Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 180 Ocean Public Opinion, the Deep Sea in the limelight

"Speak slowly." Xia Shang reached out and pressed the power button of the computer, ready to see what happened during the few days he left.

"Okay, Mr. Jervis." The twin calmed down a little, "The first is the attack on the superhero Storm Girl. This incident has been strictly blocked by the Vought Group. The specific details are in your mailbox.

Secondly, the superhero movie recently planned by Vought Group was originally intended to promote the new hero Storm.

However, due to Storm Girl's unexpected accident, the filming of the movie was urgently stopped. "

"Isn't this normal? What's the problem?"

Xia Shang opened his mailbox and saw the email sent to him by Edgar.

The content of the email is a bit long, but its general meaning is that the criminal terrorist organization headed by Billy planned this tragic terrorist action, and in this action, caused extremely serious harm to Storm Girl.

Currently, Storm Girl is still being rescued, but this incident must be kept strictly confidential. If the ordinary people know that Storm Girl, who has just become the nemesis of criminals, has been attacked by terrorists and is on the verge of death, this will have a negative impact on Storm Girl herself. This is an extremely serious blow to the reputation of superheroes and even the entire Vought Group.

This will make ordinary people feel that superheroes can't even protect themselves, let alone protect them.

Once public opinion is allowed to ferment.

The credibility of the Vought Group may be completely destroyed.

You know, a large part of the reason why the superhero industry under the Vought Group is as prosperous as it is now is due to people's fanatical worship of superheroes and their belief that superheroes are strong enough to protect their bodies. Safety.

What if one day they suddenly discover that superheroes are not as powerful as they thought.

It is conceivable that this will be a huge disaster for Walter. Once credibility is gone, it will be extremely difficult to build it up again. Therefore, Edgar's wording is quite urgent. After all, this also affects Arrived at the sale of compound number five.

"There is no problem that superhero movies cannot continue to be filmed, but what is serious is that someone is now maliciously spreading on the Internet that Storm is not only an extreme racist who believes in white supremacy, but also the real culprit behind the train explosion.

But these are nothing, after all, they did not produce corresponding evidence.

What's even more deadly is that they clearly pointed out that Storm is dead and superheroes are not invincible. They also said that if Storm had not died, she would have stood in front of the stage and showed off her superpowers in front of everyone. .

Mr. Xia Shang, you also know that even if I can imitate her appearance, I cannot imitate her super powers. "

"What's the current public opinion situation?" Xia Shang said calmly.

There is no need to guess, the guys spreading public opinion must be Billy and the others, but this time they are smarter. Perhaps they saw a clue from the invisible man incident, guessing that there may be people under the Watt Group who can imitate others. Superhumans, so they are sure that even superhumans can imitate the appearance of Storm Girl.

It is absolutely impossible to display the exact same superpower.

The twin on the other end of the phone had his eyebrows knit together: "It's very pessimistic. Some people have already questioned Walter about why the fan meeting was stopped after only one fan meeting. If Storm Girl... If nothing happened, why would Watt Company do such a cover-up?"

"I understand. Is there anything else you have to do recently?" Xia Shang stood up and came to the window. He looked down at the watch he just put on his wrist. It was 10:01, exactly half an hour after his work time.

"One more thing is about the deep sea. Recently, the Neon Nation announced that it would dump nuclear wastewater into the sea, which aroused a lot of public opinion. The whole world is paying attention to this matter, but Congress has not expressed anything about the attitude of the U.S. government. , arousing dissatisfaction among non-governmental environmental protection organizations, and currently two demonstrations involving more than 3,000 people have been held.

Deepsea took the initiative to participate in it without Walter's permission. President Mr. Edgar was very dissatisfied with this and asked Deepsea to immediately stop all activities. "

"It seems like something he can do."

Xia Shang smiled, went to the wardrobe, and chose an off-white suit.

"If I'm not wrong, he must be very popular now."

"Not only is it very high, it is simply popular. His name and pictures have been all over the social media, and his influence has even spread abroad. According to the investigation by the relevant Watt department, his support rate in various states has soared. With 70%, the popularity currently ranks second among the seven-member group, second only to The Motherland.

Moreover, the gap with the people of the motherland is getting smaller and smaller. "

"Looks like a certain guy won't be able to sleep."

Xia Shang was referring not only to the people of the motherland, but also to Shenhai, but the simple-minded Shenhai didn't think too much, so currently only the people of the motherland can't sleep.


Located in a secret base in New York State, Dr. Wagbaum, who has retired for many years, walked out of the medical room with a frown.

"How is the situation?" The motherland man who was waiting at the door asked expressionlessly.

It can be seen that he is in a very bad mood.

Although the guy was pierced through the chest by his laser eye, he could not find his body. There were only two possibilities in this situation.

Either someone took the lead and moved the body before him, or the guy was not dead at all. Of these two possibilities, the people of the motherland were more inclined to the latter. He would rather believe that the guy escaped than admit that someone could be behind him. Under my nose, a corpse was moved away,

The gray-haired Dr. Wagbaum shook his head, "The situation is not optimistic. Although she has regained consciousness and 70% of her epidermis has recovered, the broken arm shows no signs of regeneration.

Even injecting a large amount of No. 5 compound could not regenerate her broken arm. Her self-healing ability had been pushed to the limit. "

The motherland man did not speak, but opened the door to the medical room and stepped in.

He came to the bedside and looked at the unrecognizable Storm Girl affectionately. While holding her hand, he whispered: "Why didn't you give me those photos earlier? I will be happy to help you."

Storm Girl slowly opened her eyes and opened her lips slightly, but because her vocal cords were damaged, she could not make any sound.

"I have used all departments of Walter. I believe I will know who that guy is soon. Don't worry, if he is lucky enough to survive, I will kill him again to avenge you."

The motherland man said with a happy expression.


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