A small nut, more than one hundred and fifty lives.

If this happened before Song Jinxi appeared, Shen Liuchen would not care about the one hundred and fifty people. Their life and death will not bring him any mood swings.

However, after Song Jinxi appeared, she always instilled in him various good moral thoughts of "love life", "love society", and "respect others" from time to time, which made his attitude slowly change.

He doesn’t have the sage thought of "Daze to benefit the world", and he doesn’t care about other people’s affairs and cares about the lives and lives of those who are irrelevant, but he also tries to avoid those innocent people from being affected by his decisions Affect the trajectory of life.

If in the past, his behavior was limited to the cold-blooded nature of businessmen seeking profit, but now, when making certain decisions that may affect the future lives of many people, he even subconsciously thinks about whether he has to do this. .

So, Yuan Chengjie's experiment is somewhat inconsistent with his current concept.

If Yuan Chengjie were to know that his experiment killed more than one hundred and fifteen people, Yuan Chengjie would definitely not feel sad about it, and he might even continue to do various experiments at random points even more frantically, just to see how this experiment can give How many people bring troubles in life.

Unfixed experiments can transport things everywhere...

Shen Liuchen frowned slightly. He hadn't thought of a deeper level yet. Yuan Chengjie continued to explain his research conclusions over the past few days.

"At present, only the directional transmission and reception of small dead objects have been realized. Of course, non-directional transmission is also possible..." Yuan Chengjie said, suddenly frowning, as if thinking of something, and even showing a weird smile.

He looked at Shen Liuchen and said, "I didn't expect it before, but now suddenly I have a bold idea. If you don't teleport, the location of the teleport is completely non-directional."

As he said, he picked up the nut that had just gone through the space shuttle, and looked carefully at it over and over before his eyes, suddenly flashing an indistinct madness under his eyes.

He said something that made Shen Liuchen sigh.

"On this small nut, it can be transported to the seabed below 20,000 meters, or to the sky above 10,000 meters. It can suddenly appear in the void, or it can appear on the solid concrete ground. Even... Computers? Tree trunks? The center of gravity of all kinds of objects, including people..."

Halfway through, his voice suddenly stopped for a moment, and then a strange arc rose from the corner of his mouth.

"President Shen, you said, if this nut is transferred to the main engine of the rocket engine, will it cause a big explosion?"

Shen Liuchen interrupted his idea, "This kind of indefinite space transmission is too harmful and may even threaten me. This kind of experiment cannot be easily tried in the future."

The young man looked unhappy, his eyes even a little bit cold.

Because of various reasons, Yuan Chengjie was still a little confused about Shen Liuchen, so seeing Shen Liuchen expressing his opposition, he didn't think about it anymore.

I even really obediently didn't want to say to do this kind of stimulating experiment.

Shen Liuchen hesitated and told Yuan Chengjie about the plane crash a few days ago, and said: "The equipment in the laboratory is the most advanced in the world, and even the ordinary nuts you use have special markings. The seller has signed various confidentiality agreements, but it is not completely unrecognizable. This time the plane crashed at a high altitude, and the nut disappeared during the crash. Those people will not investigate anything. But if you continue to send indefinitely, if it is unintentional It affects me..."

He didn't finish his words, but the threat was obvious.

Yuan Chengjie quickly raised his hand and swore: "Since President Shen you don't let me do it, then I won't do it."

Shen Liuchen looked at him with a calm and sensible expression. His pure black eyes looked like a lie detector, and Yuan Chengjie was a little flustered.

In order to convince him of his own words, Yuan Chengjie explained: "I have experimented hundreds of times in the past few days, and sometimes I forgot to eat, but only completed this small experiment. Since President Shen is worried This experiment will bring hidden dangers to the society, so I will only try to shuttle at fixed points."

"Although I am a poor person, I can ignore my own life in order to do experiments, but at least I can do it. I have been under your hand for more than a year, and I have never played anything secretly. Little trick, you should be able to believe me about this." Yuan Chengjie said, finally showing a slightly normal smile.

He was showing good wishes to Shen Liuchen.

