In the dilapidated thatched house, a dozen children sat in a circle leaning against the wall.

All of them were yellow and thin, with their hands on their stomachs, and there was a soft sound or two in their stomachs from time to time.

There was a sense of lifelessness lingering in the entire thatched hut, and there was no vigorous and lively noise that children should have.

Shen Liuchen wanted to look around, but found that he had no control over this body. He is like a boarder, he can only nest in one corner and see where he is looking through his eyes.

For some reason, he returned to his childhood memories.

He wanted to take a look around.

At this time, the girl should be sitting next to him.

Since she disappeared for him ten years ago, she has not even entered his dream for nearly ten years, and disappeared without a trace. He needs to keep drawing her portraits and sticking those pictures to every corner of his activities, so that she can always live in his mind.

He wanted to forget her, so that he wouldn't be so painful anymore. But I was afraid that I was really like those people, forgetting her completely, forgetting this girl who had brought him light and also pushed him to hell.

Is she going to appear in his dream in this form today?

In my memory, the girl had already appeared at this time, and she would have been squeezing beside him and chatting with him. But now the ear is very quiet, and there is no feeling of being relied on by the warm body, it seems that there is only "him".

He can feel the hunger in "his" belly, and can also feel "his" depression, but he can't manipulate "his" body.

Shen Liuchen didn't know the meaning of this dream, but he couldn't wake up now, he could only lie in a corner of his body and watch the changes.

After a while, the door of the chaifang was kicked open from the outside. When they were young, Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie were now at the door with several bags of steamed buns in their hands.

Shen Liuchen watched "he" slowly got up, walked to the door and took a steamed bun, and walked back slowly.

At this moment, he saw through the sight of "him" that there was no one beside him except "him".

Only "him" sat in that area, and there was no girl at all.

Why is she gone?

Could it be that even the traces of "she" in the memory have to be taken away?

Is she going to disappear into his memory slowly and forever like she disappeared from those people's memory...?

When "he" sat back in the corner, Zhang Defa at the door talked to Xu Mingjie.

Zhang Defa glanced at "he" and said, "Just him."

"He" took a bite of the bun and slowly looked up. "He" saw Xu Mingjie nodded, and said, "This kid is pretty good-looking. There should be many women who sympathize with him, it's him."

The two finished speaking and closed the door.

The surrounding children cast jealous glances at "he", seeming to envy "he" for being selected.

Shen Liuchen had some guesses in his heart.

Except for the absence of Song Jinxi and the candy grab, other things that are happening now seem to be developing on the "original" trajectory.

He couldn't help but be a little curious, if Song Jinxi did not show up, what would be waiting for "him".

He patiently continued to wait.

Time flies quickly, it seems that it's just a blink of an eye, and it's the next morning.

He watched "he" being pulled out of the thatched house by Zhang Defa, and then Xu Mingjie took a big wooden stick and thumped it heavily on his knee.

The pain of his kneecap being shattered alive was flooding towards him, and the pain almost made him breathless. "He"'s mouth was blocked by Zhang Defa with a rag beforehand, so he couldn't make a sound, he could only make a faint roar from deep in his throat.

"He" was struggling and was slapped by Zhang De, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

"If you don't want to be beaten, be quiet." Zhang Defa said.

Xu Mingjie pointed to his nose with a wooden stick, and said contemptuously: "Boy, don't look at Lao Tzu with such an angry look. You will have to rely on Lao Tzu for food in the future. If you don't want to be starved to death, give me a little behave."

Zhang Defa also said: "If you interrupt your leg now, you will not lose food in the future."

Scene after scene, so clearly reflected in his mind.

It doesn't seem to be a dream, but it seems to have happened.

While enduring the pain that this illusory dream brought to him, he calmly analyzed, if Song Jinxi did not show up, would he really be broken his leg alive, and then become a lame man and go to the street to beg.

The time in the dream flies quickly, in the blink of an eye, another two days later.

