Become the Daughter of Gu Aotian

Chapter 638: Ningya investigates Yili

After sending away Cang Qiangwei's person, Remedios returned to his seat with a solemn expression.

  Although the plan to request reinforcements from the kingdom can completely fail, if even the famous Cang Qiangwei is unwilling to extend a helping hand, then there will never be anyone in the entire kingdom who will help the holy kingdom.

Now the only hope can only be placed on the Feifei who can defeat Jaldabaoth, but that Feifei is now committed to the kingdom of the undead, which makes Remedios, a paladin, very much distressed.

   But when I think of the suffering people in the Holy Kingdom, they can only bite the bullet and have to negotiate.

   As for that Yili? Even if she didn't know that she was a member of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Remedios didn't have any good feelings for her just because of her attitude towards herself, but now is not the time to care about her face, after all, she still wants to ask her.

   "Captain Remedios, should we prepare too." Gustavo, the deputy commander on the side, reminded Remedios.

"Yes, if you want to negotiate with the king of the undead, you really need to prepare something, but what can we prepare now that he is interested in?" Remedios said in a sentence and then the deputy commander Gusta Walla returned to reality.

  Gold and silver treasures will certainly not attract the interest of the king of a country, but going empty-handed will make you look down on the Holy Kingdom.

   "After all, girls need to prepare well when they travel far away? And the Magic Kingdom is my hometown. I still have to prepare some gifts when I go back to my hometown, right?"

   "..." Remedios remembered what Yili said just now, and his face was not good again.

Just now Remedios wanted to immediately ask that Yili to take him to the Sorcerer Nation, but before she could speak, Yili did so first, and the deputy head Gustavo also expressed his approval with a smile on his face. , Remedios didn't want to have extra branches, so he could only nod his head.

   "It's true that we can't prepare any decent meeting gifts now, and only our sincerity will be the only thing we can show at that time." Gustavo also showed a bitter smile rather helplessly.

   After all, they can be completely ignorant of the situation in the Magic Kingdom now. Even so, it is natural to ask for the corresponding "gift" to be prepared.

"Sincere?" When Remedios heard this vocabulary, he instantly caught fire. He didn't run to the kingdom to ask for help. Everywhere was cold, and now he wanted to let himself, the head of the Holy Knights of the Holy Kingdom, to the kingdom of the undead. How ironic that the king showed his sincerity!

"Obviously, when the paladin meets people in need, as long as it does not violate the paladin's ideals, no matter how small the reward is, the paladin will lend a helping hand, but now..." Remedios slammed a punch. On the table, Ning Ya was taken aback.

   "They are not Paladins, nor can we use our Paladins to force them on them." Gustavo said helplessly.

  Remedios didn't know this truth. He dared to face the evil, did not pay for it, and was willing to help the Paladin. He was the king of the evil and undead. How could he be compared?

   "Let's not mention this, what did you think of the Yili, Remedios leader?" Gustavo asked.

   "I don't know, I don't like that person anyway." Remedios expressed his opinion directly.

   "I don't like her either, but we will rely on her for the next trip, so the leader..." Gustavo said with some worry, but Remedios interrupted the conversation before he finished.

"I know, but what is Yili's background? Since she is from the Sorcerous Nation, why can she still be a member of Cang Qiangwei? Doesn’t that Huahuasi know? Those who accept the Sorcerous Nation’s background will treat Cang Qiangwei. How much influence does fame have?" Remedio said very upset.

   "I don't know!" Gustavo said with a shrug.

   "Well...would that be the case? Before the magical country robbed the kingdom of the city, she was already a member of Cang Qiangwei?" Ning Ya said with wings.

"It is indeed possible, otherwise, it doesn't make sense. Now that she has become a member of the Sorcerous Kingdom, it's impossible for Lavasi to kick her away? Even we wouldn't be so unkind. Matter," Gustavo said.

   "If you are going to leave, please come to this address to find me, then see you later!"

Remedios took out the note that Yili handed them before leaving. The note was written with the address. Looking at the beautiful font on the note was very confusing to Remedios. The address on the note was not It was written by Yili herself, but it was written by Yili asked Rafasi to write it.

"Do you know this place?" Remedios put the note on the table and asked, but Gustavo leaned in to take a look and shook his head. Remedios also knew that everyone in the room was right. Kings and kings are not familiar.

   "Ningya, take this note to investigate! Remember! Don't be discovered by Yili herself!" Remedios passed the note directly.

   "Ming...understood." After Ning Ya took the note tremblingly, and just about to leave, Gustavo handed over another purse. Ning Ya nodded, and after receiving the purse, he went straight out.

   "Then we also have to discuss how to subdue the monarch of the Magic Kingdom." Gustavo sighed.

Ning Ya came out of the hotel and was not in a hurry to find the owner of the hotel to confirm the address and information on the note. Ning Ya knew that the owner of a high-end hotel would generally not ask for trouble and would provide national information to people in other countries. Find passers-by.

   After walking out of a few blocks, Ning Ya found a passerby, pretending to be an outside adventurer and asking for directions.

   However, after Ning Ya handed out the note and gave the place name Ningya immediately felt a bitter cold.

   It’s like being caught in the wild by some very powerful monster suddenly. However, this chill is only a moment, and it disappears, replaced by an unclear sticky blessing.

   Ningya knew that she only had the specialty of sensitive senses, but Ningya didn't really like this specialty.

   After all, even this specialty inherited from his father is only half of that of his father.

   may be an illusion, right? This is the capital of the kingdom, and it is impossible for any powerful monsters to appear in the crowded streets.

  Here Ning Ya remembered his father's words again. Under normal circumstances, powerful monsters are very disdainful of hiding their appearance.

   So Ning Ya adjusted his mind and continued to inquire about the address from passersby. Sure enough, he asked, and learned from passersby that the address on the note seemed to look like a rich area.

   This area is also quite famous in the royal capital. Basically, the nouveau riche who can live in that place are the same as Ning Ya’s impression of seeing Yili for the first time.

   "It is indeed a nouveau riche who can wear such expensive clothes as casual clothes." After inquiring about the address, Ning Ya muttered to herself while looking for the next passerby.

Of course, the order Ningya received was not just about investigating the address. The head of Remedios also did not let Yili find out. Then the deputy head of Gustavo also handed out the purse, which was obviously to Ning. Ya went to investigate the intelligence about Yili.

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