But experience told her that Shen Liuchen really did.

Since childhood, she was the only girl who had been close to him, but despite this, he never did anything to her beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends.

Sometimes she even thought that to him, she might be just a "neighbor's little sister", not even an ordinary friend.

Zhang Meimei asked him to keep a distance from her so that he would not delay his studies because of tutoring her. He never gave her tutoring lessons again.

When she was a child, she took her homework to ask him questions, and he would take the time to teach him.

Later, when Zhang Meimei refused to let her go to his house, her relationship with him suddenly became much stranger.

Except for occasionally meeting her at the door and giving her a greeting, there is nothing else.

Let her feel that she is completely dispensable to him.

Seeing Zheng Yanyu's sad little look, worried that Shen Liuchen would feel soft, Song Jinxi walked to Shen Liuchen and stood still.

"I'm sorry, little sister," Song Jinxi said to Zheng Yanyu with a smile: "Shen Liuchen said that he would accompany me to lunch at noon today. After all, I just transferred here. I am unfamiliar in life, so I just need the care of my deskmate."

Zheng Yanyu's eyebrows were cold, "Who is your sister? I'm not familiar with you."

"If you are unfamiliar, you will not be familiar." Song Jinxi still kept smiling.

After all, she is a twenty-five-year-old social person, and she can still deal with the fourteen-five-year-old girl in front of her.

Deliberately maintaining a smile, acting like a winner, the little girl in front of her was so angry that she couldn't stabilize herself, and she was angry at Shen Liuchen's face, not gentle and cute at all.

Finally, Song Jinxi repented in his heart.

I feel that this is bullying the child, and it seems a bit inappropriate.


This involves the question of the ownership of the male god.

She, absolutely, cannot give in!

"I'm so hungry, let's go to eat, Shen Liuchen." She actually wanted to be intimate, but she was afraid of being beaten on the spot by Shen Liuchen.

Had to call his full name so coldly.

"I'm late, what if there is no food in the cafeteria?" she continued.

Zheng Yanyu was so angry that he turned his head and looked at Shen Liuchen pitifully: "Chen--"

She didn't call a name, thinking that she couldn't make Shen Liuchen upset now, she changed her name.

"Brother Shen, do you really want to take her to dinner?"

Shen Liuchen turned his head and glanced at Song Jinxi.

Song Jinxi also looked at him, smiled and silently said two words to him: "Sister."

Fearing that he didn't understand the meaning, he added another sentence: "My sister."

Zheng Yanyu didn't understand what she was talking about, and couldn't guess.

Observe Shen Liuchen's reaction again.

Shen Liuchen said to her: "You go."

He said to Song Jinxi: "I'll get the meal card." After that, he turned and entered the classroom.

Zheng Yanyu: "..."

Song Jinxi: A triumphant but polite smile.

"This elder sister, you just used cosmetics in high school, aren't you afraid that your face will rot in the future?" She looked at Song Jinxi's face in Lingchi like a knife.

Song Jinxi was stunned, raised his hand and gently squeezed his face.

The skin is delicate and smooth, so tender as to pinch out water.

Because of her young age, she is still a little fat, and she can't help but pinch it.

I wish I could maintain such a good skin condition forever.

"Sorry little sister, sister is born with no powder." She said, rubbing her index finger gently on her face and placing it in front of Zheng Yanyu.

The skin on her hands seemed better than her face.

The back of the hand is as white as round white jade, delicate and smooth.

The fingertips are very good-looking, and the fingertips have a healthy pink color. There is no trace of powder on it.

Such skin can be carefully maintained at first glance.

It reminded Zheng Yanyu of those well-maintained aunts' skins that she occasionally saw on the bus.

Obviously she is still a fifteen-year-old girl, but in autumn and winter, if you don't rub the fragrance on your hands, the skin on the back of her hands will look even uglier than an old woman in her 50s or 60s.

Sometimes when she sees her sister and aunt on the bus with a better skin condition, she will cover her hands in shame.

I'm afraid that others will see her hands so ugly.

It happened that because her mother gave birth to a younger brother, she took the whole family's money to raise her younger brother, and even Xiang often forgets to buy it for her.

Song Jinxi's skin condition deeply hurt Zheng Yanyu's heart, but she was still saying in a bragging tone:

"Look, it's natural~"

Zheng Yanyu was almost mad at her.

Song Jinxi was not happy just this morning because he learned that the male **** had a "little green plum".

Now I feel that the weather today is really good.

She had never thought that teasing rivals would be so interesting.

Especially it's really fun to get the other party out of anger with no effort.

Song Jinxi wanted to tease her again, but Yu Guang accidentally saw Chen Wenwen walking towards her.

Maybe it was because I waited too long to urge her.

In order not to show her stuff, she stretched out her hand and squeezed her face while Zheng Yanyu couldn't react.

"Hurry up and eat, little sister, if you keep pestering Shen Liuchen like this, he will be unhappy." Song Jinxi smiled and patted her on the shoulder, glanced at Shen Liuchen in the classroom, then at Chen Wenwen, and said with a smile: "A classmate is here. If you don't want others to know that Shen Liuchen is not familiar with you, it is better to leave earlier."

Zheng Yanyu opened her eyes wide, wondering why she knew her careful thoughts. Looking at Chen Wenwen, who was getting closer and closer, she gave a vicious "hum" and left angrily.


Halfway through, I looked back and saw Shen Liuchen walking to the door.

"Brother Shen, you played so well with female classmates at school, I will tell Aunt Zhang."

Song Jinxi quietly looked at the changes in Shen Liuchen's expression, only to see that his eyes were dark and he did not speak.

Zheng Yanyu saw him like this and was not reconciled, "Don't you worry that Aunt Zhang will say you? Aunt Zhang wouldn't allow you to teach me homework. How could you fall in love with a female classmate at school?"