The police went up the mountain.

From the police's words, he probably analyzed what happened.

After Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie caught a lot of vagrants and went up the mountain in X City, they planned to steal a car to transport a dozen children to other cities and let them beg.

It's just that they were caught by the police when they were stealing the car. The police tried to interrogate them and found out that they were traffickers before they went up the mountain to rescue the children.

At the same time, "him" whose leg was broken was saved.

But at this time, "his" leg had been broken for two days, and it could not be cured, so from then on, he could only sit in a wheelchair and became a disabled person.


Ten years ago, after Song Jinxi disappeared for the third time, Shen Liuchen caused a car accident.

Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie have since become nominally dead.

Then he sent someone to catch Zhang Meigui, who was living in seclusion in a small remote village, and Cai Xiaohao, who wanted to retaliate against him. All four of them were locked up in the Institute of Biochemical Pharmacy and became the first batch of trial drugs. people.

Shen Liuchen is now 27 years old. Since he started his business at the age of 17, he has built a huge business empire by himself. The empire covers a wide range of areas, from daily necessities to high-tech technology.

One of them is a pharmaceutical company.

The pharmaceutical factory is located in the outskirts of X City, covering an area of ​​more than two thousand acres.

However, no one knows that this pharmaceutical factory covering an area of ​​nearly two thousand acres is actually just a cover, and more importantly, the biochemical pharmaceutical research base under the pharmaceutical factory.

This research base has spent nearly one billion yuan in capital construction. It uses the most advanced equipment in the world. The two main scientists under his command are the most talented scientists in the world who are considered abnormal by others.

Yuan Jifa and Zhu Shengzhi.

Geniuses and lunatics are often separated by a wall. Some scientists conduct scientific research for the benefit of mankind, while others try to challenge themselves and study something harmful to mankind.

They are desperate and only have research results in their eyes.

What they need most is financial support. What Shen Liuchen needs most is their brains and R&D capabilities.

The two parties hit it off.

They are now studying a potion that can be injected into a zombie, and that potion has now begun to take shape.

Once this medicine is researched out, the whole world will become a zombie world.


He waited for nearly ten years, and could no longer wait without any hope.

Since God insists on taking away his beloved, then he will drag all mankind to bury him.

When Song Jinxi left ten years ago, he had tortured Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie almost every day, and then rescued them with the best medicine, and so on.

But this kind of pleasure can't fill the emptiness and pain in the heart. After Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie are tortured to completely lose any self-esteem and arrogance, there is no point in violence.

He gave up this activity to relieve his bloodthirsty mood.

After ordering his men to continue torturing the four who caused him and Song Jinxi's harm, he never visited them again.

He tried hard to forget Song Jinxi, but he couldn't do it.

After waking up from that half-truth dream last night, Shen Liuchen could no longer fall asleep. Instead, he went to the study and traced his paintings with his hands over and over again.

The face of the girl in the painting was permanently fixed at the age of eighteen. What's ridiculous is that he was only sad at the time and didn't even take a picture of her.

When the ambulance arrived, she had lost her breath, and her body began to get cold.

At that time, there was a faint expectation in his heart and asked the doctors and nurses to take her body to the hospital. Seeing her body was sent to the morgue, he sat at the door of the morgue and waited all night.

Going in again the next day, her corpse really disappeared, and the memories of the people around her also showed a big deviation, and she did not remember that such a person had ever existed.

It is exactly the same as it has disappeared twice.

Because of this, he had a glimmer of unrealistic hope that she would come back one day.

Restrained his desire to commit suicide, restrained the bloodthirsty urge to destroy everything. Crazy earning money, learning all kinds of skills, even learning cooking and simple medicine...

She always loves her feet, she is reckless and easily injured, and she likes to be picky eaters...

If she comes back this time, he must take good care of her and never let her suffer any more harm. He can buy her everything she wants, and cook her favorite meals...

Such a wait is ten years.


