What Xia Shang said is correct.

The day after he spoke to Izumi Shinichi, Guangchuan Group launched a bloody revenge.

All 22 people in the violent office were killed, and no one was spared. The Hirokawa Group's revenge continued. New information kept rolling out on the TV screen. 16 people were killed on Ginza A Street, including 3 young children and 1 Elderly, 31 people died in the foothold area...

The parasitic creature's crazy behavior aroused the anger of the top police officers!

At the same time, it also made countless people afraid to go out because of fear. What's more, they scolded the police online for being stupid and not caring about the lives of the people. Some people even organized online actions to support the parasitic beasts. There is a traitor to mankind, also known as a traitor.

"It's a good thing that parasitic beasts can't reproduce, otherwise it would be so much fun."

If the parasitic beasts could reproduce, the plot of the original work would be at least ten times greater. Xia and Shang could basically deduce the direction of the story. The parasitic beasts would invade the upper echelons of mankind, gradually gain full control over the discourse, and then use gentle policies to win over people's hearts. Gaining the trust of the people is actually raising humans in captivity, and eventually the number of parasitic beasts increases.

Intensifying the conflict between humans and parasitic beasts, a group of rebels will appear at this time. They will expose the bloody facts hidden under Utopia and try to arouse more people's awakening. However, soon, the parasitic beasts will come up with a solution. The method is to sacrifice a group of insignificant parasitic beasts, and then secretly control the leader of the parasitic group of people.

The final story is that the parasitized leader announced to the outside world that all the parasitic beasts had been killed, and that he would become a hero of mankind.

This will become a cycle, over and over again.

The final direction of the story is very dark, but in Xia Shang's opinion, it is the most reasonable direction.

Unfortunately, the number of parasitic beasts today is only about a thousand. When compared to human society, these numbers are like a drop in the ocean, and it is difficult to make waves.

If he guessed correctly, the reason why the parasitic beasts launched Hirokawa Takeshi was to gradually erode the upper echelons of mankind.

Their plan is still going on because it is their last hope.

As long as Hirokawa Tsuyoshi is successfully elected as mayor, he will be qualified to stop all police activities. Otherwise, various methods such as hair-pulling detection and the placement of X-ray detection machines in places with high traffic are enough to kill absolutely no one. Most parasitic beasts will face the crisis of racial annihilation.

"Is this putting pressure on the police? You want the police to give up all actions against the parasitic beasts. Unfortunately, you underestimated the determination of the police." The screen next to Xia Shang lit up with a message from Chief Fujita.

"The action continues!"

"Oh, oh, oh, the story is getting more and more interesting."


In the next half month, people in Tokyo and all over Japan were under a dark cloud called death. More and more people were killed, and the most killed among them were police officers. News of attacks on police stations in various places continued to spread. As public opinion on the Internet becomes more and more violent, even the police can hardly support it.

Xia Shang stood at the door of the cafe and looked up. It had become dark in Tokyo at some point.

He walked into the cafe calmly. There was only Tamiya Ryoko in the cafe.

"If it weren't for your reckless actions, things wouldn't develop like this." Tamiya Ryoko sat in her seat and looked at Xia Shang with cold eyes.

It seems that the parasitic beast also has its own information channel in the police, otherwise it would be impossible to know that Xia Shang is the instigator behind the scenes.

Xia Shang casually sat down opposite her, "Really, are you sure it's my problem? In the final analysis, it's not because you are parasitic beasts who can't control their killing and cannibalistic nature. You have to know it once or twice The police can tolerate you, but now it has reached the point of intolerance."

"I'm just a fuse. It's you who finally detonate the explosive."

Tamiya Ryoko was speechless. She could not refute Xia Shang's words because she knew what the other party said was correct.

She originally created the organization because she wanted parasitic beasts to integrate into human society, but now the guys in the organization have gone crazy. They claim to be advanced creatures and they want to rule humans. This goes against her original intention when forming the organization. .

"Unable to control its own instincts, a parasitic beast is just a beast after all."

"Don't forget, you are also one of the parasitic beasts." Tamiya Ryoko said coldly.

Xia Shang picked up the coffee in his hand and took a sip in front of her. After putting down the cup, he said with a smile: "Please don't confuse me with a bunch of garbage. Compared to them, I am the ultimate creature. "

"Ultimate creature? It seems that you are just as crazy as them, and it seems that you are even more crazy."

"Really?" Xia Shang shrugged, "Okay, whatever you say, but that's not what you came to me for today, right?"

"You won't forget our cooperation based on the city incident," Tamiya Ryoko said.

"What do you need me to do?"

Xia Shang said crisply.

Tamiya Ryoko did not speak, but took out a baby's birth certificate, and she placed the certificate in front of Xia Shang.

"Is this your child? He's very cute." Xia Shang looked at the photo on the certificate and praised.

Hearing Xia Shang's praise, Tamiya Ryoko couldn't help but smile. Although the smile was fleeting, he was still caught by Xia Shang.

"I hope that after I die, no one will know that this is my child. He just needs to live a peaceful life."

Tamiya Ryoko's tone was calm, as if she didn't care about death.

Xia Shang frowned, "You can take him to a place where no one knows you right now. There is no need for me to do this."

"Because I am a parasitic creature and I cannot control my instinctive beast at any time."

After Tamiya Ryoko finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Looking at her leaving back, Xia Shang's eyes were thoughtful, "Emotion is a complicated thing. Once possessed, even a parasitic beast can change."

He carefully folded the birth certificate on the table and put it in his pocket.

On the other side, Izumi Shinichi was being chased by a parasitic beast. He clearly sensed three parasitic beasts from the opponent, but only one parasitic beast appeared in front of him.

"No, there are three parasitic beasts in his body. It's really surprising."

"That's right, so my name is Miki. Isn't it very creative?" Miki stood in the middle of the road, looking like a fitness instructor in the gym. He smiled and looked at Izumi Shinichi, obviously not taking this opponent seriously. inside.

As Miki's arm split into six tentacles, the speed was so fast that Izumi Shinichi's chest was scratched in one encounter.

Facing Miki's attack, Izumi Shinichi and Mickey could only barely parry.

"Shinichi, run away!"

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