Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 414 Invitation to join! Stand on the moral high ground!

Sure enough, Gambit's second ability soon appeared in front of him.

[Talent Skill: Mind Isolation]

[Fusion conditions: Let Remy LeBeau voluntarily join the Jere Company]

[After fusion, the energy stored in the player's body can produce electromagnetic interference and mental isolation, making the player's whereabouts difficult to track. Friendly reminder, the upper limit of this ability is gamma level, and it cannot create an isolation layer around itself. If the player Create an isolation layer and even be in direct contact with the little naughty people]

"Another very good ability." Although Xia Shang's vision has become a little picky now, Gambit's ability still makes him feel very good, and he just lacks the means of mental defense. If he integrates this ability, He doesn't have to be so afraid of Charles, and if he has this ability when he analyzes Charles one day, he can probably avoid many accidents.

"There are still some."

[Talent Skill: Physical Strengthening]

[Fusion Conditions: Absorb 200 ml of Remy LeBeau's blood]

[After fusion, the player's agility, endurance and physical fitness will be slightly enhanced...]

There is nothing much to say about this ability. For Xia Shang, there is no need for fusion at all, so he just skipped it.

"It seems that there is only one more than the saber-toothed tiger." Xia Shang nodded imperceptibly. He wondered if Gambit King would have additional abilities after being strengthened by Apocalypse.

With a thought, he closed the panel.

Xia Shang focused on Gambit and Kuaiyin.

"Excuse me, are you two interested in joining Jer Company and becoming a member of the superheroes?"

Facing the sudden invitation, Gambit's eyes flashed with astonishment, "You want to invite us to become superheroes?"

"That's right, I wonder if you two are willing?" After reading the ability introduction on the panel, Xia Shang knew that his memory storm and cognitive invasion were ineffective against Gambit, so if he wanted the other party to join Jie Er Company, the only way The two methods were either coercion by force or persuasion with good words, but due to the fusion conditions of mental isolation, he decisively abandoned the former, and had to find a way to get Gambit to voluntarily join Jie Er Company.

Fortunately, he has a certain degree of confidence in this matter.

Seeing that the other party was not here to cause trouble, Gambit secretly breathed a sigh of relief and then said: "Sorry, I have no interest in becoming a superhero at all. You should find someone else."

"I'm not interested either." Kuaiyin is a person who doesn't like to be restrained. Unless he has a charisma like Charles, it will be very difficult to take him under his wing.

"Don't you think about it anymore? Our company's benefits are very high. If you have nothing to do, you can basically rest for a whole day, and the salary is more than three times that of ordinary people... The most important thing is that you don't have to be like Just like before, you are hiding here and there, and in the not-too-distant future, you will be more famous than any other star and gain countless crazy fans who support you."

Xia Shang smiled and said in a very seductive voice: "As long as you agree to join Jier Company, whether it is power, fame, or money, you will have everything at your fingertips."

Gambit is moved, he is really moved. In today's environment, mutants can't be said to be rats in smelly ditches, they can also be regarded as cockroaches that everyone wants to trample to death. If the other party says It's all true, so joining Jie Er Company may not be an excellent choice.

"Peter, you say that?" He calmed down his restless heart, then looked at Peter beside him and asked.

"Sounds interesting..." Kuaiyin pressed the chewing gum with the tip of his tongue and slowly blew out a bubble. However, as soon as the bubble reached the size of a date, it burst with a pop, and then he spit the gum into the trash can. Of course, not even Xia Shang, let alone Gambit King, saw his move.

Quicksilver returned to his original position and shook his head, "Not interested, can you let us go now?"

"You don't want to know who your father is?" Xia Shang frowned calmly. Just now, he used Memory Storm on Kuaiyin, but it had no effect at all. He couldn't help but suspect that Kuaiyin might have a third child. Two abilities, or his super thinking speed and brain nerves, can make him immune to some mental attacks.

Xia Shang personally believes that it is the latter, because high-speed movement gives Kuaiyin far more than just speed, but also a higher-than-average physique, a super-fast thinking mode, and the ability to rapidly vibrate objects to affect the molecular structure of the object. Abilities and so on.

"Do you know who my father is?" Kuaiyin, who always wore an indifferent expression on his face, became a little more serious after hearing Xia Shang's words.

"Didn't your mother tell you about him?"

"As I said, my mother said he can control metal, but I have no impression of him because he left my mother very early." Kuaiyin pointed to Xia Shang's right hand, "If you don't want to be a disabled person, Just tell me his name, of course, if you really don’t want to say it, that’s okay, anyway, I will save you before the poker explodes.”