Early the next morning, Shen Liuchen did not go to the company, but came to the research base.

He saw Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie.

There were no traces of abuse on the two of them, and they were in good physical condition, but they had no energy.

They had been like this since they were tortured for a while ten years ago, and Shen Liuchen didn't care.

"The first batch of drugs is about to be successfully developed. In order for the two of them to test the efficacy of the drug, I asked them to postpone the violence against them. After the injection of the drug, it takes about a month to observe, so for two full months, you need to They maintain good physical condition." Yuan Jifa said.

Shen Liuchen didn't say much, he held back everyone, and looked at the two people in the prison through the iron railing.

He looked at the two people in the room and recalled how they were in his dream twenty years ago.

At that time, their whole body exuded the vigorous breath of a mature man, and they could easily restrain the struggle of a seven-year-old boy, causing him to gradually lose confidence in life under their control.

"Twenty years ago, you said at the door that you chose me, what did you want to do?" Shen Liuchen asked.

After ten years of continuous inhuman torture, Zhang Defa and Xu Mingjie have completely lost their backbone. When they saw Shen Liuchen, they didn't have the slightest feeling of resentment, but endless panic.

They live so much that they can't survive, and they can only live like walking dead every day.

And because of all kinds of lynchings, he became so humble and cowardly.

When they heard the question asked by Shen Liuchen, they first froze for a moment, then glanced at each other, and then thought about it, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"I don't want to ask again." Shen Liuchen's voice was low and his eyes were full of coldness.

Xu Mingjie said quickly: "I want to break your leg so that you can beg."

Shen Liuchen fell into silence.

Twenty years ago, if Song Jinxi hadn't appeared, what happened in the dream might have been true.

So after Song Jinxi appeared, the plot changed. What he is dreaming of is what happened to him in the parallel world, or how?

He still doesn't know what Song Jinxi's identity is.

No clue at all.

When his car drove out of the pharmaceutical factory, it passed by a van.

He didn't care, closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair, lost in thought.


In the van, Song Jinxi slumped to one side, almost sitting next to the door of the van, trying to minimize his presence.

While receiving the information sent to her by the system.

With the experience and lessons of the previous three failures full of loopholes, the identity assigned to her by the system this time is very appropriate.

It falsified the memory of a childless couple and made them her parents. She also arranged a job for her to do her own job in the company of the original hero Shen Liuyi——

An honorable programmer.

Twenty-four this year, no boyfriend, both parents, happy family.

She just showed up and the place seemed a bit wrong.

Another very surprising thing is that after crossing in this time, she was still able to contact the system.

"You can't let me appear quietly in an empty corner? A person suddenly appeared in this small van. Is it obvious that it is good?"

Song Jinxi is really powerless to complain, she always feels that the system is deliberately playing with her.

"But... this is the fastest way for you to establish a friendly relationship with the original heroine." The system said.

Song Jinxi: "Why should I get in touch with the original heroine?"

System: "Because they have a protagonist halo."

Song Jinxi frowned, "Then why is the problem? I am obviously here to do the task, but I don't have a golden finger?"

The system is silent.

"And since the heroine has the protagonist's aura, why is she almost killed by Shen Liuchen...?" Song Jinxi felt that he had found a blind spot again.

The system continues to be silent.

Song Jinxi knew that it was unreliable, so he didn't ridicule it anymore, quietly glanced out the window, and asked, "Where am I going? I'm obviously a good white-collar worker, why would I suddenly appear in this strange van? And, it looks like it was still being caught?"

"Isn’t it said that Shen Liuchen invested in a biochemical pharmaceutical research institute? According to the development of the plot, the first batch of medicines they are studying is about to come out. Therefore, Shen Liuchen’s people have caused several accidents, and some people are caused by these accidents. 'Life and death are unknown', and then caught these unlucky ghosts for human experiments. The original female protagonist is one of them," said the system.

