Billy frowned, then lit a cigarette, his eyes looking particularly sharp in the diffuse smoke.

"It seems that what Mallory said is true. Russia does have super weapons that can restrain superhumans. The reason why they put super weapons on soldier boys is because they want to brainwash and train soldier boys into... Their own war machine."

Subsequently, the experimental scenes that appeared in the video also confirmed Billy's conjecture in disguise.

Holding a nearly burned out cigarette in his mouth, he took out a stack of photos and documents recording experimental data from the bag beside him.

While looking through the experimental data, he compared the dates recorded on the photos, and quickly came to the conclusion: "A large number of human experiments have led to the soldier boy's superpowers being strengthened. In this process, super weapons and soldiers The boy blended into one."

"However, the soldier boy's mental condition has become extremely unstable as a result."

Billy put down the document in his hand and looked at the computer screen.

In the video, the soldier boy lying on the steel bed and being slaughtered suddenly opened his eyes. Then, a thick flame burst out from his chest. The rapidly expanding flame instantly engulfed the entire laboratory. At the same time, At the same time, dazzling white light almost occupied the entire screen.

Billy subconsciously raised his hand to cover himself.

After about ten seconds, a new picture flashed on the dark computer screen.

"The battle ahead is defeated! The experiment is temporarily suspended! Seal that damn guy first, I don't want to see any more meaningless casualties!"

A man's extremely angry roar came from the computer. Soon, several researchers carried the unconscious soldier boy to the tin can that Billy had seen before in the military base. , they opened the iron can, releasing a white gas that could cause coma, and then put the soldier boy inside.

The video ends here.

"Breastmilk, help me retrieve all the information on Soldier Boy, including the ones we collected earlier."

Billy opened the drawer and took out a blank piece of paper.

He picked up the pen and didn't know what to write on it.

"The information you want." Mother Milk dug out the information collected some time ago, then came to Billy and handed the information to Billy.


Billy moved the white paper in front of Breast Milk, then pointed at a line of text with the tip of his pen and said: "What do you think is the probability of a soldier boy returning to the United States?"

"Go back to the United States..." Mother Milk looked thoughtful, and after a moment, he said hesitantly: "At least 80%."


Billy wrote 'Repayer Alliance' on the paper with force, "In my opinion, the probability of him returning to the United States is 100%. It was the betrayal of his team members that led to him being captured by Russia. He will definitely come back for revenge. of."

"So? You want to find him through his former teammates?"

Instead of answering, Billy asked another question.

"With our current strength, what is the chance of winning against the people of the motherland?" He took out the temporary No. 5 compound from his pocket and put it on the table: "With this thing in use."

After thinking for a while, Mother Milk finally shook her head.

"have no idea."

"It may be possible to fight against the motherland, but it is almost impossible to kill him." Billy took out the photo of the soldier boy and pressed it under the temporary No. 5 compound.

"We need an ally, an ally strong enough."

Breast Milk probably understood what Billy meant. He frowned and said in disbelief: "So you want to win Soldier Boy over to our side?"

He looked at Billy next to him in surprise. For a moment, he even suspected that the Billy in front of him was a fake.

After all, it is well known that Billy's attitude towards superhumans is extremely bad. How could he actively win over Soldier Boy unless...

Breast milk's right hand unconsciously touched the pistol at her waist.

"That's right." Billy showed a sinister smile, "I want to use him to deal with the people of the motherland, but the premise is that we have to find his team members before him. As long as those people are in my hands, I want to find them. , the soldier boy can only choose to cooperate with us."

Hearing this, Breastmilk let go of the handle of the gun.

Yes, this guy is indeed the real deal.

"Get moving, everyone, we don't have much time left."

Billy put the temporary No. 5 compound on the table into his pocket and walked outside.


In a dark underground passage, Billy sat in front of a desk lamp and kept smoking. Generally, cunning rabbits would prepare several hiding places in advance, and Billy was no exception. When Starlight knew the exact location of the basement After that, he immediately found a new hiding place.

After all, he had never trusted Xingguang and others.

"Huh..." Billy was smoking a cigarette and playing with the temporary No. 5 compound in his hand.

As crisp footsteps slowly sounded from a distance, he knew that the person he was waiting for... was here.

"How do you know this?" Maeve, who was wearing casual clothes, unceremoniously threw a handbag into Billy's arms.

"A few days ago, a mysterious man showed up at Huey's house and gave him a few tubes of this stuff. After I used it, I found that it felt pretty good." Billy picked up the wine on the table and poured some into the glass.

"Mysterious man... No wonder." Although the Temporary No. 5 Compound is an important secret of the Walter Group, before Jervis left his job, he was the Vice President of Walter. It is normal for him to have access to the Temporary No. 5 Compound.

"It sounds like you know the true identity of the mysterious man?"

Billy took a sip of the wine in his glass and asked curiously.

"Probably." Maeve didn't want to dwell too much on this issue, so she changed the subject, "I have to remind you that it is best to use the temporary No. 5 compound sparingly. I suspect it has serious side effects."

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Since everyone is dead anyway, who will care about his true identity."

Billy put down his wine glass, unzipped his handbag, fished out a large glass tube filled with light green liquid, and smiled, "As for the side effects... you guessed that people are taking heroin, big M, and B powder?" When you use it, do you care about their side effects? Besides, this thing is much more powerful than those things."

"The mysterious man is dead!" Maeve looked shocked. To be honest, her reaction was much stronger than Billy expected.

"You seem surprised. Who is he?"

"You don't need to know."

Maeve took out her phone, found the contact she was looking for, and pressed the call button.

Beep... beep... beep... Just when Maeve thought the call could not be connected, a familiar voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"It's so late, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Sorry, I pressed the wrong button." Maeve immediately hung up the phone and looked at Billy with great displeasure: "You're fucking kidding me." (End of Chapter)

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