Become the Apex of the Black Tyrant CEO

Chapter 87: Extraordinary: Admiral Villain 6

The man's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his light blue eyes are like glass beads that he played with when he was a child. The color is so light that he can't look away from him.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, seemingly smiling, looking at her quietly, there seemed to be a strange light in his eyes, and the deer in people's hearts couldn't help but bump into it, which was breathtaking.

Song Jinxi turned his gaze to one side with difficulty.

Even though she has been with him for so long, she still can't resist his charming charm.

"Why am I a scumbag?" he asked.

Song Jinxi's eyes fell on the quilt on her body.

The quilt is dark blue, and the corners of the quilt are embroidered with low-key gilt patterns.

I have to say that the personality of this Duke Lucas is indeed somewhat similar to Shen Liuchen in some respects.

"My legs just turned out, you wiped me out.... I didn't want to let Sarah go after I slept. What are you not a scumbag?" Song Jinxi finished, seemingly angry However, turn his head to the side and face him with the back of his head.

She was very concerned about the release of Sarah, and Shen Liuchen was a little puzzled.

Think about that blue mermaid boy, who seems to be unfamiliar with her, but will appear in front of humans to save her.

In the past few hundred years, mermaids have only existed in dramas or legends, and have never appeared in the sight of humans. It can be seen that they are happy to live on the bottom of the sea and deliberately avoid humans.

Being able to risk being fished to rescue a stranger is enough to explain some problems.

Is their mermaid so united or how? Even if you don't know each other, you will try your best to rescue them.

Looking at the back of Song Jinxi's puffy head, he actually didn't want her to misunderstand him in this regard, so he explained lightly: "She is useful to me."

Song Jinxi turned his head back abruptly, "What's the use?" His eyes sparkled.

Shen Liuchen stopped talking.

Song Jinxi changed direction again, "Then tell me, do you want to eat fish head soup? Or do you want to hug left and right?"

"Neither." The man's voice was calm.

"In other words, you don't want to look at her or hurt her life?" Song Jinxi asked tentatively.

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly, "It can be understood that way."

"In this case, what can't you tell me?" Song Jinxi asked.

Shen Liuchen: "You drink the porridge first."

Song Jinxi followed his gaze and put his gaze on the bowl of porridge on the bedside table. Just when he wanted to get the bowl, Shen Liuchen took the first step.

She had long been accustomed to Shen Liuchen being fed by Shen Liuchen, and she didn't fight with him, enjoying his service with peace of mind. As everyone knows, just her comforting attitude made Shen Liuchen confirm another message--

Their relationship may be closer than he imagined.

The memory is sealed in his mind, making him forget the past, but the memory of the body still remains. That is a unique sense of fit, but the two familiar with each other can't reach this level.

It's like when he raises his hand to do something, she will make corresponding actions to cooperate.

Another example is the fit between their two bedspreads.

She can keep up with his rhythm without any mistake, making him love more deeply. He can also judge her feelings through her slight facial expression changes, thereby adjusting the intensity and direction to bring a better experience to both of them.

Thinking of this, desire faintly had a tendency to raise his head again, and he quickly stopped this charming thought.

This was her first time. He lost control and asked for an afternoon. He was already a little sad, and even worried that she would regret it when she woke up. Fortunately, she didn't blame him, she just glanced at him accusingly, which gave Shen Liuchen the illusion that he was left behind.

And now, in order not to hurt her body, he must endure it.

Song Jinxi didn't know what he was thinking, and ate a whole bowl of porridge obediently.

The porridge is seafood porridge, which contains all kinds of seafood. Song Jinxi quite likes it.

It's not that mermaids are also fish, they don't know how to eat seafood. On the contrary, they will eat all kinds of small fish and shrimp, and they will also eat all kinds of plants on the bottom of the sea.

After she finished eating, Shen Liuchen did not give her a chance to ask questions, but took the lead in asking questions that he hadn't had time to ask before.

