Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World

Chapter 268: The Mystery of the Birth of Reiki (Xiaoyuan), the Initially Opened Plant Panel

In fact, from the perspective of Bai Chuan, who has analyzed everything clearly now, although aura seems extremely mysterious, it is only a kind of [biological energy] after all, an energy with biomass as the carrier, but the energy level of this biological energy It's just higher.

The entire birthplace of spiritual energy in the living body is based on the inner wall of the blood vessel in the living body.

That's right, this means that the part transformed by the ability of aura/magic adaptation is the most important inner wall of blood vessels as the whole creature.

In fact, he should have known this long ago.

Because this is the "meridian" he is very familiar with!

In the various ancient Tibetan classics handed down from his previous life, there is a strong meridian left.

Meridian, this is an extremely fine attachment to... No, it cannot be called attachment, it should be said that under the action of this ability, the blood vessel in the living body forms an extremely fine network of hollow tissue in the inner wall of the blood vessel. Here Let's call it connective tissue.

There are some extremely small protrusions on this tissue, and the most important thing is that these protrusions do not exist on all the connective tissues in the inner wall of blood vessels.

Through these protruding connective tissues, when the blood flows through the blood vessels, it continuously absorbs energy from the blood carrying energy substances, and then passes through the fine connective protruding structures to connect these energies with the entire world. [something] in between reacts, thus directly generating the energy of aura.

This is the birth process of the whole aura.

The reason why he couldn't find it before, but always felt that the aura suddenly appeared in his blood was because of this.

Those tissues are really too small. Before this ability was born, who would have thought that this ability would change the most important inner wall of blood vessels in the living body without knowing the specific location of the ability?

And even if he thought it might be on the blood vessels before, if there is no hint about this, then even if he wants to find it blindly, the possibility is not high, unless he takes all the countless blood vessels criss-crossing in the whole organism. It is possible to explore them all.

But such a boring and lengthy exploration is not known to be useless, Bai Chuan will not start at all right now.

Because this special tissue does not exist on all the inner walls of blood vessels, only a few parts exist.

And the amount of this organization determines whether a creature's innate talent is strong or not.

He was able to discover this thanks to the fact that in the past five years, after reading countless exercises and building models, he discovered that most of these advanced exercises are instructing practitioners to concentrate their energy and blood thoughts on a certain point. Part body is a little more.

Because the organizational structure there basically forms a miniature sphere.

Its specific location is in the dantian of the human body. As for the monsters transformed from various animals, although the location is different, they are basically in the place where the inner alchemy is produced, that is, the gallbladder.

After Bai Chuanming realized this point, he focused on observing and even dissected the specific changes after a large number of biological cultivation techniques that evolved this ability, and then accidentally discovered the organization that this ability corresponds to, and what is it? How did the aura come into being.

It can be said that it is the whole process. If he does not have a lot of computing power to analyze the common points of the exercises, and then he is lucky enough to have a microscopic perspective, and can give all kinds of creatures this ability and wisdom at any time, he will never find the final answer. from.

All three are indispensable.

Fortunately, everything is over now, the power of aura has initially revealed the mystery for him, and it has been used by him in a small area.

Then, it's time for him to find another part of the birth of aura.

But what to do with this demon country?

At this moment, Bai Chuan, who already had the intention of leaving in his heart, began to think about this demon kingdom that was born unintentionally.

Although it was created during his experiments, and he didn't pay much attention to it for so many years, countless treasures were born that seemed precious and unusual in the eyes of outsiders.


At the same time, on the outskirts of this beautiful demon country, there is a beast path.

A group of cautious strangers suddenly appeared in the misty forest.

"Hey, old man, is the mysterious country you mentioned really here? You've been taking us around this wretched place for three days."

Frowning, he sized up the seemingly ordinary mountain forest, and one of the women asked suspiciously.

Because although there is a hint of mystery here because of the lingering fog, after all, fog in the mountains is just a common occurrence.

Is such an unremarkable place, without even a big beast, really the rumored secret place full of treasures?