At some point, Gambit's playing cards came into Xia Shang's hands. If Kuaiyin hadn't said it himself, Gambit wouldn't have even noticed that the playing cards disappeared.

"Does the telekinesis field have no effect on him?" How many times the speed has been slowed down, I can only say that he is worthy of a man with his own stereo, the speed is indeed terrifying.

"Magneto is really a scumbag. Quicksilver doesn't seem to have much affection for him."

Xia Shang couldn't help but feel a little troublesome. Normally, Kuaiyin shouldn't be very excited, and then eager to join Jer Company in order to know who his father is.

"Join Jer Company, and I will tell you who your father is. Even if you don't care about your father, your mother might want to meet him."

This trick worked as expected, and Kuaiyin could be seen visibly hesitating. After all, he was raised by his mother, and the relationship between him and his mother goes without saying.

"That's right." Xia Shang looked at Gambit King and smiled slightly, "These things of yours can't hurt me at all. If you want to blow me up into a cripple, there is no possibility."

Bang! The next second, a roar resounded through the entire neighborhood. Along with the explosion, dazzling firelight enveloped Xia Shang's body. For a moment, with him as the center, ripple-like explosive air waves spread to all directions...

"He actually crushed my playing cards to pieces! What a fucking lunatic!" Looking at the scene in front of him that was like a missile exploding, the card king took a breath instantly. He knew very well how powerful his cards were. Zhang is comparable to a hand grenade, not to mention that the motherland can crush an entire deck of playing cards!

In the diffuse smoke and dust, Xia Shang's iron tower-like figure loomed.

"Impossible, it's impossible for a mutant to survive that kind of explosion without being injured at all!" Gambit stared at the man in the smoke and dust, even hoping that he would fall down.

However, Xia Shang hit him hard in the face again, and when the smoke cleared, except for some black ash on his hands, the fluttering star-striped cloak behind him was actually intact.

"How strong is this guy?"

Gambit suddenly felt his scalp numb and swallowed. Compared with the people of the motherland in front of him, Victor, whom he was afraid of, was like a harmless little white rabbit.

"How are you two thinking?" Xia Shang, who had missed a bit, was quite satisfied when he saw Gambit King's shocked expression. It seemed that the shock effect was achieved.

"Peter, are you sure you can take me out of here?" Gambit said in a dry voice.

"should be no problem."

Kuaiyin has grown so big. This is the first time he has seen someone who can withstand an explosion of that level. It is simply an inhuman existence.

"I'll help you get Stryker, how about you join Jer Company?"

"Strike?" Gambit King was a little confused when he heard the name and said, "Who is this guy?"

"He hides very deeply. It's normal for you not to know. To put it simply, he is Victor's boss and the real culprit behind the arrest of mutants. Also, the Three Mile Island you just mentioned has him on it. The experimental base and the mutant prison inside are also his." Xia Shang patted the black ash in his hands and said lightly.

"It turns out it's him!" Thinking of the pain and torture he had suffered, Gambit's eyes were full of murderous intent. "Okay, as long as you can kill him and destroy the experimental base on Three Mile Island, then I agree. You join Jer Corporation and become a superhero."

"Very good, do you want to go with me then? The disaster scene should be spectacular." Xia Shang smiled slightly, and it seemed that he could see the terrifying ferocity and violence from the corners of his raised mouth.

"Go, I want to see with my own eyes how that prison was destroyed!" Gambit King also smiled, but the smile on his face was filled with irresolvable hatred.

Kuaiyin looked at the two of them, and finally said helplessly: "Bring that man to my mother, and I will join Jer Company."

"Your request is much more difficult than Remy's, but for me, it's not a big problem." Xia Shang thought that by releasing Magneto in advance, he would also gain a wave of fantasy value, which could be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"Is it difficult? Does he have a special status?"

"He's special enough. You'll know when you meet him." Xia Shang said with a smile. The founder of the Brotherhood of Mutants, the suspected assassin of the former president, and the man who almost detonated a missile in Cuba, is Magneto not special? .


"It's not impossible to attack Three Mile Island, but we have to stand on the moral high ground." The next morning, in the president's office, Xia Shang, wearing a black suit, smiled after hearing the plan of his motherland. He smiled and said.

"What do you mean? I don't seem to understand?"

Gambit King scratched his head and said puzzledly. (End of chapter)

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