Starlight TV, Bai Qingxue is holding an emergency meeting.

Bai Qingxue said straight to the point: “I won’t say much about the matter of “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”. Now I have gathered everyone together to work together to come up with a solution to get through this crisis. ”

“First of all, there is the issue of programs, since the radio and television have asked us to rectify the situation, we naturally have to carry out rectification according to his requirements. In this month, we must eliminate the kitsch and money-worship factors as much as possible, and increase the correct publicity of marriage and love, so that we can re-file! ”

A leader stood up and nodded.

Bai Qingxue’s face was expressionless and said, “And what?” Who wants to add? ”

“Mr. Bai, we have to find a way, but the current social fishing wheel is pressed down, and now the outside is paying too much attention to us, and any shortcomings will be magnified, which is very unfavorable to us.” We first issued an announcement to the outside world to solemnly and sincerely apologize, and said that we would follow the instructions and rectify immediately, so that the general public can rest assured! ”

Another leader stood up and said.

Bai Qingxue continued to be expressionless: “Continue!” ”

“The most important thing is the sponsor problem, he invested so much money in us, he must be hoping to get good advertising benefits.” Now “Do Not Disturb” has been rectified and has a great impact. If sponsors pursue it, we face huge damages. I think we should send a VP and above to apologize sincerely, even if it costs something. ”

“Is there anyone else? If not, then I’ll say a few words! Bai Qingxue said a little angrily, “I’m very disappointed in you!” You guys said so much one by one, all nonsense, none of you got to the point! I really don’t know how you work, go to work without brains? ”

The people below were immediately frightened and silent.

“Qianmei, come on!” Bai Qingxue gasped and sat down.

“Okay, Mr. Bai!” Wu Qianmei stood up and said seriously: “First of all, we must first find out the reason why the radio and television named “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”. According to the instructions on the document, “Do Not Disturb If You Are Not Sincere” will be rectified because of the dissemination of vulgar, unhealthy views on marriage and love, and money worship, but everyone here knows that our programs do have some troubles, but in fact, they are not so serious, and the programs of other TV stations have more or less these problems, such as blind date programs launched by other TV stations, and some are even more serious than us. But only our show has a problem, and that’s the real problem. ”

Everyone nodded unconsciously.

Wu Qianmei continued, “So this is very unusual. Just now, I have sent someone to investigate and find out that there are several TV stations behind the matter, most of them are first-line TV stations. Although there is no direct evidence, but everyone think about it, only a few TV ** combined can affect the broadcast and television, all because of interests! ”

“As for what the interests are, I won’t say much, everyone understands in their hearts that on the weekend two ace shows, we have moved their big cake, and they only need to pull us down to keep their interests.” But have you ever thought about it, in fact, now I am facing a crisis much more serious than rectification, that is, “Do Not Disturb” is very likely to be replaced by other TV blind date programs, losing its leading position, which is our biggest crisis. ”

Some people are already frowning and thinking.

“I think some people may also realize by now that there are many similar blind date programs on the market, and it turns out that our “Do Not Disturb” is the only one and far ahead, but if it is replaced by other TV stations during the rectification period, it loses its unique leading position, then how much will it lose to our economic value?”

Everyone was suddenly startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

Wu Qianmei said seriously: “I’m afraid this is also the original intention of other TV stations.” So, within this one-month period, no matter what, we have to ensure that Do Not Disturb is the industry leader, which is the focus of our work! ”

“Snap…” The scene resounded with sparse applause, then turned into thunder.

Everyone applauded Wu Qianmei’s unique vision.

It is worthy of being the deputy director of the General Commission Bai, and he is indeed very capable.

Bai Qingxue glanced at Wu Qianmei appreciatively and said, “What Qianmei said is what I want to tell everyone.” So the next thing to discuss is how to maintain the leading position of the brand “Do Not Disturb”. ”

The direction was set, and everyone continued to speak freely.

Fatty Qian smiled: “If you want to maintain the leading position, there are actually only two ways, either I have a better life than others, or others have a worse life than me.” ”

“What do you mean?”

“It means that since our show has been rectified, the situation can no longer get better, so the only way now is to make other people’s shows worse, and yellow is the best.”

Fatty Qian said grimly: “So I think what we need to do now is to follow the trend, take advantage of the east wind of radio and television, pull their programs down, and everyone rectify together.” So we’re all on the same page, and we’re still on the lead. So I plan to find a group of trolls to hack them, and at the same time mobilize the mass forces to report to the radio and television, and everyone will die together! Dare to touch my show, I can’t kill you! What a thing, bah! ”

Everyone finally understood Fatty Qian’s words, and there was a chill in their hearts.

When the same return was the same as the original to such a loss, this fat man is really a big yin person!

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!

But not to mention, this method is really useful.

Bai Qingxue was very happy to hear it, she was a master who had revenge and revenge, waved her little hand, and said, “Just do as you say!” What support is needed, despite opening your mouth, the TV station fully supports! ”

“Then I’m welcome, I’m the best at this!” Fatty Qian smiled darkly.

Bai Qingxue continued: “Now there is another question, “Do Not Disturb” has been suspended and rectified, how to deal with the time slot vacated by the prime time on Friday? After two months or so, we have cultivated a stable audience base to watch our show, which is a very great asset to cherish. If this group of viewers is lost during this gap, the loss to us is not small. So do you have any good ideas for this? Or good advice? ”

Once again, the meeting fell silent and there were no speakers.

In fact, everyone understands the method, that is, to change some new content to fill this schedule and stabilize the audience.

But what other shows do they have?

They were originally a small TV station, and it was already very difficult to produce two popular variety shows, so how can they have time to create another program now?

There is an option to broadcast some TV series, but the current quality of TV series on the TV station …

Don’t say it.

So, they simply have no other way.

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