Become the Apex of the Black Tyrant CEO

Chapter 78: Extraordinary: Baby 04

When the children of Shen Muxi reached one year old, Su's father and Su's mother moved home again out of various considerations.

Song Jinxi would take Shen Muxi back to her parents' home basically once a week, and Shen Liuchen would accompany them back together.

Before Shen Muxi was born, Shen Liuchen would always be grabbed by Su's father to play chess. Later, when Shen Muxi was born, this son-in-law seemed less important, and Su's father only saw his baby grandson.

As soon as Shen Muxi went to their home, the two elderly people, Su's father and Su's mother, almost all turned around Shen Muxi.

The children of Shen Muxi are also very interesting. They are very indifferent to outsiders and are quite like their fathers. Treating his family will be very warm, very cute, and very good at coaxing the two old people to be happy. Every time they are coaxed, Song Jinxi can't help laughing.

Today is the day to go back to her family.

After getting up in the morning, Song Jinxi washed and prepared to change his clothes and then went to wake Shen Muxi. The whole person was still a little confused, and I slept a bit late last night.

She wanted to have another baby. When Shen Liuchen made trouble with her, she wouldn't resist at all, but she would cooperate with him whatever he wanted, so she was out of control.

When Mu Mu was informed of the good news again, she stayed again.

It seemed that it had only been a month since she had negotiated with Shen Liuchen that night.

Just got pregnant?

The quality of the tadpoles of the old Shen family is too good, right?

After being pregnant, she was a little worried. After all, Shen Liuchen's uncle gave birth to four sons. What if she was pregnant with sons again?

She wanted to be pregnant before she was pregnant, and worried when she was pregnant.

She changed her clothes and pushed open the door of Shen Muxi next door. The child was sitting on the bed, folding the quilt very seriously.

All the maids and aunts in the family have been invited back, but Shen Muxi has always had a good habit of self-reliance, basically doing a lot of daily tasks by herself. Even if I couldn't do it temporarily, it was all done with Song Jinxi's assistance.

In the June weather, the air conditioner on the bed was just right, and the little guy folded the quilt in a pattern. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he immediately looked back.

"Mom, I folded the quilt."

Her son is so behaved, Song Jinxi's heart softened, and suddenly felt that another son would be fine. But she is different from Shen Liuchen's eldest mother. If the child is still a boy, she will not have another child.

Two are enough.

Song Jinxi walked to the bed and leaned down to kiss Shen Muxi's little cheek.

"Little Musi is the best."

Shen Muxi stretched out her short hands to hug Song Jinxi’s neck, and shook her left and right faces, "Good morning, mother."

"Good morning, good son."

Help Shen Muxi put the folded quilt at the end of the bed, stand aside and watch Shen Muxi get out of bed and put on shoes, and then go to the bathroom to wash.

Three-year-old children are more sensible than five- or six-year-olds. Others couldn't reach the sink, so they asked Song Jinxi to prepare a small movable ladder for him. He stepped on the ladder to wash every day.

The ladder is hollow, which can bear weight but is also very light. Shen Musi can move it by himself.

Seeing Shen Muxi brushing his teeth and washing his face on his own, Song Jinxi took the clothes he was going to wear today and sat on the bed waiting for him. When he was washed, he watched him change his clothes.

The little guy has white skin and is wearing little monkey underwear. Song Jinxi watched him busy getting dressed, and couldn't help reaching out and squeezing his chubby butt.

However, Shen Muxi is still putting on his shirt now, and has no time for both hands. She was attacked by her own mother at first, so she twisted her **** in protest.

"Mom, you can't pinch your ass."

Song Jinxi smiled and asked, "Why?"

"Dad said ashamed."

Song Jinxi: "Dad is envious that your little **** looks better than his."

The little guy believed it was true. After putting on his clothes, he looked at Song Jinxi with bright eyes: "Really?"

Song Jinxi nodded, looked at his shining phoenix eyes, picked him up, and made trouble in his arms for a while.

She has just been pregnant and has not shown her arms yet, so she can hold Shen Muxi occasionally. When he gets heavier in a while, he won't be able to hold him like this.

After the trouble, Song Jinxi hugged him to help him put on his pants. Shen Muxi was still a little bit minded. While cooperating with Song Jinxi's movements, he hesitated and said: "Dad said that the man should wear his own clothes, and his mother cannot help..."

Song Jinxi couldn't help but kissed his little cheek again.

