Compared with her tough attitude, Shen Liuchen looked calmer.

"Just want to have a baby?" he asked calmly.

Listening to his non-emotional voice, Song Jinxi's facial expression was hesitant.

She felt that Shen Liuchen was angry, but she didn't know what caused him to be angry.

"Then why are you resisting children so much?" She asked back: "He is the crystallization of our love and the proof of our love. Do you think I want to give birth to a child by myself? It's not because of that person. It's you?"

Shen Liuchen was silent.

"Even if you are worried that he may compete with you after he is born, but when the child grows up, he will definitely find his other half. The only person who will always be with me is you, and the person I love the most is only you. What do you do? Jealous?"

Shen Luchen remained silent.

"Really, you have to believe me. If it wasn't for liking you, why would I want to have a baby with you?" She tried to find reasons from various angles, hoping to convince him: "Do you think it hurts to have a baby? For a woman, giving birth is like a foot pedal—"

Halfway through this, she suddenly stopped talking.

What she wants to say is that a woman giving birth is equivalent to stepping into a ghost gate with one foot. Over the ages, more women have died in the delivery room. In this case, she still wanted to give him two children, which is enough to prove her love for him.

However, halfway through the conversation, she suddenly remembered that the word "death" was too heavy for Shen Liuchen to be mentioned.

Shen Liuchen obviously refused to let go of this assumption.

"What did one foot step into?" He squinted his eyes and asked back: "One foot stepped into the ghost gate?"

Song Jinxi felt that she had lifted a rock and hit her in the foot.

She thought for a while and started to look for reasons: "That's right, giving birth is indeed dangerous, but now that the medicine is so advanced, isn't there a cesarean section? In case of bad luck, we can also choose a cesarean section. what!"

"What's more, I have confidence in my own body. I think I will be able to give birth to the baby smoothly and give you a healthy and good-looking baby." After she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of another possibility and looked Looking at Shen Liuchen beamingly: "Let me tell you that my grandmother's line seems to have many twins. The daughters of my two uncles have given birth to twins. Maybe I can give you twins too!"

After she finished speaking, she crawled from the head of the bed to the end of the bed with her hands and feet, sitting on the bed and looking up at Shen Liuchen.

Reached out and grabbed his hand hanging beside him and shook it gently.

"Besides, we have so many ideas now. It's not always certain when the child will come. It depends on luck." She smiled at him, "Let's let it go, can we?"

Seeing her take the initiative to show her favor, Shen Liuchen also softened her tone:

"I'm not ready yet."

He said, gently pulling the broken hair from his forehead to one side for her.

"We just met again, and we haven't really enjoyed our time with you...I've been waiting for you for thirteen years, Xixi, do you feel bad for me?"

Song Jinxi's expression was slightly stagnant.

...It seems to be the same.

So she was silent.

She didn't know that Shen Liuchen's mood had actually reached a critical point.

If she was not persuaded this time, but no matter how he persuaded, she would always insist on having a baby with him immediately. Then, he would think that "giving a child" was indeed one of her tasks this time.

If so, he may not be able to control his emotional changes.

And if she is persuaded and puts down this plan for the time being, it means that she is not particularly concerned about the matter of "giving a child", but is really just out of the idea of ​​"want a love crystallization with him" .

Fortunately, the current situation is the second kind, and Shen Liuchen quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He rubbed her little head, softly soothed: "I was too impatient just now, your legs are not good, we are not in a hurry..."

Halfway through speaking, he cleared his throat pretendingly, and deliberately avoided the word.

"When your legs are healed, we will..."

He did not finish speaking, but Song Jinxi knew what he did not say.

When Shen Liuchen said this, it was like saying indirectly that she was the dissatisfied person.

Although she was indeed the one who pestered him first, she also used the radical method on him...

She was a little embarrassed, and quietly plucked the palm of the male lead, and said unconsciously, "I'm nothing, I'm just afraid that you will be suffocated. After all, you are 27 years old and there is no woman... "

A smile flashed across Shen Liuchen's eyes.

