Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 139 Billy’s ambition! I want to kill more than just

Chapter 139 Billy’s ambition! I want to kill more than just Storm! (2-in-1)

Soon, news broke that train No. 718 departing from New York Grand Central Station was attacked by terrorists on the way, killing 121 people.

It instantly shocked the entire United States.

For a time, as the world's largest search engine, Google's search volume for related topics increased hundreds of times.

Not only that, even the number of people placing orders for self-defense tools on Amazon has increased by hundreds of thousands, not to mention the gun store on the roadside. The owner of the gun store inside looked outside and saw an almost long queue with expressions on his face. He burst out laughing.

In addition to them, the Vought Group also made profits.

In just one afternoon, the trading volume of Vought's shares increased by 78%. Many people realized that under the increasingly serious terrorist attacks, Vought's superheroes would become extremely important and scarce.

Inside the Watt Building at this time.

Edgar once again convened a meeting of the Super Seven. He first hit Storm Girl, "This train bombing has shocked the entire United States. The incident is very serious. Here, I clearly criticize Storm Girl. You actually didn't even have one The hostages were not rescued, I am very disappointed in you, and I will never allow this to happen again!"

The entire meeting was broadcast live for a broad audience.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with Storm Girl. She didn't expect a bomb to be planted on the train."

"Why didn't we send people from the motherland?"

"We believe that Storm Girl has tried her best, which only shows that those terrorists are too cunning."

...Netizens on the screen left messages one after another, saying that this cannot be blamed on Storm Girl.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't handle this matter well. I admit that my lack of experience prevented me from successfully stopping this incident." The storm girl lowered her head, pretending to be guilty.

"Regarding the train bombing, as President of Vought, I must also review. I made a huge mistake in my decision-making. At that time, I should have handed over this task to the people of the motherland."

Edgar's expression was serious, his gaze covering all the members of the Super Seven.

Xia Shang, who was standing behind Edgar, could tell at a glance that this was a show event specially arranged by Edgar. His purpose was very simple, which was to use the advantage of preemptive strike to nip the possible public opinion in the cradle. , judging from the comments from the audience, it is obvious that Edgar's goal has been achieved.

The man from the motherland on the side did not speak, but his expression was enough to prove his mood at the moment.

If this kind of matter had been done before Storm came to Walter, Edgar would have definitely left it to him to handle.

However, he had just learned about the terrorist attack on the train. There is no doubt that Edgar sent Storm Girl to suppress the people of his motherland.

Fortunately, the result was good, Storm Girl, this idiot, actually messed up the matter.

If Storm Girl rescues so many passengers, her popularity will definitely usher in a new round of surge, and by then, his status will be in jeopardy.

"I, Edgar, hereby announce that Watt will establish a charitable foundation. The responsibility of the foundation is to provide those victims with some life protection. In addition, on behalf of all Watt employees, I will express my gratitude to this Those who died in the incident, please observe ten seconds of silence, and may they have no pain in heaven."


the other side.

Billy gritted his teeth and looked at the text messages sent by Huey and the others on his phone.

"Damn female beast, I, Billy, will kill you, I swear to God!" Billy already hated superhumans extremely, and Storm Girl's actions aroused the anger in his heart.

At this time, he had arrived at the secret place Mallory said.

Billy understood that the top priority now was to rescue Bega, so he had no choice but to suppress his anger and stuff his cell phone into his pocket.

The secret location is located in a suburb of New York State. It is sparsely populated and basically maintains the appearance of a primitive jungle. When Billy passed through the woods and rivers, he soon saw a cage made of steel walls.

The wall is more than ten meters high, and there are Walter's armed guards at the entrance.

Billy took out his binoculars and saw the villa he had seen before through the gap in the wall, as well as Bejia, who was tending the lawn in front of the villa.

Breaking in forcefully will definitely lead to a dead end. This place is strictly guarded by the Walter Group. Even a wild dog will be shot on the spot if it tries to break in, let alone outsiders.

Fortunately, Billy was very skilled and took advantage of the cover of night to use tools to climb over the ten-meter-high wall.