"Once in a while it's okay."

Shen Muxi's short hands were twisted together, "Dad said that once in a while it's not enough."

Song Jinxi was helpless.

The little guy doesn't deal with Shen Liuchen every day, and sometimes he will deliberately intervene between the two of them when Shen Liuchen is talking to her, just to interfere with the competition for her attention, so that Shen Liuchen will be jealous.

However, on the surface, he was very happy to fight Shen Liuchen's wits and courage. In fact, he was very concerned about every sentence Shen Liuchen said. When Shen Liuchen was away, he basically had seven or eight sentences in his ten words related to Shen Liuchen.

"Dad said... Dad said..." Opening his mouth and shutting his mouth did not leave his father, no different from those children who tended to take their father's words as imperial decree in childhood.

The little guy didn’t expect that half of the purpose of what Shen Liuchen said was really to cultivate his independent living ability and practical ability, and the other half of the purpose was to cultivate him to become self-reliant, so that he would not be so attached to Song Jinxi... …

"Then only this time today." Song Jinxi said, already helping him put on his pants.

Let him stand on the ground and arrange his clothes for him. She rubbed the little guy's head and said, "In a short time, Mom may not be able to help you dress yourself like today."

After she finished speaking, seeing the little guy looking at her worriedly, she grabbed his little hand and gently pressed it on her stomach.

"Didn't Xiao Muxi want a younger sister? Now the younger sister is in her mother's belly."

The little guy's worried eyes turned into shock and then into excitement. He carefully touched his mother's stomach, and even couldn't help but put his ear on her stomach.

Shen Liuchen made breakfast, went upstairs to the bedroom and didn't see Song Jinxi, so he came to Shen Muxi's room to look for it, and he saw the mother and son.

Seeing Song Jinxi sitting by the bed and Shen Muxi standing on the ground leaning in her arms, before speaking, she heard Shen Muxi ask: "How long will it take for my sister to come out?"

The foot that had just been lifted out suddenly stopped, and the man's eyes subconsciously converged on Song Jinxi's flat abdomen.

"It will be more than nine months before Xiao Muxi can play with her sister." Song Jinxi glanced at Shen Liuchen, then looked back at Shen Muxi, "But my mother is not sure whether this is a younger sister or Brother, if you give birth to a younger brother, will Xiao Muxi like him?"

"Brother..." Shen Muxi pursed her lips, and the action of pursing her lips seemed to be carved out of the same mold as his father.

Just when Song Jinxi was still thinking about how to convince him, he raised his head and looked at her firmly: "If it is a younger brother, I will protect him. A manly man must protect his mother and younger siblings, except for his father."

Shen Liuchen strode over and raised him with the little guy's squeaky nest.

"Why except Dad?" The man's voice seemed a little unhappy.

Shen Muxi suddenly jumped into the air, giggling with excitement, kicking his two short legs in the air.

"Because Dad is a man, he must learn to protect himself."

This sentence was correct, and Shen Liuchen couldn't refute it, so he played with Shen Muxi for a while. Shen Muxi was a small person, being lifted and tossed like a sack by Shen Liuchen, not at all uncomfortable, but extremely excited.

Song Jinxi stood aside and looked at them.

For a long time, Shen Liuchen showed that he was not interested in children, and he was a little bit resistant to having children, because his dislike of children took away her attention, leaving them no room for two.

He was always cold and indifferent to Shen Muxi, and only the gentleness that occasionally revealed inadvertently would let Song Jinxi be sure that he actually loved children too.

Shen Musi's super high IQ allowed him to show various characteristics that were different from those of his peers. For example, in terms of toys, ordinary toys could not satisfy him at all. Most of the toys he played with were found for him by Shen Liuchen, and some were even made by Shen Liuchen himself.

Not long ago, Shen Muxi had just obtained a children's programming computer. The program of the main system was modified by Shen Liuchen himself. Shen Musi liked the small computer tailored for him very much, and even wrote a decent program.

Never talked about "love", but arranged the best environment for Shen Muxi to grow up. Sometimes he would play with Shen Muxi for a while, such as now.

Seeing that Shen Muxi was a little out of breath, Shen Liuchen put Shen Muxi down, he glanced at Song Jinxi's belly, and then at the little carrot head next to him——

One sweet burden becomes two, and it will become three again soon.

Because he had already given birth to one child and had experience, Song Jinxi accepted it naturally, except that he was a little surprised at the speed of the pregnancy.