The words are also very straightforward: "After all, I still rely on your investment in all kinds of research now. You are my uncle. If I really make you angry, you withdraw the capital and even hand me over to the international police. Here, I can't ask for any benefit myself."

Shen Liuchen looked down and nodded slightly.

But there was a flash of thought in the eyes, and a trace of killing intent was fleeting.

The atmosphere in the laboratory was a bit awkward for a while.

Yuan Chengjie didn't dare to look at Shen Liuchen's face anymore, his eyes moved to the two bodyguards standing at the door.

The bodyguard was dressed in black and was tall. Xu Shi noticed his gaze and moved his gaze.

These two bodyguards should be at least mercenary backgrounds, and there is a sense of murder in their bodies and eyes. Please come to be bodyguards and one can hold ten ordinary bodyguards.

One thing made Yuan Chengjie somewhat skeptical.

No matter where he went, Shen Liuchen had always been with an assistant at most, as if he did not disdain the protection of bodyguards and was not afraid of the dangers that various enemies in the business field would bring to him.

It gives people the illusion of holding their heads in their hands and not taking their own lives seriously.

Since he was voluntarily included by Shen Liuchen under his command, nearly two years have passed. The number of times he saw Shen Liuchen can be counted with one hand. It is rare for Shen Liuchen to appear in the laboratory twice, and there is no one around him.

Only this time, he brought two bodyguards with him.

Still such a high-quality bodyguard.

Yuan Chengjie didn’t think that this was brought by Shen Liuchen to guard against himself. After all, he was still “loyal” to Shen Liuchen, and he just wanted to do various experiments under his hands. Shen Liuchen didn’t need to find two such types specifically to guard against him. High-quality bodyguards come to hold the battle.

What made Shen Liuchen suddenly lose his life?

Yuan Chengjie was a little curious.

But he also knew that Shen Liuchen would not take the initiative to mention this to him.

This is just a trivial matter. Yuan Chengjie does not intend to investigate the reasons. As far as he is concerned, the experiments are more attractive to him.

"Space shuttle and teleport experiments are relatively cumbersome, and I can only do it myself. If I want to study this technology clearly and complete certain experimental results, it may take at least ten years." Yuan Chengjie said.

Shen Liuchen said calmly: "This experiment is not in a hurry."

"I know." Yuan Chengjie nodded and asked, "When will the new laboratory be ready?"

"It is already in the acceptance stage, and the acceptance can be completed within this week." Shen Liuchen said, suddenly attracted by something in the corner.

It was a cage covered by silver dust cloth. The cage was not completely covered. A small piece of it was lifted up, which seemed to be deliberate. In order to allow people to look over, they could vaguely see the scene in the cage. .

Shen Liuchen seemed to see a very weird one just now...

White rat.

Yuan Chengjie followed his gaze, smiled and actively explained to him: "In addition to completing the non-damaged space shuttle of the nut in the past two days, I also tried several times in the living space shuttle."


Shen Liuchen frowned slightly, raising his heel and walking toward Yuan Chengjie.

Yuan Chengjie said: "As far as the current scientific water products and the scope of human knowledge are concerned, the only way to achieve'space teleportation' is to analyze and split the various atomic and molecular components of the object itself, and pass all its information through Electromagnetic or other wireless transmission methods are transported to the point that needs to be transmitted, and then various existing atoms at the transmission point are used to form new individuals."

He said, putting his hand on the cage, but he didn't mean to lift the dust cloth immediately.

Instead, he stood there and continued to explain to Shen Liuchen.

"This kind of two-way conversion between individuals and information requires a very high technical difficulty, and its rigor is basically impossible to achieve with the current level of technology mastered by humans. The transmission of a dead object may prevent it from happening. Deformation, or mass reduction, after all, their shape is the same... But if living things are to be transmitted, it is likely to bring this effect."

As he said, he finally untied the Pandora's veil.

Rao, a person like Shen Liuchen who has always been known for his calmness and reason, couldn't help but press his lips tightly.

The hand hanging on his side couldn't hold back and made a fist.

What's in the eye?

A white rat.

It's not an ordinary white mouse.

Some have one leg on their back and only three legs under their body. They can only lie on the ground because they can't stand firmly. The leg on the back is very conspicuous.