Song Jinxi touched his chin, frowned and asked, "Is this heroine unintentionally arrested, or did Shen Liuchen want to deal with Shen Liuzheng and arrest her deliberately?"

"...Somewhat deliberately, the people under his staff knew that he and Shen Liuzheng or even the entire Shen family would not deal with it." The system said.

"It feels like the hostess is a little bit innocent." Song Jinxi commented.

System: "Your task is not only to prevent Shen Liuchen from going black, but also to save the original heroine, because she has stored half of the world structure of the world in her mind. If she dies, then the world will also be cold. Even if Shen Liuchen stopped blackening because of your appearance, the world would have to be destroyed and collapsed."

"How do I save this?" Song Jinxi had a question mark on his face.

The van slowly drove into the underground parking lot and passed through the checkpoints, turning down in circles.

While talking, Song Jinxi seemed to see that the van had turned several times and didn't quite understand the position of the van.

"Their research base must be heavily guarded. You can use the heroine's halo and follow her. You should find a way out. I can only help you here, and the rest is up to you." The system said.

This posture of letting go of the shopkeeper made Song Jinxi couldn't help but greet him in his heart.

While continuing to reduce her sense of existence, she quietly looked to the side, and the heroine was sitting beside her.

The eighteen-year-old heroine, six years younger than her, looked a little immature all over her face, wearing a black jacket, sitting in a chair slightly taller than her.

It seems to have been written in the book that the heroine is 1.68 meters tall and has a very good body ratio.

When Song Jinxi looked at her, there was a subtle admiration in her heart for some reason. She felt that the heroine was worthy of being a heroine, and her temperament was not ordinary.

Compared with the heroine, she is a scum.

Not knowing that she was looking too sharply, the heroine turned her head and looked at her directly.

Song Jinxi was taken aback and quickly looked away.

At this moment, the system yelled suddenly in my mind: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

The sudden sonic attack made Song Jinxi's brain almost exploded.

"Don't yell in my head suddenly, my head is about to explode, you rubbish." Song Jinxi calmed his mind and quickly stopped it in his heart.

The system cursed an **** and issued a trembling electronic tone: "The heroine was worn!"

Song Jinxi:? ? ?

"When did it happen? Why don't you know why the heroine was worn, only to find out now?" she asked quickly.

"Obviously you were fine before you came in, I'll check it." After the system finished speaking, it was quiet for a moment, and then said: "Last night. Last night in the novel world."

Song Jinxi: "When I woke up just now, it seemed to be early in the morning. In other words, she just wore it in?"

"Yes, it should be where I was hurt when I was caught. It gave the traverser an opportunity. The terrible thing is that I didn’t even notice her traversal. If she wasn’t right by your side, I might not even know The heroines are—"

Song Jinxi: "Hmm..."

"It's all Shen Liuchen's pot!" The system couldn't help but blamed it loudly: "He has darkened and made a mess of the world. This world is too leaky. Even the heroine is worn. How can I play this?"

Song Jinxi didn't know what to say.

"This world is over, I don't care, I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

After the system was finished, it disappeared, no matter how Song Jinxi called, he didn't know if he really left or how.

Song Jinxi couldn't help it, and quietly made a **** to the void.

She wanted to cry without tears, and at this moment, the hostess sitting next to her actually spoke to her.

"Miss sister, do you know where we are going to be taken?"

Song Jinxi turned his head in silence, glanced at her, and shook his head.

At this moment, the man sitting in the co-pilot turned his head, and there was a villain's standard knife scar on the man's face.

He glared at them and shouted fiercely: "Don't talk."

Lin Xiaoxiao silenced her mouth, and Song Jinxi silently turned her head aside.

The van finally stopped after taking them around ten times.

A total of seven people were arrested in this car. When the seven people were driven out of the car, the Scarlet man who had berated them to keep them silent just glanced at Song Jinxi and asked the driver, "I didn’t mean that only six were caught. What is going on with the extra?"

