Become the Apex of the Black Tyrant CEO

Chapter 76: Extra: Chaptery 02

When the mother and son were out of the delivery room, Su's mother looked at her little grandson greedyly, and finally felt even more distressed about Song Jinxi, and went to the hospital bed to see Song Jinxi's condition. Seeing Song Jinxi's okay face, he was funny and grateful at the moment, but fortunately there was no accident.

When Song Jinxi saw Mama Su, she smiled at her, but she was a little weak after giving birth, so she smiled reluctantly.

Shen Liuchen also guarded her bedside, and refused to let go when she found her hand.

Everyone was vying to see the little baby. Only Mama Su and Shen Liuchen were surrounded by Song Jinxi's bed. Looking at this picture of the best wife in the world, Mama Su felt very happy.

"Little Shen, can you go see the baby? Xixi has me watching here." Mother Su said.

After they came back this time, Shen Liuchen took the opportunity to let both father and mother Su know Song Jinxi's "original name" and slightly changed their memories.

So now Song Jinxi has two names, one "Song Jinxi" and one "Su Jinxi", but the last name is different.

Su's father and Su's mother's name in Song Jinxi has also become "Sixi", the transition is very natural.

When the nurse announced with joy that he was a boy, Shen Liuchen's expectations of the child dropped to zero. What's more, although Song Jinxi is not directly tired to fall asleep, but his mental state is not very good, he just wants to be by her side.

"I'm guarding Xixi, mom, go and see." Shen Liuchen said.

The baby was born at full-term, and only gave a symbolic howl after birth. After that, there was no movement, but he was healthy.

Everyone surrounded him, one by one was very surprised.

Shen Liujue: "The eyes are beautiful, they are all inherited from his dad, and they are all phoenix eyes."

Chen Wenwen: "The nose and small mouth are also beautiful. They will definitely be a big disaster when they grow up. If the personality is as cold as his father, it's okay. If you attract a little bit of bee and butterfly, then I don’t know how many girls will be sad. ."

Lin Huaxing: "He is looking at us, so cute..."

Song Jinxi was pushed to the ward. Mother Su watched Shen Liuchen accompany her away, and ran to see her little grandson.

Just before he walked a few steps, the nurse suddenly gave a small exclamation.

Nurse: "The child... the child flies!"

"It's vacated!" Lin smiled, "Mom gave birth to a Superman?"

Father Su stretched out his hands nervously to protect the baby's baby, for fear that the baby would suddenly fall off.

The little baby who was still in the swaddle suddenly vacated like that inexplicably.

Their exclamations made the nurses pushing Song Jinxi's bed to stop, and then a group of people watched the baby fall firmly beside Song Jinxi.

Lying on the hospital bed, the little baby turned his head to look for someone, and finally saw his mother with a particularly cute smile on his face.

Song Jinxi glanced at Shen Liuchen, Shen Liuchen also looked at her, and then at the surprised people behind him.

The trouble is big.


Everyone was surprised by the baby's sudden superpower. Fortunately, the nurses were all well-trained, and they pushed Song Jinxi back to the ward in an orderly manner.

Shen Liuchen gave everyone a memory blur process and deleted the memory of the baby flying up. When he returned to the ward, he pushed the door and found that the door could not be opened.

Don't think about it, that brat is making trouble again.

Cleverly dissolving the barrier set by the baby's instinct, Shen Liuchen walked in silently.

This kind of barrier is like an anti-virus firewall. Little Bunny wanted to protect him and his mother in a safe area, but he didn't expect that his father was a hacker even more powerful than him, so he was easily hacked.

Song Jinxi happened to be breastfeeding the baby.

The little baby seems to have thoughts. Before Shen Liuchen approached, his breastfeeding posture was very comfortable and safe. One small hand gently grasped Song Jinxi, and the other hand gently clenched into a small fist and placed it in the air. in.