It is worth mentioning that although Bai Chuan's current location is surrounded by mountains, it is not a particularly hidden place.

Because at the beginning, he just chose a nearby point at random after leaving Liaohe where the old dragon was, and because of the official position of the old dragon, even if it is a dragon that naturally likes quiet mountains and boundless waters, it is impossible to choose anything. The Jedi with remote and inaccessible terrain had no choice but to choose such a place as the node that runs through the waters of the entire Dalong area - the Liaohe River.

Liaohe is the densest settlement of human races in the Dalong area, so under such circumstances, after Bai Chuan stayed here for so many years, even if he tried to hide it, some false rumors gradually spread, let alone him. Also immersed in research and no matter what.

It is rumored that on a Changyun Mountain north of the Liaohe River, there is a mysterious and dizzying thick fog all year round, and some people who are destined can step into a mysterious and beautiful country once they can pass through this thick fog.

It is like spring all the year round, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are all kinds of crystal clear, beautiful and priceless gemstones everywhere, and all kinds of ghosts and goblins live in it comfortably and happily. If they fall into the eyes of these spirits and goblins, they can even give away precious medicines that can transform mortals, or exercises that can step into the path of cultivation.

At this moment, this group of people came here curiously to explore after hearing the raging rumors.

Hearing the woman's doubts, the old man who led the way couldn't help but stop, turned his head and bowed his head with a smile, and said: "Girl, it's true, the mysterious country in the rumors is right here. Can I lie to you? If someone else says so, you don’t have to believe it, but I have been there myself before, this mysterious place, the most important thing to enter is to have some kind of sincerity..."

"Sincerity leads to spirit."

Someone else answered for him.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old man glanced at the man gratefully and continued: "I'm not a scholar and I forgot how to say it. Thank you, big brother, but this matter can't be rushed, can't be rushed."

Hearing this, the woman crossed her arms and squinted and said, "Oh~? You went in? So why haven't you made a fortune yet? The rumors are that people who come back there can have a lot of money for the first time. Wealth? What's more, become the legendary master."

As soon as these words came out, the old man's smiling face froze immediately, and the woman's words reminded him of his companion, Goudan, who once went into the mountains with him to find medicinal materials.

That day was when the mist rose, and he saw his companion disappear directly in front of his eyes, as if swallowed by the mist, and then the companion reappeared on the third day after he escaped in a hurry Not only did he appear with a lot of gems, but he also became a master with infinite strength.

All kinds of dignitaries who hadn't even seen each other in the county in the past stepped into the dilapidated dilapidated house, and it didn't take long for the pair to turn around and become a master who was sitting in a mansion with fertile land, a beautiful wife and a beautiful woman in his arms.

But he is still the mud-legged kid who was miserable and no one liked him.

The former down-and-out partner got lucky, and the experience of being no longer in the same world as himself is undoubtedly the most annoying, envious, and jealous, especially when the whole process of getting rich is under his nose.

For countless days and nights, he was so annoyed that he couldn't sleep. More than once, he fantasized that if it wasn't Goudan who stood in that position that day, but him, and he was the one who disappeared in the end. If only he didn't leave directly in fear that day, but walked directly to the place where the dog egg disappeared. It would be fine if he didn't leave the dog egg and run away in the end, and it would be fine if he waited for him, then the dog egg should give him some gems, if...

All kinds of troubles entangled him like a demon in his heart, so that he wandered around the place where his former partners disappeared all day long, just wishing that he was lucky once, entered the mysterious place that was rumored, and succeeded in sitting on countless fertile fields Mansion beauty.

Now this time bringing this group of people, it was only because the other party gave him something that he couldn't refuse.

Thinking back to the troubles of the past, the old man also stiffly pulled his face and said with a difficult smile, "I, I..."

"Okay, don't embarrass this old man."

Someone next to him couldn't stand it and stopped him. After all, the reason why they invited him was because after getting to know him, they knew that the other party was the person who had really seen someone enter the secret place with his own eyes.

As for the other people who have really entered there, they are not the ones they can invite.

