Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World

Chapter 197 There are special gods, third-party forces

Now that its power can injure a demigod in the legendary realm, if he is not cautious, he may even die on the spot.

Then, can the attack it sends out when it is a demigod injure or even kill a real god?

This world is far bigger than he imagined!

After the shock, what follows is ecstasy, which is ecstasy that can be done at any cost!

Because at this moment he really saw the hope of becoming a god, if the facts are as he imagined, then his becoming a god will be inevitable!

And he still achieved the position of God in his main world!

No, it should be more than that!

The existence of the black robe who suddenly discovered the uniqueness of this world quickly thought of another point.

After taking down this giant dragon and plundering its chance position, maybe what he will get is not a god position!

Because judging from the growing power of this world, then his avatar still has a great possibility to become the god of this world.

At that time, perhaps he will be the first double god god in history!

Even if he didn't, relying on the uniqueness of this world's power, he is enough to make himself a god in his main world!

At this moment, he had an unprecedented understanding of the benefits this world brought him.

If it was before, even though he knew the benefits of this different world, that giant dragon would naturally grow in power along with the world just by doing nothing.

He guessed that it might possess a mysterious existence such as godhead, and if he got it, then he would also be able to grow to the realm of gods naturally.

But that is only the potential of the future, and no one knows whether he can really grow to the realm of the gods.

Because this is the first time he has encountered a huge alien world that is different from the small world attached to his world.

Don't look at what he has been saying before, that he has the hope of becoming a god, but no one knows better than him how heavy the word "becoming a god" contains.

The closer one gets to the existence of the God Realm, the more it becomes clear how difficult it is to become a God, it is basically hopeless!

Because they all understand that the existence of gods is too powerful and too special.

He is different from other beings. He is unique, immortal, eternal and immortal. He will be born and die together with the world, and they will be eternal if the world is not destroyed.

They are the true masters of the world!

Unlike demigods like them, once the body is destroyed, it will fall into real death.

But for such a powerful god, His birth was full of difficulties.

First of all, there needs to be laws between heaven and earth, because only when laws exist, can they realize the status of gods by comprehending the laws, or using the godhead to integrate with the laws.

But since he came to this world, he has not sensed the existence of the slightest law in such a short period of time, which shows that this world may not yet have the soil for the birth of gods.

And this also made him invisible, a pessimistic thought appeared. The value of this world is far less than he imagined. The reason for the dragon is because he is venting his anger.

The great sense of anticipation was dashed.

Of course, maybe the gods in this world exist in a different way from the gods in the other world.

Unfortunately, limited by his own vision, it was also the first time he encountered a world different from their main world, and he still didn't understand how another kind of god existed.

In this regard, he was already a little pessimistic, and he couldn't be optimistic at all.

In his concept, the gods themselves are linked to laws, but there are no laws in this world.

Perhaps, the limit of this foreign world is the legendary realm...

And one side can only reach the world of Legendary Realm, even if it is a different world from the other side, it doesn't matter at all to him.

Even if he wanted to stay in this world forever, relying on the power of the demigod to do his best, he wouldn't be happy for long.

Because the space channel has been opened, in front of the god who is the real master of the world, no matter how much he hides the channel, he can't hide it for long.

So, to a certain extent, this world is not even comparable to the small worlds he discovered before, because those small worlds have an advantage over this world, and they are better at being hidden!

Secondly, the number of gods is limited, and there is a fixed number of gods in the entire world.

Unfortunately, the position of the gods in his world has completely disappeared, which is why he was surprised to find this world.

Because he wants to see clearly whether this world can become a god, so that he can escape from the hopeless world that has no hope of becoming a god, which makes him feel desperate.

But now, he thought he didn't need to run away.

Because, the power of this world can actually injure the existence of the God Realm with the power below the God Realm, and the power used is still a special energy from another world that has nothing to do with the magic power he uses.

This nature allows him to hide this power that is enough to kill gods.

At that time, as long as he can obtain this power, with the help of two completely different power systems, he may be able to slaughter gods in his own world with mental calculations or unintentional calculations!

So with the help of the fallen god, he can truly achieve the position of god.

At that time, whether he can become a god in this different world will be just icing on the cake.

If it succeeds, he may be able to advance a few steps on the path of the gods, and if not, he will have the position of the gods.

That's right, when the god seat is full, if he wants to become a new god, he needs to kill the old god to make his god seat vacant, only in this way can he sit on it.

But before encountering this force, the existence of these demigods has no hope of killing gods at all, because the gap between real gods and demigods is far greater than the gap between demigods and mortal creatures Be big.

But now, everything is different!

At this moment, the existence of the black robe found that his path, which had been covered with fog in the past, suddenly brightened up.

Next, as long as he takes down this giant dragon and obtains the passport of this world's power, his future will continue to expand!

Until he achieves the position of a god!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the existence of the black robe became serious, and the carelessness and contempt in his heart disappeared completely.

This means that he is no longer careless, and he already treats the giant dragon that is only in the legendary realm as an enemy with the same existence.

In an instant, the eyes of one person and one dragon suddenly looked at each other. At this moment, everyone saw seriousness, dignity and going all out in each other's eyes!


However, at this moment, a violent sound of wind began to appear, making the people and dragons present couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

At this moment, a huge humanoid weapon and a special kind of blue-scaled dragon appeared on their battlefield, and behind them were densely packed giant beasts.


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