He lowered his head and kissed her smooth forehead, and said, "Knowing that you love me, then you should hurry up and take care of the injured leg, eh?"

Song Jinxi bowed his head and nodded.

She was so enthusiastic, like a fascinating fairy, now she's back to her original shy appearance. She is like a fairy with a thousand faces, no matter which side he loves.

"Let's go out, I will play the game with you?" Shen Liuchen said, "Yesterday's points have not been spent yet, so you can continue to draw."

Song Jinxi nodded, and proactively stretched out his hands towards him, and Shen Liuchen took advantage of the trend and hugged her sideways.

Hold her back to the living room.

Shen Liuchen took her mobile phone and put it aside, then took out his own mobile phone.

His mobile phone is a pure black style, which looks very technological, low-key and luxurious. The phone case is frosted, and Song Jinxi couldn't help feeling it, feeling the delicate and itchy touch.

But when she wanted to take his mobile phone, she found that Shen Liuchen was holding it tightly.

"Why? Reluctant to play with me?" she said, and grabbed it again.

Found unable to grab.

Shen Liuchen smiled, grabbed her index finger, and pressed it several times on the fingerprint recognition area of ​​the phone. Song Jinxi watched him collect her fingerprints, and then another operation, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"You also record my fingerprints. I can look at your phone anytime in the future. Don't you think there will be no privacy?"

"So, to be fair--" Shen Liuchen said, holding Song Jinxi's hand, and unlocking the lock screen of her mobile phone.

In front of Song Jinxi, he recorded his fingerprints into her mobile phone: "That's it."

Song Jinxi narrowed his mouth.

Okay, it's really fair.


Her husband is too wealthy, so Song Jinxi doesn't have to worry about money at all.

There is no job at the moment, and Shen Liuchen needs to open the back door for her for the next job.

She is not the kind of hard-hearted person. Since her husband is the chief executive of the company, she can open the back door for her. She has a lucrative job. Even if she has achieved her goal of being an improper housewife, she won’t mind the job. how did it get here.

There is no need to worry about the future and work, just as it is now, the working day is turned into a weekend by her and Shen Liuchen.

The two of them sat on the sofa and played games all morning.

This feeling of not having to go to work is really cool.

In particular, their record is very beautiful. In just over three hours in the morning, they actually achieved a good score of 20 consecutive games without losing a record.

The main reason was that in more than half of the rounds, the opponent was completely blown up by Shen Liuchen's sorrow operation. Usually, he directly ordered surrender within six minutes.

On one occasion, there was even an opponent in a row. After being beaten and surrendered by Shen Liuchen for the first time, the opponent just hung up when he met him for the second time. At first, his teammates scolded him. After being blown up by Shen Liuchen several times, his teammates also succumbed to reality.

Hang up collectively.

When it was time to surrender, I directly clicked surrender.

This kind of abusive food feels very good. After Song Jinxi put down his phone, he couldn't help holding Shen Liuchen and rewarded him with several scented kisses.

Finally, Shen Liuchen gave him a deep kiss.

When I was kissed fascinated by the kiss, I was confused and handed over the power of the chef at noon today...

Sitting on the sofa, Song Jinxi touched his slightly swollen lips and looked at the back of Shen Liuchen who walked to the kitchen contentedly, and couldn't help sinking into thought.

Is it so difficult these days to grab the rights of a housewife?

She even suspected that Shen Liuchen just kissed her just to lust/seduce her, otherwise, how could she just take the opportunity to leave the head chef right when she was kissed overwhelmed?

Too much.

Actually use sex/temptation for this kind of thing.

Just...Why does Shen Liuchen want to be a chef so much?

Besides being afraid that she would cut to herself again, could it be...

His cooking skills are very good?

But he said that he has been busy making money all these years and should not have much time to learn cooking.

Thinking of this, she sneaked up to the kitchen door, poked out a small head, trying to check the enemy.

But she didn't want Shen Liuchen to just turn around, as if going to get something in the refrigerator.

The spy ahead was caught.

Song Jinxi scratched his head, cleared his throat, and righteously said: "You have snatched the right to be the chef from me by improper methods. I have the right to supervise whether you poisoned the meal and wanted to die with me."

