Holding the idea that it can be delayed for a while, Song Jinxi took out his mobile phone and opened the game.

"I'm not sleepy," she said, "and I don't have the habit of taking a nap."

While talking, log in to the account and enter the match.

"I recently played a new game, which is very fun. It takes time to level up. I want to level up." The reason is so good that she thinks she can successfully avoid the nap.

Shen Liuchen walked to her and sat down, took the phone in one hand, and frowned when he watched the hero selection screen.

"I can't spend money to upgrade experience?" he asked.

Song Jinxi snatched the phone back again, and found that in that short period of time, one of her favorite shooter heroes had been robbed, and she couldn't help but flatten her mouth.

Teammates in this junior round like to grab shooters, and there are often several shooters in a game. If you don't grab a shooter, you can grab a wizard. From time to time, you can see the three-law goddess and even the five-law goddess combination...

Song Jinxi played one of the dwarf shooters relatively smoothly. Generally, in this kind of junior round, as long as she can get the dwarf shooter, whether or not she assisted her, she could blow the opponent out.

But now that dwarf shooter has been robbed, and her teammates have locked on the hero, and it is impossible to let it out, so she has to go back and choose another dwarf shooter.

"This is a MOBA game, which is different from general upgrade streaming games. There is a limit on the experience and gold coins that can be gained every day in the game. Not all games can be used to buy experience with money." Song Jinxi said.

So far, including Song Jinxi, the five-man team has two mages, two shooters, and the last teammate has not chosen a hero.

That teammate had a better attitude and kept sending out "please pay attention to the lineup match" reminder, but unfortunately no one paid him any attention.

Finally, the teammate chose a hero in the support position.

Song Jinxi chose the jungler skill and sent a message of "I'm jungler" before entering the game.

As she began to enter the state, she urged Shen Liuchen to go up quickly, so that she could avoid the embarrassing situation of sharing the bed with him this time. It's just that Shen Liuchen seemed to be interested in this game, so he sat next to her and watched it.

After the game officially started, Song Jinxi didn't care about him anymore, and devoted his attention completely to the game.

She first went to get the red buff and sent a message asking for "one red", but the short archer must grab it from her. In the end she grabbed the buff by virtue of punishment, and the shooter began to stand there and hang up.

Then, curse.

Song Jinxi, who had experienced all kinds of big winds and waves a long time ago, completely ignored him, and even curled his lips indifferently, sighing in his heart:

Sure enough, a different world, the same game. No matter where you go, there are as many sprays and brain damage.

"He is scolding you." Shen Liuchen's low voice came from nearby.

Song Jinxi took the remaining two small fields and started to go to Qingye on the other side. Hearing what Shen Liuchen said, she took the time to block the shooter, and said indifferently: "It's okay, let him scold."

Perhaps because she entered the state, she is now more focused on the game, so the whole person is more relaxed. At least compared to when she faced Shen Liuchen, her current state was much easier.

As soon as she concentrated, she inadvertently ignored the idea of ​​setting up a man in front of Shen Liuchen. After going to the middle road to help the mage hit the opposite mage, she added: "Wait for the results to come out, let him Kneel and call Dad."

Shen Liuchen: "..."

She was busy clearing the field and did not notice Shen Liuchen's gaze at all.

Shen Liuchen looked at her for a while, and saw that she easily killed a hero on the opposite side, and the kill icon was displayed on the screen. She also whispered contemptuously: "Let you grab your father's pangolin."

He looked at her facial features seriously, saw that she was completely immersed in the game, and slowly let go of herself, showing her truest side in front of him.

In the previous three times together, they spent very little time alone, and the purpose of her appearance was also very clear. Basically, she disappeared after helping him avoid danger. He had no chance to understand her closer to life.

The impression of her is even general.

After she appeared this time, maybe it was to not reveal too much similarity with her before. She acted too much, and she always gave people a feeling of shrinking.

While watching her crappy performance, he wanted to directly expose her and let her stop acting. Her acting skills were really poor.

But the girl has worked so hard, and he is still not sure what the purpose of her appearance this time is, whether he will face any disaster...So, in order to prevent her from being afraid to escape, he can only act with her.

He wants to get her identity information out quickly.

After confirming that he has the ability to protect her safe and worry-free, and can leave her forever, only then can he showdown with her.

No more scruples, no need to use any excuses to spoil her.

