’s eyes were solemn: “I also found that those five cars were not good, and our contact with the bodyguards was temporarily cut off, and now we can only rely on ourselves.” In my experience, their first step was to cut us off from the bodyguards, and the second step was to trap our car in a small area so they could do whatever they wanted. ”

“What are you going to do?” Old man Qin asked.

“We must not let them surpass, so that we still have hope of escape.” At the same time, contact other bodyguards and police officers, and get rid of them at the same time, so that we are safe. You guys sit tight for me, fasten your seat belts, I’m going to drag racing next, and the Akina Mountain Bike God is going online! Old man Han’s tone actually contained a hint of excitement.

“Don’t… Don’t be impulsive! Old man Qin said nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’m not impulsive, I’m saving myself!” Old man Han explained: “Are you still not worried about my car skills? ”

At this moment-


The car ushered in a huge forward thrust, and everyone on the car was shocked.

Old man Han gritted his teeth: “It’s really damn it!” Someone dared to drive into me? It’s crazy! Fortunately, my car is bulletproof and crash-resistant! When I get rid of these people, I’ll come back to them to settle the score! You guys sit down for me! ”


The car accelerated sharply, rushed out with a roar, and suddenly threw away more than 20 meters, and the distance was still pulling away from each other.

The three cars behind chased closely, and a young man sitting in the Humvee shouted loudly: “Damn it, why is the speed so slow?” People are going to run, hurry up and catch up with me! ”

“Yes, Liu Shao!” Everyone should.

The three cars also began to accelerate, in hot pursuit.

But the Akina Mountain Car God is worthy of being the Akina Mountain Car God, even if it is old, but the speed is still not slow, even in the winding country roads can drive nearly 120 kilometers per hour.

In comparison, the people behind are not. At a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, the car was already driving erratically, and everyone in the car turned on their backs and almost vomited.

“I said how do you drive? I can’t even catch up with an old man, what use do I want from you? That Liu Shao’s face was livid: “If you don’t catch up within a minute, I will cut you down and feed the sharks!” ”

“Yes, yes… Liu Shao, I, I… Be sure to catch up! The driver’s face was also blue, and he resisted the desire to vomit, and began to speed up and accelerate.

“Haha, compare with my old man, I let you have ten parking spaces and you don’t want to catch up with me!” The Autumn Mountain Car God laughed arrogantly: “Don’t say that I don’t give you a chance, come on, let you see what is called the car god’s demeanor!” ”

“Don’t, since you have the opportunity to get rid of them, then hurry up and get rid of them!” Old man Qin advised bitterly.

“Don’t worry, we must give the young man a chance, otherwise he won’t know what despair is!” Old Man Han pretended to say, he felt as if he was returning to the peak years of the storm at this moment.

It’s a pity that the audience is a little less, one is old and immortal, and one mouth is too poisonous, which is really unhappy.

Seeing Lin Beifan, who looked indifferent next to him, Old Master Qin couldn’t help but say angrily: “You kid did quite safely, and you don’t persuade Old Man Han not to die like this!” ”

Lin Beifan pondered, “The car skill of touching porcelain is still very reliable, and what I am more concerned about now is, who of the three of us is coming from behind?” Obviously premeditated for a long time… Will they have other means? Or some other conspiracy? ”

The other two elders felt cold in their hearts.

Lin Beifan continued: “So I think, in order to avoid them having other follow-up methods, we still have to throw them off first, jump out of this bureau first and then plan in the long run!” ”

“Lin Xiaozi is right, it was the old man Meng Lang just now, you all sit firmly for me, watch me shake them off!” Old Man Han accelerated again and once again threw the car behind him.

After finally pulling and being thrown away, Liu Shao, who was sitting behind, was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

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