The corners of Shen Liuchen's mouth rose slightly.

"It's not poison/medicine." He said, taking two boxes of packaged ingredients out of the refrigerator.

Song Jinxi watched him unpack the packaging skillfully and began to wash the vegetables. It's just that his back is facing her, blocking her sight, she doesn't know what he is washing.

"Neither sleeping pills," she said.

Shen Liuchen paused slightly, and he turned his head to look at her: "Are spring/medicine okay?"

Song Jinxi: "???"

"You do it slowly, call me when you are done, and I will play two more games." She ran away after speaking.

While thinking in my heart:

The male **** seems to be getting more and more showy, what should I do?

Song Jinxi believed that she was good at technology, and thought she could still abuse food even without Shen Liuchen.

However, perhaps because the previous 20 consecutive victories had too much impact, the next few game operators matched her with various trash teammates and opponents like gods.

This time, without Shen Liuchen trying to turn the tide, Song Jinxi naturally lost very thoroughly.

She was hung up and beaten by various opponents, and she was always sold by her teammates.

Obviously the team played well, and the teammates even ran away. The jungler's jungler, the clearing lane of the clearing line, and the kind of tank that chased the remaining blood and ran half the map, and was finally killed by the tank...

Just hit her on the buddha system.

Anyway, today's gold coins have already earned her head, and it doesn't make much sense to hit it again. It's not a ranking, and there is no rank to promote her.

She sighed, couldn't help cursing "junk teammates", reported one by one to those teammates who had sent too many heads, and then started watching the video.

Shen Liuchen's movements were very fast, and it took a little over half an hour before the sumptuous lunch was out.

Song Jinxi smelled the scent in front of the runway table and looked at the sumptuous food on the big table, and his saliva almost didn't flow.

Sweet and sour pork, fried bean curd with green pepper, roasted pork with soy sauce, bitter gourd and clam soup...

They are all her favorite dishes.

Song Jinxi prefers soy products. She told Shen Liuchen before that she did not expect that Shen Liuchen would cook so many soy products this time. She also likes sweet and sour meat and soup.

Does he want to grab her stomach with a good meal?

Shen Liuchen saw her greedy little appearance, and a trace of tenderness crossed his eyes. He handed her a pair of chopsticks.

"Try it."

Song Jinxi took the chopsticks and licked his lips.

"It's better for me to respect my fate."

After she finished speaking, she took a piece of bean foam and blew it, putting it in her mouth.

In an instant, her taste buds seemed to be exploded. The various flavors were just right, with a hint of spiciness, which in her eyes could be called a delicacy in the world.

She couldn't imagine that Shen Liuchen's cooking skills were so good.

Unexpectedly, her husband, who is not as handsome and rich as a man, is still a hidden chef.

Song Jinxi thinks this dish is delicious enough, and Shen Liuchen is still saying: "Your leg injury is not healed, so avoid spicy food, so only put a little chili pepper and you can serve it. I will cook a little bit more when your legs are healed. of."

With a pack of tears in her eyes, she looked at Shen Liuchen, and she couldn't hold back even walking to him and holding his hand.

"It's already delicious, I can eat two more bowls of rice today! You are too good, and the dishes you make are better than mine. I can't live without you in my life."

Her exaggerated words hit Shen Liuchen's heart.

The corners of Shen Liuchen's mouth raised slightly, and a smile filled his eyes.

He stole a kiss on her mouth.

"You like it." The voice was extremely gentle.

Song Jinxi smirked and touched his stomach.

"In fact, I didn't feel very hungry just now," she said: "After a bite of the dish, I felt so hungry."

Shen Liuchen opened the chair and let her sit down.

"I'm going to serve food." He said.

Song Jinxi looked at his back, shook his head, and sighed in his heart.

This may be the legendary twenty-four good husband.

She didn't brag, and when the food was too delicious, she really ate an extra bowl of rice.

Then, as one can imagine, I was overwhelmed.

