Become the Apex of the Black Tyrant CEO

Chapter 84: Fan Wai: Admiral Villain 3

Song Jinxi still didn't know that he was in a dangerous situation. What attracted her now was Shen Liuchen, who did not know when he appeared on the deck again.

The man is tall, standing in front of the railings on the deck, looking at him from a distance, it seems a bit unpleasant.

In other words, didn't this guy let people lose her? Why are you following out now?

Is it to make sure that his guards are working fast or not, to see if she is gone?

It should not be.

Song Jinxi swam to his direction, looked at Shen Liuchen, raised his eyebrows, his eyes a little provocative.

Probably it is similar to the kind of anger that "even if you lose me, I can follow you".

She was a little far away, unable to see the trace of fortune between Shen Liuchen's eyebrows.

Shen Liuchen couldn't remember many things. He only knew that he was a tasker selected by the system. He came to this world just to do the task. After completing the task, he could earn points. When the points accumulate to a certain level, the system will restore his memory and send him back to his original place.

Shen Liuchen always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something very important, or someone who was very important to him, he must complete the task as soon as possible and retrieve his memory.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was on the boat, which was on the way back to country Y.

It so happened that he unexpectedly ran into the heroine of this world on the road. Looking at Sarah floating on the sea recklessly, remembering some of the plot synopses that the system showed him after crossing, Shen Liuchen asked someone to fish her up.

Before I knew what to do with Sarah, I saw the mermaid again.

For some reason, as long as he saw this pink mermaid, his heart would be a little out of control.

When he first brought her up, his body unexpectedly wanted to step forward, but he was able to control it in time.

After ordering people to lock her and Sarah together, he returned to his room and felt a little restless. In the end, he couldn't restrain himself. Without even looking for excuses, he directly ordered someone to bring her and Sarah together.

He said that he was letting the two fish come together, but he actually just wanted to see her, calling Sarah, more to confuse others, or to give him a reason to convince himself.

She is beautiful.

It's the type he likes.

The facial features are just right, the body is just right, and the skin is fair and delicate, even making him unable to look away.

He is not a lustful person, even a little pure-hearted, but when he sees her...

But as long as he thinks that others will see her delicate skin, there is a breath in his heart. This feeling is strange and familiar, making him even a little unacceptable. Seeing her smiling at him, his heart would be a little strange. When he heard her say that he liked her, he couldn't help it and wanted to keep him.

It seemed that the cells of the whole body were cheering and jumping for joy, because she said "like him".

He doesn't like this feeling of being out of control.

Shen Liuchen always likes to control everything in his own hands, and there are few existences that can disturb his mood. Therefore, the pink mermaid can be said to be a big exception.

He asked the guards to throw the woman back into the sea, thinking about not seeing and not worrying. But when the order went down, he immediately regretted it.

The rare regret in my life was because of a fish.

What surprised him even more was that he was actually in panic, afraid that if he lost her this time, she might never show up in front of him again. After all, the sea is so deep and so big, where is he going to find a mermaid?

He only persisted on the sofa for a while before he could not help getting up. The guard moved quickly, and she had been thrown into the sea. The panic and uneasy mood was still rising, and Shen Liuchen was in a state of confusion, holding back left and right, and returned to the deck.

Fortunately, she did not leave, still following the ship.

The moment he saw her again, he was very excited, but he said: "Why are you still not leaving?" He was very indifferent.

When Song Jinxi heard this, he was really furious.

Why is Shen Liuchen who has no memory so annoying?

I still hate her to death...

Wait, wait for him to recover his memory and see how she cuts him.

Song Jinxi put his hands around his chest and said, "There is no time to leave. Since you don't want me, please be thrown away by my little sister. Let's leave together."

"Impossible." There is no room for negotiation in the man's low voice.

"Why not? Is it really necessary to make her into fish head soup as the man said?" Song Jinxi asked with a question mark: "We are so beautiful and so cute, how can you be willing?"

Shen Liuchen sneered without speaking.

Song Jinxi was anxious, and swam towards the side of the boat.

"Hey! Since you don't like mermaids, then return my little sister to me? Our upper body is a human head, not a fish head. Even if you want to make fish head soup, you can’t make it... If you make adult head soup, Do you really dare to drink?"

Shen Liuchen still did not speak.

Today’s weather is very sunny. He inadvertently glanced into the distance, only to find that there seemed to be an abnormal movement on the water surface of nearly three kilometers around. The speed of travel and the spray on the water seemed to be caused by the rapid approach of sharks...

Song Jinxi is still saying: "I promise, as long as you leave her down, our two sisters will immediately disappear and never show up in front of you again."

Anyway, the most important thing right now is to save Sarah's life.

Song Jinxi is also a mermaid now, after all, if Shen Liuchen really burns her "kind", then he is the executioner.

Every time she sees him in the future, she will make up for the tragedy of Sarah's death...

That was terrifying.

What she said was that she wanted Shen Liuchen to let Sarah go, but it turned out that she wanted to leave him forever.