"Does that pill have any side effects?"

Judging from the descriptions in those scripts and dramas, the price for a mermaid to have legs is still very high.

Song Jinxi took the handkerchief he handed over and wiped his mouth. "There should be no side effects, right?"

"Should?" Shen Liuchen frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with this answer.

"There are no side effects," she said.

Shen Liuchen locked her eyes tightly, with a trace of unbelief on her face.

"Are you sure?" The man's voice seemed a little unhappy.

Song Jinxi didn't know what he was upset about, maybe he was worried about her safety.

She was silent for a moment.

"Probably there may be no side effects, but at least my voice has not changed, I can talk and sing. If you don't believe me, I will sing an impromptu song for you now."

As she said, she was about to open her voice.

To be honest, she hasn't heard her own singing since she passed through to the present. I heard that the singing of mermaids is the sound of nature, she even looked forward to it.

It's a pity that Shen Liuchen didn't seem to want to appreciate it. She just sang a few words, and she thought it was pretty good, but he came to her and gave her a deep kiss.

This method of silence is a bit unique. Song Jinxi felt his lips numb, speechless.

"The voice is okay, what about the others?" Shen Liuchen asked again.


Song Jinxi thought about it seriously, and replied: "You won't feel walking on a blade when you step on the ground. The side effect should be that if you touch water when walking on land, your legs will become fish tails at any time."

If the side effect is just this, it's fine. As she guessed, what Shen Liuchen was really worried about was her safety.

When Song Jinxi was still asleep, he asked Sarah. Sarah said there were no side effects, but he didn't dare to believe it easily. Only when Song Jinxi checked the situation again would he dare to feel relieved.

His care for her seemed to be out of instinct. He didn't want to resist, but enjoyed the feeling of caring for her wholeheartedly.

Song Jinxi ate and drank enough, leaning on the head of the bed, only then remembered the question just now.

"So what do you want to do with Sarah?" She asked, and solemnly assured: "Don't worry, I will never say anything. Anyway, I only know you here, and there is no way to talk to others. Tell the news."

Shen Liuchen did not answer.

Seeing him like this, Song Jinxi frowned, "You said you would tell me when I finish eating the porridge. Wouldn't you want to turn back?"

She seemed to be angry again, Shen Liuchen was not anxious, but looked at her pointedly.

"If I guessed correctly, you are not from this world, right?"

Song Jinxi: "...?" What?

What do you want to say suddenly?

She called his name impulsively before, but didn't listen to him afterwards. She thought that even if it had passed, she didn't expect to be here waiting for her.

Before she could answer, Shen Liuchen asked again, "Do you know who Sarah is?"

Song Jinxi: "...?!!!" Shocked.

After a brief shock, looking at Shen Liuchen's thoughtful eyes, she suddenly reacted.

Was scammed by this guy again

After spending so long with Shen Liuchen, how could Song Jinxi not understand his attributes?

This person loves people when there is nothing to do. Sometimes it’s just a guess, but he can tell a thing the same as he has fully understood the truth of the matter, making you mess up and take the initiative to reveal the stuff, and even trust the truth. Out

At first, when she pretended to be her own stand-in, she was scammed by him in this way. Later, I saw him swindling a child Shen Muxi several times.

The poor child Shen Muxi, although smart since he was a child, is not at all an opponent of this old fox.

After playing against his dad several times, he even really thought that his dad had a heavenly eye, and Shen Liuchen could see it no matter what he did. Therefore, I didn't dare to do some small movements later, because I was afraid that Shen Liuchen opened his eyes in an unknown corner and was staring at him.

Little did he know that his unscrupulous father was just bullying others, ignorant, and deliberately deceiving him to tell the truth.

Fortunately, after the birth of Xiao Muxi, Shen Liuchen has been competing with Shen Muxi for her attention overtly and secretly. In order not to make her unhappy, there is nothing to deceive her, he basically did not use those careful thoughts on her.

