Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 141 I want to know what your superpower is?

Two days later, under the arrangement of Xia Shang, the Watt Group announced to the outside world that the Super Seven would hold a nationwide fan meeting, a total of 12 meetings. The venue for each meeting was randomly selected, including There are fifty states and one special territory in the United States, which means that fan meetings are likely to occur anywhere on the U.S. map.

Once this message is sent.

Instantly, it became popular all over the Internet. Fans of superheroes wanted to parade in the streets to celebrate. For a time, the sales of peripheral products related to superheroes, such as headbands, clothes, banners and other things, increased sharply. In an instant, countless orders were like snowflakes. Flying towards the distant east.

"Our first stop is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. According to online data, the Motherland has the largest number of fans in Philadelphia, followed by the Storm. This is the first stop for Walt's fan meeting. I hope you don't make any mistakes. This is for Your popularity promotion is very important." Xia Shang stood in front of the conference table and said to all the members of the seven-member group.

"I have a problem." Storm Girl raised her right hand casually. She leaned on her chair, as if she didn't take Xia Shang seriously.


"Why do you hold twelve offline fan meetings in one go? Do you know this is a waste of my time? Have you ever heard of the saying? Saving time is extending life. In my opinion, it is better to do offline Going live not only has a wider audience, but also saves everyone’s time.”

From Storm Girl's point of view, offline fan meetings are so old-fashioned that the promotional methods of the last century are still used today.

Xia Shang glanced at her with an indifferent expression.

"First of all, you are not qualified to object to Walt's activity decision. Secondly, the reason why fan meetings are called fan meetings is that the focus is on meeting. Only through close contact offline can the public get to know you better. Your commercial value It is determined by your support rate. The higher the support rate, the more dividends you will receive at the end of the year.

Maybe some of you don't care about this, but I want to tell you, the lower the value who creates, Walter will reduce the intensity of her promotion and put the extra funds on other people. Although it is cruel, this is The truth is, the Super Sevens also need to compete, no one is an exception. "

Then Xia Shang turned to Ashley and said, "It's up to you to arrange their schedule and speeches. Don't mess this up."

"Okay, Mr. Jervis." Ashley nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In the Walter Group, the person she fears most is Edgar, then Xia Shang, and the third one is a native of the motherland.

The scene switches to Billy's side.

In the candy house, Frankie wore a mask and mixed high-performance explosives such as TNT and white phosphorus. The main component was polyisobutylene. It can be said that C4 is definitely the most stable among many explosives and can usually only be detonated with a detonator. , precisely because of its stability and portability, it has become the favorite explosive of terrorists.

"Your equipment is really complete." Frankie looked at the dazzling array of chemical equipment in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. It can be said that he has never fought such a wealthy battle in his life.

"Young man, take a break and have some biscuits." Judy came in with a plate of biscuits. To be honest, on the surface, Judy looked like an affable old lady, nothing more than ordinary.

Who would have thought that this ordinary-looking old lady was actually a big DU owl that had been buried underground for decades.

It can only be said that sea water cannot be measured, and people cannot be measured by appearance.

"Thank you, you are so kind." In front of Judy, Frankie couldn't help but lower his body.

"Hurry up, finish this batch, and there's still the next batch." Billy, who was packing C4 on the side, urged. He poured the white flour-like C4 into a square plastic mold, and then placed it inside. A small half detonator and detonator detonator were obtained.

Once this is done, Billy wraps it with tape.

Finally, he stacked the completed explosives in the corner. Looking at the pile of explosives in the corner, Huey's eyelids jumped. If this thing exploded, his skull would probably fly several miles away. No, he would be left intact. The bones are all miraculous.

Suddenly, the screen of Billy's mobile phone on the table lit up.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw it was a text message sent to him by Jervis.

"Let's go pick someone up."

Billy took off his gas mask, picked up his cell phone and headed outside.

Seeing this, Huey and the others quickly followed.

Soon, Billy and the others met two helpers sent by the motherland on a private pier. The two were tall and their exposed skin was covered with tattoos. Their eyes were fierce and they looked like... Not a good one.

"Did you sneak here?" Billy squinted his eyes, waiting for the other party's answer.

"You don't have to worry about this."

The leader was a strong black man who spoke English that was not fluent.

"The people of the motherland must have told you the content of the mission. In order for the next plan to be implemented smoothly, I would like to know what your superpowers are?" During the conversation, Billy shook his head imperceptibly at Kimiko.

Seeing these guys, he finally understood who was behind the creation of super terrorists abroad.

But Billy was not surprised. In his opinion, the murderer must be the Walter Group. It didn't matter whether he was a native of the motherland or Walter's president Edgar.

The strong black man repeated to his accomplice what Billy had just said in a language that only minorities could understand.

"Okay, his name is Ivar Savant, and his superpower is acidic skin. Ivar Savant, show them."

After receiving the order, Ivar Savant stretched out his right hand to everyone. He saw a light yellow liquid secreting from his palm. After a few seconds, the liquid dripped on the ground. When the sand, gravel and liquid on the ground At the moment of contact, a puff of white smoke immediately emitted, and when the liquid was completely consumed, a small pit appeared on the ground.

It can be seen that the light yellow liquid is extremely corrosive.

"If anyone is hugged by Ivar Sawant, he will turn into a skeleton in less than a minute." The strong black man has witnessed with his own eyes that Ivar Sawant will completely melt a person.

"What about you?" Billy looked at the strong black man.

The strong black man grinned, revealing two rows of neat white teeth. Soon, a pile of sand and gravel gathered under his feet. The sand and gravel seemed to be alive, climbing up the black man's legs in just a few seconds. In one breath, it covered the black man's entire body. At this time, the strong black man looked like a stone sculpture carved from rock.

"" Huey, who was in shock, subconsciously opened his mouth and said.

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