"What have I done?" The soldier boy looked in disbelief at the building in front of him, almost half of which had been reduced to ruins. For a moment, the pain caused by self-blame surged into his heart.

"Welcome to America, soldier boy."

The sudden sound caught the soldier boy's attention. He immediately looked in the direction of the sound, but he didn't even see anyone.

"Hallucination, another damn hallucination." Although decades have passed, Soldier Boy is certain that the police profession has definitely not disappeared. In order to prevent himself from falling into an endless pursuit, he is preparing to leave the scene of the crime. .

"Poor guy, you look like you have severe post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short, but I can understand it, after all, you have been tortured by Russia for so many years."

"Invisible? Who are you?"

The soldier boy's burst of speed was no less than that of the people from his motherland. He quickly shuttled through the crowd and soon arrived thousands of meters away.

Halfway through, he also changed clothes and took a hat with the stars and stripes printed on it and put it on his head.

"It's a fucking hallucination again."

After confirming that the surrounding area was temporarily safe, Soldier Boy prepared to find his former acquaintance, Walter's former vice president of hero management, Legend.

"Forty years have passed, the United States has changed a lot, and the influence of the Vought Group today is definitely beyond your imagination."

"I can tell."

Regarding the reappearance of the voice, Soldier Boy seemed much calmer. He had already identified the voice as an illusion he had produced. After all, with his speed, the invisible superhuman could not catch up with him.

"Did you see the man with a sunny smile on the billboard? His name is Patriarch. He is a member of the Vought Group's Super Seven, the strongest superhuman in history."

The soldier boy ignored the voice coming from beside him and reached out to hail a taxi.

However, the strange thing is that the door on the other side of the car was slowly opened at this moment.

"The Motherland...is your son. Back then, Walter collected part of the sperm from you and injected it into a woman's body, thus giving birth to the Motherland."

The soldier boy, who was initially indifferent to the voice, suddenly changed his expression. Like a conditioned reflex, he looked at the seat next to him. Faintly, he actually saw the outline of a human figure. However, the outline was fleeting, but the soldier boy could be sure that that absolutely stunning figure was there. It's not my own illusion.

"A native of the motherland is your son? Hahaha, buddy, you must not have woken up." After hearing this, the driver sitting in the driver's seat burst into laughter, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Man, I advise you to take a good rest. After all, the journey is still long. I will call you when we arrive."

The driver felt that the man in the back seat was either not awake, or just woke up after being drunk, or he was a bug, but he didn't want it to be the latter. Who knows what a drunk bug would do. Come.

"What else do you know? Don't rush to answer. We'll talk about it later."

After saying this, the soldier boy closed his eyes and mouth without saying a word.

About twenty minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a villa.

"Hey, man, the place is here, you need to pay twenty-five dollars." The driver turned to the soldier boy and said.

"Hold on."

The soldier boy reached for his pocket, but the clothes he had just changed into didn't even have a steel coin, not to mention twenty-five dollars.

Just when he felt a little embarrassed, the driver seemed to notice his embarrassment.

With a snap, he took out a pistol from his waist and slapped it on the steering wheel, "Man, this is a small business and I don't accept credit. You must be wanting to eat the King's meal, right?"

"Me." The soldier boy just said, but found that there was a miraculously extra banknote in his pocket.

When I took it out, I saw Franklin's face printed on it.

"Oh man, you are really good at joking. I actually thought you wanted to eat the King's meal. This is definitely a big misunderstanding." The driver's face turned from anger to joy, and the transition was very natural. He put the pistol in his pocket Here, after taking the hundred-dollar bill, I rubbed my thumb and index finger on it for a while, and after confirming that the bill was undoubtedly genuine, I planned to change it.

Keep the change, please.

The soldier boy opened the car door and walked straight towards the villa.

"I wish you a happy life, sir." The driver pulled down the window and sent his blessing with a smile.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and disappeared around the corner of the road.

"Why should I believe what you just said? The people of the motherland are my sons. Do you have proof?" The soldier boy did not believe that he would have a son in his old age, nor did he want to believe the words of a sneaky and pretentious person.

"The people who know about this are not just me, but also your former team member, Psychic Storm. If you don't believe it, you can ask him personally."

With Jiu Duo Erfu's face in his face, Xia Shang slowly walked out of the air.

"You can even ask President Walter in person, Edgar. There is no way he will deceive you."

"I will investigate what you said." The soldier boy was very afraid of Xia Shang's sudden appearance.

"A week later, Walter will hold a charity party. Although the protagonist is Starlight, the people of the motherland should show up. At that time, you can go and see your son."

Xia Shang took out a card from his arms and handed it to the soldier boy, "When the time comes, make this call and I will take you in."

Hearing this, the soldier boy actually already believed in the fact that the people from the motherland were his sons, because when he saw the people from the motherland on the poster, he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in his heart, and the people from the motherland on the poster were the same as those from the motherland. He was so similar back then, just as confident and just as powerful.

Xia Shang followed the soldier boy to a door numbered PH4. The soldier boy reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while.

An old man with a cigar in his mouth opened the door and cursed: "Who the hell is disturbing me at this time? Don't tell me that the damn takeout was delivered to the wrong place."

Click... The moment the door was opened, the old man was stunned when he saw the soldier boy. It was not until the past two or three minutes, when the cigar from his mouth was about to fall, that he said in disbelief: "Soldier... boy ?! God, I read that right."

"Long time no see." The soldier boy reached for the cigar from his mouth and put it in his own mouth.

"Do you still have my battle uniform here?"

He took a deep breath on the cigar and exhaled a puff of smoke with a look of fascination. He had not had this feeling for forty years.

"Of course...come in, I still have your uniform, it should be quite complete."

Legend, a former Vought executive, leads Soldier Boy into the house. (End of chapter)

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