She sat on the sofa and hugged her belly, watching Shen Liuchen walk towards herself after finishing the dishes, looking at him pitifully.

"I was eating too much, Shen Luchen." She said, "Shall we go for a walk downstairs? Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep after a nap."

Shen Liuchen paused slightly as he tidied his cuffs, and there was a trace of reluctance in his expression.

Song Jinxi probably knew what he was thinking about, and said: "You lead me away. This time I will never leave you for half a step. If someone hits him again, you will kick him and the car away. There won’t be any more accidents, okay?"

After she said so, Shen Liuchen was naturally reluctant to refuse, so she had to take her downstairs.

The weather is neither cold nor hot. The noon sun is indeed a bit big, but the greening of the community is well done. There are trees on both sides of the sidewalk, so it will not be too hot in the shadows.

What's more, there is always a breeze that blows away the little dryness, which is quite suitable for a walk.

Song Jinxi's walking pace was not big, and the feet hurt a bit after eating and supporting, and the walking speed was even slower.

When she was still in the real world, there were few girls in their company, and she was the only girl in their group, so every time she ate meals with her male colleagues in the group.

It's just that every time she returns to the company after eating at noon, she will be left behind by her colleagues because of her slow pace.

It just so happens that she is not the kind of temperament that likes lively, they walk fast, she walks slowly, while eating and enjoying the various scenery on the roadside, but more comfortable.

But now, with her slow pace, Shen Liuchen has been accommodating her all the time, maintaining the same speed as her.

It seems that since being with Shen Liuchen, there are always many things that can make her compare with the original.

With Shen Liuchen, life is as good as an unreal dream.

She thought about it, quietly squeezing the flesh on her waist——

A little pain.

it is true.

She was in a good mood, so she couldn't help but gently shook her clasped hands with Shen Liuchen, humming a little song and walked forward slowly.

After walking for a while, she said she was going to sit on the swing, and Shen Liuchen was also by her side.

This kind of feeling that someone is silently by his side no matter what he does is so good, Song Jinxi didn't even hold back a smirk.

Shen Liuchen stood aside and glanced at the surrounding environment.

Today is a working day, everyone may be at work, and there are not many people in the community. He glanced at the direction where the bodyguards were, and made sure that he had been following them at close intervals, so he was more relieved.

Turning around, watching Song Jinxi smile like a stupid girl from the landlord's house, she took out a cell phone and secretly took a photo without holding back.

Set up as a screensaver.

Song Jinxi didn't know that her stupidity had been recorded. She sat on the swing again and blew the wind for a while, and then forcefully pulled Shen Liuchen to sit on the swing with her.

She leaned on his arm and started to chat with him on various topics.

While chatting, I didn't know how to talk about astronomy and geography.

"I don't know whether human beings will be able to detect black holes in science and technology in their lifetime..." Song Jinxi said endlessly, "I really want to know what the other side of black holes is. I don't know if there is actually another space-time. Some people have put forward the conjecture that if a person can pass through a black hole intact, then he will enter a higher dimensional space than a four-dimensional space and can also travel through time and space...

Shen Liuchen's expression moved slightly.

"Do you think there are aliens in the universe?" He followed her words, seemingly indifferent.

"Aliens?" Song Jinxi wrinkled her nose for a while, "believe it?"

The suspicion in her tone caused Shen Liuchen's expression to move slightly.

"The universe is so big, certainly not only the earth has evolved civilization, there will also be other civilizations..." Song Jinxi said.

"But my expectations for aliens are not high, because it's not that all advanced civilizations evolved from apes."

"They may look weird, and even for human aesthetics, there may be aliens who look terrifying or even disgusting."

"...Anyway, the appearance that humans cannot accept for a while."

"Many sci-fi works now naively imagine all aliens in the same shape as ours. Even if they are different, they can be transformed into the way we are now. Two eyes, one nose and one mouth..."

"These, I think they are all too idealistic."

She only expressed her long talk, without seeing Shen Liuchen's thoughtful expression.

...Not an alien.

Shen Liuchen thought to himself.

Randomly he thought of another possibility.