Then, in order to avoid the lights, he could only crawl forward slowly.

There were not many things around that could be used for cover. Billy focused his attention on the car not far away. When he approached the car with difficulty, he unexpectedly discovered that the door of the back seat of the car was not closed tightly, so he took advantage of the light to As he flashed by, he got directly into the car.

"Phew!" After doing all this, Billy, who was extremely nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

But instead of resting, he stretched out his arm and pressed the car's double flash button.

At the same time, Bejia, who was about to return to the house, noticed that the car lights were flashing, so he came to the car to check the situation.

Just then, she discovered Billy curled up in the back seat. She calmly got into the driver's seat and drove the car under a small bridge, because this was the only place where there was no surveillance and the inspectors would not Inspection can be said to be very safe.

"How did you find this place?" Bejia asked in the car.

"There's no place I can't go if I want to."

Their eyes were connected through the rearview mirror.

"There is no surveillance in the bridge tunnel, it is very safe." After Bejia drove the car into the bridge tunnel, the two hugged each other tightly as soon as they got off the car. Billy's eyes were a little dazed, and he said softly: "My dear, I am looking forward to this moment. I’ve been looking forward to it for seven years and I can’t believe it’s happening.”

"What now?"

Bega held Billy's face and kissed him.

The two were as glued as each other and kissed for several minutes. Their saliva had been exchanged countless times. When the two let go, Billy was still not satisfied.

"I'm going to get you out of here, out of America," Billy said.

Bega looked into Billy's eyes: "It's not me, it's us. Don't forget Ryan."

"Including him, of course."

"You still haven't forgotten your hatred, can you let it all go?" Bega had been with Billy for so long, so she naturally knew him very well. She could tell from Billy's eyes that he was lying.

"I swear to God, I've given it up." God's position in Billy's mind is like a toilet plug. He can take it out and use it when necessary, but he can forget about it after using it.

"Don't try to trick me, I can tell."

It is impossible for Bega to give up on Ryan and choose to escape alone. If so, she would rather stay here.

Billy's face was a little gloomy. He took out the text message Huey sent him and put it in front of Bejia: "Those superhumans are the culprits causing chaos in the United States. They are the original sin. If we don't get rid of them, the United States will one day fall into In a complete war! You can imagine what a disaster it will cause if they lose control."

"Impossible, at least Ryan won't lose control." Bega retorted.

"Are you sure?" Billy took back his phone, called up the video of Ryan at the selection scene, and handed it to Bega.

"If the werewolf had not avoided Ryan's attack, there is no doubt that his heart would have been shot out by Ryan's laser eyes. He is a freak, a super freak born from the people of his motherland."


Although the facts were in front of him, Bejia still refused to accept it, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call first."

She dialed Xia Shang's phone number excitedly.

"Hello, Ms. Bejia, why are you calling me so late?"

"Listen, Jervis! I demand an end to our cooperation. This is the price you pay for deceiving me."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

Soon, Xia Shang's voice sounded again: "Ms. Bejia, please hand the phone to Billy next to you. I want to talk to him."

"Billy is not with me, I don't know what you are talking about?" Bega glanced at Billy behind her with a guilty conscience, and at the same time, there was a huge wave in her heart. How did the other party find Billy? Could it be that Billy was exposed.

Bega even wanted to hang up the phone and tell Billy to run away.

Xia Shang, who was on the other end of the phone, stood in front of the window and said calmly: "You called me so late and said that you want to terminate our cooperation. This means that you should have seen the video about Ryan. Recently, there was only one video of Ryan. It became popular on the Internet, but your mobile phone, apart from its phone function, cannot access the Internet.

And your calls will be closely monitored by Walter, and it is impossible for anyone to tell you this.

So, if I guess correctly, Billy should have found you, and then played the video of Ryan losing control in front of you. "

Xia Shang finished speaking.

Bejia almost threw the phone like a poisonous snake.

"Who are you calling?" Billy came to Bejia's side with a puzzled look on his face and asked looking at Bejia's panicked expression.

"I'm Jervis, the vice president of Walter Group."

Bejia pressed the speakerphone and played Xia Shang's voice.