Some eyes are on the back, some eyes are crowded together.

Even more, the whole body turned over directly, the belly was turned upside down, and all four legs were on the back.

"This is the impact of inadequate data analysis." Yuan Chengjie said.

His expression was very calm, and he didn't seem to feel scary at all, but rather complacent.

"President, please come here." Yuan Chengjie said with a smile.

Shen Liuchen followed him and walked to the clip on the other side.

When he entered the laboratory just now, Shen Liuchen looked at the surrounding environment a little bit. There were a lot of mouse specimens on the clip, and Shen Liuchen didn't care much.

I thought it was just an ordinary specimen.

But now, judging by Yuan Chengjie’s expression, the specimen should be...

"What you saw just now is that the external organs are reorganized and disordered, and they can survive for a few days after the space shuttle. These are the internal and external organs that are disordered at the same time. After the transmission is over, they died on the spot." Yuan Chengjie pointed to the one. Said the row of specimens. "Their deaths are not ordinary deaths, they have very important trans-epochal significance, so I made them all into specimens. When the results of this research are mature and made public, these white mice will become trans-epochal white mice, even Recorded in the annals of history."

——Sure enough, as he thought.

Shen Liuchen pursed his thin lips slightly, and his eyes were solemn.

"We are in the real world, even if we realize the side-effect-free space shuttle of the mice in the later stage, we can't directly do living experiments." Yuan Chengjie said, "So, I want to thoroughly study VR technology first. If I can enter the virtual world for research, I Accessibility experiments can be carried out in the virtual world... At that time, President Shen, you don’t have to worry that my research will harm society."

It is a good thing that he can have this idea of ​​not causing trouble to the society, Shen Liuchen nodded slightly to show his approval.

Shen Liuchen's expression was not as solemn as before, and Yuan Chengjie was also slightly relieved.

He was not afraid of losing face when he said that he was really shocked by this young gold master. Shen Liuchen's expression was a little serious, and he couldn't help being nervous.

He would never have such a performance in front of others, but Shen Liuchen was an accident.

The laboratory was quiet for a while.

Yuan Chengjie thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but speak, tentatively said: "President Shen, have you ever thought that space shuttle can not only realize space shuttle, let people quickly go back and forth to any place, but also can bring human beings. It is extremely convenient, and can easily ruin a person's function at the same time?"

Seeing Shen Liuchen's gaze came over, there seemed to be thought in his eyes.

It is clear that Shen Liuchen’s IQ is not below him, and he also knows that a big president like Shen Liuchen does not have much time to play this kind of'you say I guess' game with him. After Yuan Chengjie asked the question, he did not wait for Shen Liuchen to guess, but asked himself. Answer yourself.

"After decomposing a person's body and analyzing various data about his body structure, if the person has some deadly virus, take AIDS as an example, then when the receiver reorganizes his body, all information about HIV will be deleted. , Space shuttle can cure AIDS, which is currently unable to be tackled by medicine.” Yuan Chengjie paused after finishing his speech.

Looking at Shen Liuchen's gaze, there was a hint of credit.

When Shen Liuchen looked at him again, he continued: "So, this technology can be used in medicine without any side effects-provided that the technology is mature. Even if it is due to national and international conventions, Jinyu The group cannot completely regard this technology monopoly as its own, and can also enjoy various priority rights as a developer. At that time, Xirong Hospital will definitely be the most profitable subsidiary of Jinyu Group."

Shen Liuchen: "What do you want?"

People like Yuan Chengjie, if they have no purpose, will never easily mention things that have nothing to do with the experiment.

Shen Liuchen guessed right, Yuan Chengjie did have a purpose.

It's just that Shen Liuchen asked the question without obliviousness. As expected, it was a bit too straightforward.

Yuan Chengjie rubbed his hands and tentatively said: "I hope that when researching virtual reality technology, President Shen can allow me to build a virtual empire privately. I need an excellent game development team, including original paintings, modeling, program development, etc. , Let them help construct the virtual world. What I want to do is a microcosm of the real world. The original paintings and modeling of all characters need to be based on the proportions of real people, so the requirements for art are relatively high."