I was afraid that she would be upset and would take her son to ignore him.

She hadn't been defrauded by him for a long time, and she followed his way again after a moment of negligence.

"Wh...what's your identity?" Song Jinxi faltered, lowering his head and making random eyeballs.

Fingers unintentionally picked the dark lines on the quilt, and after a while, she suddenly thought of an excellent excuse.

"Yes!" She said, "I know her identity. She is the princess of our Mermaid Kingdom. As a citizen of the Mermaid Kingdom, I must ensure her safety."

Just kidding, if Shen Liuchen were to figure out her identity, then the world would be no fun. What she wants is the feeling of strangeness and familiarity. It is also a pastime to watch Shen Liuchen "solve the case".

It's because she is too easy to be arrogant, and the IQ gap is flawed.

"So that's the case." Shen Liuchen pretended to believe, and said: "I have heard the story of the mermaid princess, and I intend to fulfill your mermaid's long-cherished wish."

"Long wish?" Song Jinxi was confused, "What long wish?"

The story of the mermaid princess is a tragedy. The tragedy is that she loves the prince, saves the prince, and loses her moving voice for the prince, abandons her people, endures the pain of stepping on the blade, but is replaced by another woman. position.

Eventually it turned into foam and disappeared into the water.

Is the long-cherished wish that Shen Liuchen said...?

Song Jinxi had a faint guess, "You want to give Sarah to the prince?"

"Who said it must be given to the prince?" Shen Liuchen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Song Jinxi had another question mark on his face, "If you don't give it to the prince, how can you realize your long-cherished wish?"

Shen Liuchen: "There is no prince in our country."


How could there be no prince, then what is Andre?

But Song Jinxi just said two words and suddenly realized something. He swallowed the following words quickly.

This guy is talking about her again.

She rolled her eyes and turned the subject of the conversation with difficulty: "How can there be no prince in a country? And...without a prince, how can you realize the wish of the mermaid princess?"

A smile flashed in Shen Liuchen's light blue eyes.

Xiao Yuer learned to be clever, not easy to deceive.

He chuckled lightly: "It's funny."

Song Jinxi: "..." She hates it!

When his memory recovers, he must be made to kneel on the keyboard! ! !

"Our country does have a prince, and he is very interested in the story of the mermaid princess. I think he will like my gift."

After he finished speaking, he took the bowl and went out.

Song Jinxi lay on the bed and wailed for a while, this feeling of IQ suppression was really uncomfortable.

After wailing, she looked at the door and fell into thought again.

It turned out that the encounter between Sarah and Andre was entirely a coincidence, an arrangement of fate. Sarah fainted on the beach, Andre rescued her, no one else intervened, Andre would easily relax his vigilance against her and fall in love with Sarah easily.

However, when a Shen Liuchen was inserted in their encounter, in the incompatible state of Andre and Lucas, and Andre's defense against Shen Liuchen, would Andre still accept Sarah so easily?

Shen Liuchen's appearance will rewrite the ending of Sarah and Andre?

After making many assumptions, Song Jinxi finally sighed and turned into a salted fish to collapse on the bed.

Now I can only go one step at a time.

If the relationship line between Sarah and Andre was really broken by Shen Liuchen, the big deal would be to let Shen Liuchen return to the world before they leave.

Sarah is so cute, she will definitely give her a happy ending.


In the next two days, Song Jinxi and Shen Liuchen lived on the boat without shame. In this era, there is no mobile phone. Apart from watching the sea and doing shameful things every day, it seems that there is no other way of entertainment.

Sarah has a warmer personality and doesn't like to chat very much. Song Jinxi went to talk to her, and she was worried that she would be suspicious by accidentally leaking her mouth.

Song Jinxi knew very well that he couldn't keep his temper with a word. After all, he had suffered a lot from Shen Liuchen before, and the pig liver incident was enough to make her remember for a lifetime.