Put her in the palm of your hand and pamper her.

I thought I was going to keep watching her dancing in front of him wearing a mask. I didn't expect that just because of a game, she would unknowingly show her other side in front of him.

Until now, he didn't know that she could also play games.

It's not just reading.

When playing the game, he was very genuine and majestic, and he was completely disrespectful even after being scolded. His ruthless expression made him want to surrender.

The image of the girl became more three-dimensional in his impression. A faint smile flashed in his beautiful phoenix eyes, recalling the icon he saw just now, and took out his phone to start downloading the game.

When Song Jinxi raised his head and stretched his bones after a round of play, he saw that Shen Liuchen was also playing this game, the hero she had just played, and his attention was drawn to him.

Seeing Shen Liuchen collecting her head neatly and looking at his record of eleven kills and zero deaths, she opened her mouth, just about to speak, and found that the assassin in the middle had disappeared.

She quickly said: "The other assassin seems to have come to catch you, run."

Shen Liuchen ignored her. Instead, he walked directly to Xiaolong's side along our wild area, and he saw the assassin in the grass.

The cooldown of the ultimate move just ended, he directly threw the ultimate move at his feet, and then hit the target with the first skill, and when he had only one-fifth of his bloodline left, the second skill moved away from the assassin.

Ran a few steps to the side, hitting Ono to **** blood.

When he hit Ono for the second time, the assassin who had not had time to catch up was blown to death.

Song Jinxi couldn't help but applaud.

"It's amazing, have you analyzed the damage data? So sure that the assassin will be blown to death?"

Shen Liuchen glanced at her, "I thought it was a basic judgment."

Song Jinxi thought about it seriously, and said, "No, it's usually a great **** who can do this. Like me playing this hero, although the skills are also very good, and often can play very beautiful records, but I can't be sure I throw it out. One of his skills will definitely be able to win heads. Sometimes when I was in team battle, I accidentally threw one skills one by one. After a while, when I received heads, I was actually embarrassed."

Shen Liuchen: "Maybe, this is the gap between the master and..."

Song Jinxi: "???"

Shen Liuchen did not say the word "caiji", but Song Jinxi knew that he meant it.

Because this is what she just used to evaluate the shooter on the hook.

But... why does Feng Shui turn so fast? What she just said was immediately used by Shen Liuchen to evaluate her?

While they were talking, Shen Liuchen led the team to destroy the opponent and directly dismantled the crystal.

When the victory settlement sign popped up, on the settlement interface, Song Jinxi was surprised to find out——

? ? ?


She rubbed her eyes and looked over carefully, Shen Liuchen had already exited the settlement interface.

But the picture frame in the upper left corner still clearly shows: V8.

"That..." She was still stretching her neck to look at his panel, and pointed to his phone, "Can I see your number?"

Shen Liuchen handed her the phone directly, and then took her phone naturally.

After holding the phone, she first opened the hero interface...

Except for the local hero who can only be obtained by lottery, the other heroes are already there.

Look at the skin interface again...

Except for some limited skins, other skins are also available.

Look at the inscription interface again, the inscription is 0, it should be that he has not started to explore this aspect.

It seems that there is no record of the recharge limit in the game. It can only be seen that he is already a top VIP. Song Jinxi sighed from the bottom of his heart and was about to return the phone to him, but the phone vibrated.

A text message pops up.

"Verification code?" Shen Liuchen asked.

Song Jinxi wrote down the verification code before the information prompt disappeared and told him the verification code.

Seeing him tap it on her phone screen, she leaned over—

"Wait a minute!" She wanted to grab the phone back, but was blocked by one of his hands.

On the other hand, slender fingers were still tapping on the screen.

"How much did you charge?!" The money-saving wife made a heartbroken voice.

Shen Liuchen's voice was calm: "One hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand?!!!" Song Jinxi clutched his heart and squeezed out a voice from his teeth: "This is my... five months' salary!"

This is the salary she only got after she quit. In the original company, her monthly salary was only a little over 10,000.

One hundred thousand is equivalent to ten months' salary!

Her heart hurts.

Even breathing is painful.

Shen Liuchen finally stopped, took the time to look over, and said: "A wealthy wife worth hundreds of billions of dollars, please don't emphasize your 20,000 monthly salary again in the future. It will be a shame for the entire Jinyu Group to say it."