Shen Liuchen was lost in thought.

The reason why Yuan Chengjie is more nervous is because, in his previous research, he basically did everything by himself. It was also because of the high confidentiality of the "zombie virus" that Shen Liuchen did not equip him with an assistant.

Therefore, to support him in researching the "zombie virus", Shen Liuchen only needs to invest in various advanced equipment and has no investment in manpower.

But if you want to construct a microcosm of the real world, not only a lot of labor costs are involved, but the artists, programmers, etc. he needs are all high-level talents.

Coupled with the high degree of confidentiality considerations, those high-level talents are likely to have a long period of isolation before the completion of the research.

Few people can accept such strict requirements unless the benefits are sufficiently attractive.

This requires Shen Liuchen to spend a lot.

What's more, in constructing a virtual world, in addition to those immovable dead objects, there are people, which are the most critical.

In order to make the world more real, when programmers write code for those virtual NPCs, they can’t just write a few pieces of code that constrain their behavior and speech like in ordinary games, but they need to convey different in their minds. Professional knowledge.

This is a very large project, which requires a lot of knowledge repositories on the Internet, and it also takes a very long time.

The average person may not be able to consume this time.

After all, in addition to money, they also have similar emotions to pursue.

Unlike him, who only has research in his heart and no distractions, he can stay in the research room for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chengjie sighed.

Shen Liuchen thought for a moment, "I can only provide you with a small team of ten people."

"Ten people are enough!" Yuan Chengjie said excitedly: "It may take a long time. I think President Shen, you can find the kind of talent who has technical ability but has difficulty in capital turnover..."


As he said, his gaze suddenly stopped on the simple fixed-point space shuttle, and suddenly he thought of an idea.

"Of course, if they have a worry-free life, they can also create a little difficulty. For example, if they send a screw into the blood vessel of their loved one, they can..."

Only halfway through the words, Yuan Chengjie stopped talking when seeing Shen Liuchen's expression displeased, and smiled slyly, and did not go on.


After leaving the research base and sitting in the car back to the company, Shen Liuchen took out a small voice recorder from his pocket.

Play with it for a while before opening the playback.

"After the successful research of space shuttle technology, we can even record a person's information and burn it into an electronic chip, which is equivalent to compressing a person into a chip, and then directly insert the chip into the exclusive gaming device of the holographic game."

"You don't need to use the so-called nutrition capsule, you can directly play holographic games in person."

"Of course, if it is for safety reasons, you can also use the nutrition cabin to copy only the human consciousness."

Yuan Chengjie's voice came from the recorder.

Burn a person’s information into an electronic chip...

It is equivalent to compressing people into chips...

If it weren't for Yuan Chengjie's lunatic, no one would dare to make such a bold assumption.

But because of the space shuttle technology he accidentally discovered, this hypothesis turned out to be not fantastic, but almost practicable.

What's more, this is also somewhat similar to the appearance of Song Jinxi.

Song Jinxi's so-called "real world" exists, and that "system" transports Song Jinxi's consciousness into their "virtual world". Does the technology used are the same as Yuan Chengjie's conjecture?

Shen Liuchen could not be sure.

What he is most worried about now is that the research on this technology has been delayed for a long time, and Song Jinxi's body in the "real world" may be dangerous.

Just think of Song Jinxi alone in the apartment, unconscious, and slowly starving to death on the bed...

It may even start to rot because the time of discovery is too late...

His heart seemed to be gripped so hard that he couldn't breathe.


On the 23rd floor of Jinyu Group Building, the "Fox Demon" project team of Ximiao Company.

Song Jinxi was worried about Shen Liuchen's safety, and was a little afraid of the scientific research madman named Yuan Chengjie, and could not calm down and write code all morning.

The code that was finally written, runs all errors.

Seeing the red warning and yellow signs on the screen, Song Jinxi completely gave up the struggle and pushed the keyboard forward.

The whole person leaned on the gaming chair and sighed.

She was only depressed for a while, Yu Guang saw that Cai Huiyang next to him seemed to be coming over to talk to her, and then hurriedly sat up and picked up the phone.