The driver also came over and glanced at Song Jinxi.

"I don't know, maybe it was too dark last night, I didn't see clearly, I accidentally caught one more."

Song Jinxi watched his nose, his nose, his heart, and remained silent.

"That place is a blind spot for surveillance. It's okay to grab one more. After you take the picture, you can bring it in." The driver seemed to have a higher status than the Scar man. He made the final word. Three more wearing white coats and white coats came next to him. Man in mask.

Those people took photos of each of them individually, and brought six more people into the laboratory.

Song Jinxi and Lin Xiaoxiao were locked in the same room. The walls of the room were all metal, and the door was a solid iron door with a hollow on the top.

There are very bright incandescent lights on the roof, the kind that makes people feel blind at a glance.

There are two metal iron beds arranged side by side in the room. The beds are covered with simple plain sheets and mattresses. On one side of the table, there are two drinking glasses, which should be for them to drink.

When Song Jinxi looked around, Lin Xiaoxiao directly sat on the edge of the bed, propped his thigh with one hand, and fell into thought with his chin. Song Jinxi walked over in silence.

"Little friend, how did you get caught?" She is now twenty-four years old and Lin Xiaoxiao is eighteen years old. She called Lin Xiaoxiao a child, it should not be too much.

Lin Xiaoxiao climbed onto the bed without taking off her shoes, her legs were folded and Erlang's legs were folded, her hands were folded behind her head.

She looked at the ceiling and said, "I don't know, I was here suddenly when I woke up."

She was ambiguous, but Song Jinxi seemed to have heard the other meaning in her words and was silent.

But that's it, I woke up and crossed it.

She was very hesitant whether to recognize Lin Xiaoxiao, after all, they were all people who came in through the real world.

What use is it just to recognize each other? Tell Lin Xiaoxiao that Shen Liuchen is going to kill her and let her escape?

She is still not sure about the nature of Lin Xiaoxiao's identity. If Lin Xiaoxiao is the kind of tasker with a system on his body, in order to correct the plot, then Lin Xiaoxiao is likely to be her enemy, not a friend. .

If under this premise, she and Lin Xiaoxiao talked to each other, wouldn't she help outsiders deal with Shen Liuchen in a disguised form?

No, she can't act rashly now.

Song Jinxi thought, silently moved aside.

"What about you? Miss sister, you?" Lin Xiaoxiao looked at her, "How did you get caught?"

Song Jinxi learned her words and said, "I also woke up at the same time and found myself here."

Lin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, got up, sat on the bed, and said: "It's okay, don't worry, I have four brothers and a very powerful father. They will come to save me. I will let them Take you out together."

Does the hostess have to wait for others to save? Song Jinxi was silent and said "thank you".

She walked to the other bed in silence and sat down, always feeling turbulent.

She feels that the system is not doing the right thing, and she shouldn’t be put into it. She can at least move around freely when she is outside, and she can take the initiative to find Shen Liuchen. Now in this laboratory, if she really becomes the number one What if the person who approved the test drug died accidentally?

The system also said that if she died this time, maybe she was really dead and would not come back.

Song Jinxi was worried, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't seem to be much better over there, both of them fell into contemplation, and the room was quiet for a while.

I don't know how long it took, just when Song Jinxi felt a little hungry, the door was opened with a "clang".

Two people in white coats brought food in.

Lin Xiaoxiao stepped forward and said, "I don't care what you arrested me for, but I am the Shen family. You should know about the Shen family? X city is the site of my Shen family. You move me in X city. Aren’t you afraid that you can’t stay in City X? My family can satisfy you whatever you want, as long as you let me go out with this young lady."

"The Shen family?" One of the white coats seemed to be smiling, with mocking eyes in his eyes, and said: "I care what Shen family you are, you are not a human being."

The man finished speaking and retired directly with the other person.

Lin Xiaoxiao was so angry that he yelled at their backs: "You are not a human being!"

