Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 105 It seems that the stars are floating

After signing the contract with Sheffield, Xia Shang began to deal with deep-sea matters.

He called Deep Sea and Starlight respectively.

Shenhai's attitude was quite respectful. As soon as he received Xia Shang's call, he rushed to Xia Shang's office.

"Mr. Jervis, good morning, what can I do for you?" Shenhai understood that Xia Shang's call to him this time must be related to the stupid things he had done before. Currently, the sexual harassment issue has caused a lot of noise on the Internet, and his popularity As a result, it has dropped a lot.

"check it out."

Xia Shang picked up the "Deep Sea" incident handling plan that had just been printed on the table and handed it to Shen Hai in front of him.

"It records the decline in your popularity during this period, as well as some other data. By the way, there are also comments from netizens. You can take a closer look." Xia Shang got up and went to the water dispenser and poured some water for Shenhai. A cup of water.

"Thank you." Shenhai took the water glass from Xia Shang, lowered his head and continued to read the plan in his hand.

"Through these data and the comments of netizens, it is easy to see that the hot topic among them is whether you are still qualified to stay in the Super Hero Seven. In their view, superheroes should be just, brave, and kind. Incarnations, you are different from those entertainment stars. Your audience is very wide, including almost everyone in the United States and even the world."

"So some parents are worried that if you continue to stay in the Super Hero Seven, their children will be influenced by you and become sexual harassment criminals." Xia Shang returned to his seat and said lightly said.

Shen Hai looked a little nervous at the moment. He looked at Xia Shang eagerly, as if begging Xia Shang not to let him leave the seven-man team.

"Mr. Jervis... I understand that I did a stupid thing, but I also made a huge contribution to environmental protection. I think those parents should not only focus on my shortcomings." Shenhai just wanted to defend himself, but Was interrupted by Xia Shang.

"You have to know that when a heinous criminal does a good thing, people will ignore the wrong things he has done before. The same is true when a good person does a bad thing, then he will be condemned by everyone. , they will cling to this point until they completely make you stink.

What's more, you are still a superhero. As long as you are pulled down from the altar, they will even be more excited than taking drugs. "

Xia Shang's words are very true, because Shenhai is experiencing all this.

"Mr. Jervis, does Walter want to fire me?" Deep Sea said nervously.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Xia Shang's mouth. He pointed to the plan in Shenhai's hand: "Use your brain. If I wanted to fire you, I wouldn't have this incident handling plan. There are solutions to the problem in the last few pages." method."

"Infatuated character, Starlight's failed suitor?" Shenhai turned to the last few pages of the plan, looked at the content above, and murmured softly.

"Is this possible?" Shenhai couldn't believe that his reputation could be saved so easily.

"What do you think? In the former case, you were sexually harassing me, but in the latter case, it was the pursuer's reckless behavior. Are the two things essentially the same?"

"So that's it." Under Xia Shang's guidance, Shenhai suddenly realized.

At this moment, Xingguang arrived belatedly. When she saw the deep sea in front of Xia Shang, her expression changed and she was about to turn away with a cold face.

"Step out of this door and you won't have to come here tomorrow." If she doesn't give Xia Shang face, Xia Shang naturally won't give Xingguang face either.

"Are you threatening me?"

Xingguang stopped and said coldly to Xia Shang.

"You can think so." Xia Shang waved his hand and crossed his legs.

It seemed that the stars were gone, especially after rejecting Madeleine, which made her even more convinced that no one could fire her. As long as she could still affect Walter's stock price, no one could fire her at will, not even Xia Shang. No exception.

"Deep Sea, give the plan in your hand to Xingguang." Xia Shang said.

Starlight suppressed her anger and took the plan from Shenhai. When she turned to the last few pages, she couldn't restrain the anger in her heart, "Is this the plan you researched? Oh, Shet, then you are indeed a asshole."

I saw her eyes glowing with golden light, and the lights in the office flickered.

"This plan can also increase your popularity, so why not do it." Xia Shang said expressionlessly.

"Jervis!" Xingguang clenched his fists and walked to Xia Shang, as if he wanted to make a move, but was blocked by the deep sea.

Xia Shang stretched out his hand to push away the deep sea in front of him, and said to Xingguang in a cold tone: "I really have no right to fire you, but I can hide you in the snow until you die. Believe it or not, starting from this afternoon, you will never be accepted again. I received an announcement that all of Walter’s traffic support will be suspended.”

"If I remember correctly, you are from the small town of Des Moines, Iowa. It is a remote place. Do you want to go back?"

Xia Shang's threat was unabashed.

But soon, he smiled and said: "Of course, if you agree, I will increase Walter's support for you, and all you have to do is shoot a video of forgiving Deep Sea. This is very simple. I believe you Will make the right choice.”

Xingguang stood there, staring at Xia Shang. At this time, she was struggling in her heart. There seemed to be a voice in her mind telling her, "Xingguang, what are you still hesitating about? Just throw the plan in that bastard's face. Then he turned around and left."

At this moment, another voice appeared in her mind, "The result of this is that you will be completely hidden by Walter and lose the aura of a superhero. All the achievements and glory you have obtained before will dissipate, and you can only return to your own destiny in the end." The small town of Main, transform back into that extremely ordinary girl."

After half a cup of coffee passed, Starlight slowly exhaled. She now missed the Ashley she had before.

"You're a bastard." Xingguang put down the plan in his hand, turned and left Xia Shang's office.

Looking at her back as she left, Xia Shang smoothed the wrinkles on the plan and said softly: "To each other."

at the same time.

Something unusual happened on Billy's side. Huey received a call from his father. However, when he pressed the call button, the sound on the other end of the phone was the sound of a locomotive.

Locomotive is the number one paparazzi under the hands of the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland must leave him to do the dirty work such as murder and silence.

"Shet." Huey said subconsciously, and then he immediately hung up the phone.

"It's a locomotive. Why did he show up at my house? Damn it, someone leaked the secret." Huey's mood at this time was both frightening and angry. The frightening was because he was worried that his family would be harmed, but the anger was because someone actually took their existence into account. Tell Walter or the people of the motherland.

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