Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 315 A bigger surprise is waiting for you

After leaving the legendary residence, Xia Shang chose to part ways with the soldier boy. His goal had been achieved, and he only needed to wait quietly.

"In a week, there will be an even bigger surprise waiting for you. When the time comes, the location will be here, so remember to arrive early."

"If you have something to say, just say it in one breath, you... he's mad!" As soon as the soldier boy was halfway through his words, Xia Shang disappeared in front of him and completely disappeared from his sight.

Back at the villa, Xia Shang poured himself a glass of milk, turned on the TV, and studied what he had learned in the ghoul world.

[Talent skill: RC cells]

[Talent Skill: Jiahe]

[Talent Skill: Scale He]

[Talent Skill: Yu He]

[Talent Skill: Wei He]

And the [Innate Skill: Dragon Core] obtained from Kamishiro Rise

Among them, the one that improved his strength the most was the 'Dragon Core'. As for the talents such as Jiahe and Linhe, they didn't improve his strength much, especially after he recovered his superpowers, but it's better than nothing. Strong, sometimes, it might be able to play some role.

Moreover, these innate skills are very compatible with his 'transformation', and can also be strengthened as his physical strength increases. After all, the cells in his body are not simple RC cells, but fused mutant cells. , so the potential is almost tied to his physical strength.

Having said that, what Xia Shang valued most was the 'Dragon Core'. Its characteristics of infinite devouring and infinite expansion were enough to illustrate the power of this innate skill.

Although infinite devouring and infinite expansion are somewhat reluctant, as long as the number of times of strengthening is sufficient and the cells' endurance limit is continuously increased, theoretically, he can achieve infinite devouring and infinite expansion.

And every time he transforms into a dragon, his body can be greatly strengthened. Judging from this time alone, just swallowing a Tokyo has raised his physical strength to the level of Queen Maeve. It can be imagined that, If he swallowed all the humans on the planet, he would grow to such an extent that he could easily crush the people of his motherland.

Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that it cannot retain all consciousness.

Xia Shang was speechless when he thought of himself who punched the nuclear bomb at that time. Using this ability was equivalent to giving himself a mind-lowering buff and turning him into a fool.

If only it were okay in those low-star worlds, no one could pose a threat to me...

But I can’t say for sure. If the world can’t afford it, it’s possible to put a meteorite on his head. After all, a slightly larger meteorite is much more powerful than a nuclear bomb, and it’s not even a little bit stronger. You know, any meteorite With a diameter of more than a kilometer, the energy generated by the impact is equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of seven million Hiroshima nuclear bombs.

Even if he hid his clone deep underground, he might not be able to keep it.

Therefore, before solving the problem of not being able to retain all consciousness, Xia Shang's attitude towards the innate skill of 'Dragon Core' is that it should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary or absolutely certain.

"It seems that in the future, we need to pay special attention to the innate abilities of the brain or mind. Maybe we can use other abilities to make up for this shortcoming."

Xia Shang planned to use the innate skill of 'Dragon Core' as the basis for his future development direction, and then add matching abilities to it. After all, if he wanted to achieve what he envisioned, immortality and infinite growth, only 'Dragon Core' could be achieved. Nuclear' best qualifies.


Early the next morning, Xia Shang turned on the TV as usual, placed various books around him, and started reading at once.

At this time, a pair of arms grew out of his back, and there were two more eyes on the sides of his neck.

"Reporting breaking news now, an explosion shook Central Manhattan yesterday. Early reports showed that 19 people were killed, but it is currently confirmed that the number of people killed in the Manhattan explosion is at least 13.

The New York Police Department and Bureau of Parahuman Affairs said it was the work of an unknown metahuman.

As of now, we are still waiting for more information from the authorities... Regarding this extremely bad emergency, at the request of the general public, we will conduct an exclusive interview with the motherland to ask his views on this matter. …”

On the TV screen, the footage of the soldier boy blowing up Central City was played back and forth. There was no trace of Xia Shang in it. Obviously, the camera could not capture Xia Shang in his invisible state.

At the same time, Xia Shang was not the only one watching the news, but also the mothers on the picket line and the people from the motherland in the Chaoying conference room.

"It still doesn't work." Xia Shang was trying to modify and improve his cells at this time, but found that it was impossible to do it. Even though he had mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge and experimental data, he still could not change the state of a cell. Not only Because the structure of cells and the arrangement of genes are extremely stable, at least in his opinion.

But the fundamental reason is that he lacks control over himself.

He cannot extract or add brick by brick from the cells like a building. In other words, he does not have the ability to modify the cells. Before, the reason why he could spread the cells of Blazing Wings all over the body was essentially , it’s just copy and paste, dividing and differentiating from one cell into multiple similar cells.

To put it simply, it is easy to go from one to a hundred, but it is thousands of times more difficult to start from scratch. At least Xia Shang cannot do it now.

The main reason why he can control himself is basically relying on the innate skill of 'Extreme Control'. It is precisely because of this innate ability that his control over himself can reach the cellular level.

But it is simply impossible to reach deep into the cells.

"Even the cell structure cannot be changed. It seems that I am still far from the title of ultimate creature." Xia Shang crushed the twisted flesh ball caused by the failed experiment in his palm, then stood up and walked out of the villa.

"I wonder what the expressions of the people of the motherland are like now?"

Xia Shang looked at the lawn under his feet and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was sure that the people of the motherland definitely recognized the soldier boy in the video. As for whether he knew that he was his father.

Most likely he didn't know, Edgar and Madeleine wouldn't tell him this.

Xia Shang is very much looking forward to the scene when the two father and son recognize each other, it must be very exciting.


"Watch the news." Breastmilk, who had just seen the explosion video on TV, hurried out of the house. He opened the car door and called Billy at the same time.

"Soldier Boy showed up in Central City, Manhattan. Well, I'll be right there."

Breast milk stuffed the phone into her pocket and drove the car towards Midtown Manhattan.

"He actually came to the United States. It seems that Billy's guess was right." (End of Chapter)

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