After eating, the family of three set off to Su's house. Song Jinxi took his small handbag and was picked up by Shen Muxi.

"Mom, I will help you get it."

Of course Song Jinxi would not refuse his son so good. There were only mobile phones and keys in his handbag.

Song Jinxi looked at Shen Liuchen and saw that he also stretched out his hand to help him carry the bag, but his son took the opportunity to be courteous, so he smiled and wanted to hold his hand. As a result, just halfway through his hand, he was caught by a small hand that appeared in the sky.

Shen Muxi grabbed her mother's hand and smiled happily and said, "I will help my mother hold the bag, and my mother will lead me."

Song Jinxi was happy. This villain was really upset and his father refused to give up. She glanced at Shen Liuchen, and saw the big vinegar vinegar pursed her lips and looked displeased, and stretched out her other hand. .

Shen Muxi's child narrowed her mouth.

"Daddy is so old, there is no need to hold hands."

Shen Liuchen raised his eyelids and glanced at him faintly, "Your mother is my wife, even if I get old in the future, I can lead her."

Shen Musi: "..."

The children are a little depressed.

He used to say that he would marry his mother when he grows up, but both father and mother said no, because his mother has already married his father, and he will find his wife by himself in the future.

It's too miserable, why didn't he have been born twenty years earlier?

The little guy was pinched seven inches by his father, and he was beaten into speechlessness, but his father refused to let him go.

"You are going to be an older brother soon, how can you still hold mother's hand like a child?" Shen Liuchen said.

Song Jinxi sighed silently and looked at Shen Muxi, wanting to see what he said.

Shen Muxi narrowed her mouth, unable to find a reason to refute for a while, and even wanted to secretly let go of her mother's hand, but Song Jinxi grabbed it slightly.

"Don't Xiao Muxi lead her mother?" Song Jinxi asked.

Shen Muxi blinked and looked at Song Jinxi grievedly, "But I have grown up..."

A child who was only three years old said that he had grown up, and Song Jinxi was funny and angry. Laughing Shen Muxi didn't understand that the adult's sinister intentions were too good to deceive, and Shen Liuchen was angry with her son for bullying.

She broke away from Shen Liuchen's hand and walked to the other side of Shen Muxi, letting the little guy stand between her and Shen Liuchen.

"Didn't Xiao Muxi say to protect her mother when she grows up? Now that she has a little sister in her belly, she just needs your protection."

When Shen Muxi heard it, there was light in his eyes.

"Then mother, follow me, don't be tripped over." The kid said every word very seriously.

Song Jinxi: "Mom's safety depends on you."

Shen Muxi nodded: "Hmm!"

The mother and son left Shen Liuchen and left for themselves, leaving Shen Liuchen alone behind.

Shen Muxi still had a bit of grudges. He looked back at Shen Liuchen and said to Song Jinxi: "I will definitely protect my mother, because I love my mother the most."

The sugar-coated shell hit Song Jinxi's heart. She rubbed Shen Muxi's head with a smile, and listened to Shen Muxi asking, "Does my mother love me the most?"

Song Jinxi spoke subconsciously: "Of course I love it the most--"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a cough behind him. For some reason, I always feel that my back seems a little cold, as if someone is staring at her.

...It should not be an illusion.

There was Shen Muxi's expectant look in front of him, and Shen Liuchen's death gaze behind him. Song Jinxi hesitated and found a compromise.

"I love Xiao Muxi too."

The death gaze behind him has not disappeared, and Shen Muxi seems to be dissatisfied with the answer in front of him, and continues to ask: "Do you love me the most?"

Song Jinxi: "..."

The little dumpling narrowed his mouth, "Didn't my mother love me the most?" Seeing that aggrieved little appearance, it seemed that he would cry on the spot without Song Jinxi's affirmative answer.

But Shen Musi actually seldom cried, or basically never cried. When he was a child, he couldn't speak, and when something happened, he would only make two "huh" to remind the adults that he was hungry or urinated.

After growing up, he became stronger to a certain level. If he walked and fell, he would get up by himself. Sometimes he wanted Song Jinxi's hug to pretend to "hum" twice to win Song Jinxi's sympathy and love.

As it is now, it is just selling cuteness.

"Of course I love Xiao Muxi the most," Song Jinxi bit his scalp, "I love you the most in the world."