Song Jinxi opened his mouth, he wanted to say but he wanted to stop.

"You have to get used to it." Shen Liuchen said again.

He lowered his head again and continued to buy heroes.

After buying all the heroes, he pointed to the local tyrant hero who needed a lottery to get it and asked Song Jinxi: "What does this hero get through?"

Song Jinxi had mixed feelings in his heart and answered his question with difficulty: "You can get a draw in the lottery interface."

So Shen Liuchen discovered the door to the new world.

Spending money to buy glory points, he drew a circle and found that he hadn't drawn the redeemed crystal. Looking at the daily lottery limit that popped up on the screen, his good-looking brows frowned slightly.

"How can this limit the number of times?"

"Maybe it's afraid that players will throw too much money in a day and cause disputes." Song Jinxi's tone was a little flat.

For the first time, she felt so clearly that she might not be able to quickly adapt to the identity of a wealthy wife worth hundreds of billions. In terms of consumption alone, one hundred thousand yuan may be just a small amount of money for Shen Liuchen, but in her eyes, it is already a small sum of money.

Before quitting, she always had a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Excluding the monthly expenses and rent, she would have about 7,000 yuan left, which was already considered a saving.

Many people in their company work for a year, and they can't even save 50,000 yuan. There are even more of the moonlight clan, and they even take money from their families occasionally. Of course, those people are the rich second generation, and they write code just to experience life, and she can't say anything.

She worked for a year, and she had to count the year-end bonus in order to save 100,000 yuan.

He filled up the game all day.

If she is allowed to wear dresses worth tens of thousands of dollars and attend various famous scenes with him in the future, can she really stand up?

Shen Liuchen lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at her. Seeing that she was like a miserable miser, a flash of amusement flashed in her eyes, and she continued to explore other pages.

Sure enough, he discovered a new way to play.

He started to smoke his skin.

I don’t know if it’s because he charged more money and people began to turn into Europe. This is different from the outcome of drawing local tyrant heroes. This time, he only drew once, and he drew the golden skin of a female mage Song Jinxi wanted most. .

Song Jinxi's eyes widened and suddenly sat up and leaned over.

"Golden skin!" She covered her mouth, thinking that Shen Liuchen is playing her account now, which means that she will also be a person with golden skin in the future, and almost moved and cried when she thought about it: "Woo... even one time. Now, what kind of luck is this?"

I heard that it takes two thousand dollars to get the golden skin. She was not willing to pay for the money. She once seriously planned to earn amethyst coins by playing games every day. This skin could be obtained in the first half of the year.

When she first started on the mission to rescue Shen Liuchen, she was only 30 coins short of her golden skin. She counted the days every day to save amethyst coins, and working hard was like working.

When she just downloaded this game this morning and started to practice her account, she saw Amethyst Coins, and she was still very disappointed at the time, thinking that she would start saving Amethyst Coins again, all the efforts she had made were in vain.

Unexpectedly, just a few hours later, she would directly have golden skin.

Is this the reward given to her by God for saving the male god?

——No, the male **** hasn't saved him yet, the more he is saved, the more crooked. This reward was not given by God, but by the male god.

So touched.

Seeing her so happy, Shen Liuchen was also infected by her, smiling at her: "I like it so much?"

The deep voice was nice and gentle, and seeing his faint smile, Song Jinxi was completely happy.

"Like it!" she said, nodding her head repeatedly to emphasize the joy in her heart.

Shen Liuchen: "Reward."

Song Jinxi didn't know, so she blinked at him.

"Since I helped you get the skin, what reward will you give me?" Shen Liuchen's voice was a little low, as if coaxing.

The deep voice, the ambiguous tone, the implied meaning is too obvious, Song Jinxi's ears are a little soft, and he did not expect that the male **** would be so terrible when he picks up people.

"That..." She reduced her joy, lowered her head to her fingers, and then turned her back to Shen Liuchen, pretending to look at the scenery on the other side of the living room.

Is he flirting with her?

So embarrassed...

She was full of sweet distress.

After a while, the back of her head was wrapped in Shen Liuchen's big hands, and she gently and forcefully forced her to turn her head back.

He leaned forward slightly, lowered his forehead slightly, and whispered in front of her, "Give me a reward, Sisi."

With a "Xixi" exit, Song Jinxi strangely heard the subtlety, and knew that he was not calling her, but the former "Song Jinxi".

