Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 152 The principle of breathing method, is it difficult to open scars?

Chapter 152: The principle of breathing method, is it difficult to open scars?

"Please help me bury the corpses in the shrine. As for Tanjiro... follow me." Rintaki Sakonji walked aside with Tanjiro. He understood that his requirements for Tanjiro can be very strict. , but it doesn’t work for Xia and Shang, it can easily backfire.

Xia Shang did not hesitate, turned around and walked towards the ancestral hall.

After he buried all the bodies.

After waiting there for a while, until the sky got brighter, Nintaki Sakon came back with Tanjiro. It was just that there was a red mark on Tanjiro's face, but Xia Shang could see the determination in Tanjiro's eyes. , it seems that Lintaki Sa's recent teachings have successfully inspired his fighting spirit.

"The next step is to test whether you are qualified to learn breathing techniques. Tanjiro, my little sister on your back, follow me."

Afterwards, the three of them ran between the field ridges. Compared to Xia Shang, it was quite difficult for Tanjiro to keep up with Ninataki Sakonji's speed. Even the wind on the field ridges could not cover up his rapid breathing.

But he didn't give up and kept following the two of them.

On the way, no one spoke.

As time passed bit by bit, the scorching sun rising from the east slowly set towards the west. Xia Shang had been observing Linlong Zuo's recent breathing frequency and found that his breathing had a certain rhythm. However, when he was about to imitate time, but it cannot be reproduced no matter what. It seems that the breathing rhythm is only a part of the breathing method.

If you only learn the rhythm, it will be of little use.

"If you can't hold on any longer, you'll go home." Kintaki Sakonji turned to Tanjiro and said.

"Phew... I can persevere... In order for Nezuko to... live a better life in the future, I must persevere."

Tanjiro was out of breath, his breathing was like a broken blower. A normal person would definitely not be able to hold on.

Seeing that Tanjiro refused to give up, Nintaki Sakonji didn't say anything and just ran forward on his own.

Finally, before the sun sets.

Xia Shang saw the wooden house where Lintaki Saru lived at the foot of Mount Saagiri recently.

"With your strength, there is no need for any more swordsmanship tests. I think even the hand ghost imprisoned by me in Tenghua Prison is no match for you."

However, he didn't know that the hand ghost in the prison had secretly developed.

Lin Takizao had a headache when he saw Xia Shang next to him, who was neither blushing nor out of breath, but had a calm demeanor. Before he mastered the breathing method, this guy could keep up with him just by relying on physical strength.

What a "monster"!

However, what the Demon Slayer Team lacks the most is this kind of monster. In his opinion, Xia Shang was already qualified to become a pillar before he learned the breathing method.

"Do you know what the full name of the breathing technique is?" Ningtaki Sakonji looked at Tanjiro who was still running and stumbling in the distance.

Xia Shang shook his head when he saw him.

He continued: "Concentrated breathing is a fighting method used by the Demon Slayer Corps to fight against ghosts. Its main function is to strengthen the heart and lung function, allowing the blood to absorb a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time. After use, It can greatly improve various abilities of the human body in an instant.

This is a technique developed by a powerful swordsman, Ji Kuni Enichi, and his breathing method is called Breath of the Sun, and it is also the ancestor of all breathing methods.

It is precisely because of the breath of the sun that the five major factions of 'water', 'thunder', 'fire', 'rock' and 'wind' were extended. Later generations developed new schools with various characteristics through these five major factions. , I won’t introduce them one by one here, you will learn about them later. "

Enichi Tsukuni is the second son of a samurai family during the Warring States Period. This guy was born with stripes and was born with the ability to see through the world and master the principles of breathing.

For this kind of people, Xia and Shang collectively call them "Guaibi".

When Tsukuni Emoto came of age, he not only created the Breath of the Sun, but also shared the Sun Breath with his brother Tsukuni Iwakatsu and other members of the Demon Slayer Squad. Because others could not bear the power of the sun, Tsukuni Yun Yi then guided them to develop the five basic schools derived from the Breath of the Sun.

Later, by chance, Jiguo Enichi met Tsuji Mukai, who was leading the Tsuji operation at that time.

The first time the two fought against each other, Wuhan realized the horror of cheating.

In order to save his life, Wu Kai had to split himself into 1,800 pieces, relying on his numerical advantage to barely save his life.

After that, Wu Mei was directly beaten to autism, and the word "gou" was carved into his bones.

At the same time, his desire to become a perfect creature became stronger and stronger, so he created the Twelve Ghost Moons to find the blue Higan flower for him.

Because only the cyan Higanbana can overcome his fear of the sun and make him the strongest monster who is truly immortal!


His desire is surprisingly similar to Xia Shang's. Both of them want to become the ultimate immortal creature.

"Next, what I want to teach you is water breathing. Compared with other breathing methods, water breathing is the gentlest and easiest to practice, but it requires the practitioner to have no distracting thoughts and a mind as calm as water. After practicing it, Able to deliver deft slashes filled with sword energy like water flow."

With that said, Ningataki Sakonji demonstrated it in front of him.


After Takizawa gave a complete demonstration for the last time, Xia Shang adjusted the breathing rhythm of his lungs and at the same time allowed more oxygen to be contained in his blood.

Seeing Xia Shang's breathing becoming more and more correct, Sakonji Rinaki, who was under the mask on the side, could no longer remain calm in his heart.

This kind of learning speed is simply unheard of, and it is not an exaggeration to be called a geek.

Xia Shang did not need Xin Ruzhishui's assistance, because his control over the body had reached a perverted level. He stretched out his right hand and turned it into a sharp blade, slashing forward, and a sword energy like water waves shot out across the air. .

"The current oxygen content of my blood should not be my limit."

After Xia Shang thought about it, he accelerated the beating speed of his heart engine. He saw that his body temperature gradually increased and easily exceeded thirty-nine degrees. For ordinary people, this temperature will undoubtedly cause great harm to the body. , but Xia Shang didn't feel anything strange, he could still raise it to a higher level!

At the same time, with the high-frequency beating of his heart, his pulse rate was also increasing.

"Due to the change in breathing rate, my blood flow seems to have also changed. However, my cells can still bear it. Even if there are some parts that cannot adapt, they will heal quickly with the help of self-healing. Therefore, there is no way to treat me. causing harm to the body.”

However, Xia Shang didn't know that when he was immersed in the changes within his body.

Ning Taki Sakonji, who was on the side, looked at him with a ghostly look. He saw that Xia Shang's naked upper body had several streaks like sea waves. The streaks occupied both sides of Xia Shang's waist, and they were still growing. It spread like it was alive, slowly crawling up Xia Shang's arms and neck.

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