“First of all, in terms of sales, in the past two months since we titled “Do Not Disturb”, our real estate business as a whole has increased by 30%, which is not easy! After analysis, we found that the audience who watched “Do Not Disturb” is actually consistent with our consumer group, because in **, the house and marriage are always inseparable, marriage must buy a house, buying a house is also for marriage, so this advertisement is very in place, so it promotes consumption. ”

The reason is simple and easy to understand, and there are data to prove it, Bai Jingxue and others nodded.

Xu Jiahao continued: “Secondly, in terms of cognition and competitiveness, our Kangzheng Group originally invested 800 million yuan to buy all the advertising space, which made the world know, and this people’s hearts have established the deep impression of the wealth and capital of my Kangsheng Group, so that they will focus on our Kangzheng Group when buying a house, and then convert it into purchasing power.” ”

Speaking of this, he had to admire his old chairman, who really had a unique vision, discovered this business opportunity early, and did not hesitate to drop the 800 million wholly-owned title “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”, which made the name of the group.

It’s only been two months now, and the real estate business has seen the biggest growth.

It’s worth the advertising money.

Jiang is still old and spicy, and he will have to learn from the old chairman in the future.

At this time, Old Master Qin, who was watering flowers in the yard, suddenly sneezed and muttered, “Who is nagging me?” ”

“Finally, in terms of brand building…” Xu Jiahao said with a faint smile on his face: “Now, due to the relationship of “Do Not Disturb If You Are Not Sincere”, our Zhenghui Group has established the brand positioning of ‘love’ and ‘marriage house’ among the people, which is a very large consumer market. As long as you are married, you will first consider coming to our group to buy a house, which other real estate companies do not have. Even the older generation, when choosing a house for young people, will first consider our group’s house, because our house represents ‘love’ and ‘marriage’, which is the guarantee of happiness and happiness. Just like the advertisement we put on “Do Not Disturb”: Kangzheng Group, give you a reassuring home. ”

“President Xu, you came this time to want…”

“We want to expand the concept of ‘love’ and then form a position that belongs to our group.”

Xu Jiahao made a generous statement and rebuked Fang Xuan: “Due to the short broadcast time of “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”, the influence is not enough, especially in young people. After all, most of the people now buy houses by the elderly, but it is young people who live, and the opinions of young people are also crucial. Today’s young people are not like us before, they pursue not only a house, but also romantic and beautiful love. You can buy a house anywhere, but romantic and beautiful love can not be found. But the ‘Love Apartment’ made them find sustenance for this demand. ”

“Just like yesterday, before the love apartment was broadcast, the scene of our Longhua community was exposed, so it attracted a lot of young people who inquired. This is a very huge potential opportunity for our group and we certainly don’t want to miss it. Therefore, I am afraid that I will be robbed by other real estate companies, so I will come to you non-stop. Xu Jiahao smiled bitterly.

“Mr. Xu really knows everything about us, we feel your sincerity, since this is the case, we will talk openly and honestly.” When it comes to business, Bai Qingxue immediately entered the state.

“Please say!” Xu Jiahao said solemnly.

“Regarding cooperation, I myself am very optimistic, and I very much hope to cooperate with your group, because this win-win cooperation is very beneficial to you and me…”

Xu Jiahao listened carefully, and then nodded.

“However, this matter involves my husband, because he invested in the filming of “Love Apartment”, and the copyright is also with him, and he has the most say in this regard. This matter came too suddenly, and he didn’t have time to explain, so I think that this matter should be asked for his opinion first, as long as he is okay, then there is no problem on our side. ”

In the face of the great right and wrong, Bai Qingxue respected Lin Beifan very much, and he personally made the decision and decision.

It’s like he helped her but never got involved in the TV business.

“This is nature.” Xu Jiahao nodded, and then asked expectantly: “President Bai, can you contact Mr. Lin now?” This matter is very important to me, and I hope to hear Mr. Lin’s opinion. ”

“Of course, no problem.”

Bai Qingxue immediately dialed Lin Beifan’s phone and turned on the hands-free.

“Qingxue, why did you call at this time, and miss your husband after less than two hours apart? Could it be that after a night of hard work yesterday, you are not satisfied? ”

How did this boudoir love talk come out suddenly?

Shame or shame?

Looking at the mocking gazes around her, especially Wu Qianmei’s snickering gaze, Bai Qingxue’s face was rarely red, and she said with some shame: “Husband, where are you now?” Something to ask you! ”

“I’m petting the cat at home, what’s going on?”

In this way, Xu Jiahao, president of Kangzheng Group, came to the TV station and wanted to seek cooperation on “Love Apartment”. But considering that the investor is you and the copyright is also in your hands, I want to consult your opinion. ”

“Ask something!”

Xu Jiahao immediately answered the phone and couldn’t wait to ask: “Hello Mr. Lin, I am Xu Jiahao, the president of Kangzheng Group.” Now I wonder, are all the copyrights to “Love Apartment” with you? ”

“One hundred percent in my hands.”

Xu Jiahao was overjoyed in his heart, and then asked: “We at Kangzheng Group want to seek cooperation on “Love Apartment”. Regarding the filming plan of “Love Apartment”, Mr. Lin, is it convenient for you to reveal? ”

“There’s nothing to say about that. I’m still very optimistic about “Love Apartment”, I think it will be a fire, and the result is as we expected. “Love Apartment” is a very good IP, witty and young, very in line with the tastes of young people, with the greatest potential. So my shooting plan is like this, launch one season a year, about 20 episodes per season, and make a brand, so that you can bring out its maximum value. ”

Xu Jiahao was overjoyed again and said, “Mr. Lin is really insightful, and I also think this method is the best.” To venture again, do you really plan to launch a season every year? Please tell me honestly, this is important to me. ”

“Let me tell you so, I have signed four consecutive “Love Apartments” with the crew, including the director, screenwriter and several leading actors. Moreover, the brokerage contracts of several leading actors are in my hands, which is convenient to arrange work. In other words, “Love Apartment” can be filmed for at least four years, guaranteeing the originality! ”

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