"You just said that going through a black hole can make time go back in time," Shen Liuchen asked calmly, "Why do you have this idea?"

"Because there are many such speculations on the Internet, netizens have invincible brain holes." Song Jinxi said, "They say that the mass of black holes is so large that even light can't escape... Then some people speculate, that It may be a time tunnel, but I don’t know the facts."

She finished speaking and shrugged.

"This kind of unknown thing, I'm also eloquent. If one day is really produced by that kind of time machine, I want to look back in ancient times."

Mentioning this, she seriously flashed a trace of yearning. "I'm so curious about the ancient etiquette, clothes and jewelry, I really want to go back and experience people's lives at that time," she finished, thought about it, and added: "Of course. , Is the kind of drunk and gold fans.

Shen Liuchen crossed out another guess in his mind.

She is not from the future.

As far as the information he knows so far-

First, she is not a ghost, and she is afraid of zombies, so she is not a ghost or spirit.

Second, she is not a robot either.

Third, she is not an alien.

Fourth, it does not come from the future.

Excluding these possibilities, she not only has the ability to come back from the dead, but she can also change the past through time and space...

Where is she sacred?

Shen Liuchen thoughtfully.

Seeing the leaves swaying in the wind not far away, he felt quite weak.

He seems to have a long way to go in the future.

Unfortunately, although he could design to force her to admit that she was Song Jinxi, he couldn't think of any way to let her proactively tell him where she came from.

Not to mention that her attitude at the beginning was very obvious. It was impossible for her to reveal her origin to him. He could only explore it slowly by himself, and she couldn't make her aware.

Judging from what is now known, her origins seem to exceed his knowledge.

This matter has to be taken slowly, not in a hurry.

Shen Liuchen did not speak any more, and Song Jinxi leaned on his shoulder in a daze.

Looking around, suddenly there was a trace of sleepiness.

She yawned a little.

"I'm sleepy, Shen Liuchen." The voice was also lazy.

It makes people feel a little itchy.

Shen Liuchen got up to stabilize the swing. "I will hold you back?"

Song Jinxi shook his head.

"No," she said, "I want to go back by myself, just take me with you."

As she said, she slowly got off the swing, and proactively stretched out her hand, which was held by Shen Liuchen and clasped his fingers.

"Always being hugged by you. After a long time, I will think that I am not just scratching my leg, but lame."

Shen Liuchen thought of the dream she had the night before.

He pursed his thin lips slightly and asked, "If you have never appeared in my world, should I sit in a wheelchair now?"

Song Jinxi paused slightly and nodded silently.


As she said, she quietly looked up at him. Seeing that he didn't seem to have any changes in his expression, she was relieved and continued: "They will break your legs, and the police will touch the mountain to save those children two days later. You are because of the time delay. I missed the opportunity for treatment for a long time, and then I can only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life."

Shen Liuchen tightened her hand and looked at her sideways.

"Thank you, Sisi." He said.

Song Jinxi returned him with a sweet smile: "You can stand in front of me now, I am also very happy."

Shen Liuchen's heart softened.

No matter where she is from, it is undeniable that her appearance did bring the only beam of light to his gloomy life.

Saved him from the endless darkness.

The two of them held hands, and the mottled shadows of trees hit them, looking from a distance, like a beautiful freehand painting.

The atmosphere is very warm.

It's just that when they walked halfway, they suddenly shot out two Cheng Yaojin.

One is the mother of the bear child yesterday, and the other looks like a father bear.

They were originally standing aside, seeming to be arguing about something. Later, when Xiong's mother saw Song Jinxi and the others, she yanked at the suspected father Xiong, and then the two hurried toward them together.

The man looked about thirty years old, with a blessed figure.

He nodded and bowed to apologize when he saw Shen Liuchen: "President, this is Liu Zhihui of Jinyu Food Company. When you came to Jinyu Food Company for inspection at the end of last year, it was you who I received. I wonder if you remember."

Shen Liuchen didn't want to ignore him, "Get out of the way."

