At this moment, a person appeared behind the luggage pile.

This is a woman who is very stunning at a glance, more than 1.75 meters tall, with a graceful figure, straight and long legs, and the legendary legs below the chest are all leg series. There was a big brown wave, which flowed like a wave to the waist. The face is white and flawless, very delicate, as if it will shine, exuding a mature charm.

Wear a bright pink T-shirt and cropped skinny lace jeans. Wear high-slope sandals on your feet, revealing your delicate toes. It looks casual and full of girly atmosphere.

In short, this is a woman who impresses people at a glance.

The two atmospheres of femininity and girlishness are perfectly blended together.

In one word, it is flattering!

One more word, it’s Yan!

Looking around, sure enough, there were many men who stopped to watch, take pictures, and two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes were very attentive to help her carry her luggage, looking drunk and not interested in drinking.

When Lin Beifan walked over with people, Wu Qianmei’s eyes lit up, and she found that Lin Beifan himself looked more temperamental than in the photo. Although wearing a hat and sunglasses, the dress is simple, but the momentum on the body cannot be concealed, although wearing modern clothes, there is still a fluttering feeling.

Look at the back with four bodyguards, making people think that it is a superstar travel.

“My little man, you’re finally here!” She trotted over attentively.

Lin Beifan: “…”

Little man?

When will I be your little man?

Lin Beifan’s advancing steps suddenly froze.

However, although he stopped, Wu Qianmei did not stop, still trotting, his posture was light as if he was carrying the wind, and he actually opened his arms, and now he still wants to hug and kill.

“Stop! What do you want to do, I’m your best friend’s man, girl, please respect yourself! Lin Beifan stretched out his hand to refuse, righteous words.

“Her man is my man!” Wu Qianmei finally ran to Lin Beifan’s side, not begging for a hug, but whispered: “Did you see the two men behind me?” Being ugly and particularly annoying, haunted me like a dog skin plaster from the moment I got on the plane. You impersonate my men first and help me get rid of them. ”

Lin Beifan was speechless: “What a simple thing, even if you want to get rid of them, they don’t need me to pretend to be my boyfriend?” Girl, have you read too many novels, so you came up with such a brain-dead method? ”

“Huh, how do you know?” Wu Qianmei said in shock.

Lin Beifan: “…”

Online novels are all badly written, do you say I can not know?

Wu Qianmei said embarrassedly: “I don’t care, it’s rare to encounter such an opportunity, you have to impersonate my boyfriend.” If you don’t help, I’ll go back and complain to your wife that you took advantage of me!” ”

It is actually righteous.

Lin Beifan: “…”

No wonder when he first went out, his daughter-in-law told him to be careful of her girlfriend, she is a leprechaun, don’t let her take advantage.

Lin Beifan listened carefully to her words, but his body was not taken advantage of, but his identity was occupied.

Forget it, more is better than less, now there are too many people, it is not good to make trouble again, first solve this matter and then talk about it.

If you want to settle the account, go back and calculate it later.

Lin Beifan looked over, and the two men were looking over, their eyes almost on fire.

Lin Beifan led people over.

Wu Qianmei, this woman, leaned on Lin Beifan very shamelessly, touched Lin Beifan’s chest muscles, and said intoxicatedly: “You see I said everything, I already have a man, you just don’t believe it.” Now you see, my man is coming to pick me up, you can leave, don’t bother me, I don’t want my man to misunderstand! ”

The two men were even more angry.

One of them looked rich and said, “Girl, what is better than us in that little white face?” If you want money, I can give it to you, 1 million, 10 million, is 100 million enough? ”

Another man shared the hatred, revealing a large gold watch that shone brightly.

Wu Qianmei didn’t know if she was too deep into the play, or if she had other intentions, she actually got closer, and said affectionately: “They are better than you in every point… He is richer than you, younger than you, and the key is more handsome than you…”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Girl, I’ll be embarrassed to praise me like that.

“Moreover, the most important point is that such a perfect man still has a deep affection for me, once bought a city of starlight to celebrate my birthday, once invited dozens of stars to sing my birthday song, once carved his love for me on a satellite and put it into the cosmic starry sky to let the world know, are you comparable to such a man?”

There were exclamations all around.

Especially the eyes of the ladies, it is simply envious and jealous.

Is there really a man who will spend a lot of money for a woman’s love, love so desperately, isn’t this the perfect man that every woman dreams of?

Suddenly, countless green eyes full of longing fell on Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan: “…”

Lin Beifan was like sitting on pins and needles.

He felt that if it weren’t for the protection of four tall and powerful bodyguards around him, I was afraid that he would be pounced on by this group of wolf-like women now, and then pulled into the toilet hehe…

“This is a man who makes me tremble, this is a man who drives me crazy with love!” Wu Qianmei finally concluded, staring at Lin Beifan’s gaze affectionately, and said, “For him, even if you give up the whole world, you are willing!” ”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Girl, I don’t want to!

The two middle-aged men were sad.

“Well, I feel your love, and I am finally dead, then I will leave first, I wish you happiness!”

“If he treats you badly, you can come to me, and my heart will always be open for you!”

The two middle-aged old men were reluctant, and then looked at this love rival, the sunglasses did not take off from beginning to end, their faces did not change at all, and they didn’t even say a word, as if they didn’t take them seriously from beginning to end.

This feeling makes them feel resentful and helpless.

Finally, he glanced at the goddess in his heart and left abruptly.

Lin Beifan looked at the woman who was still lying on his chest speechlessly, and said, “Now that the person has left, can you also leave from me?” ”

“Don’t be in a hurry, let me lie down for a while, the smell on your body smells good.” Don’t worry, you’re my best friend’s man, and I won’t do anything to you. The woman intoxicated and took a deep breath.

Lin Beifan: “…”

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