She didn't know what to say for a while.

Is he looking at her once through her now?

The emotion and joy just now changed, and even the chaotic Chun Xin was calmed down.

She just feels a little sour now.

very sour……

She actually started to be jealous of herself.

She whimpered from the bottom of her heart, relying on Shen Liuchen that she might not be able to see her expression when she was too close, she narrowed her mouth, and showed her full suffocation on her face.

What a shame.

When reading novels in the past, she saw that some male protagonists were green, eating their own jealousy without knowing it. She would only show her aunt's smile while feeling sweet. I didn't expect to be replaced by herself now...

This feeling is too sour.

She can't bear it.

As everyone knows, Shen Liuchen half-squinted her eyes, but can actually see her expression clearly.

The smile in his eyes flashed, and he continued to tease her, whispering softly, "Kiss me."

After waiting for a while, seeing her slow to move, Shen Liuchen lowered his eyes, suppressed the slight movement in his heart, but continued to say in a confused tone: "My Sixi, every time I do something to make her happy Will give me rewards afterwards."

Song Jinxi: "......?"

Has she lost her memory?

She...has ever rewarded the male **** before?

No, no...?

She should have no memory loss, right?

It's other people in the novel world who amnesia, isn't she? But why--

"...And will come to kiss me."

Song Jinxi: "???"


She didn't!

Could it be that...the "Sixi" of the male **** is another person?

Song Jinxi was stunned.

Is there any other "Song Jinxi" who appeared in the life of the male **** besides her, and even kissed him?

If it weren't for Shen Liuchen who was still holding the back of her head, with her forehead lowered, Song Jinxi would definitely be tempted to hold her head with both hands and ask three questions about her quality.

Who is she?

Where is she?

what is she doing?

"When she sprained her ankle, I served her a meal, and she also ate my tofu..."

Song Jinxi: Puff——


She seemed to have really said "you give me your tofu". Although she thought of teasing him when she spoke, she really only ate his tofu. The tofu is just a vegetable and it hasn't risen. To the actual "eat him tofu" ah hey!

Then he is talking upside down now, is his memory confused?

She forced herself to remain calm and began to analyze seriously.

"Give me one of the only two buns and give me a sweet smile..."

This is obviously what happened during the first crossing, why is it confused with the "tofu eating incident"?

"...I often hook me on the bed, making me want to give her my life."

Song Jinxi felt that he seemed to have guessed something, and for a moment he was a little bit crying.


The male **** is insane.

The system said he was paranoid, irritable, light sleep... etc. personality problems. Didn't he say that his memory and spirit would be confused?

"That...that..." Song Jinxi interrupted him and asked, "Didn't you say that you didn't spend a long time with her? She...could it be that...have been with your...that?"

auzw.comShen Liuchen: "..."

He stiffened slightly and let go of her.

Sit back to the original position.

Song Jinxi probably firmed up his guess, leaning over and asking: "When did she leave? How old were you at that time?"

Shen Liuchen did not speak, as if he was answering this question with silent resistance.

After a while, just when she sat back and planned to give up the question, Shen Liuchen spoke.

"Ten years ago." He said.

His voice is no longer as low and dull as before, instead it is calm and indifferent.

Song Jinxi pretended not to understand: "What?"

Shen Liuchen lowered his eyelids, and the meaning of his eyes was unclear. He explained, "She has been away for ten years."

"That..." She didn't move a look on her face, but in fact she was quietly relieved.

To be honest, she had another bold guess in her heart just now, and she was also thinking about whether there was another "Song Jinxi" in this world that had appeared in his world.

After all, it is very magical that she can cross into the world of novels through the system. Then, it is difficult to guarantee whether there are parallel time and space in the real world. Is there a "Song Jinxi" in parallel time and space?

That "Song Jinxi" also liked him very much and appeared in the world of novels, trying to save him.

It seems a bit whimsical to say it, but after listening to Shen Liuchen so naturally, "She hooked him on the bed", she really couldn't control herself and didn't think too much.

"She left, but she often appeared in my dreams." Shen Liuchen turned his head and looked at her, his eyes deep, seemingly meaningful.

Song Jinxi's expression was dull.

He stretched out her hand and raised her chin frivolously, looked at her face carefully, and finally looked at her lips, and slowly said, "Sisi in the dream is a fairy. As a stand-in, you should study more."