Liu Zhihui was in a cold sweat behind his back, but he refused to leave like this. He squatted here for most of the day before squatting down to Shen Liuchen. If he did not take this opportunity to ask for his forgiveness, he would really roll out of X city or even F province. .

He continued to apologize: "Yesterday this stinky lady in my family didn't know Taishan. She accidentally ran into the wife and injured her. I am really embarrassed."

When the woman heard him say this, she seemed dissatisfied with his use of the adjective "stinky lady" and pinched him.

But he also apologized, but he said it to Song Jinxi.

"Madam, you didn't become a mother, you may not know that this child is the life of the mother." The mother of the child bears a smile on her face, but in fact her eyes seem to be poisoned, and her eyes can't help but face. Shen Liuchen floated on his body.

Song Jinxi couldn't help but took a step forward, trying to keep Shen Liuchen behind her.

She always felt that this person was jealous of her having such a beautiful and rich husband.

At least better than her husband.

Shen Liuchen noticed her little movements. He frowned and pulled her directly behind him.

The mother of the bear child watched their little movements, her smile on her face stiffened, but she continued: "I saw him fall, and became anxious for a while, so there was something offensive. Please forgive me, I You must hang up that stinky boy and have a fight when you go home, do you think it's ok?"

"I can't do it." Song Jinxi said.

This morning, Shen Liuchen even wanted to kill their family of three. If it weren't for her to speak badly, or even blew her own identity, the three of them might have died long ago, so there is still a chance to sell them here?

Moreover, didn't Shen Liuchen say that they will leave X City? Why still dare to appear in front of him now?

Do you think you have lived too long?

Song Jinxi felt that her answer was somewhat pertinent. After all, she was not the kind of person who said she didn't mind, but in fact she didn't mind.

The mother of the bear kid heard her say this, but it exploded.

She pointed at Song Jinxi with one hand on her hips. Just as he stretched out his hand, he was startled by Shen Liuchen's look.

Xu was thinking of the foot that Shen Liuchen kicked her yesterday, and she still feels aching.

She retracted her hand and looked at Song Jinxi with a condemning gaze: "Why are you so aggressive as a woman? You can't just bully us ordinary people just because you look good and you are the president's wife?"

Before she finished her voice, before Song Jinxi and Shen Liuchen could speak, Liu Zhihui pushed her hard.

"The ignorant old lady, what are you talking about? In what tone did you speak to the president's wife?" Liu Zhihui said.

"What's my tone? Is my tone still bad?" Xiong's mother quarreled with him directly, "I apologized to her kindly, and she ignored me at all, and said:'I can't do it '."

While talking, he made an invincible look, as if the scene was reappearing.

Song Jinxi looked innocent. She just said these four words calmly just now, is it not as good as the actions she imitated?

She thinks this woman is poisonous.

There is a mother like this, and I don't blame the little boy for being like that.

The mother of the bear child is still saying, "Isn’t it just relying on the stinky money to bully us. Xiaogang is your son, and you don’t feel bad for yourself. I don’t feel bad for my mother. A little bit of him? He was not brought up by you."

After speaking, I did not forget to give Song Jinxi a white look.

Liu Zhihui said: "Co-authored what I told you just now, you have forgotten all of them, right? If I hadn't had a good job, how could I afford you both of you and live in such a high-end community? Please give it to you. Babysitter?"

Shen Liuchen frowned slightly and was a little irritated by their quarrel. He took Song Jinxi and planned to bypass them and leave directly, but Liu Zhihui quickly blocked them.

"President, this lady in my family is ignorant, she has few insights."

Before he finished speaking, he was frightened by Shen Liuchen's sharp and impatient eyes, and suddenly he didn't dare to speak again.

I even wanted to leave directly.

The mother of the bear child walked over again and raised her chin and said, "If you must fire my husband, but you have to lose money. I know the labor law. The law says that if you fire an employee, you must pay him. One year's salary. My husband earns more than 20,000 yuan a month. You must pay us 240,000 yuan, or I will go to the labor bureau to sue you."

Liu Zhihui broke into cold sweat on his head and quickly grabbed Xiong's child's mother.

"you shut up!"