Sensing Shen Liuchen's approach very keenly, the little baby suddenly kicked his legs, and the little hand that was shrunk in the air was placed in a guard posture on his other "ration."

It seems to protect their rations.

Song Jinxi watched the baby seriously sucking, her heart softened and she couldn't believe that such a cute baby was born to her.

I have seen some discussions before, saying that most of the newborn babies are ugly, and only a few of them may be beautiful at birth.

Originally Song Jinxi was ready to see a "little monkey" as soon as he opened his eyes, but he didn't expect the baby to fly to her and look so beautiful.

The skin was a little red at first, but then it became pale and clean. The Q-ball Q-bomb face, the facial features were so exquisite, especially the eyes, which were exactly the same as his father's. They were just a copy of Shen Liuchen.

Song Jinxi was obsessed with her son's appearance, she didn't notice when Shen Liuchen pushed the door, but first saw the baby's defensive actions.

She still didn't know why the baby suddenly had to grab both sides at the same time. After Shen Liuchen was sitting on the side of the hospital bed, she looked up.

"Have you taken care of everything?" she asked casually.

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly, "My memories are all blurred."

"Is it not so good to keep blurring their memories like this?" She was worried again.

Shen Liuchen: "No, it's just a small deal."

Song Jinxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Is everyone sent away?"

Shen Liuchen: "Yeah."

Song Jinxi thought, sighed again, and said, "What's the matter with the baby? Can he fly so young?"

Not only can he fly, but he can also set up isolation covers around the ward without a teacher.

Shen Liuchen didn't tell the matter, but glanced at the little bunny in Song Jinxi's arms, thinking about how to send this little trouble away.

"Little Trouble" seemed to have noticed something, because he was busy eating and couldn't tell the energy call, so he could only "hum".

Song Jinxi thought he was so "heh" when he was happy to eat, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and hooked his fat little face.

"Hum, what? Little baby."

From just now, Song Jinxi only looked up at him, the other time his eyes were on the baby.

Shen Liuchen pressed her thin lips slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Song Jinxi looked at the little baby and liked it more and more, completely unable to look away.

When the baby was full, Song Jinxi gently picked him up and patted him on the back, until he hiccuped, then put him on the bed and continued to play with him.

"By the way, since it's a boy, can you give another name?" She didn't look up when she spoke, only her son was in her eyes.

Shen Liuchen didn't want to talk.

Song Jinxi waited for a while, but didn't wait for his response, so he took the time to look up at him "in his busy schedule".

"Is it so hard to think?"

Shen Liuchen looked at her, pursed his lips, and finally said what was in his heart: "You haven't looked at me directly until now."

Song Jinxi wanted to look down at the baby again, but the little baby also stretched out his hands to hold her fingers, holding it tightly. It was the child's wholehearted dependence on the mother, and Song Jinxi could not resist it.

It's just that the big vinegar tank in front of him is too vinegar, and the breath of attention is exuding all over his body. Song Jinxi can feel the smell of acetic acid in the air.

She smiled helplessly, then came to coax the big one after amused. After giving the big vinegar tank a "love me", the big vinegar tank's complexion only slightly improved.

"Shen Musi," he said, "How about this brat's name?"

Song Jinxi read it by himself, and thought how good the name was, he smiled and nodded, lowered his head and gently squeezed Xiao Muxi's small face, calling his name.

Little Musi seemed to understand, giggling and kicking.

Seeing the warm pictures of their mother and son, Shen Liuchen finally took a serious look at Shen Muxi. Little Bunny looks almost like him when he was a child, but only his mother was in his eyes, and he didn't give him half of his eyes from beginning to end.

He is not rare anyway.

Shen Liuchen thought, leaning over and kissing Song Jinxi.

"My wife has worked hard."

At this time, even Shen Liuchen, who was very intelligent and close to the demon, had not expected that this was the rare opportunity for him to kiss Song Jinxi in the presence of Xiao Mu Xi.

Song Jinxi smiled, "It's not hard."