Never show up in front of him again...

What is more important now is the white lines on the sea that are still approaching at a rapid speed.

Shen Liuchen pursed his lips, "Come up."

Song Jinxi didn't know what he meant, but his attitude of throwing her back into the sea for a while and letting her on the ship made her very unhappy.

She continued to wrap her arms around her chest, which was a defensive action that people would subconsciously do.

"Why do you want to throw it away and I will throw it away? If you let me go up and I will go up there? If I listen to you, wouldn't I lose face?"

The girl refused to cooperate. Looking at the white lines that were still approaching, Shen Liuchen knotted her brows.

He was really worried about the girl’s safety, and he couldn’t even care about anything else, and said: "There seem to be many sharks approaching on the sea--"

Before he finished speaking, Song Jinxi didn't even have time to react. Suddenly, a great white shark jumped out of the sea and attacked Song Jinxi with its mouth wide open.

At this moment, he saw a strange first mate in the surrounding waters also rushed over. He had a rifle in his hand. He had just walked in front of Shen Liuchen and had not spoken yet. Shen Liuchen happened to look over and snatched the gun from his hand. .

Pull the bolt to aim and launch, but the accuracy is also extremely high within one breath, and it hits the side of the shark. The side of the shark's body is the most vulnerable, where the bones are soft, and the lining of the internal organs is extremely poor.

The shark slammed to one side, and the bright red blood spread quickly. Although it was not as serious as a sea area, it was a bit bloody.

Song Jinxi couldn't stand the stench and almost retched.

But there are still many sharks around. After Shen Liuchen fired a shot, he continued to aim at another shark that was closer, and then shot it over, instructing the first officer: "Get the big net, hurry."

The first officer ran away quickly.

Fortunately, Song Jinxi only shed a little blood, because she happened to be in the sea and the blood was immersed in the water, which caused the sharks to riot.

Now the small wound on her mouth has condensed, and the blood of the two sharks concealed that little breath, the emotions of the sharks still swimming around here are calmed down a lot, no longer like the first two That way, he threw directly at Song Jinxi's side.

The first officer brought the net, and Shen Liuchen let someone cast the net.

While shouting to Song Jinxi: "Come up."

Song Jinxi just wanted to swim over, just at this moment, the surface of the sea suddenly rolled again, and a young man emerged from under the water.

The boy with blue hair and blue eyes, the fish tail is also sky blue, riding a white dolphin, swimming towards Song Jinxi, looks like an angel that only appears in anime.

In addition, many dolphins joined the battle and began to drive away the sharks that were still swimming around. Sharks are afraid of dolphins. Because dolphins are smart, they will desperately attack the weaknesses of sharks, so that the sharks have no chance to breathe.

Therefore, when a shark encounters a dolphin, it can only escape.

Sometimes, dolphins will even organize the protection of fish that are chased by sharks. Of course, these are all things later.

Shen Liuchen's net cast down, and instead of catching Song Jinxi, he saw Song Jinxi floating on the water, looking at the young man with amazement.

His mood was...

The face turned green.

The young man swam to Song Jinxi and stretched out his hand to her: "Come on, I will take you home." After speaking, he smiled at her.

His smile was very sunny, with a touch of soothing, so Song Jinxi was cured in an instant.

What kind of little sunny angel is this...

It’s too beautiful, right? !


On the battleship, they witnessed the marshal, who was not close to the female, and made various measures to save the pink mermaid in the water. The first officer thought the marshal was moved by the mermaid.

When Duke Lucas grew up, there were almost zero peachy scandals. He didn't like both men and women. The only person who was close to him was Brigadier General Lawrence. But Lawrence is a famous loafer, and there is no shortage of women around him. It is personally unbelievable to say that he has that kind of relationship with Duke Lucas.

Therefore, when Song Jinxi confessed to Shen Liuchen on the boat, the guards listened to the order and threw Song Jinxi into the sea, and Song Jinxi's pioneering work was also broadcast at the same time.

In history, this is the first time their Lord Duke has been teased by non-human beings. It can be seen that the charm of the duke has broken through the limits of race. Everyone felt proud (?).

The mermaid confession was ordered to be thrown away by the Duke, and now the Duke is committed to saving the mermaid. The first officer thinks this may be a beautiful love story.

However, the plot changed so quickly that their duke had just expressed his feelings, but the mermaid has moved to fall in love?

What is the phrase "I will take you home", how can it arouse people's reverie?

Look at the faint green cloud above my duke...

The first officer turned on the theater mode.

The Sunshine Boy saw Song Jinxi dumbfounded, a little silly and cute, and smiled again, "Come on, or I will be caught by humans."

The juvenile voice, the warm sunshine, make people feel like spring blossoms...

Song Jinxi returned to his senses and shook his head: "I have a little sister who is still on the boat. She may be boiled into fish head soup. I want to save her."

The author has something to say:    suddenly found out that Chen did not seem to have encountered a real rival in love, hehehe (smile

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