"How do I shut up? Am I still talking for you?"

The mother of the child bear didn't know the reason why Shen Liuchen fired father bear, but father bear knew it.

Because he secretly embezzled public funds.

It's just that he did it secretly.

He is the general manager of Jinyu Food Company. Only he and his mistress in the financial department know about this. In addition, the amount of misappropriation is not large each time. After misappropriation, he will collude with his mistress to falsify data, so there is no Someone came to investigate him.

Every time someone from the group company comes to check the accounts, he will also make preparations.

Until now, Shen Liuchen was about to expel him, that information would be revealed.

Shen Liuchen also took this opportunity to clean up the entire group.

Therefore, not only their family lost their jobs this time, but there were also several other leaders who were misbehaving.

Although the leadership abilities are quite strong, it's just that since they have done things that shouldn't be done through their power, they still have to be expelled.

A company with good employee benefits has never been afraid of not being able to recruit outstanding talents, so Shen Liuchen did not hesitate at all when he ordered the expulsion of these people.

Liu Zhihui also knew this, and he was also banned by Shen Liuchen, and even with the Shen family seemed to have the intention of banning him... Therefore, he came to find Shen Liuchen to recover.

Unexpectedly, his wife is a person who can't go out at all, and she completely offends her before she says a word.

She just thought she had done a great job.

That waist rod is straight.

Liu Zhihui couldn’t bear it. He dragged his wife directly behind him, and once again apologized to Shen Liuchen: “President, this time it’s their mother and son who caused the trouble. I am busy with work every day, and I really don’t have time to take care of them. The stinky lady is divorced, President, can you give me another chance?"

Shen Liuchen's eyes were full of impatience. If Song Jinxi hadn't shook his hand quietly just now, and made a "watching" gesture to him, he would have called the bodyguards to come over and pull the two obtrusive people away.

It was just that Song Jinxi wanted to watch the show, so he barely endured it.

Before Liu Zhihui finished speaking, his wife rushed up while rolling up her sleeves: "You have no conscience. I gave birth to a son. You want to divorce me. Don't you even want your son?"

"Son son, do you see how his son has been doted by you! I have told you more than once that we have money in our family. Let you reform yourself, improve yourself internally and externally, and give it to the little one. Just started education. What did you teach him? You are like a yellow-faced woman at home every day. No matter how you dress up, I feel embarrassed every time I take you out. So is Xiao Gang. Your personality is completely broken by you. ."

After Liu Zhihui finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Shen Liuchen: "President, it is true that I still have a son outside. Even if I divorce her, it doesn’t matter if I don’t want this son. I promise that I won’t be after divorcing her. While dealing with her, this time she and her son collided with the wife and let them bear the consequences themselves. Could you please raise your hand and give me a chance..."

"What are you talking about? You, Chen Shimei, a heartless man!" Xiong's child's mother rushed up to hit Liu Zhihui. Liu Zhihui pushed him back several steps, and finally fell to the ground.

In Song Jinxi's eyes, it was a bit like a recurring scene.

However, it was Shen Liuchen who overthrew her yesterday, and today he has become her husband.

Song Jinxi felt that she was... Although hateful, she was also very pitiful.

Unexpectedly, it was just a small accident that led to so many messes.

Sure enough, life is everywhere on stage.

Next, Song Jinxi, short of some parents, didn't like to listen anymore, she pulled Shen Liuchen's hand.

"Let's go."

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly and beckoned with his other hand. The bodyguard who had already walked quietly behind them came forward.

The bodyguard stopped the two people from letting them have another chance to interfere with them, and Shen Liuchen was able to lead Song Jinxi away.

Song Jinxi learned that when they were walking downstairs, the bodyguard was also with them, but she hadn't noticed it.

And now, the bodyguard comes in handy.

"That man is really bad," she sighed, shaking her head, "but that woman does have a problem, she has a bad personality, and she taught her children badly."

Regarding other people's affairs, Shen Liuchen has always been disdainful of it. He didn't even bother to comment, just listen to Song Jinxi's spitting out.

