Thinking of this, Xia Shang was still in the mood to bask in the sun. If the soldier boy didn't show up yet, who knows when he would be able to collect the 20,000 fantasy points.

Not wanting to delay, Xia Shang stood up and left the couch.

He looked up at the sky and used Carbon's extraordinary ability. Soon, as the invisibility spread from his fingertips to his whole body, he completely disappeared under the sun in almost the blink of an eye.


About half an hour later, Xia Shang finally saw the Gordokin University that Edgar mentioned. To be honest, from the outside, Gordokin University seemed to be no different from other universities in the United States. At most, it had more superhero elements. , at the gate of the university, you can even see the billboard of the Vought Group. On it, the superheroes headed by Starlight spread their hands in a welcoming gesture. In addition, below the billboard it says: "If you want to be Superheroes like us, please give your best efforts, because Walt only welcomes the best students to join."

Xia Shang opened the door and stepped out of the car, adjusting the collar of his clothes.

Then he looked around with interest.

At this moment, he actually saw a person sitting in a wheelchair levitating with the wheelchair.

And the students who were coming and going were not surprised at all when they saw this scene, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

In addition, Xia Shang also saw a large number of photographers walking back and forth with cameras, as if they were filming something.


Xia Shang narrowed his eyes. The radio waves he emitted covered the entire school in an instant like an airtight spider web.

Immediately afterwards, a three-dimensional radar image was compiled in his mind based on the received information. Each lit dot on it represented a super human.

"It seems that this school is unique." Xia Shang's eyes passed through the walls, human bodies, and teaching buildings, and finally locked on a basement. However, because the distance reached the limit, he could not see the entire basement, and could only see a few pieces of equipment. Well-trained security personnel wearing helmets and visors stood in front of the basement door.

"Mr. Jervis?" A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Xia Shang's thoughts.

Xia Shang looked in the direction of the sound and saw a well-dressed, older lady walking towards him.

"Principal Xie Ti, good afternoon. I didn't expect you to be able to spot me from such a distance." Xia Shang smiled and nodded.

"Just call me Indira. Welcome to visit Godokin University. It is an honor for me and the school."

Indira Shetty smiled and shook hands with Xia Shang.

"Thank you, what is that?" Xia Shang turned to look at the camera crew in the distance.

"You said them, they are the staff I hired to shoot the school's promotional video. In two months, it will be the entrance season of Gordokin University. They are prepared to be shown to the freshmen."

"Mr. Jervis, please follow me." Indira took Xia Shang into the school.

"Hello, principal."

"Good afternoon, principal."

Facing the students who greeted them, Indira responded with a smile and nod.

"Not bad, very polite."

"The school is a big family. They are not only my students, but also my family." Indira stopped and her eyes fell in front of a bronze statue. "This is the Crimson Countess Academy, which mainly teaches performing arts. Many famous shows, such as "Super Talent," "Riverdale" and "Pretty Little Liars," which are popular among young girls, were created by graduates of the Academy, and I am very proud of them. "

"A very beautiful statue." There was a hint of irony in the corner of Xia Shang's mouth. Who would have thought that a representative figure of the academy would actually become a low-profile internet celebrity who engages in SQ live broadcasts.

Walking through the aisles between the lawns, Indira led Xia Shang past the entrances of each college.

Finally, he stopped in front of the bronze statue of the lamplighter.

"This is the Lamplighter Academy for Fighting Crime. Over the past thirty years, every top ten student has come from this academy. Without exception, they have become protectors of great American cities, such as Queen Maeve, Locomotive, and The Deep. , Mr. Jervis, you should be very familiar with them. When the time comes, you can tell the students about the daily interesting things that happened between them."

Everyday fun facts? Does it mean intrigue?

"No problem, I have a good relationship with them. With just one phone call, I can bring them over to cheer me up." Xia Shang joked.

"Oh, that's great. Those students would go crazy with joy if they could see a real-life superhero."

Although Jervis is no longer the vice president of Walter, there is a saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Indira doesn’t know how much influence Jervis has in Walter, but according to Jervis What Jervis said just now gave her the answer in her mind. Combined with Edgar's phone call some time ago, Indira had to suspect that Jervis's existence threatened Edgar's work in Wo. Because of his status in the special group, he was sent to Godokin University.

"Jordan, you are now ranked second. As long as you continue to work hard, you still have great hope of becoming number one." A very kind old man with white hair and a thick beard smiled at the girl next to him. road.

"Hey, Professor Brinkerhoff, where are you going?"

Indira came forward and introduced to Xia Shang: "This is Professor Brinkerhoff from our Lamplighter School of Fighting Crime. A highly respected professor who once taught Queen Maeve, she can be regarded as Maeve." The Queen’s teacher.”

Xia Shang didn't wait to introduce himself.

The old man said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Jervis, the vice president of Walter Group, has a long-standing reputation."

"You're too polite. I'm not a vice president now. I can only be regarded as an unemployed vagrant." Xia Shang stretched out his right hand and said hello to the old man.

"Look at my memory." Ricky Brinkerhoff said to Li Jordan: "This is the new vice-president of Godokin University, Mr. Jervis, who once managed the Premier League Seven."

After hearing this, Li Qiaodan immediately bent down politely and took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, I am Li Qiaodan, Professor Brinke's assistant teacher."

"ZG people?"

"My parents immigrated to the United States, so I should be considered of Chinese descent." Li Qiaodan looked at Xia Shang, who had a similar face to himself, and couldn't help but feel a little warm.

"Second on the campus ranking list, I know you, very good." Xia Shang nodded slightly and smiled.

"I just received a notification saying that I need to go over for a promotional video."

Ricky Brinkerhoff said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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