"Don't say that, because it sounds like I am the villain in the movie, and you are my minions. Of course, considering your magical ability to mess up anything, this possibility cannot be ruled out, but I prefer that I am a decent person, okay, let’s get down to business, I’m calling you to tell you good news.”

"Good news? Are you referring to the White House's decision to press the nuclear button on the Vought Group and then, with a bang, raze Vought to the ground?"

Billy teased.

"If one day Manhattan is occupied by the parahuman army, I think Mr. President will consider it." Mallory on the other end of the phone opened the file about Victoria in front of him, looked at the information above and said: "The White House has decided to form a new Department, responsible for superhuman crimes and punishment, you can call it the Superhuman Affairs Branch, or FBSA."

"Oh, my God, Mr. President finally did what he was supposed to do. I thought his daily life was to get up, go to work, click on the mailbox, check the mailbox, close the mailbox, travel abroad, and sleep. In fact, in Before I was considered a wanted criminal, I considered running for president as a way to live this God-like life."

Billy held a cigarette in his mouth and talked, "Believe me, his decision will be a highlight in his governing career. At least in my mind, his status is no less than the one printed on the hundred-dollar bill." Franklin, maybe I’ll miss him when he gets his brain started.”

"Susan is right, a bastard like you should be pulled out and shot." Mallory counterattacked without hesitation for Billy, a social instability factor.

"Really? If she had listened to my suggestion and directly sued the Walter Group and the people of the motherland, she would not have died as worthless as she did now." Billy narrowed his eyes and recalled the scene at that time. Susan's head It exploded in front of him, exactly the same as the scene that was staged at the hearing some time ago. He didn't believe it was a coincidence. The murderer must be Walter's man.

"If she knew what you said about her, she would definitely be sad." Mallory shook his head.

"Okay, I take back what I just said and wish her all the best in heaven."

Billy opened the car window and threw the burned cigarette butt out.

"By the way, Ryan, the son of the motherland, may be sentenced to manslaughter. Coupled with your confession video and the fact that he is only ten years old, the sentence may be very light. You'd better be mentally prepared."

To be honest, Mallory didn't understand Billy's behavior, but considering that the other party had the ability to mess up everything, he accepted it calmly.

"It seems that the U.S. government has bowed to evil capital again." Billy's voice was full of yin and yang.

"Politics is a game of mutual compromise, you will understand. However, you are not without any benefits. I will use operational methods to whitewash you in the future. Of course, this does not include you. After all, with your current reputation, you have already No less than the Seven Giants under Walter, they are veritable super villains.”

"I just thought you were complimenting me."

After hanging up the phone, Billy leaned back in his seat, hesitating whether to announce the good news to Huey or the others.

It is not difficult to know from Mallory's words that the government intends to use more impartial means to attack Watt in an attempt to reduce Watt's social influence.

I have to say that this is a good idea, as long as Walter's molest is not allowed to sneak into the FBSA.

After complaining in his mind, Billy planned to drive away.

The look from Jervis just now made him feel very bad, so he decided to take a day off and announce the good news to Huey and the others.


In the following month, the original tasks of the picket team were almost suspended. Huey and the others were also successfully cleared under Mallory's operation. When they learned that they could leave the basement and return to human society, they were simply ecstatic. , the breast milk in the team received a call from his wife as soon as he learned the news.

Listening to the voices of his wife and daughter on the phone, Zhan Zhi, a tall man who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, couldn't help but have red eyes.

After careful consideration, he decided to apply to Billy to leave the team.

"I need to give my daughter a complete family, I'm sorry."

"Please say hello to your wife and lovely daughter for me. The picket team welcomes you back at any time." Huey, who was beaming with joy, gave Breastmilk a warm hug.

Billy on the side was smoking silently without saying a word.

Soon, Frankie brought Kimiko to Billy.

Seeing the way he hesitated to speak, Billy immediately understood what Frankie meant, "What are you going to do?"

"Travel around the world and enjoy life." Frankie didn't want to make the atmosphere so heavy and deliberately smiled: "Don't worry, we are different from breast milk. When will I come back when I go bankrupt gambling in Las Vegas?" of."

"Then I can only pray that you will become a pauper soon."

In addition to Breast Milk, Frankie and Kimiko, the picket team currently only has captains Billy, Huey, and Starlight. Among them, Huey received an invitation from FBAS and became one of them, and his boss is Victoria, also known as Newman. Congressman, Victoria provided funds to secretly form a team to monitor superhumans.

So Huey is not only responsible for arresting the superhumans causing problems, but he also serves as the liaison between the FBSA and the pickets.

During this period, he was busier than ever, but because he had great power, he could arrest superhuman beings at will and justly. It could be said that he was busy and happy.

"Don't always have a bitter look on your face, you know? The moment I sat in the office, my whole person seemed to be sublimated. Who would have thought that the former teller would suddenly transform into a government employee. When I signed the contract At that moment, I almost burst into tears." Sitting on the sofa at home, Huey was very proud of himself, and his brows were full of chicness.

"Dear government employees, would you like an after-dinner snack?"

Bega walked from the kitchen to the living room carrying a plate of homemade cookies.

"It would be my pleasure, Ms. Béjart."

After Ryan was released, he was picked up by Walt's special car and is currently placed in a secret safe house of the Walt Group. Although Bejia couldn't see him, she was relieved after learning that he was safe and sound.

Seeing Huey's triumphant look, Billy couldn't help but sneered: "I seemed to see a monkey showing off the banana in his hand in front of me."

"Oh, I must warn you, Mr. Billy, what you just said is completely racist. You have to be lucky that I am not black, otherwise I have the right to sue you."

Huey picked up the cookie on the coffee table, chewed it, and pressed the remote control for the TV.

Niu Niujun has basically sorted out his ideas and will start updating tomorrow.

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