"Study...?" Song Jinxi was shocked, "How to learn this?"

He leaned slightly and looked at her sitting on the sofa half a head shorter than her. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile: "Sixi, I heard that... a man who has been abstinent for too long, once he has been banned, Women can't bear it easily."

He laughed a little wickedly, and what he said caught people off guard.

Song Jinxi searched for a long time before finding her own voice, and said hesitantly: "Then... then don't open meat?"

She is an innocent little girl who also has no experience. Thinking about the various descriptions of women's first pains that she had read on the Internet, she was afraid of this.

He also said that "women can't bear it easily", which will make her mentally shadowed in advance!

Shen Liuchen let go of her jaw and stood up and said, "From tomorrow on, you must go for a morning jog with me every morning."

Song Jinxi: "Huh?"

Why does the topic turn so fast?

Do you exercise every day to be able to tolerate it in bed?

What kind of strange logic is this...?

Why did the innocent boy who had not been seen for ten years become like this? !

How can he be so sassy!

Song Jinxi was heartbroken, thinking that she might not be able to sleep in later, she hesitated to protest: "Can we not run in the morning?"

"If your physical fitness is not strong enough, and the ability to bear it is not enough..." Shen Liuchen said slowly: "I'm afraid of making you faint."

Song Jinxi stretched out his hand to support his forehead.

He glanced at the pendulum clock on one side and said, "It's almost three o'clock, go upstairs for a nap."

Song Jinxi: "I still want to play games."

Shen Liuchen got close to her and put his hand on the back of the sofa chair behind her, "Do you want me to play adult games with you?"

Song Jinxi couldn't help it anymore, wiped his face to clean up his emotions, and reached out to push him back.

"Could you not be so serious about speaking yellowishly?" She stared at him angrily, accusing her face.

Shen Liuchen took a step back.

He was still looking at her, his smile gradually reduced, and the evil feeling completely disappeared, replaced by extremely calm and indifferent.

It seemed that the scene just now was just an illusion of Song Jinxi.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes are as black as a cloud of ink, which makes it difficult to see the emotions in them.

"We are now a legal couple, Mrs. Shen." Shen Liuchen lowered his head and unzipped his cuffs, and slowly raised his eyes to look at her, "Besides, from your performance, I don't seem to be able to see how deeply rooted you are for me."

The calm tone, it seems that the ambiguous words he said just now are all used to test her reaction.

Song Jinxi was speechless for a while.

She couldn't tell at all, what he said was serious and what was testing her.

I even think that such a male **** who is uncertain and unpredictable is a bit scary.

She couldn't understand his thoughts.

"If it wasn't because of my deep love that I was willing to be a stand-in, then--" He squinted his eyes, as if he wanted to see her through, and his tone was even more cold: "For what purpose did you appear before my eyes? What?"

"Of course it's because I really like you!" Song Jinxi hurriedly said loudly.

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows slightly, his tone full of unbelief.

"This can't be blamed on my poor ability to accept,... it's really because I have never had experience in this area, so I can't keep up with your thinking for a while, I can explain it."

Song Jinxi started frantically to find reasons for himself.

"When I was in middle and high school, I was studying hard every day, and I didn't put my mind on my feelings at all. After I went to college, I knew you and started to like you secretly. I liked you for so many years."

"But I have never been able to get close to you. I can only find you in various financial magazines, and often I can't find it. You are so amazing..."

"I'm actually... I'm a very innocent person! I haven't been in a relationship before, and even the first kiss is today..." She paused, and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. After all, her first kiss was left until she was twenty-four. .

Or because of that kind of weirdness...

"You can doubt anything, but I like you. You can't doubt it." She was righteous and uttered: "If it wasn't for liking you, who would marry someone who met for the first time? When I went to my household registration, I even lied to my parents that they were pregnant, completely disregarding my reputation."

"Then why don't you give yourself to me completely?" Shen Liuchen pointed out the key issue sharply.

"Then—" Song Jinxi opened his mouth, "I've said it all, I'm innocent!"

"I'm twenty-seven, Sissi." He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, loosened his bow tie, and said, "When I was in high school, I had a plan. When we were in college, we would be together and graduate from college. Get married directly."

"Now ten years have passed, if you didn't say you want to be a stand-in, I would even continue to wait alone." He said.