"Jervis? Do I know you?"

Billy took the phone from Bega's hand, then frowned, put the phone to his ear and said.

“You don’t know me, but I know you, the now-famous leader of the terrorist organization, the real culprit behind killing the invisible man, announcing Compound No. 5, trying to destroy the Vought Group, and controlling terrorist attacks, Billy Butcher. "Xia Shang's voice was calm and calm, without the slightest emotion.

"The person who killed the invisible man was not...forget it, you can say whatever you want, anyway, I don't admit that I have done this." Billy guessed that the other party might send someone to arrest him, so he said silently to Bejia: "Keys, car keys."

Bega understood what he meant, and immediately took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Billy.

"Do you think I'm stalling for time and preparing to send someone to arrest you? Put down the keys in your hand. Without Walter's consent, you can't get out even if you drive Bejia's car." Although Xia Shang is in New York In a single-family villa in the suburbs, he knew every move of Billy.

"You are very smart and worthy of being Walter's vice president. Tell me, what do you want to cooperate with me?"

Billy gave the car keys back to Bejia with a dark face.

"Why don't you say anything? Since you don't plan to arrest me, it means that I have value in your eyes. There is no need to hide it. Just go ahead."

"Smart, but I don't want to cooperate with you. I am a native of the motherland." Xia Shang, holding the phone in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"A native of the motherland?"

Now even Billy couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Xia Shang was selling in his gourd? After Bejia's incident, he basically formed a blood feud with the people of his motherland, the kind that will last forever.

"Storm Girl, you should know that she has been in the limelight recently and has seriously threatened the status of the motherland. The motherland wants you to kill her. In return, he can allow you to freely enter the secret base where Beijia is imprisoned." Xia Shangyan said concisely and to the point. said.

In an instant, the confusion between Billy's brows dissipated, and he suddenly realized that it turned out to be an internal fight among superheroes. However, it did seem like something that the people of the motherland could do, and he did not think that Jervis was deceiving him.

Because this is completely unnecessary.

"I can kill Storm Girl, but I want to take Bejia away." Billy gradually gained confidence as he spoke.

Xia Shang hesitated for a moment and then said: "Walter needs to know where Bejia lives and has the right to intervene in her life."

"Deal!" Billy agreed without hesitation.

In his opinion, the verbal agreement was nothing but fart. As soon as Bejia left here, he would immediately arrange for someone to take her abroad.

Once you leave the United States, the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is wide and fish can jump!

Of course, Xia Shang is very aware of his little thoughts. As long as Ryan is still in his hands, Bejia will not be able to fly high! Not far to jump!

"In order to prevent you from being unable to deal with Storm Girl, the motherland will arrange a few superhumans to follow you. As for the follow-up actions, I will notify you via text message. By the way, I have already said hello to the base, you can go out directly That's fine." After saying that, Xia Shang hung up the phone.

Seeing the call end, a worried Bejia asked quickly: "What's going on? What deal did you make with him? Is he willing to let you go?"

Billy nodded. In order not to worry Bejia, he did not tell her the details of the transaction between the two.

"He asked me to help him with something. After it's done, I can take you out of here."

"Is it dangerous?" Bega asked.

"It's just a small thing, very easy."

Billy didn't stay long. After returning the phone to Bejia, he walked out of the base normally.

Outside the base, Billy dialed the phone number of his aunt Judy. Judy lives in a community outside New York. She is the leader of a drug dealer who has been lurking underground in New York for decades. She has a large collection of prohibited items and also... Chemical raw materials measured in barrels are real terrorists!

"Hi, good evening, Auntie."

"It's definitely not good for you to call me. If you fart, hurry up!" At this time, Judy was making sugar in the "Candy House". In fact, the so-called candy house was the secret room where Judy made drugs. The walls of the room Made of steel, it's as thick as a bank vault.

"Please help me prepare some chewing gum raw materials. I need probably dozens of kilograms." A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Billy's mouth.

He wants to kill more than just Storm!

Today's reunion of old classmates, there is a little missing, I'm really sorry, I will make up for it tomorrow, awesome bow!

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