Shen Liuchen completely ignored her, just glanced at her lightly, then turned to look at Song Jinxi: "Isn't he hungry? Let's go."

After that, he raised his foot and walked to the other side.

Song Jinxi: "Good!"

Chen Wenwen was already close, Song Jinxi ran to apologize to her, and then ran to chase Shen Liuchen.

When the two went downstairs, there was already a boy who had finished eating and was walking back.

Maybe it’s because the two of them are so good-looking. After seeing them, the boys who used to be noisy and climbing the stairs stopped the noisy one by one and took the initiative to lean aside, leaving a lot of space for the two of them. The space downstairs.

Song Jinxi never said a word, and when the boys were gone and there was no one around, he asked, "Did you deliberately?"

Shen Liuchen ignored her and still went downstairs in silence.

Song Jinxi felt that she had guessed right.

From Zheng Yanyu's words, it can be guessed that Zhang Meiyu, who adopted Shen Liuchen, seemed to never like that Shen Liuchen had too close contacts with girls, so she would not let Shen Liuchen and Zheng Yanyu, a little girl from the neighbor's house, play.

Zheng Yanyu was not allowed to enter the house.

Although Shen Liuchen didn't want to play with Zheng Yanyu, he mostly taught her homework.

Now Shen Liuchen is 1.78 meters tall, and he has begun to show the charm of a man. He is so handsome and his personality is not bad...

Zhang Meimei should have begun to think of him.

So, did Zhang Meigui start?

Did she begin to "excessively get close" to Shen Liuchen as in the original text?

The male **** wants to use Zheng Yanyu's mouth to let Zhang Meimei know that he has girls who "get close" in school because of adolescent rebellion? Still want to use this behavior to tell Zhang Meijin that he has begun to have this awareness and wants Zhang Meijin to converge?

Song Jinxi could not be sure.

Song Jinxi thought for a while, "That little sister of yours is very interesting, she still complains when she is so old." She said tentatively.

Seeing that Shen Liuchen still didn't respond, she continued to stretch out a tentative foot: "Will your family not allow you to fall in love early? Anyway, my family will not care about me."

The male **** still doesn't speak...

"Is the food in the cafeteria delicious? I used to eat in the school cafeteria, so everyone likes to go out for lunch."

After Song Jinxi finished speaking, when he saw that he didn't mean to take care of her, he endured it and couldn't hold it back: "You always don't like to talk like this, and you will easily shut down!"

Shen Liuchen remained indifferent.


Jinjiting High School is built on the hillside. The lowest ground is the playground. Climbing up a short flight of stairs from the playground is the school gate.

Go up a flight of stairs and you will find the cafeteria.

Going up through the canteen is the teaching building for the first and second year of high school.

While they were talking, the two had already reached the canteen, and Shen Liuchen led her to the canteen.

He took a moment to look at her.

Shen Liuchen: "Can your words be as small as your knowledge reserve?"

Song Jinxi opened his mouth and immediately retorted: "Let me tell you, don't look down on me, my academic performance is good, I am the pillar of the motherland, the future IT elite!"

Shen Liuchen: "Heh."

Song Jinxi was angry: "You look down on me! If you don't believe me, you can write me the exercises you wrote, and I can also write them."

Shen Liuchen said nothing.

Song Jinxi looked at him from behind, sulking for a while, always feeling that such a male **** is not only not handsome, but also a bit annoying!

A good boy, ruined by the poisonous tongue.

If it weren't for her "deep love for him", with his current attributes, it is estimated that he would be single for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, she couldn't bear it again. I think she is still chatting next to him, chatting with him, and sometimes annoying him, he can say a few words.

After she finished the task and left, he didn't even have anyone who could let him talk.

It was so pathetic and lonely.

I really want to catch the original author.

After she finished the task and went out this time, she went to find the original author and reasoned with her so that she would not write an innocent person like this for the development of the story.

After thinking about it, her anger almost disappeared, and she all shifted to a mental crusade against the original author. Looking at Shen Liuchen's tall and handsome figure, she hurried to catch up and continued the topic just now.

"Shen Liuchen, what do you want to do in the future?"

I don't know if it was her illusion, she seemed to see Shen Liuchen's pace pausing slightly.

"You look so good-looking, you can become a celebrity in the future! If you can't sing, then you can act, if you don't have acting skills, then you can be a vase. The future social appearance is justice. Then you just have to show your face and put it there. There are countless fans crazy for you."

Shen Liuchen's footsteps gradually slowed down, and it was rare to give her a straight look.

Song Jinxi seemed to be inspired, and continued excitedly: "At that time, I will be a **** member of the Shen Liuchen Support Club. I will help you tear up the black powder, be obsessed with you, crazy for you, and hit the wall for you!"

Shen Liuchen: "..."

While speaking, Song Jinxi suddenly remembered the ideological work she had done for Shen Liuchen to love society and the people before his death. He felt that this time there was a chance to continue to instill the beautiful socialist ideological and morals in him.

Even after she finishes the task and leaves this time, his memory of her will still disappear, but the effort still needs to be done.

"If you don’t want to be a star, it’s okay. If you have such a good grade, you can live a more comfortable life after you enter a good university and find a good job. You can also help the children in the orphanage so that they don’t need to be like you. small--"

While she was talking, she saw Shen Liuchen who was in front suddenly stopped and turned to look at her, before suddenly raising her hand to cover her mouth.

She seemed to accidentally say too much.

The author has something to say:    The reason for today's addition is... to celebrate the collection breaking 1500 in advance! ! !

That’s right, you don’t have the trouble of collecting the author’s column. Collect my column, do you love you guys? づ ̄3 ̄づ

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