With such consideration, she didn't often go to Sarah. She only mentioned Shen Liuchen's plan with Sarah and told her that Shen Liuchen would not harm her, but would give her to Prince Andre. Then he said some good things about Andre in a vague way, and told Sarah to take good care of herself when she came to Andre.

Sarah was warm-tempered, and she was at ease with the situation. After listening to her advice, she only smiled to let her not worry, but instead made her work **** Shen Liuchen, and gave her a few pills to cheer...?

Song Jinxi looked at the small white medicine bottle in his palm, feeling a little magical.

She didn't expect Sarah to be such a heroine at all. It seems that this is not described in the original plot.

A little girl, she looked like she didn't know the world, but she was actually quite careful.

Then she felt that Andre was lucky and met such an interesting heroine, and she could imagine her **** life in the future.

Taking the small medicine bottle back to the room, she hadn't found a place to put it away, and she didn't want to be seen by Shen Liuchen by accident.

Shen Liuchen asked her what it was, she hesitated and refused to say it, and was accidentally tricked by Shen Liuchen, and then somehow, when she was agitated by Shen Liuchen's words, she poured out a pill and swallowed it. , Intends to fight Shen Liuchen with "the fish die and the net is broken".

Anyway, as the old saying goes, "There is no bad farming, only exhausted cattle." Shen Liuchen has always been in a dominant position in this matter, always suppressing her, saying that she can't do it, and she can't bear it. He suffered a bit.

Let him taste the taste of "exhausted to death".

Of course, she dared to do this, but also relying on Shen Liuchen to improve his own physical condition. Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to joke about her "sex blessing" for the rest of her life.

However, she still lost, completely.

The two played in the room for two days and one night without shame. The guards brought them to the door for meals and Shen Liuchen took them. After eating, she took a short break and then went to the battlefield again, and she took the initiative every time.

She was controlled by the drug's effect, and she kept pestering Shen Liuchen. Shen Liuchen did not refuse at all, and never showed the slightest fatigue.

They hadn't left the door for two whole days, and their wandering figures were everywhere in the room, and Shen Liuchen, an old driver without a teacher, tried many actions that he hadn't done before.

It really didn't look.

During the period, Shen Liuchen forgot that her legs would change back to the fishtail setting when they touched the water, and wanted to bathe with her mandarin ducks, so they...

I naturally studied the secrets under the scales of the mermaid's tail.

A certain ulterior achievement was achieved.

Afterwards, Song Jinxi felt ashamed and felt that after two days and one night, the people on the whole ship knew that the two of them were too licentious... Not dare to go out to face the strange gazes of those crew members, she pushed all the faults on Shen Liuchen.

While self-hypnotizing, I firmly believe that I am still a pure fish.

At the same time, he also gave Shen Liuchen comments such as "birds and beasts will never let go of fish", "there were many fairy sun snakes in ancient times, and now there are Shen Liuchen sleeping fishes", "the first man who sleeps fish in human history" and so on. Villain.

Then I was whimsical, muttering where I was alone, saying something like "It turns out that grass carp can not only represent a kind of fish, but also a verb" and so on...

Sao words.

She also felt that she was not saved.

As for Shen Liuchen, he got the benefits, so she left. No matter what she said, she looked at her with a cowardly smile, and Song Jinxi felt bored, so she had to slumped down with a fish in the bathtub. ,moan and groan.

She really shot herself in the foot this time.

These two days of indulgence almost killed her half life.

The "land" was almost destroyed by ploughing, but the "cow" was full of energy, and the spring breeze was full of his face, looking at nothing, he looked like he could "fight for 300 rounds" again. She even began to doubt the credibility of the old saying...

It's all deceptive.

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but wipe away tears that didn't exist. kidneys are almost dead.

After taking a medicine, he could not squeeze Shen Liuchen dry, but was almost squeezed dry by him.

That's horrible.

