Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 103: Brigade Shot X Feitan's Sneak Attack

"Captain, it's all settled, there are a group of Common people on board, but the equipment is very sophisticated.

On Phantom Troupe's airship, Uvogin's figure suddenly appeared on the deck and reported the situation.

"Well-equipped Common..." Chrollo thought and activated the ultimate ability of the thief in his hand.

In the next moment, Feitan's figure appeared out of thin air just like Uvogin before.

"On my side is a very weak Nen, and a group of well-equipped armed men." Feitan flicked the bloody long sword in his hand, and then retracted it into his umbrella scabbard.

"Why do you have Nen people on your side, and my side is full of boring Common people!" Uvogin shouted dissatisfiedly from the side.

"Go to that airship, you chose it yourself!" Feitan gave Uvogin a blank look, and said darkly.

Regarding the quarrel between Uvogin and Feitan, Chrollo didn't care about it, but thought about it and said: "The two airships that obviously have traces of refitting armed forces do not have a master, and they seem to be a group of insignificant small characters." 08

Chrollo closed the thief's ultimate intent, and the book in his hand disappeared instantly. He turned to Shalnark and said, "Speed ​​up! Let's catch up directly."

"Alright Captain." Shalnark smiled and steered the airship to accelerate towards the airship ahead.

Because the airship in front had already stopped and hung in the air, Shalnark soon steered the airship to the side of the airship in front, and the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters.

That is to say, the flying tool in the Hunter world is an airship that flies without any movement, otherwise how could it be so close.

"Haha, let me come first, those little guys just didn't enjoy the fight at all." Uvogin laughed and opened the window of the airship, watching the airship next to him suddenly stare at the ground, and jumped directly towards the airship over there Lost too much.

"At any rate, you still have some activities, but I'm already bored to death."

Seeing Uvogin move so fast, Nobunaga frowned slightly. The leader had said before that the enemy on the other side was not an easy matter, and he was worried, but Nobunaga came to the window and followed with a curse on his face.

"That guy Nobunaga... is really dishonest!" Feitan grinned in a low voice, not as loud as the two of them were moving, his figure flashed silently and disappeared on the airship.

"Let's go too!" Chrollo said to Pakunoda beside him.

Wait a minute, Pakunoda's ability is needed to detect the information of the treasure!

"Hmm!" Pakunoda was startled, then nodded.

"What's wrong?" Chrollo was slightly puzzled when he saw Pakunoda's reaction at this time.

"In fact, I've always had a bad feeling..." Pakunoda hesitated for a while, but still said.

"Not a good feeling?" Chrollo frowned and said, "Don't worry! Nothing will happen."

To be honest, if the Machi of the person who said this to Chrollo, Chrollo might be a little more cautious, but Pakunoda, has not shown any amazing sixth sense before.

"Shalnark, you and Kubi are waiting on the boat, don't let the airship go 20 meters away." Chrollo thought for a while, then turned and said to the two intelligence personnel and ability users included.



Shalnark and Kube responded at the same time, as non-combatants of the brigade, they naturally had no opinion.

"Let's go! Pike." The thief's ultimate intention appeared out of thin air in Chrollo's hand, and he used his ability to teleport himself and Pike Notan to the airship next to him.

"People are coming! Are you sure you want to point your guns at me instead of avenging your comrades?" Luo Lin said with a smile to the heavily armed team behind him.


The faces of many members of the armed team changed.

They are very clear that they seem to be well-armed, but in fact their firepower is incomparable to that of their companions on the other two airships.

Even their companions were defeated in such a short period of time, then they...

Although I came here with the awareness that I might sacrifice from the beginning, the possibility of sacrifice and the certainty of sacrifice are completely different things.


Luo Lin suddenly spoke at this time.

At a distance of 20 meters, he could even see the figures in the opposite airship. The corner of Luo Lin's mouth twitched slightly when he saw those familiar figures jumping up from the front of the airship.

Sure enough, it was Phantom Troupe.


"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... didn't they all come?" Luo Lin frowned slightly.

"To wipe out all Phantom Troupe, and to wipe out most of Phantom Troupe, whether it's credit or something else, is not the same concept at all." Luo Lin thought about it happily.

And at this time.

Along with Luo Lin's size, the group of armed squads also saw the figure transferred from the airship next door.


Accompanied by someone's yell, conspicuous tongues of flame shot out from the muzzles of this group of people, dozens of hundreds of bullets densely covered the jumping figure.

"Hahaha, don't use this kind of toy to embarrass yourself!" Uvogin laughed wildly, and the thought energy in his body suddenly solidified and turned into a solid armor, which firmly protected his body. The dense bullets were completely impenetrable, Then the whole person smashed the outer wall of the airship and walked in.

This scene directly frightened the group of armed personnel.

Although they have seen and even dealt with some people with special abilities, they were unscathed under the hail of bullets... Isn't this outrageous?

"Uvogin, you are still so impulsive." Nobunaga complained and walked in from the gap Uvogin made, swinging a long knife in his hand, and smashed all the bullets that hit him.

This scene once again stunned the group of 343 armed men, and their legs and feet couldn't stop becoming weak.

But to be honest, compared to Uvogin, who has no defense at all, if they focus on Nobunaga, they might still have a little effect.

It's a pity that they can't calm down at all now, that is, they instinctively pulled the trigger with their fingers in panic, otherwise the bullets might have stopped at this time.

Uvogin didn't care about Nobunaga's complaints, instead he rushed to the crowd with a wild laugh: "Let's see who kills more!"

Although Uvogin's body is huge, his speed is not slow at all, and even because of the terrifying explosive power brought by his terrifying power, he rushed into the crowd in an instant, "Every punch directly sent a fully armed soldier flying.

As for Nobunaga, he dexterously rushed over from the other side, the blade in his hand flickered, and the slaughter efficiency was even more exaggerated than Uvogin.

Even though there were other soldiers coming from all over the airship, there were only thirty or forty soldiers in total, and they were slaughtered by two people in a blink of an eye.

Luo Lin, on the other hand, avoided the bloody scene of flying limbs and limbs from a distance, thinking about how hard to attack next.

"Is it really good for you to watch the play so leisurely here?"

Suddenly a voice rang in Luo Lin's ear, and almost at the same time, a sharp blade wrapped in a strong mind pierced directly through his chest.

Luo Lin turned his head in disbelief, Feitan was looking at him with sullen complacency. .

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