After returning home that night and putting Shen Muxi to sleep, Song Jinxi sat on the bedside reading novels.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the bedroom door gradually approaching, Song Jinxi quickly put the phone on the bedside table and lay on the bed pretending that he was asleep, while listening to the sound with ears upright. She heard Shen Liuchen walking towards the bed, and the side of the bed sank slightly.

Feeling that someone was looking at him, this feeling was a bit tormented, Song Jinxi forced himself to pretend not to notice, but suddenly his nose was gently pinched by Shen Liuchen.

She held it back for a while, unable to hold it any longer, she couldn't help reaching out and opening Shen Liuchen's hand.

"Don't pretend to be asleep?" The man looked at her condescendingly, his eyes unclear.

Song Jinxi: "What pretend to sleep? I was asleep." She said, trying to turn over, but Shen Liuchen held her shoulders.

"Since I am awake, let's talk?"

They all spent the day at Su's house today, and they came back after dinner in the evening, so Shen Liuchen only now has the opportunity to settle accounts with her.

"I can still fall asleep immediately before I wake up." Song Jinxi resisted.

Shen Liuchen was not fooled and asked directly: "Do you like Shen Muxi the most in the world?"

Can't hide...

Song Jinxi admitted his fate.

"That's...that's a slow-down strategy!" She raised her hands to her ears in a gesture of surrender, and then began to complain: "You are jealous with a three-year-old child every day, don't you think it is naive?"

Shen Liuchen: "I don't think so."

His gaze slowly moved down, and landed on her lips, and his Adam's apple couldn't help but slide up and down.

Song Jinxi happened to see his move.

As a mature woman (that's how she judges herself), it is easy to associate with certain actions, especially Shen Liuchen who does this action.

It's a pity that she now has a little baby in her belly, and she can't mess around anymore. When Shen Liuchen leaned down to kiss her, her hands seemed to have her own consciousness, and she took the initiative to encircle his neck and gave a tasting kiss. .

Shen Liuchen kissed her lips, then sucked on her lower lip, moving more and more.

But he cares more about her body than Song Jinxi, and can only hold her back forcibly, and also pay attention not to pressure her and make her uncomfortable.

The two embraced each other, feeling his wholehearted tenderness. Song Jinxi was very thankful that she was pregnant, otherwise she might be tortured by Shen Liuchen.

But in fact, apart from rejoicing, she also had some regrets... After she had this little baby in her stomach, she would not be able to live a normal married life with Shen Liuchen for several months.

Shen Liuchen's technique is quite good. As the one who doesn't have to work hard to enjoy it, she actually likes this sport of love. What's more, Shen Liuchen is indeed young and energetic now...

In many cases, Shen Liuchen feels suffocated, and she feels distressed.

In any case, now I can only wait for the one in my stomach to be born, and she will compensate Shen Liuchen after he is born.

Song Jinxi made the decision secretly and behaved very well. She rubbed his neck and whispered, "I love you the most in the world, Shen Liuchen... This sentence is serious and 100% sincere."

Her voice was small, and she was talking life-threatening love words in his ear, making Shen Liuchen's heart soft.

He pecked in her ear again, "I love you too."


Song Jinxi was pregnant with the child, but it was still unknown whether it was a male or a female. Song Jinxi did not let Mumu check it.

Still want to keep expectations.

Surprisingly, this baby is far less worry-free than when she was pregnant with Shen Muxi. Song Jinxi has almost all suffered from symptoms such as morning sickness, foot cramps, acid addiction, chills, dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, and loss of appetite. all over.

The two men, one big and one small, were worried that they would be broken. Papa Su and Mama Su were also moving over. The family of four surrounded her every day, but they couldn't help her share even the slightest pain.

The kid Shen Muxi was already very obedient and well-behaved, but now seeing her mother feel so uncomfortable, she seems to be more sensible. Every day I changed the way to make Song Jinxi happy, and I also learned to tell stories to the baby in his stomach, hoping that he would be safe.

Shen Liuchen's complexion is even worse, thinking about the child being so tossed when she is pregnant, will she...

Pregnant women will become stupid, not to mention Song Jinxi, who is not so smart.

During the first few days when Song Jinxi had a pregnancy reaction, seeing that Shen Liuchen always looked at her belly from time to time, his eyes were heavy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

She was afraid that Shen Liuchen would do tricks on the baby in her stomach, so she was not only uncomfortable but also frightened every day, and her mental state was even worse.