It happened that Shen Liuchen got the bargain and still behaved. He put the small medicine bottle away in front of her, saying, "This thing is good, but you can't eat it often, so as not to overindulge and hurt your body." Don’t be greedy.”

So angry that Song Jinxi ignored him for two days.

She slept all day and rested in the room for a whole day before she recovered a little bit.

Fortunately, Shen Liuchen didn't touch her for the next two days, which was a bit conscience.

Later, after staying on the boat for a long time, she couldn't help but want to go into the water, but Shen Liuchen was totally forbidden. Once she was angry and forced him to ask him why, stressing that she would not run away, and reproaching Shen Liuchen for not believing her.

Shen Liuchen sneered and asked her if she wanted to go down to a tryst with the young sunshine boy, making her almost speechless.

This vinegar tank, even if he loses his memory, still can't change his attribute of eating jealously.

Before the amnesia, he was the first vinegar husband in East Asia, and after the amnesia he was the European vinegar king.

Later, he still thought that this person was the father of her child, and that he was jealous because of possessiveness. Song Jinxi complied with him and did not insist on going into the water.


Fortunately, the ship docked within a few days.

The day before the boat docked, Shen Liuchen first ordered people to row a boat to buy two sets of skirts back, and let Song Jinxi wear skirts to disembark with him.

Therefore, at the same moment Lucas returned to China, almost all the princes in the capital of Country Y knew about it, and a woman appeared next to the Lord Duke, who had never been close to women.

He also took the initiative to hold the woman's hand, and the two were very intimate.

Some Hua Cong veterans even asserted that they must have reached the final step.

Duke Lucas was on tour on behalf of the Queen this time. After he returned, the Queen specially set up a reception banquet for him.

But this time everyone looked at Song Jinxi.

They are all very curious about what is the sacred woman who can make Duke Lucas end single, and she has such a great ability. Even the queen sent someone to pick up Song Jinxi and said that she wanted to see her, but Shen Liuchen lightly blocked her back.

Only the Duke of Lucas has the confidence to disobey the queen's orders.

Song Jinxi didn't care what others thought, and it didn't matter to her how they tried. She has developed the habit of relying entirely on Shen Liuchen.

As long as Shen Liuchen is there, she doesn't have to bother to play those conspiracies with others.

What she didn't expect was that Sarah actually appeared at this banquet as the female companion of Prince Andre.

Looking at Prince Andrey's actions, he seemed to be very concerned about Sarah.

Song Jinxi couldn't help sighing that there is indeed true love between the male and female protagonists, even if they are separated by a Shen Liuchen, it still can't stop their emotional growth.

Sarah saw her in the crowd and greeted her from a distance, Song Jinxi also returned her with a smile, and noticed Prince Andra's thoughtful look.

Shen Liuchen was called away by the queen and asked Lawrence to take care of her before leaving. Song Jinxi was impatient with Lawrence's gossip look, so he went to find his female partner to play with him.

The clothes of this era do not have corsets or panties, so they are relatively comfortable to wear.

Song Jinxi wore a long white dress. Every edge of the skirt was sewn with popular lace. There were golden embroidery patterns on the skirt, which looked low-key and luxurious.

The jewellery on her body shows the Duke Lucas's love for her.

However, the most attractive thing is not the expensive dress and jewelry, but the condition of her skin.

The delicate and white skin has no blemishes at all. Compared with a white dress, the skin on her exposed neck was even more white as if it was glowing.

The facial features are just right, and the sky blue eyes are like beautiful gems. What's even more impressive is that she actually has pink hair!

Such a beautiful beauty, the saint could not resist its charm, it is no wonder that the Duke of Lucas, who has never been close to women, would be tempted by her.

Right now, Duke Lucas was not with the beauty, and Lawrence, who was acting as a temporary flower protector, also went to pick up girls. There was a man who was ready to move and wanted to come forward to say hello to the beauty, but before he walked to Song Jinxi, another accident happened.