Song Jinxi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It turned out that he wanted to marry her and spend his life with her at such an early age?

But at that time, he obviously didn't show anything, just went to the library with her once, and...and he went to the infirmary with her once.

She couldn't figure out when he had this idea, obviously he was still very impatient when she said those strange love words to tease him.

In just a week, when did he start to change his mind, no longer bother her, but want to be with her forever?

Is his feelings too introverted, she was too nervous at the time, and did not notice the change in his attitude?

She is not sure.

"You said you want to be a stand-in, but you don't have any self-knowledge to be a stand-in." Shen Liuchen said, "If you compare it to'becoming a real stand-in,' you prefer to like me secretly, I hope you can explain it as soon as possible. "

Song Jinxi: "It's not..."

"Think about it seriously and answer me when you are sure," he said.

"I..." Song Jinxi couldn't turn around for a while, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It seems that since she came in through the crossing, for various reasons, she has often suffered from this kind of aphasia.

It's completely different from her original character.

As a female programmer who has undergone a science class and has spent a long time among men, her personality is actually relatively free and easy. ——Of course, her heart is always a little girl with various fantasies.

But anyway, she often said whatever she wanted. In real life, there is rarely a time when this kind of hesitation will stop.

In the world of fiction, perhaps because she is facing someone she likes, or because she is restricted in all aspects, she often does this, and she can’t easily say anything.

Afraid of falling off the horse, afraid of chaos.

This feeling is very bad, she feels very uncomfortable. The status quo cannot be changed in a short time.

Over time, she didn't even know what she looked like when she was in front of Shen Liuchen.

Doing things with fearful words, how to think and how to be aggrieved.

She has not yet figured out how to change her current situation, and Shen Liuchen did not give her much opportunity to explain.

He answered the phone, and his words meant to go out. Song Jinxi waited quietly for him to finish the call, and saw that he turned his head and said to her: "Sixi has the habit of taking a nap. You go to the bedroom for at least half an hour and I will go out."

He really wants to go out.

In other words, they don't need to take a nap together.

Song Jinxi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay." She nodded and asked hesitantly: "Where are you going?"

"Before you are sure to play the role of my wife," Shen Liuchen slowly buttoned back the button that had just been untied, adjusted his sleeves, and said, "I have no comment on whereabouts."

Song Jinxi: "Oh."

He gave her a meaningful look at last, then turned and went out.

After watching him leave, Song Jinxi sat back on the sofa silently, feeling worried for a while.

I always feel that Shen Liuchen now seems to have multiple personalities.

It was obviously mild and drizzle just now, and you might change your personality in the blink of an eye.

In the last second, I was still in a yellow tone with her, and the next second I suddenly became cold and sentimental, and even meant to let her go.

Saying to let her consider, in fact, the meaning is obvious, if she can't satisfy him in all aspects, he may give up her "stand-in".

As for how satisfied...

Song Jinxi leaned on the back of the sofa chair and raised his hand to cover his eyes.


Before crossing in, she was still complaining to the system. If the virgin/female/membrane had annual rings like a tree trunk, there would be twenty-four circles on her current membrane... I didn’t expect this just to pass in. The male **** is going to make stuffed with her sauce.

To be honest, when she was reading novels, she also saw some **** plots. Many times when she saw the heroes and heroines roll the sheets together, she would also look forward to being treated tenderly by her future husband.

Just really have to experience...

She really felt embarrassed.

It is difficult to take that step.

What's more, if she really had something to do with Shen Liuchen now...she was in the battle as a "stand-in", she always felt a little lumps in her heart.

It's really uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, she was a little bored. Seeing the phone on one side, she thought it might as well play a game to relax.

It's just that she just picked up the phone, and the aunt who didn't know where she was hiding came out.

"Madam, you'd better go for a nap first." She said.

Song Jinxi silently put the phone on his lap and asked, "Did he let you supervise my nap?"

The aunt shook her head and said, "No, the husband didn't explain me anything. It's just that the husband cares about a person the first time, so the wife shouldn't worry him."

Song Jinxi went upstairs in silence.

Turning to a pen and a notebook in the bedside table, she began to write flowcharts on paper.

