What she said was different from what he expected. Suddenly, Shen Liuchen didn't want her to do so easily, so he pointed to her mobile phone.

"The game has started," he said.

Song Jinxi looked back at the phone screen, because it took a long time for her to hang up, and the barrage prompt "You must be active" just appeared on it.

She glanced at Shen Liuchen's abdomen with some reluctance, sat back in silence, picked up the phone and started playing games.

However, the opponents in this round were a bit powerful, and the teammates were too bad. In the two or three minutes when she hung up, the top lane and the bottom lane actually sent two heads each.

After she picked up the phone, the screen showed a prompt to kill in the middle.

The overall record is "0-5".

Zero kills and five deaths.

Their team has three shooters and two mages.

There is a mage in the middle, a shooter in the top lane, a shooter and a wizard in the bottom lane, which means that no one is jungler.

Song Jinxi thought that since she had no place to grow, she would just be a jungler, but when her jungler was just halfway through, the assassin on the opposite side didn't know where it came from, and she was slashing at her.

The assassin's level and equipment all crushed her, and Song Jinxi, no matter how good the operation, was taken away by the assassin.

But she obviously entangled with the assassin on the opposite side in the wild area for a long time, and the two teammates were nearby, and there was no one to support her.

Song Jinxi couldn't help cursing "junk".

What is even more irritating is that after she died, a tall archer turned on the taunt mode, saying that she would either hang up the phone and give the head off as soon as she came back. It would be better to just hang up at the spring.

So angry Song Jinxi directly blocked everyone's information.

Continue jungle development.

But the assassin on the opposite side seemed to be staring at her. No matter where she went, the assassin could always rush to hit her suddenly. She slipped through the snake skin several times, and finally gave away two heads.

A record of zero kills and three deaths.

Shen Liuchen sat next to her, watching her struggle in pain for a while, but she was still taken away by the other side, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

Seeing her a little frustrated, it seemed that she was affected by this game, and he asked in a low voice in her ear:

"need my help?"

Song Jinxi glanced at him, a little frustrated.

"This hero is different from the one you played last time. I don't know if you can play it."

Shen Liuchen stretched out his hand, "I will try."

Anyway, she was struggling with nothing, so Song Jinxi had to hand over the phone to Shen Liuchen.

It just happened to be the resurrection time.

She looked at Shen Liuchen and didn't directly confront the opponent, but continued to play wild, very skilled.

It's just that his walking position is not the same as hers, and his position is more flexible, and his position is very suitable for escape. Once there is wind and grass, he can directly escape.

The assassin on the opposite side caught him several times but he escaped.

After a while, everyone's economy was up, and Shen Liuchen's equipment was also out. When the assassin came to harass him again, Shen Liuchen took the action.

The assassin was terminated.

Song Jinxi couldn't help but bulged his palms.

"You are amazing!" She exclaimed, then pointed at him and asked: "Did you secretly practice the hero behind my back?"

Shen Liuchen glanced at her indifferently.

"Basic position." The voice was also very calm, not at all the aura that a person who has just experienced a limit anti-killing should have.

Song Jinxi choked with these four words, was silent for a while, and agreed with him.

"It's also because you ran away, didn't keep giving away people, saved some money, and now the equipment is out, if it were me, I might be able to fight back."

She was obviously not very confident when she said this, but Shen Liuchen did not reveal her.

Instead, he made a soft "um" sound.

Song Jinxi got his affirmation, couldn't help but laugh, and continued to watch him operate.

Finally, those teammates also started to cooperate with him.

As if where he went, those teammates would slowly gather around him subconsciously.

Later, in a team battle, the only shooter on the opposite side was first taken away by Shen Liuchen. Shen Liuchen changed hands and killed the opposite wizard. There was still a tank and support on the opposite side, as well as an assassin.

Shen Liuchen did not hunt down the escaped auxiliary and tank, but hid in the grass.

The other two shooter teammates are on the clearing line.

At this moment, the assassin who hadn't been there appeared suddenly, and he took a teammate of the shooter in a wave, and when he wanted to chase another teammate of the shooter, he was stunned by Shen Liuchen's skill for a while.

Shen Liuchen took advantage of this one second, and after an operation, the assassin was beaten to a trace of blood, but he wanted to escape, and was taken by another teammate.

Shen Liuchen took the surviving shooter teammates and directly pushed off the two opposite towers. The shooter teammate wanted to steal the third tower. Shen Liuchen followed him for a while, but after shooting a few arrows, he vaguely saw the opposite side. When the person came back, he immediately returned.

Then the shooter teammate was caught dead.

Song Jinxi gave a "wow" and looked at him.

"You sell your teammates, Shen Liuchen!"

"He doesn't observe the enemy's position himself, he deserves it if he died." Shen Liuchen's tone was still very calm.