"You turned out to be the Shen family? Is that the Shen family I thought?" Song Jinxi tried to get some information from the fake heroine.

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, "Yes, don't worry, we will definitely be able to go out." The 18-year-old girl seems to be used to giving people a sense of security, still calming Song Jinxi: "He is now saying that he is not afraid of my identity. Maybe it’s gone to inform the news."

Song Jinxi thought for a while, and continued to say: "I heard that the boys of the Shen family are very good, especially Shen Liuyi, not only handsome, but also smart, he started his own company, worth hundreds of millions, and he is also very affectionate?"

Lin Xiao smiled with a **** expression, and asked, "Where do you hear the affectionate design? The stallion man, who has a girlfriend, ran away and fooled with other women because of a fight with his girlfriend. How can such a person be affectionate? Sister, you must not be fooled by those untrustworthy rumors."

Song Jinxi:...

It seems that this traverser is the original male lead black.

Song Jinxi didn't know what to say for a while, but saw Lin Xiaoxiao look at her carefully, and said, "Hey, this young lady, are you beautiful?"

Song Jinxi smiled at her.

"Are you single?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked again.

Song Jinxi: "......?"

Lin Xiaoxiao took her hand and said with a smile: "Let me tell you that many of my brothers are single. They are smart, rich and rich, and they have no scandals. All of them are very clean and self-conscious, much better than that of Shen Liuyi. Up."

Song Jinxi:...

This heroine was a matchmaker before crossing, right?

Song Jinxi coughed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I already have someone I like."

Lin Xiaoxiao frowned and sighed, "Why do all the beautiful young ladies now have boyfriends? Wouldn't my brothers continue to be single?"

Song Jinxi scratched his head.

What kind of demonic plot development is this?

Lin Xiaoxiao sighed, let go of her hand, and walked to the table.

"Eat first," she said.

Song Jinxi walked over in silence and said, "I don't dare to eat, and I don't know why they arrested us. I am worried that there will be additional ingredients for this meal."

Lin Xiaoxiao just picked up the bowl and wanted to add vegetables to the bowl. Hearing what she said, she silently put the bowl back on the table.

"You are right." After she finished speaking, she lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After a while, the door was opened again. Two men in white coats and white masks walked in and closed the door with their backhands.

They glanced at the food on the table and said, "Have you not eaten the food? If this is the case, then you two will come first."

Another person pushed the food aside, put the blood drawing tool on the table, and said to them: "Come here to get some blood for a test."

"Who are you?" Song Jinxi asked this question while looking at Lin Xiaoxiao, rolling up his sleeves and walking to them.

Song Jinxi thought that Lin Xiaoxiao was really going to draw blood for people, and still slandered in his heart how this traverser was so obedient.

As a result, Lin Xiaoxiao walked over, kicked the person to the ground with one kick, and then punched him down. Without breathing, he actually put down a white coat.

Then he did the same, kicked him down on the door before the other white coat ran to the door to open the door, and punched him down again, and the other person fainted.

Song Jinxi couldn't help but clapped his palms beside him.

Lin Xiaoxiao turned around and smiled at her: "How about it? I'm good."

Song Jinxi nodded and gave her a thumbs up. "Very powerful." She praised sincerely.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and see if you can escape. If you can, you can escape. If you can't, you can just get caught."

Song Jinxi nodded, walked over and took off the white lab coat, put on a white lab coat and mask with Lin Xiaoxiao, and walked out in silence.

Halfway through, two people who were also wearing white coats came across from each other. The other nodded to them first, and they also nodded back, only to find that the other party seemed to be taken aback.

After all, it was two men who were stripped of their clothes by them, neither of whom were short, at least 1.75 meters tall. Although the two girls, one is 1.68 meters and the other is 1.63 meters, they are considered tall in the girls, but they are still a bit short after all.

Song Jinxi followed Lin Xiaoxiao and accelerated his pace. Following the memory, walking around in the corridor, finally saw a door that looked like a gate.