Those who have wealth don't look down on the rewards they give at all, and those who have force are not something they can persecute. In addition, the people who come out of it keep silent whenever they talk about it with others. This mysterious secret place is covered with a veil of mystery.

"Here, all right."

When the woman heard this, she was a little dissatisfied and stopped talking, because she knew that no matter how difficult this old man was, it would be of no avail. Now it was just because she had wandered around for three days without seeing any trace of the secret realm. A little anxious.

"Wait, why is Qiu Yu gone?"

"What? Wasn't it here just now?"

"Hey, why is this fog getting thicker?"

"No, it's not that the fog is getting thicker, it's that the fog is moving!"

While the few people were talking, there was a sudden commotion behind the crowd.

However, after exclaiming for a few breaths, the surroundings became quiet again.

Because everyone also reacted, and in an instant one by one began to cast their eyes on the last position of the disappeared person.

At this moment, the only thing that is quiet here is the sound of breathing that is getting heavier and heavier. In the misty mountains and forests, the sound of breathing is becoming more and more obvious, but it is not because of fear, but because of greed.

Among them, the old man who led the way was the most obvious. After countless days and nights of annoyance and regret, today he finally met the opportunity that he missed in the past.

Obviously only one person disappeared at this moment, but everyone believed that the location where that person disappeared could allow newcomers to enter as well. As for failure, they can't enter? That's not on their minds at all.


Under the impulse of ecstasy that couldn't be suppressed any more, the old man directly made the old man rush towards that place without any competition from the crowd.

In an instant, with a burst of mist rolled down by the flowing air current, the old man's figure also disappeared directly.

And this move also woke up the surrounding people.

So, like dumplings falling, everyone rushed towards that position one by one.

At this moment, the old man only felt as if he was jumping on a high wall that was soft but hard, and entered a beautiful country.

Countless taller trees with tangled roots stand tall, and a clear and clean stream flows quietly under the tree. At the bottom of the stream, there are various beautiful stones scattered around, which are gems. Under the big tree, all kinds of cute or shimmering elves are dozing, and occasionally a few of them are awakened by the sudden movement and are staring at the strange visitor curiously.

Farther away, among the clouds and mist, several huge creatures with powerful aura flew past from time to time, or goshawks, or white cranes, or weird big snakes with horns on their heads...

This is a beautiful country that belongs exclusively to the world's spirits and goblins, and it is also the laboratory born out of Bai Chuan's various experiments on the contagiousness of dragon blood in the past five years.

Yes, this is not only the place where Bai Chuan was born to study spiritual energy, it is also the place where the energy of the blood worm's light spot changes, and it is also the place to study dragon blood.

This country is the country that was born after Bai Chuan combined the three power systems for preliminary research.

Based on the blood worm's light point energy to change the suitable environment, the overbearing appeal of the dragon's blood as the basis, combined with the small source of spiritual energy born in the living body, such a country has been created.

There are not only all kinds of powerful animals here, but also all kinds of plant creatures that seem to be alive.

That's right, with the help of the infectivity of dragon's blood and the characteristics of aura, Bai Chuan finally began to infect a large number of plants into new species between animals and plants, and successfully opened a small number of plant-related ability panels.

This is Bai Chuan's exploration on how to rationally use the three power systems to assist in cooperation to change the world after obtaining this world in the future.

After all, it is impossible for him to just absorb the resources of this world and stop moving forward. At the same time, the light point energy of the main world will inevitably decline with time without his source of supply. At the same time, there is no biological ability to change mutations. orientation.

So he is thinking about whether there is a way to change everything in a more rapid and directional way without his participation after he gave a seed, so as to provide him with everything he needs.

Once his research is successful, his main world will be able to combine the characteristics of the three worlds to provide him with everything he needs more quickly.

It's a pity that his current plan is only a concept, a prototype.

Of course, this is the case, which also allowed him to create a strange and beautiful country.

There are all kinds of creatures with ancient and mysterious bloodlines here, there are also all kinds of precious medicines that contain powerful medicinal power and have intelligent activities, there are also mineral creatures that can transform into human forms, and more...

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