Not to mention that she didn't eat any bitterness when she was pregnant, and it only hurt for a while when she gave birth, and she gave birth to Xiao Muxi smoothly.

Coupled with the fact that the baby is so cute and beautiful, she can't wait to give birth to another one immediately and give birth to a daughter for Xiao Mu Xi's company.

Thinking of this, Song Jinxi couldn't help making serious plans.

If you give birth to a second child early, raise them together, and your brother and sister have been with each other since childhood, you will not be alone.


Because Xiao Muxi was born with "superpowers", after discussing with Song Jinxi, Shen Liuchen found a reason and booked a global tour group for father and mother Su for more than half a year. The old man got on the plane and arranged two invisible bodyguards for them to ensure the safety of their old couple.

After that, the two versatile little guys "Mu Mu" and "Xiao Ai" acted as the babysitter and confinement, temporarily giving the servants in the villa a vacation, and Song Jinxi raised Xiao Muxi by himself.

Of course, Shen Liuchen often stayed with her at home.

Just as Xiao Mu Xi grew up, Song Jinxi also discovered the jealous side of the little guy.

Every time Shen Liuchen approached Song Jinxi, Xiao Muxi would let go of what he was doing, crawling towards Song Jinxi with his hands and feet together, and then holding her like an octopus, and would often take time to throw a provocative child to Shen Liuchen. Look.

Song Jinxi couldn't laugh or cry, and said with a smile that their Shen family men's ability to be jealous may be family inheritance.

Shen Liuchen and Shen Muxi battled their wits and courage, but it was a pity that Song Jinxi's heart was so biased, and each time they ended in Shen Liuchen's failure.

After a few months, Xiao Musi would finally speak.

That day, Song Jinxi put Xiao Muxi playing with toys in the cradle, while she was sitting while swiping her phone, and she just saw a small video. In the video, the little Lolita was walking forward with her short legs. He stretched out his hand to the mother who was walking in front of her.

Called: "Mom, mom, go slow."

Song Jinxi was cute, and couldn't help but watch it several times, and suddenly heard someone calling "Mom" next to him.

At first, Song Jinxi thought that she had a hallucination with a voice different from that of Little Lolita.

It was just that she heard the second "Mom" sound immediately.

Looking at the sound, Xiao Muxi seemed to notice her gaze, turned to look at her, grinned, kicked two short legs in the air, and shouted: "Mom."

"Wow!" "Mu Mu", who was playing with Xiao Mu Xi just now, was also excited. The little Lolita wearing a jacket turned around in the air and said happily: "Little Mu Xi will be called'mother'. the host."

Song Jinxi didn't know what to say.

It stands to reason that it will take 10 to 11 months for the baby to call "Mom and Dad" at the earliest, but her family is only five or six months old now...

But she immediately figured it out again.

This was a little prodigy who knew how to find his mother with super powers at birth. He was very busy fighting his dad every day. Compared with his super powers, it was normal to learn to talk early.

That afternoon, Shen Liuchen came back from get off work and asked Jian Weiwen to wash the vegetables in the kitchen. He first went upstairs to see Song Jinxi mother and son.

When Song Jinxi saw him, he excitedly shared the joy with him.

"The baby will be called'mother'," she said with a smile.

Shen Liuchen walked to the bed and sat down, looking at the little vinegar in the cradle. Xiaojingjing was originally looking at Song Jinxi, and when she said that, she called out "Mom" again.

Song Jinxi also leaned over, "The baby also called "Dad"."

After that, she pointed to Shen Liuchen, "This is Dad, and the baby is called "Dad"."

Shen Liuchen pursed his thin lips slightly, his face seemed calm, but in fact he was looking forward to hearing Xiao Tuanzi calling him in a tender voice.

It's just that Xiao Mu Xi is a little angel in front of Song Jinxi, and a little white-eyed wolf in front of Shen Liuchen.

Holding the little tiger puppet in his hand, he was kicking two short legs, looking at Shen Liuchen with a pair of nice phoenix eyes.