They just heard footsteps behind them before they even approached the door.

"I was found, run." She said, and ran away.

Song Jinxi followed behind him, only feeling that the chance of a successful escape was slim.

She thought that the heroine had a halo of the protagonist, following behind the heroine, maybe she could escape by chance. Unexpectedly, the halo of the protagonist didn't seem to be very good, and they were caught back.

After being caught, they were thrown back into the room just now, and at the same time they were given two handcuffs. It was completely cool now.


Jinyu Group Headquarters Building.

CEO's office.

Sitting at the desk, Shen Liuchen kept reminiscing about last night's dreams in his mind.

It was a memory from 20 years ago, and he couldn't remember the appearance of a girl 20 years ago.

It seems that he was affected by force majeure, and his memory of Song Jinxi became more and more blurred, making him a little scared, worried that he would forget Song Jinxi before the biochemical medicine was developed.

He recalled the scene 20 years ago over and over again, but Song Jinxi's face seemed to be getting blurred, and even the outline of his facial features could not be seen clearly.

He clenched his fists with both hands, trying his best to restrain his inner violent tendencies. He just endured it for less than ten seconds, he still couldn't restrain it, got up suddenly, and swept everything on the table to the ground.

He must not just forget her like that.

Shaking hands and digging out the paper and pen from the drawer, slender hands quickly applied on the white paper, first the eyebrows, nose, then lips, and finally the outline of the entire face. With his description, the girl's face in his mind seemed to start to become clear.

After some retouching, a sketch of a cute girl was produced. Shen Liuchen called an assistant.

Seeing the mess in the office, the assistant seemed to be used to it, and he walked to the desk.

"Twenty copies were made and pasted all over the office." Shen Liuchen finished speaking, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes.

The assistant went out with the sketch.

He has long been accustomed to the boss' moodiness-no, the boss never seems to have a happy side, he has always been indifferent and irritable.

Obviously just yesterday, he asked him to remove all the sketches in the office and locked them all in the safe. Today he drew a new sketch and asked him to copy twenty points to cover the entire office. The whole person seemed to be amnesia. edge.

In the eyes of the assistant, how strong Shen Liuchen's talent and keen insight are in the market, and how big his personality defects are.

It’s just that Shen Liuchen’s affairs never let anyone intervene. As a life assistant, he could not help the boss in any way other than helping Shen Liuchen with sketching.

He glanced at the sketch, and the girl in the painting looked very cute and beautiful. She was a beauty.

He had also seen the girl when she grew up, but her appearance seemed to stay at the age of eighteen forever, and no sketches after the age of eighteen had ever appeared, which made the assistant have a bold guess.

The boss’ sweetheart may have passed away ten years ago.

That's why he was so depressed, so pure-hearted.


The assistant moved quickly, and when Shen Liuchen opened his eyes again, the surroundings were all sketches of little girls.

The assistant is already cleaning up the office.

Shen Liuchen looked at him lazily, followed his movements and looked around, watching, his eyes suddenly locked on a printed photo.

Her thin lips pressed slightly, and the whole person slowly sat upright.

Then, I got up, walked slowly over, and pulled out the paper that was pressed by the paper on top, showing only half of the face of the person in the photo.

The woman in the photo, probably in her early twenties, is standing under the corner, looking at the camera with no expression.

The assistant was still packing things, but he heard Shen Liuchen say above his head: "Don't pack up, call the research institute and ask them to suspend all actions, especially don't touch the person caught last night."

When listening to Shen Liuchen's speech, the assistant first raised his head subconsciously, and saw that Shen Liuchen was holding a piece of paper in his hand, as if he was suppressing something, his holding on one side of the paper almost deformed.

The boss's voice seems to be a little wrong, and it is not the same as usual.

He quickly got up and made a call to the person in charge of the laboratory. Before he could start speaking, he saw Shen Liuchen walking out of the office striding out of the office.

