Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World

Chapter 205: The awakened Bai Chuan

this day.

"Goo~ Goo~ Goo~"

Accompanied by a series of bubbles emerging from the hot magma, a slender and huge shadow suddenly emerged from the magma with scales and half claws.

In a trance, a bright eye like a small sun under the sea lit up from the magma. This eye looked at the red magma around it with some doubts, then blinked sleepily and then went out again. into the magma.

However, in this short process, a special substance or energy flew out from this creature?

As soon as this substance first appeared in the magma, it shattered and disappeared under the surrounding high temperature.

However, the shattering and disappearance of this substance is slowly creating a terrifying change in a distant place!

And this, of course, was Bai Chuan who was in a deep sleep.

Ever since he fell into a deep sleep at unknown time last time, Bai Chuan has been in a sleepless sleep for countless years, working hard for the promotion of the whole world.

It's just that, in his deep sleep that day, he suddenly dreamed of a majestic dragon pierced by a strange weapon, standing on top of countless corpses and roaring upwards.

There was deep despair in his voice, and upon closer inspection, it seemed that the hot dragon's blood was continuously flowing out from the chest that had been pierced through it.

At first, he was in a daze and didn't know what happened until a carefully kept zerg died in his body.

In an instant, he who was still a little confused before, even in a deep sleep, he understood in a half-asleep and half-awake—his family member Shilong had an accident!

This is not his imagination, or he can't distinguish between dreams and reality.

It was the backhand that he left behind when he was still asleep before being triggered!

As a guy who has been extremely careful and prepared for everything since he was weak, he is not the kind of stupid guy who doesn't make any preparations after knowing that he will fall into a deep sleep in the future.

From the fact that he killed the first human being, Zhang Bold, and then destroyed the body, we can know that Bai Chuan has always been a cautious existence without leaving any future troubles.

Therefore, even after he created the dependent ancient dragons and gave them the authority to control the energy of the heaven and earth in the new era, he was still a little uneasy.

Because he is deeply aware that there is no creature in the world that can always be on top, better than the dependents he created - even if the ancient dragon can control the energy of the world, it will be immortal to a certain extent.

But it is also possible that one day, you will be killed by a terrifying dragon beast that rises from the bottom, or you will be seized by those cunning and secretly developed humans to seize the opportunity to crusade, or you will be attacked by those strong people from the starry sky or another world. to kill.

Therefore, for the sake of conservatism at that time, when he analyzed everything in the world, he decisively used the characteristic of a peculiar tracking bug that he had obtained from Zhang Bold when he was weak at that time——

A kind of insect that can sense the breath left by itself no matter how far away it is, thus leaving a back hand on every dependent, a back hand when life is in danger.

The principle is probably that this kind of bug can sense the breath it releases, so once the core containing this breath is smashed, the bug will directly enter the state of death after it cannot sense the breath it left behind.

And at this time, the abnormal bug could instantly tell him, who had been focusing on the bug's life, that the arrangement he left behind had been activated, and there was a very high possibility of a fatal crisis for his family members.

After knowing the news, it is the same since the bug can tell him the sudden accident that happened in the distance.

Then, as long as it is reversed, another worm is left in the body of the subordinate. This worm is related to the power he left in the body of the family. As long as he destroys the breath left by the worm that is related to his power, then Naturally, he has a means of remote control!

This is mainly because in order to solve the critical moment, the transmission time of the information carried by the light spot is too slow, and when he knows it will be too late, he deliberately left behind.

Presumably the situation over there should have changed now?

At this moment, after triggering the backhand he had left behind, Bai Chuan sighed silently.

Now what he can do has been done, whether it is successful or not, everything will be settled after he completes the major event of promotion, and he will be cleared up one by one when he wakes up!

Shilong, whether you can survive or not depends on your luck.

Thinking of this, Jiaolong once again fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, at the moment when Bai Chuan woke up.

At this moment, a certain sea surface is completely divided into two clearly defined areas.

An endless layer of ice emerged from half of the sea, as if it was about to completely freeze the entire sea. There were a large number of small and sharp ice crystals floating in the sky. These ice crystals were eroded crazily to the other side under the tornado.

On the other side, the entire surface of the sea is full of rough and huge waves, and the violent rolling of these huge waves seems to completely tear the ice layer above the sea surface.

In the sky above these huge waves, the same waterspout that seems to pass through the sky and the sea whirls and wreaks havoc.

From time to time, driven by some kind of force, these two tornadoes began to approach and tear each other.

Taking a closer look, it seems that you can see a crystal clear and beautiful ice dragon flying inside the ice tornado above the sky!

And in the ocean waterspout below, there is also a slender dragon with a lot of tentacles flying around its head!

However, at this moment, the giant dragon with a large number of tentacles flying below was suddenly taken aback, and a hint of surprise and doubt flashed in its eyes.

Immediately, even if they no longer confronted the ice dragon above, as if they were showing weakness, most of the sea beasts that gave up driving away submerged into the sea again, and swam towards a certain seabed.

Naturally, this action also stunned the beautiful ice dragon above, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "What does this damn bad dragon want to do? Why did it give up most of its prey today?"

Speaking of this, this beautiful ice dragon is also a headache. I thought that the ocean territory entrusted to it by the Father God was the easiest.

Somehow, another bad dragon that it never knew appeared in the ocean, and this bad dragon didn't know why it went crazy, and it kept driving a large number of sea beasts to a certain seabed.

It's okay if it's once or twice, but the number of times it drives is too frequent, and the amount driven away is huge, it doesn't seem like it can eat it.

In this way, as a manager of the ocean, it is naturally impossible to ignore this ecologically destructive behavior.

At this point, the two giant dragons began to confront each other day after day. It wanted to drive away a large number of sea beasts to destroy the ecological balance of the ocean, and the ice sea dragon specifically stopped it.

But why did this bad dragon suddenly give up today?

At this moment, the beautiful ice sea dragon is not clear, but it is a pity that it can't go to the lair of the bad dragon to check.

Because in the deep sea, the opponent is stronger than its strength, and the bad dragon that was often subdued in the past, once it finds it approaching, it will attack it regardless of its own madness to block it.

Maybe there are some secrets hidden in its lair?

Bing Hailong could only think so.

But it has also decided that the next time you see God the Father, you must ask Him what is going on with this bad dragon?

However, it didn't know that the giant dragon gave up confronting it because it sensed the breath of its father God's sudden awakening...

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