Song Jinxi did not sleep well at night, either leg cramps, or he woke up suddenly in a cold sweat in the middle of the night and then suffered insomnia. Shen Liuchen was not much better. He could not sleep for several days almost all night. He was so haggard than Song Jinxi that he was scared. Su's father and Su's mother jumped.

Seeing that he was so worried about Song Jinxi, Dad Su couldn't help letting go of the last little thought in his heart, and even took the initiative to enlighten him to let him not worry too much. Many women are pregnant like this, and it should be better in a while.

It was so smooth when she was pregnant with Shen Muxi, but it was actually an exception.

Their enlightenment was of no use to Shen Liuchen, and it was not until Song Jinxi showed his defense against him one day that he later realized what Song Jinxi was thinking.

Unexpectedly, Song Jinxi did not trust him so much, and Shen Liuchen was so angry and funny.

Worrying that Song Jinxi would continue to think about himself and scare him, Shen Liuchen just wanted to find Song Jinxi for a showdown, Song Jinxi went to him first.

Song Jinxi had just finished retching. After rinsing, he held the sink with both hands and looked at Shen Liuchen standing behind her in the mirror.

"Do you dislike children at all?"

Shen Liuchen walked over, ignoring Song Jinxi's little struggle, and hugged her from behind, with his big hands gently resting on her belly.

"You should answer my question first," he said. "In your heart, I am such a coldhearted person?"

Speaking of this, Song Jinxi was wronged.

When she is still sensible, she will discover Shen Liuchen's love for Shen Muxi through some small details. But now she has been tortured by the pregnancy reaction to be irrational, mentally fragile, and always crazy about thinking.

She knew she was wrong, but she just couldn't control it.

"Whether it is Muxi or Nianxi, I insisted on giving birth." Song Jinxi said, his voice choked even more.

The name of the baby in the belly has long been determined. After birth, whether it is a male or a female, the name is "Nianxi".

Shen Muxi often touched Song Jinxi's belly and called "Niannian".

Looking at the aggrieved woman in the mirror, Shen Liuchen sighed softly.

"Stupid." There was no real reproach at all, his voice was so soft that people's ears were soft.

Song Jinxi has no time to be idiots at the moment, but feels more wronged.

"Yeah, I'm a fool. I know that you don't like children, but you just want to have children. In the end, it's me who is working hard, and the whole family is worried about me." She said pitifully, "But, I just I want to make our family livelier... I want to give you a daughter. I heard that men like daughters. He likes sons just to keep the incense..."

She said that the more ridiculous, Shen Liuchen's eyes flowed with a helpless smile.

"The child is the crystallization of our love, how could I not like it. It's just Xixi, I want to monopolize you more than a child." He tightened a little bit to bring Song Jinxi closer to him, "I don't want anyone to distract you. I hope you are the only one in your world."

He said so seriously that Song Jinxi had already believed more than half.

"Then do you really like reading Xi and Mushi?" she asked again uncertainly.

Shen Liuchen: "I like it."

"Also... I won't secretly look for opportunities to get Nianxi away?"

Shen Liuchen almost laughed angrily by her, "So you are really afraid of this."

Song Jinxi was a little bit unreasonable and did not dare to refute, so she lowered her voice and muttered, so that people could not hear what she was muttering.

Shen Liuchen took a light bite on her neck, "I'm just thinking about how to ensure the safety of your mother and daughter. I won't be allowed to think about it anymore."

"Um..." Song Jinxi nodded droopingly. I want to say sorry, but I can't say it.


Fortunately, the pregnancy reaction did not last too long. After that period of time, Song Jinxi's condition improved a lot. My appetite is better, I can eat it, and make up for all the meat I lost in the previous months.

Afterwards, even control your diet so as not to accumulate too much fat.

The day the child was born, although not as smooth as when Shen Musi was born, it was a smooth delivery.

Song Jinxi let out a long sigh of relief when the nurse said "it's a little girl".


When relatives and friends in the delivery room were vying to see the little princess, even Su’s mother couldn’t stand the temptation of her little granddaughter and joined the crowd. Only Shen Liuchen was still with Song Jinxi, holding her hand, and It was exactly the same four years ago.

"Husband, I gave birth to you a daughter." Song Jinxi's voice was a little weak, unable to hide his joy.

Shen Liuchen held her hand and kissed her mouth, "Thank you."

Song Jinxi smiled, and suddenly thought of a scene four years ago, "Will the baby fly?"

Shen Liuchen looked a little dignified, glanced at the baby in the swaddle, let go of Song Jinxi's hand, strode over, and took the baby from Mama Su.