Song Jinxi pointed to the game screen and said: "That teammate must be scolding you now, believe it or not?"

After she finished speaking, she reached out and cancelled the setting of blocking teammate messages.

Seeing that the dead teammate had just sent a message, he sincerely admitted the mistake and said that she was no longer greedy.

Song Jinxi: "..."

Then the teammate sent another message.

Directly pointed out the name of the dwarf hero Song Jinxi played, and said: "I won't swear casually in the future. Can you add a friend to play with me when the game is over, little brother?"


Song Jinxi: "..."

This is treated differently...

The teammate was still saying things like "you can play games with him with wheat", "will you give me a little brother" and so on.

Song Jinxi snatched the phone from Shen Liuchen and replied: "I'm sorry, my husband was helping me fight just now. Is he particularly good?"

Unexpectedly, that teammate was silent for a while, and directly started the voice.

Song Jinxi did not turn on the wheat, but without turning off the voice, he could still hear his teammates.

To her surprise, the teammate just now didn't start selling no matter how angry he was. He just typed and scolded her, but now he turned on the voice directly.

A sweet voice came from the phone.

"Is the little brother still? Are you playing the game, little brother? Was it your wife who was typing just now? Little brother, little brother, do you want to play games together? What am I going to do? Can you take me? I'm cuter than your wife, and more obedient than your wife."

Song Jinxi almost died of anger.

She had never seen such a person, seduce a man in front of other people's wives, and this woman was shameless.

Song Jinxi also opened the microphone: "My voice is a hundred times better than yours. I'm so good, I'm also good, how old are you? Rubbish."

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said, "Little brother, little brother, I'm 36D."

Song Jinxi silently glanced at his chest...

It's over, she is just a weak B cup.

How to do? It was completely compared.

She felt sad for a while.

Originally, this teammate was an insignificant person, at least for Shen Liuchen. She didn't plan to pay attention to what she said, and even felt that Song Jinxi's blocking of teammate information was a wise and easy task.

He can focus on playing games.

But I didn't expect Song Jinxi to fight alone.

Shen Liuchen thought she was very cute like this.

Because she would fight with others for him.

If she didn't care about him, why would she quarrel with others boringly?

He also glanced at Song Jinxi's chest, and whispered in her ear, "It's okay, I like you so small. It just happens to be controlled by one hand."

Song Jinxi: "??!"

She looked at Shen Liuchen with a dull expression, and countless bullets flashed through her mind——

Never thought you were such a Shen Liuchen.

What happened to this sudden show?

While she was staying, Shen Liuchen took the mobile phone from her again to activate the character who had already started to move freely, and turned off all information at the same time.

I ignored that teammate.

Even when the teammate was following him, he deliberately sold her.

Song Jinxi also saw this scene, and felt that Shen Liuchen's doing so was really relieved and made her feel good.

She couldn't help but turn her face away and snickered.

After smiling, he turned his head and was kissed by Shen Liuchen who had leaned in at some point. While she was covering her lips and shy, Shen Liuchen sat back casually and took three more heads.

From the beginning of the game, he was beaten by the opponent without the ability to fight back, and then he turned back to victory. Almost all his credit was due to him. He took more than half of the team's head.

At the end of the game, Song Jinxi turned his attention to him again looking at the explosion of the crystal on the opposite side.

"Can I look at your abs now?"

Shen Liuchen raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her with a smile.

"Really just taking a look?" He asked in a deep voice.

Originally, Song Jinxi really planned to just take a look, but when he asked him, he seemed to have other thoughts in his heart.

She lowered her head to her fingers, hesitated for a while, and looked at Shen Liuchen carefully.

"Then...can you touch it again?"

After speaking, he gave Shen Liuchen a "one" gesture, as if he was promising that she was really just touching it.

Shen Liuchen said, "I was shown to you, what about you?"

"Me?" Song Jin was shocked.

I always feel that his eyes are a bit malicious.

If he showed her his chest muscles...what would she show him?

See her vest line?

But she doesn't have this thing at all.

She is thin, so there is no fat on her belly, but it is absolutely impossible to have high-end things like waistcoats.

Does...he wants to see her breasts?

That is absolutely impossible.

Song Jinxi shook his head, sighed silently, lowered his head and said, "Otherwise, forget it."

A smile flashed across Shen Liuchen's eyes, and he lifted his shirt silently. Seeing that she was still bowing her head and not paying attention to his movements, he reached out and grabbed her hand and placed it on his abdomen.

Song Jinxi first lowered his head and touched it hesitantly, then couldn't help but look up, touching his abdominal muscles, feeling the warm touch and vigorous explosive power...

Can't help but exclaimed.

Then she felt it, and suddenly found that somewhere in Shen Liuchen seemed to be slowly changing.

And it is getting worse.

Song Jinxi paused and looked up very slowly.

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