A servant accidentally poured a basin of water on Song Jinxi's skirt.

"Sorry, sorry, miss, please forgive me." The servant couldn't help begging for mercy, but Song Jinxi looked at him with a panic.

Her legs were wet.

Shen Liuchen is not by her side. With her current situation, it is impossible to leave by herself, and the fish tail will definitely be revealed when she walks halfway through.

A mermaid’s fishtail is longer than a human’s legs, and her skirt will not cover her tail, and her identity will be exposed.

She glanced at the servant thoughtfully, always feeling that it was not that simple, but she couldn't take care of it so much now, she just said "It's okay", and found a place with fewer people to sit down.

Lawrence didn't know where he went. She stared eagerly at the direction Shen Liuchen was leaving, but when she turned her head, she inadvertently saw Andre walking towards her.

The smile at the corner of Andre's mouth was a little ill-intentioned, which made her a little defensive. Sarah who was following Andre looked worried.

Half of her legs have become tails, and the parts below the knees are still slowly changing.

Andre walked to Song Jinxi and raised a glass to her.

Song Jinxi glanced at Sara subconsciously, got up under the motion of her eyes, and wanted to salute Andre, but before she got up, she sat back on her shoulders.

"I think your skirt is soaking wet. It should be inconvenient to get up." Sarah said, turning her head to plead with Andrea, "Your Majesty, for the sake of my face..."

Before she finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Shen Liuchen walked out of the crowd: "What's wrong with this?"

Song Jinxi's eyes lit up, and he got up and rushed towards Shen Liuchen. Shen Liuchen walked up to her in two steps, caught her body, and held her in his arms in a protective posture.

"My skirt is wet, Lord Duke. Will you take me back to change a skirt?" She is better not to expose her identity as a mermaid, otherwise it may bring bad influence.

Shen Liuchen also meant this.

Just now when Shen Liuchen was not around, and seeing Andre, who was obviously ill-intentioned, Song Jinxi even felt that the secret could not be kept.

Since being with Shen Liuchen, she has been too well protected by Shen Liuchen. She hasn't experienced this feeling of helplessness and helplessness for a long, long time. This feeling is very bad.

Fortunately, Shen Liuchen arrived in time, which calmed her restless heart.

Her condition is not very good, Shen Liuchen frowned, and kissed the top of her hair comfortingly.

"Don't be afraid." The man's voice is deep and nice, and it always brings people a sense of security.

Song Jinxi obediently nodded in his arms and urged again. Shen Liuchen glanced at Andre faintly, picked her up sideways, turned and left.

Fortunately, fish tails are more flexible than legs. Song Jinxi can dent the fish tails and hide them under the skirt. It was a bit hard to dent. After getting on the carriage, she moved for a while before alleviating the bitterness on her tail.

Shen Liuchen put her on the carriage first, and after waiting for a while beside the carriage, Lawrence walked quickly.

"According to your instructions, Sarah fell into the water, and everyone saw her fish tail." Lawrence whispered in his ear.

Shen Liuchen nodded slightly, his eyes were cold, and his voice was even more chilled: "Tell Andre, this is a struggle between us, don't involve women."

"If there is another time, I will make him regret it forever."


There is no Internet in this era, and Song Jinxi, as a "backyard woman who barely goes out to socialize," news is very closed. It was not until a long time later that Shen Liuchen had avenged her on the spot that day.

The struggle between the two men involved two innocent women, her and Sarah. Fortunately, Shen Liuchen's statement was there, Andre suffered a loss, and because he really liked Sarah, he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Instead, he fought openly with Shen Liuchen.

In this world, Song Jinxi saw Shen Liuchen's ability in officialdom, and he was not inferior to his talent in the market. But for more than a year, he almost controlled the power of country Y.

Coupled with the military power in his hands, he is not only the admiral, but also the general.