1. Refuse to have a relationship with the male **** → the male **** is unhappy and decides to kick her away → GAMEOVER.

After writing, she typed an "X" at the end of this article.

another situation--

2. Reluctantly had a relationship with the male **** → the male **** was dissatisfied with her performance and decided to kick her away → GAMEOVER.

This will not work either.

She put down the pen and rolled around on the bed holding the quilt, a thought flashed through her mind.

That is--

Why does she have to mind the identity of "stand-in"?

She was originally Song Jinxi, the white moonlight in the heart of the male god. Only to avoid being investigated of her origins after being discovered by the male god, and to avoid a series of risks afterwards, he had to pretend to be a "substitute" to approach him.

No matter what the male **** thinks, she is Song Jinxi himself, and she really likes him so much that she is willing to marry him and stay in the novel world forever for him.

Then why should she care about herself, not wanting to be with the male **** under the identity of a "substitute"?

The male **** is twenty-seven this year, and he hasn't used meat yet. If she doesn't let herself be indulged in the identity of a "substitute", she should actually feel sorry for him first.

She likes him too and wants him...

Why must you resist and not let yourself enjoy it?

What kind of horns did she drill before, making herself so entangled?

Now that she is going to play the role of "Song Jinxi", she might as well act in her true colors and show her side in front of the male god, so that the male **** will fall in love with her again.

It's the first time for both of them to be with such a handsome guy. Shouldn't this feeling of ending with a male **** for the first time be very beautiful and very exciting?

Simply earned it.

Moreover, she can blow the pillow wind and make the male **** give up the idea of ​​destroying the world...

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this line of thought was right, and she even recalled how she felt when she was kissed by Shen Liuchen's tongue at noon today. Lie on the bed and touched the corners of her lips, she couldn't help but smirked.

Suddenly I feel so stupid!

It turned out that the male **** was pushed away because of the horns.

Next, she must perform well, even if she still "cannot get his heart" now, she must get his people first.

Moreover, it seems that a child has to deal with father Su and mother Su, and she has to work harder.

Thinking about it, she slowly fell into a deep sleep.


Shen Liuchen didn't know yet. Song Jinxi had already done his ideological work in just ten minutes.

He even planned to actually hook him onto the bed.

After handling the matter, he returned home. The aunt said that Song Jinxi was still sleeping in the building in the morning. He went upstairs and slowly walked into the bedroom.

Half of the girl's face was buried in the quilt and she slept deeply.

His small face was flushed, his breathing was small, and he looked so cute.

This was what he had been looking forward to for many years, a scene he had only seen in his dreams, but he didn't expect it to be true today, making him somewhat afraid to step forward for a while, for fear that everyone in front of him would become a phantom.

He stood in front of the bed for a long time, looked at the time, thinking that the custom-made clothes should be coming soon, he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes suddenly attracted by the nightstand that was slightly opened.

He opened the bedside table, and the books and pens in it were arranged according to his habits. It's just that he always felt that something was wrong, so he picked up the notebook and looked through it slowly.

Except for some records he had written, the remaining pages were blank without writing. Just when he was about to put the notebook back, he suddenly saw a small scrap of paper at the end.

He erected the book, and as expected, vaguely saw traces of some characters.

He put down his notebook and his eyes fell on the trash can not far away.

He walked over.

There are very few things in the trash can, almost none, because the aunt cleans up the trash twice a day. There was a white paper towel inside, which was crumpled and thrown out in the trash can, looking a little bit overwhelming.

He twisted up the paper towel, and he saw a ball of white paper under the paper towel. I picked up the white paper and opened it to see that it was some small pieces of paper.

The piece of paper was not torn to pieces, but it was not easy to put it together. It took Shen Liuchen nearly five minutes to restore the paper to its original appearance.

I also saw the words written by Song Jinxi.

After looking at those words for a while, Shen Liuchen thoughtfully. She only wrote two routes and didn't write any further, and she didn't know what decision she made in the end.

He carefully collected the shredded paper and walked out carrying the trash can. Put the shredded paper into the cabinet in the study and locked it, and asked the aunt to change a clean trash bag, and then returned to the room with the trash can.

Began to harass Song Jinxi who was sleeping.

The author has something to say:    Don't take the settings in the novel world seriously, it seems that the real world cannot be charged with 10W at a time.


Thank you for your nutrient solution and Bawang ticket, good~~~ I like it~~~~ I still want~~~~o*////▽////*q

There is no overlord ticket today (Crying

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