Yu Guang carefully observed Cai Huiyang's behavior, and saw that he seemed to look at her again before turning back.

Song Jinxi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk to Cai Huiyang, but that she is nervous now. If Cai Huiyang cares about her and asks what is the reason for her irritability, she must not be able to tell the truth, which means she is going to lie to Cai Huiyang.

Lying is a very tiring thing, and it is even more tiring to round up a lie, and she does not want to bother about other things.

For some reason, she always felt a little bored.

It seems not entirely because of Shen Liuchen and Yuan Chengjie.

However, for now, it seems that there is nothing else that can affect her emotions. After all, she is in this world, has no worries about food and clothing, works hard during working hours, and can play without scruples during breaks.

Some people held her in their palms and spoiled her.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be as irritable as today, or even a little restless.

This mood is not normal.

Song Jinxi even wondered if she was sick.

It shouldn't be.

The system mentioned that she might have been living in the two-dimensional world this time. In return for her sacrifice of life to save the two-dimensional world, it gave her a very, very healthy body.

In addition, she has been raised by Shen Liuchen these days, eating well, drinking well and sleeping well. Apart from that, she has no other bad habits.

Different from the sub-healthy state of the body during the previous work, even if you often fall asleep because of that tiredness every night, you will not be particularly tired when you wake up the next day. The time you can last for a morning jog is even longer than when you just walked in Children longer.

She was bored on Weibo, but she was already wandering away.

Just when I couldn't find any clues at all, WeChat had a new message reminder.

It was sent by Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao sent more than this message. At ten o'clock in the morning, half an hour ago, there was another message.

Song Jinxi probably happened to go to the bathroom at the time, and did not touch his mobile phone when he came back, so he only saw this unread message now.

The ten o'clock message is:

"Sister-in-law, I'm at the airport. Brother's plane is coming soon."

The second message is half an hour later, which is now.

"Uuuuuu sister-in-law, I'm going to die, my eldest brother is too handsome!!!"

Song Jinxi: "?"

As soon as she sent out this question, Lin Xiaoxiao's portrait showed that she was typing.

It may be that after sending the message, she has been holding her mobile phone and waiting for her to reply.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "When I got off the plane and saw me, I took off my sunglasses and nodded to me. When I called my name, the sound made me faint."

Song Jinxi: "Your ears are pregnant?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "That can't."

Song Jinxi: "Why?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "That's the eldest brother, how can you get pregnant at every turn?! That is the eldest brother, the snow lotus on the top of the Tianshan Mountains. You can only look far away and not play it. Sister-in-law, you must not think about your eldest brother. !"

Song Jinxi: "..."

She guessed right, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't have the string in her head.

The love for Shen Liuyu is just worship.

Song Jinxi: "You are his younger sister, who went to pick him up specially, so he just called your name? Nothing else?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "..."

Lin Xiaoxiao: "He asked me if I finished my homework."

Song Jinxi: "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha"

My mood suddenly improved.

Without waiting for Lin Xiaoxiao to reply, she quit the chat interface and turned on the positioning system to take a look.

As if Lin Xiaoxiao would bring her good luck, after being amused by Lin Xiaoxiao, the little red dot representing Shen Liuchen on the software also arrived near Jinyu Group.

Shen Liuchen finally returned.

She took the phone and sneaked out.

The author has something to say:    This plot will not last too long, and it will transition to the next stage in two or three chapters=3=Everyone is looking forward to the abuse of scumbags.

The next two days will keep catching insects. If you find an update reminder before nine o'clock every night, don't click in. It's all I catch.

Continue to seek Bawang ticket and nutrient solution=3=


Thank you little angels for your nutrient solution and overlord votes=3=

Yunsang threw a landmine

Bubble threw a mine

Bubble threw a grenade

J threw a mine

Mo Fei threw a landmine

Bubble threw a mine*3

The citrine boson threw a mine

36737439 threw a grenade

The little match that sold the girl threw a mine *3

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Reader "Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Mu Xin", irrigation nutrient solution +2

Reader "mystery", irrigation nutrient solution +1

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Reader "Wind vines do not follow the wall", irrigate nutrient solution +1

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