Song Jinxi couldn't help being joking, thinking he was inaccurate, and taught it again.

Shen Muxi: "Mom."

Song Jinxi: "No, it's'Dad'."

Shen Muxi: "Mom."

Shen Liuchen could be sure that this stinky boy was deliberate. He didn't get annoyed when he didn't hear what he wanted to hear. Instead, he stretched his hand over Song Jinxi and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

In a place that Song Jinxi couldn't see, he gave the brat a look.

The smelly boy was really anxious, and the little tiger in his hand was also thrown aside by him, yelling, as if he was so anxious that he almost cried.

Song Jinxi hurriedly pushed Shen Liuchen, but was pressed by Shen Liuchen and kissed again.

In the past few months, she has focused on her child, and has not been close to Shen Liuchen for a long time. Sometimes, even if she wants to have a kiss with Shen Liuchen, Xiao Mu Xiheng will get in.

At the moment she could not push Shen Liuchen away, and she wanted to speak to stop him and was gagged by Shen Liuchen. The man's dexterous tongue pierced in irresistibly, Song Jinxi was kissed almost lost his mind.

Shen Muxi cried with a "wow".

Song Jinxi suddenly returned to his senses, and Shen Liuchen did not need to push her this time, and directly released her.

The big vinegar jar glanced at the little vinegar essence.

——Sample, fight with your father.

Song Jinxi has no "superpowers", and I don't know that Shen Muxi has actually experienced a lot of knowledge, but Shen Liuchen knows it.

This stinky kid had already understood all kinds of voices, but he had never spoken. Perhaps it was because he wanted to make Song Jinxi happy that he suddenly called "Mom".

As for why he refused to call "Dad", it would be better to understand it, absolutely deliberate.

Father Su and Mother Su’s global tour should be over soon. After a few days, he will find an opportunity to restrict the little guy’s “superpowers” ​​so that he cannot use the super powers before he reaches adulthood. Then he will be thrown to him. Su's father and Su's mother.

Since Song Jinxi’s pregnancy until now, he and Song Jinxi have never had room for two people. Obviously, he and Song Jinxi have only been together for more than a month...

However, Xiao Baozi always likes to **** Song Jinxi with him, and Song Jinxi is partial to him.

Thinking of this, Shen Liuchen couldn't help but want to put Little Bunny into a world where the time flow was faster than theirs, so that he could grow up quickly. If it were not for fear that Song Jinxi would be completely offended, he might really do it.

It's just that this little trouble has not been solved yet, Song Jinxi said that he still wants to ask for another one?

One more little vinegar, two little vinegars together to compete with him?

It might as well kill him directly.

The author has something to say:    The dystocia I am talking about is Cavan. Writing an essay is like giving birth to a child. If I don’t pay attention, I get a dystocia. Some readers asked me if I had a baby and fell to the ground laughing.


Thank you little angels for your nutrient solution and Bawang ticket づ ̄3 ̄づ

Meow ~ threw a mine *12

Spicy skewers threw a mine

Mu Mu threw a landmine

The cute southern calf threw a mine

Su Tuji threw a mine

yanglishang threw a rocket launcher

Sun S)??? Throw a mine

36814542 threw a mine

Reader "I am a languid", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "Nanyang Mumu", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Mario", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Xiaoxiao Muyu", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "yx?", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Readers "meow a mi", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Hy_H", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "Mingci Mingci Noun", irrigation nutrient solution +30

Reader "Shang Yusheng", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Mio", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Readers "pour over", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "I am a languid", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "Yaojiao", irrigation nutrient solution +50

Reader "30 yue", irrigation nutrient solution +40

Reader "Momo", irrigation nutrient solution +50

Reader "Rain in the Creek", irrigation nutrient solution +2

Reader "Nuan Nuan", irrigation nutrient solution +3

Reader "Spicy Skewer", irrigation nutrient solution +10

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