Shen Liuchen was in a dominant position from the beginning to the end. Andre was not his opponent at all. He retreated steadily. In the end, he took the initiative to give up his power, obtained a fief, and took Sarah to live a happy life...

After taking over power from the queen, Shen Liuchen was developing the domestic economy while strengthening the training of the army, and began to prepare for the establishment of an empire that never sets.

Andre is such a miserable male lead, and Shen Liuchen robbed him of the play.

But who made Shen Liuchen the **** of this world, while he was just a small actor?


They stay in this world for a long time.

When Shen Liuchen was crowned king, Song Jinxi became his queen. During his reign, the two were very affectionate, but they had never had children.

The empire that the sun never sets is established, Shen Luchen's mission is completed, and his memory is restored.

At that time, the two of them happened to be playing in the sea.

When Shen Liuchen recovered his memory, he directly told Song Jinxi, completely forgetting what he had done to Song Jinxi. Song Jinxi recorded it all in a small notebook.

The next second she learned that he had recovered his memory, she led him to the side of the boat and pushed him into the sea without paying attention.

Shen Liuchen can swim and will not worry about his life. Song Jinxi does not have to worry about his safety. She walked a few steps aside, walked to a fenced area, and leaned on the fence and looked at him.

"Remember when we met for the first time, I confessed to you, but you let me throw me into the sea without saying anything?"

It's never too late for a woman to calculate her account. Shen Liuchen knew she was wrong, and admitted her mistakes sincerely: "I was wrong."

Song Jinxi: "It's just that these three words can't calm me down."

Shen Liuchen thought for a moment, and suddenly got into the water. When it surfaced again after a few seconds, Song Jinxi was really...

It's hard to say.

He turned himself into a mermaid.

But it doesn't matter if he becomes a mermaid, his color is simply a copy of the Sunshine Boy. It looked like the Sunshine Boy had a facelift, and it became Shen Liuchen's appearance.

How to see how to violate.

The boat was held in place by him, and the people on the boat went into a dormant state. It can be said that there are only two of them in this sea area.

Half of Shen Liuchen's body was exposed to the surface of the water, referring to Sunshine's slightly thin figure last year, his upper body lacks the muscles Song Jinxi likes to pinch, and his masculinity has been reduced a lot in vain.

He didn't care, but seduced Song Jinxi in the water: "I will take you to find the treasure on the bottom of the sea, and I will apologize for you."

Song Jinxi: "..." Something moved.

She was still hesitating, feeling that she couldn't let Shen Liuchen go so easily. I didn't want to, but saw that Shen Liuchen's eyes changed slightly.

The man's upper body slowly recovered his original appearance, and the whole person was elongated, but it was still a mermaid.

This mermaid is much more beautiful than the one just now. The whole body is full of masculine charm, and Song Jinxi can't take his eyes off.

Shen Liuchen was very satisfied with her performance, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and once again said to Song Jinxi in a seductive voice: "Do you want to know the difference between a male mermaid and a man, Xixi?"

Song Jinxi: "...?!!!"

I didn't expect you to be such a Shen Liuchen!

She refused ten moves, but after a few seconds, she couldn't help but look into the man's eyes.

The sky-blue eyes seemed to be filled with a cloud of mist, which made the mouth dry, and the thin lips rose slightly, more attractive than a fairy.

Song Jinxi couldn't hold it...

Was deceived.

The author has something to say:   hahahahahahahahaha

Sissi: It's not that the brothers are not up for the better, the enemy is too cunning. I really can't hold this kind of meow sex.

ps. Added two chapters, praise me o*////▽////*q


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I didn’t have time to throw a landmine

cb threw a mine

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Reader "momo sauce", irrigation nutrient solution +75

Reader "Dream of Flying Snow", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Sun", irrigation nutrient solution +6

Reader "Don't go, alright", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "a raccoon", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "hhdjbfvrkl", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "81192", irrigation nutrient solution +5

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