"Don't forget the wound on her arm. If it drags on any longer, the wound might get worse." Billy glanced at Kimiko, who was unconscious and bloodless beside him, and said.

"Wang Defa!"

At this time, Huey's attention was entirely on the mysterious man in the center of the battlefield, and he was not listening to what Billy said at all.

I saw an extremely powerful figure, suddenly overturning the tank on top of him, and rushing towards the mysterious man like a cannonball!

"I got you." After smashing all the obstacles, the soldier boy stretched out his arms and grabbed Xia Shang's shoulders.

His eyes were already bloodshot, and the madness and rage in them were frightening.

"Xie Te!" Looking at the red dots that lit up on the opponent's chest, Xia Shang's expression finally changed slightly. The No. 5 compound he had stored in his body had already turned into A pile of broken glass.

If he guessed correctly, the opponent should be preparing to use the most powerful move.

as expected!

After the soldier boy caught Xia Shang, he roared with a ferocious expression!


A dazzling red light instantly filled his entire body. Amidst the roar, the temperature inside and outside the soldier boy's body rose rapidly. The red light that lit up his chest was even more difficult to look at directly.

"It's a really good superpower." At the critical moment of life and death, Xia Shang even observed the changes in the soldier boy.

The soldier boy looked like burnt red glass, and Xia Shang could see the internal structure of his body at a glance.

boom! ! !

The next second, the soldier boy sputtered out countless high-temperature flames like a nuclear bomb explosion. The tens of thousands of degrees of flames, accompanied by extremely terrifying radiation, instantly engulfed Xia Shang completely.

In an instant.

All the super factors in Xia Shang's body were wiped out.

Without the amplitude of his superpower, he was like an ice cream cone left in the scorching sun. The extremely high temperature flames burned his skin, exposing the bright red beating muscles and tendons under the charcoal.

The huge shock wave, together with the heat wave, almost destroyed everything within fifty meters of the soldier boy, and the affected area was still expanding!

Wait until the dust clears.

Billy and others who hid in the laboratory narrowly escaped death.

"That guy's superpowers are too scary." Huey said with lingering fear.

"It's almost like someone dropped a small nuclear bomb here."

Billy walked out of the cave.

Looking at the scene in front of him that looked like post-war ruins, his face was filled with solemnity.

"Where is the mysterious man? Could it be..."

Huey came behind Billy, and he only saw the soldier boy half-kneeling on the ground, gasping for air.

As for the mysterious man, he seemed to have evaporated and disappeared.


[Fantasy World: Tokyo Ghoul]

[World Level: Two Stars]

[Player stay time: two years]

[Friendly reminder, the time flow rate in the fantasy world is 150:1 that of the main world]

In the dark corner of the alley, the sound of gnawing could be heard.

A middle-aged man with a crazy expression looked around warily while feasting on the corpse he picked up from the roadside.

"What the hell is this guy!!! So delicious! Every cell in my body is trembling with excitement!" The middle-aged man tried his best to bite off a small piece of flesh and blood from the corpse, but it was just such a small piece of flesh. The lump of flesh and blood caused the Rc cells in his body to multiply wildly.

"A delicious delicacy! A delicacy that only comes once in a thousand years!"

The man chewed the flesh and blood in his mouth and laughed wildly.

"Is this guy a powerful Hezi? But he doesn't seem to have a Hezi in his body?" In the darkness, the man's blood-red eyes were particularly obvious.

"Whatever, I have to speed up. This is not my place after all. It would be terrible if that guy Nishio Nishiki finds out."

Thinking that his food might be taken away, the man couldn't help but chew faster.

"Jihehehe, as long as I eat all the corpses in front of me, Nishio Nishiki doesn't matter! I will eat him one day, and sooner or later this will be my ghoul."

at the same time.

A young man wearing a blue hooded sweater walked out of the room with a smile and came to the streetlight outside.

"I want to kill people! I want to eat meat..."

A few weeks ago, young Kaneki Ken met Kamishiro Rise who had the same hobbies as him in the "Safe Zone" of the coffee shop, and they made an appointment at the bookstore. After the date, Kaneki Ken prepared to send the other person home, but unexpectedly he was sending the other person back home. On the way home, Kaneki Ken was attacked by the great ghoul god Rise. Due to an accidental construction accident, the steel frame that fell from high altitude instantly buried Kamishiro Rise. However, Kaneki Ken was already dying at this time.

When he woke up again, he found himself in the hospital.

But from that day on, he discovered that something strange had happened to him. Human food was simply unpalatable to him. Instead, it was the smell of meat from humans that made him drool.

At this time, he remembered what the doctor said.

"Give him her internal organs."

Kaneki Ken finally understood what turned him into a monster.

The black film on his left eye faded away, and the boy temporarily regained consciousness.

"What on earth is it? It smells so good? It's obviously the first time I smell it, but it gives me a very delicious feeling, just like the top-quality cuisine I imagined, top-quality Wagyu beef after being grilled." Kaneki Ken locked in the aroma. direction, constantly accelerating the pace.

When he arrived, he saw the middle-aged man eating the corpse. When he saw the source of the scent, he collapsed and fell to his knees.

"That's almost it."

The bloody corpse suddenly opened its eyes, raised its skeletal right arm, and gently pressed its palm on the middle-aged man's head.

[Analysis successful]

[Talent skill: Rc cells]

[Fusion condition: Kill the ghoul in front of you]

[After fusion, a very small number of the player's cells will mutate, and their hardness will increase significantly. They can maintain their activity by eating ordinary food or meat. The higher the nutrients, the better the effect. 】

[Talent Skill: He Bao]

[Fusion conditions: Transplant the Hebao in the ghoul into the player's body]

[After fusion, the player can store mutated cells through the Hebao. If a large number of mutated cells are released from the Hebao, the mutated cells will protrude from the player's skin and form a unique predatory organ 'Hezi'. In addition, the player can eat other Ghouls, increase the number and strength of Hebao. 】

[Talent Skill: Jiahe]

[Fusion condition: Eat the ghoul's bag in front of you]

[Prerequisite for fusion: Players must have a Hebao]

[After fusion, the high concentration of mutated cells in the player's body will be compressed. Generally, the position of the cyst is under the shoulder blade. The ridge has a metallic texture and can be covered on the surface of the body when the player uses it. It has extremely high defense, but is heavy. It is also far superior to ordinary cells. 】

"Don't you need to eat R? It seems that the cells produced after the fusion are not pure Rc cells." Xia Shang murmured softly. (End of chapter)

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