Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 155 The second string, the windlass

"No need to waste time."

The two of them ran extremely fast, passing through the horrified gazes of passers-by without concealment. Ling Yuzi was like a light antelope. With a tap of her toes, she could cross a distance of ten meters. But halfway there, she Stopped suddenly.

It turned out that in the alley in front of her, there were two drunken men who stopped Ling Yuzi laughing.

Ling Yuzi looked at Xia Shang pitifully.

"I'm hungry. Can you let me eat something first? I feel so uncomfortable when I'm hungry."

"Whatever." Xia Shang looked up at the moon embedded in the night sky and continued, "Five minutes."

"Thank you, you're welcome then." Ling Yuzi first bowed to Xia Shang, and then tore the strong man's throat with his sharp claws. He watched as his companion's neck was torn open by the girl, and blood spurted out. The drunk man was immediately frightened and backed away. He held on to the wall, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

"Ghost...Ghost, ghost!" The remaining alcohol in the drunkard's body flowed down his thighs to the ground. When he regained consciousness, he ran outside in a panic, but before he could take two steps, he was hit by Xia Shang's sword energy. Cut off the head.

"You are really different from those Zhu. They seem to hate me eating, but to me, people are like fragrant rice. If I don't eat it, I will be hungry." Ling Yuzi showed his face to Xia Shang while enjoying the food. A cute satisfied smile.

"Eat quickly, I will remind you when the time comes."

Xia Shang was not idle either. He opened the panel to check the fusion progress.

[Super-sensitive cognitive fusion is in progress, the current progress is 16%]

"Although this fusion speed is slightly slower than the absorption of compound No. 5, it is still much faster than natural fusion."

In fact, this is a good explanation. The breathing method can enhance all human perceptions, and Xia Shang, who always maintains his stripes, is equivalent to maximizing his own perception ability at all times. The two superimpose each other, making him super sensitive. The fusion speed of Zhi will naturally be doubled or even tripled.

The evening breeze blowing in the distance carries the whispers of people chatting.

Xia Shang could detect subtle differences in the smell of blood in the air.

Wherever he looked, everything became subtle, and the details of everything were constantly magnified in his eyes, such as the ants carrying food in the corner. Xia Shang could even see the tiny hairs waving on it. Mark of.

five minutes later.

Ling Yuzi reluctantly wiped the blood from her mouth. She touched her bulging belly and said to Xia Shang who closed her eyes to rest, "I've finished eating. Although it's not clean, I still finished eating. After all, wasting food is a shameful act." .”

Generally speaking, evil ghosts will have some strange expressions when eating people.

But Ling Yuzi didn't have any of it at all. She behaved quite naturally, no different from ordinary people eating.

This made Xia Shang curious about her past.

When the two of them walked out of the alley, Xia Shang asked, "How did you become a ghost?"

Ling Yuzi showed an expression of reminiscence.

"It was winter. My family and I lived in this town. They gave me all the food for the winter, but they themselves starved to death, but the food was not enough for me. In order to survive, I could only stay in the town. I was begging, but those people not only refused to give me food, but also beat and kicked me, saying that I was a hateful beggar.

I was so hungry. The feeling of dying was terrible, but I didn’t want to die, so I killed a drunkard who fell on the snow. I hate those drunken people, because making wine requires a lot of food. The food given to me was enough for me to live for a long time, but when I was about to bite him.

The adult found me and told me that it was a natural rule to eat other lives in order to survive. Then, he asked me to stretch out my hands and catch the blood dripping from his fingertips. "

"I see."

Xia Shang finally understood why Ling Yuzi was so afraid of death and hunger.

"Your speed is too slow, so I'll do it."

Xia Shang picked up the purple bow on Ling Yuzi's kimono, and his legs burst out at a speed far faster than the rapid speed, although there was no instrument to measure his current speed.

However, based on past experience, Xia Shang judged that his current speed should be about twice that of the past, which is three times the speed of sound, or even faster!

"So fast!" Ling Yuzi was surprised to find that everything around her was going backwards. Even if she used the two major vampire techniques, she could not reach such a terrifying speed. Until this moment, the last thought of escaping in her heart turned into Dissipate as light smoke.


The shadow of a village appeared in Ling Yuzi's sight.

What also appeared at the same time was a faint sense of blood.

After a few breaths.

Xia Shang carried the remaining coins and saw the so-called Xia Xian Zhi Er Gu. He was standing in the middle of the mountain of corpses, choosing tonight's delicious meal.

At first glance, Windmill looks like an ordinary middle-aged uncle. He is wearing a long black suit and a black cloak.

The upper half of his face was covered with black lines, ranging from dense to thin, and the lines were like broken porcelain.

"Zi Yuzi...and a strange Zhu."

"It seems that you exposed my position and actually brought Zhu in front of me to save your life." The word "下二" is engraved on the right eye of the windlass.

He looked at the two men with gloomy eyes, "Ling Yuzi, if that adult knew that you dared to betray him, he would definitely kill you without hesitation. And you, you actually spent your life just to deal with me, the ghost moon?" It’s so stupid to turn on markings.”

"But it's okay. If I can kill you and eat you, the benefits will be higher than if I ate a hundred ordinary people!" Unlike Ling Yuzi, he was promoted through Gui Yue again and again. After fighting, he came to this location by stepping on the corpse of the two ghosts who had been killed.

"So much nonsense."

Xia Shang put down Ling Yuzi, and Ling Yuzi wisely ran aside and hid behind a stone pier, with a little head popping up, ready to observe the battle between the two.

"Vampire Art·Twirling Strangulation!"

With the roar of the windlass, a circle of enchanting blood appeared around his body, mixed with countless blood threads, and these blood threads continued to rotate around him and brought up whistling air currents, as if Anything that enters the blood light will be crushed instantly.

"Go to hell." He smiled ferociously.

He saw that with a push of his hands, the rapidly rotating blood-colored roulette flew towards Xia Shang, and an extremely violent suction force erupted from the center of the roulette wheel, crushing all the corpses passing by and sucking them into it, adding to the originally alluring bloody color. , adding a bit of cruel Yin Hong.

"You dare to come to me without the Nichirin Sword, you are really asking for your own death!"

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