
late at night.

The Ghana General Hospital, located in the core area of ​​District 20, is still brightly lit at this time.

But in the unknown basement of the hospital.

A man with slicked back hair and snow-white hair was concentrating on dissecting the corpse on the operating table in front of him.

The face of the corpse was extremely distorted, the corners of the eyes were cracked, and the body was slightly deformed, all indicating that the corpse had experienced unimaginable pain during its lifetime.

"Failed again." The man carefully picked out a piece of shriveled liver from the disintegrated corpse, placed it on the lamp for inspection, and then placed it in a sterile box.

"I have to say, that kid is a rare lucky guy."

In fact, in the original work, Kano spent three years and conducted thousands of experiments. Only less than ten perfect experimental subjects could be transplanted with Leshi organs and survived. This shows that the success of the experiment How low is the rate?

Kano took off his mask, revealing a slightly older face. The fine lines at the corners of his eyes showed that he was no longer young.

He sat at his desk and recorded the experiment he just conducted.

Then, he opened a file on the table, and there was a picture of Kaneki Ken on the front page.

Name: Kaneki Ken

Age: 18 years old

Currently studying at Kamei University, interpersonal relationships... recent whereabouts... Ghoul type: One-eyed ghoul.

A one-eyed ghoul refers to a ghoul with a single eye. Only through the transplantation of a ghoul's bag or a child born between a ghoul and a human can he become a one-eyed ghoul. The probability of both is very small, so the one-eyed ghoul The rarity of the species is very high.

Close the file.

Kano Akihiro looked at the photo of himself and his mother on the table, with a hint of warmth in his eyes.

Since his mother died of a serious illness, Kano has been immersed in experiments on the fusion of humans and ghouls, and has tried to extend human lifespan through this method.

He had worked at CCG for four years as an anatomy doctor. However, because he accidentally glimpsed the secrets of the real leader of CCG and the Xiu family, he found an excuse to leave CCG in order to save his own life.

Beep beep beep.

Kano took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Dr. Kano, there is a patient's family member who wants to see you." Nurse Taguchi's voice came from it.

"Whose family members?" Garner sorted out the documents on the table and prepared to leave the laboratory.

This is just a place where he temporarily conducts experiments. The real laboratory is located underground in a house. The original owner of that house is Anjiu Qisheng. He was originally a senior doctor in the CCG organization. He was later killed by He Xiu, and his house The underground laboratory managed below was also abandoned by He Xiu and eventually belonged to Jian Na.

"He said he was Kaneki Ken's older brother."

Kano was stunned, and he frowned slightly.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

As far as he knew, Kaneki Ken had been living alone since his parents died. Where did he get his brother?

Out of curiosity, he quickened his pace and came to the hospital lobby, where he met Jin Muyan's so-called "brother"

A smiling and handsome man wearing a black windbreaker, with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you Jin Muyan's brother? What do you call him?" Kano stretched out his right hand towards Xia Shang.

After holding the opponent's outstretched right hand, Xia Shang smiled and said, "Xia Shang."

"A rare surname, you must not be Japanese."

"of course not."

"Let's find another place. This place is not suitable for chatting." Kano said calmly.

"no problem."

On the street outside, Kano, who was standing under the streetlight while looking at the cars that kept passing by, said softly: "Kaneki Ken doesn't have an older brother. You are from the Bronze Tree. You are looking for Rise."

"Basically correct."

"Basically correct?" Jia Na turned to look at Xia Shang.

"I remember there is no one like you in CCG."

"I am neither from the Bronze Tree nor do I belong to the CCG. I am who I am. I do not represent any organization, and no organization can represent me."

Xia Shang smiled.

"I'll take you there." Garner took out the car keys.


The headlights of a black car parked on the side of the road came on.

Kano is a smart man, and there is no need to talk too much nonsense when dealing with smart people. He is just an ordinary person, and his mission has not been completed. He does not want to die in the hands of the other party.

After getting in the car, Jia Na took Xia Shang to his residence.

After going through layers of identity authentication, Xia Shang finally saw Jia Na's laboratory.

The huge laboratory is extremely tidy, with a height of ten meters and an area of ​​no less than a thousand square meters. The passages inside extend in all directions, and high-precision instruments can be seen everywhere.

"If you want to save Kamidai Rise, I advise you to give up this idea. You don't know how much darkness is hidden behind her."

Kano pressed the switch on the wall.

As the iron door opened to both sides, the imprisoned Kamdai Lishi was exposed to Xia Shang's eyes.

Kamdai Lishi's hands and feet were wrapped by the instrument behind him, and he appeared in Xia Shang's field of vision in a slightly erotic posture.

By the way, Kamishiro Rise was also unlucky. He just wanted to have dinner, but he was assassinated by Kagota Sota, who was rejected by his confession. It was Sota who planned the steel bar falling incident. In order to prevent accidents, he even went to the steel bar to prevent accidents. It was coated with RC inhibitors, otherwise with Li Shi's strength, he wouldn't have been knocked unconscious by the steel bar.

The current Kamidai Rise is basically equivalent to a vegetative state, having lost his self-awareness.

"No amount of darkness can cover me..." Xia Shang turned sideways to Jian Na and said with raised corners of his mouth: "Now that I'm here, I am the endless darkness that shrouds them."


A black tentacle instantly popped up behind him and stabbed directly through Li Shi's chest.

"It turns out you just wanted to eat her." Garner's face turned ugly, and he even felt sorry for it.

After all, experimental subjects like Li Shi who can reproduce Hebao infinitely and will not die when taking out Hebao are quite rare. There is probably only one in the world.

"How fast is the reproduction rate in her body?"

What surprised Jia Na was that Xia Shang actually retracted his tentacles.

However, he soon understood Xia Shang's intention.

"As long as the nutrients are sufficient, it can be regenerated twice a day." He took out the rubber gloves from his pocket, put them on, came to Kamishiro Riyo, and inspected the inside of the wound.

Sure enough, the Hebao in Li Shi's body had been swallowed by the other party.

He turned to look at Xia Shang and said in a solemn tone: "Behavior like this will affect your brain and will eventually turn you into a rampaging killing machine."

"I know."

He Bao was worthy of being an S-class ghoul. After swallowing it, Xia Shang could clearly feel that the mutation speed of the cells in his body had accelerated several times. However, the location where they gathered was something Xia Shang had not expected.

Only two small bumps were seen on his shoulder blades, but they disappeared immediately.

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