"And do you know? He was riding his bike too fast and hit me, so he didn't apologize after hitting someone. He even beat him up and said that I didn't look at the road and caused him to fall. He stopped me from walking and pushed me. I make me apologize?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly felt as if she shouldn't complain to Shen Liuchen, and quickly glanced at his expression quietly.

Confirming that his eyebrows were slightly frowning and his thin lips were slightly pursed, as if he was really angry, she shook his hand again.

"Don't be angry, the development of this matter is far beyond my imagination. In fact, it can be regarded as a lesson for the bear boy."

Shen Liuchen took a moment to look at her and saw her frowning as if she felt sorry for the family.

A flash of unexplained emotion flashed under his eyes.


Actually, this is also good.

For various reasons, since she left for the third time, he despised human life.

At one time, he watched a scene of a family of people enjoying themselves together. He even suspected that he didn't seem to be as cold as a person, but a walking dead.

Just to guard the person who may not come back again.

And now, she is back. She has a delicate mind and great love, which will affect her emotions because of some irrelevant people.

Such her can just make up for his ruthlessness.

Since she felt that the family had been punished as they deserved, let them dance around by themselves.

He won't intervene in the family's affairs again.

Song Jinxi is still talking about:

"After they divorced, even though the man still had a junior and a child, he would never be able to return to City X. Especially since he lost such a good job at Jinyu, he would definitely have trouble finding a job in the future."

"And that woman, once she remarries, the bear child will definitely follow her. She brought the oil bottle to remarry. If she gives birth to a second husband, wow...the future life of the bear child will definitely be very different. It's not easy."

"Suddenly I sympathized with him a little bit, like a Virgin..."

Shen Liuchen knew why she said so many assumptions, but didn't say anything, so Song Jinxi said a lot more.

Finally, Song Jinxi couldn't hold back and shook his hand.

"Otherwise, let them do this," she stopped and looked at him: "I can't take care of other people's affairs anyway. I think they have all been punished as they deserve it. From now on this matter will have nothing to do with us. Do you think it works?"

She thought she would have to spend another word to persuade Shen Liuchen.

Unexpectedly, Shen Liuchen just glanced sideways at her.


Compared with him who had a tough attitude this morning, he looks so good to talk now, and Song Jinxi's eyes turned into crescents with a smile.

"I like you the most." She couldn't help but began to talk sweetly again.

Shen Liuchen couldn't help squeezing her nose.

"Glib tongue."


"Spoken words and expressions."

He said three adjectives in a row.

"What kind of'spoken words and expressions','fancy words'? At best, it's a bit of a'slick tongue', okay?" Song Jinxi wrinkled his nose and retorted, "My words are from the heart!"

She said, grabbing Shen Liuchen's hand and pressing it on her chest.

"Can you feel it?"

Shen Liuchen glanced at her meaningfully and let out an "um".

"Do you feel it? This is the sound of my heartbeat. "Pumping", "Pumping", every beat is love for you."

Shen Liuchen: "It's obviously a gentle town."

Song Jinxi: "..."

Song Jinxi: "???"

After a while, while he was not paying attention, she stepped on him secretly:

Let you show off.

The author has something to say:    Congratulations to Shen Liuchen for successfully obtaining the right to be a chef through sex/induction.

Achieved the achievement of "the first man in history to cook or seduce his wife".


PS: My contact information is written in the column, everyone will give me the screenshots of the back-end subscription records, I will show you the screenshots of the content of the previous chapter QAQ

Also, on the last day of this month, give me the nutrient solution. If you don’t do it, it will expire~


Thank you little angels for your overlord ticket and nutrient solution:

The lover here threw a landmine

Seventeen. Throw a mine

Reader "a cup of agricultural tea", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Readers "pilling rain and listening to the wind", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Demon Qi", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Big Devil", irrigation nutrient solution +50 Thank you local tyrant Me Me Daづ ̄3 ̄づ

Reader "seventeen.", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Readers "Three Cannons in Seoul", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "cat", irrigation nutrient solution +10

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Reader "Earthworm", irrigation nutrient solution +1

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