Just like four years ago, the order was given to everyone, and everyone left one after another, leaving only a family of four in the ward.

The child Shen Muxi stood by the bed obediently, looking at his mother with a look of concern, and from time to time throwing envious glances at Shen Liuchen's hands, a little to look at his sister again.

He just glanced at it.

The younger sister is innocent, especially cute, even cuter than other sisters. He likes it very much.

For the second time, Shen Liuchen did the operation of "superpower" restraint. He already had experience and implemented it quickly. After restraining Shen Nianxi's "superpowers", he carefully put the child next to Song Jinxi's pillow.

Shen Muxi was able to see his sister who had been waiting for more than nine months again.

The little baby was sucking on his little finger with big eyes. He didn't cry or make trouble. When he saw Shen Muxi, he waved his hand excitedly. When he saw Shen Liuchen, he was even more excited.

Not as lively as a newborn baby.

"Mom, my sister is so cute."


Time flies quickly, and two years have passed in an instant.

Shen Muxi's child has grown into a very responsible little man. In addition to learning all kinds of knowledge on his own every day, he also takes Shen Nianxi to play.

One day, Song Jinxi was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Shen Liuchen was sitting beside Song Jinxi reading magazines, while Shen Muxi took Shen Nianxi and playing with building blocks.

Playing around, not knowing what the siblings said, Shen Nianxi suddenly ran over and lay on Shen Liuchen's knee.

"Dad, brother said you don't like him, only like me, is it true?"

Song Jinxi paused and looked at Shen Liuchen.

Shen Muxi hurried over and explained: "It's not that I don't like me, Mom, I didn't say that my father didn't like me, and my sister was wrong.

Song Jinxi pulled him into his arms and pressed his forehead.

"Then what do you mean?" She had to confirm the question.

She and Shen Liuchen were ready to travel to other worlds, after all, she had agreed to Shen Liuchen before. Unexpectedly, before they left, they would suddenly hear Shen Muxi say this.

After Shen Nianxi was born, Shen Liuchen would indeed hug her more often, but that was also because Shen Nianxi was more sticky to Shen Liuchen instead of sticking to her as a mother. When Shen Liuchen was there, Shen Nianxi would take the initiative to find him to hug him, otherwise he would cry easily.

Shen Liuchen was afraid that Song Jinxi would be too tired to take the children, so he would often hold Shen Nianxi to play and share the burden with Song Jinxi.

As for Song Jinxi herself, she was also very happy, anyway, Shen Liuchen didn't have to be busy making money. There was a system to work for free every day to support their family, so Shen Nianxi left.

Unexpectedly, this move would bring such an idea to Shen Musi.

Before Song Jinxi had time to think more deeply, he heard Shen Muxi say: "I mean, my mother loves me the most in the world, and my father loves her sister the most in the world."

Shen Nianxi listened, nodded, and looked at Shen Liuchen: "Does Dad love me the most in the world?"

The little girl looked expectant, making Song Jinxi feel a little sour.

Eat Shen Luchen's vinegar.

The daughter only has her father in her heart. Without her as a mother, she would have been jealous if her son was closer to her.

However, when Shen Nianxi asked Shen Liuchen this question, Song Jinxi still thought about the reincarnation of heaven, and it was her turn to ask Master Shen Liuchen to question her at night. She pricked her ears and waited for Shen Liuchen to answer, but listened to Shen Liuchen's silence for a while.

"In the whole world, I love your mother the most, and then you and your brother." The man's low voice gave such an answer.

Shen Nian narrowed her mouth, "Why doesn't Dad love me the most?"

Shen Liuchen sat the little girl in his arms and gently explained: "Because my mother is Dad's wife, there will be someone in the future. The whole world loves you the most, but that person is not Dad."

Shen Nianxi seemed to understand, "What about brother?"

"Mom also loves Dad the most in the world, second loves you and my brother, and my brother will meet someone who loves him the most in the world." Song Jinxi said, apologizing to the child Shen Muxi: "I'm sorry, Xiao Muxi, To make you happy, my mother lied to you."

Shen Nianxi narrowed her mouth, and Shen Muxi was also a little unhappy.

The siblings glanced at each other, Shen Nianxi crawled down from Shen Liuchen's arms, was held by his brother, and the two ran together.

The author has something to say:    highlight reminder: the next extra is a few quick-wearing short stories, everyone should be careful to buy! ~

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