"Go to the research institute."

The assistant quickly followed.

It's just that they just walked out of the office when an uninvited guest came to meet him.

The assistant remembered that the person in front of him was the second son of the Shen family, Shen Liujue.

Shen Liujue walked straight to Shen Liuchen and stood still.

"Cousin, I heard that laughter seems to be with you." He was straightforward, as if he had no intention of dealing with Shen Liuchen at all.

In the past, Shen Liuchen might not bother to talk to him, nor would he admit that he did order someone to take Lin Xiaoxiao away, but now...

He nodded slightly, "Come with me." After speaking, he bypassed Shen Liujue and left directly.

Shen Liujue didn't seem to expect him to be so easy to talk. After all, this cousin who was living outside had been working against their Shen Family Group for nearly ten years, and would not let them shed blood every time.

This time Shen Liuchen captured Lin Xiaoxiao, and the brothers thought they were going to tear their faces with Shen Liuchen. After all, they had always regarded Shen Liuchen as their own cousin before and did not do anything to Shen Liuchen.

But if Shen Liuchen really wants to hurt their relatives, even if Lin Xiaoxiao is not their biological sister, but just adopted, they can't tolerate Shen Liuchen's actions on his family.

The people in the research institute there have brought Lin Xiaoxiao and Song Jinxi to a cafe in the suburbs.

When Shen Luchen walked into the cafe, he suddenly felt a little timid.

This was the first time he experienced this feeling of being close to hometown.

However, he only paused for a while, and immediately raised his foot and walked towards the private room where Song Jinxi and the others were.

When he opened the door, his breathing was lightened, his eyes were directly locked on the woman sitting by the window, and there was a flash of madness in his eyes.

Song Jinxi also heard the sound of pushing the door, and followed the sound to look here.

The first thing she saw was the person she was thinking of.

It's just that the male god's phrase "I must kill you with my own hands" still echoed in her ears. In order not to lose her horse, she only glanced at it and forced herself to look away, pretending to be calm.

Shen Liujue followed Shen Liuchen into the private room, and the assistant closed the door behind them.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw Shen Liujue, she was stunned for a moment, then made a very excited look, and ran towards Shen Liujue.

"Second brother! I knew you would come to save me."

Shen Liujue took her into her arms, patted her on the back, and calmly said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Shen Liuchen had already arrived in front of Song Jinxi and looked at her intently.

Song Jinxi was staring at her back in a cold sweat, she lowered her head and closed her eyes severely, raised her head and pulled out an awkward smile, and said, "You... hello..."

"Song Jinxi..." The man paused, staring at her, and slowly spit out these three words.

Her voice was cold, as if it were substantive, and she was cold and sweaty.

Song Jin's suit was silly, and continued to hide his panic with a smile, and said, "Um, did you admit the wrong person?"

Shen Liuchen sneered, and suddenly reached out to grab her wrist, but was blocked by Lin Xiaoxiao who came back after calming down.

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up, standing between the two, with open arms in front of Song Jinxi.

"What are you doing? Don't bully Embroidery."

Shen Liuchen: "Embroidery... embroidery?"

Song Jinxi poked his head out and said, "That...Hello, my name is Su Xiuxiu."

Shen Liuchen lowered his head and chuckled lightly. When he raised his head again, he glanced over Lin Xiaoxiao's shoulder, looked at Song Jinxi's lowered head, and said, "Get out of the way." But he said to Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Why are you letting me go?" Lin Xiaoxiao was unwilling to show weakness.

Shen Liuchen: "Just rely on me as her husband."

Song Jinxi: "???"

I am not, I am not.

The author has something to say:    will catch insects in a while, I will correct the typo from yesterday.



?Klai Emperor Cui threw a landmine

Se-shi threw a mine

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Se-shi threw a grenade

The lover here threw a landmine

35918926 threw a mine

7532 threw a mine

Yunxiuwu Moonlight threw a mine

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