Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 106: 'I' Can Anti-Kill X Chrollo's Plan X Hesitation

"Did you find it?"

Luo Lin noticed the change in Chrollo's gaze.

If it is said that he really can only draw with the three of them, then it is naturally difficult to notice Chrollo's fleeting look at this time.

But in fact, his strength far exceeds the three of them.

Even if he didn't want to wipe out Phantom Troupe, he could even instantly kill the three of them.

Just like Netero, there is now a gap between Lu and the Nen of Common.

"I found it!" Luo Lin smiled a little in his heart.

"Now I need to think about how to end it. First of all, the hatred must be enough, otherwise the opponent may not come to revenge, and then my strength cannot exceed the tolerance of the opponent..."

"But it can't be too obvious."

"Within the scope of Nen's strength, I have to give Chrollo the confidence that I can fight back."

"It just so happens that Chrollo is a smart person, and smart people have full confidence in the results they deduce.


What does it mean that you discovered it? I actually let you discover it!

"Uvogin, Nobunaga, speed up your attack. After the opponent's fake body appears, try to attack the opponent's fake body and real body at the same time." Chrollo suddenly ordered at this time.

Hearing Chrollo's words, no matter whether it was Nobunaga or Uvogin, the two immediately acted according to the order, and then began to think about Chrollo's order.

"Attack the real body and fake body at the same time? Why did the leader give such an order?"

Uvogin and Nobunaga were puzzled at the same time.

After all, they weren't novices in combat. The moment they noticed Luo Lin's real body and fake body, they kept attacking in this direction.


Why do they call Luo Lin's martial arts superb! Isn't it because they can't do that kind of thing together?

Both recalled Chrollo's order at the same time.

Uvogin: "After confirming that the other party's fake body appeared..."

Nobunaga: "Try to attack the real body and fake body at the same time!"

"The false body appears, attacking the real body and the false body at the same time! The real order of the leader is

"Hold the opponent's fake body!" The two figured out what Chrollo meant almost at the same time.

"I see. Is that power actually some kind of Nen? After the false body is attacked, the attack power of the real body increases." Uvogin grinned.

As an Enhancer, he believes in pure power, but in today's battle, he was repelled one after another by people with obviously non-Enhancer abilities. He almost doubted his life!

"Hold on to the opponent's false body, hold off on the premise that you can't kill, let the leader finish the final blow!" Nobunaga's expression froze slightly.

To be honest, this order was quite difficult for him. After all, he was holding a long knife, so he could do whatever he could.

It's not that he can't keep his hand, but once he keeps his hand, it is very likely that the other party will notice it.


Uvogin: "I need to hold the opponent with all my strength!"

Nobunaga: "I need to cooperate with Uvogin and pretend to attack the opponent's real body with all my strength.

As partners who have grown up playing together since childhood, Uvogin and Nobunaga are almost in touch with each other, and they have formulated tactics in an instant.

"Die to me!"

Uvogin rushed towards Luo Lin, his punches and kicks were almost half as fast as before.

The cost of replacing it is that the attack is more than weaker.

It seems to be the same as Chrollo's order, to speed up the attack speed, and wait for the opportunity to attack the real body and fake body at the same time.

And Nobunaga also increased the speed of swinging the knife, but also paid the price of reduced accuracy.

"Die!" Uvogin yelled suddenly, his face was extremely ferocious at this time, and most of his body's energy was instantly condensed on his fist.

Super Destruction Punch!

This punch may not be the super-destructive punch that Uvogin went all out for, but it is definitely a punch that far surpasses any previous attack.

At this moment, Luo Lin's face froze, and his figure rushed forward quickly. At the same time, Nobunaga and Chrollo could clearly see the other Luo Lin retreating in the eyes.

"I got you!"

Nobunaga yelled, wrapping his long sword with thoughts, and swung it directly at Luo Lin.

Seeing Nobunaga rushing towards him, Luo Lin made a counterattack posture, and his mind energy gathered on his hands, ready to launch an attack.

At this time, Uvogin's fist hit Luo Lin on the other side, just...

The Super Destruction Fist, which seemed to have condensed most of the thoughts, had no attack power at all.

The moment it landed on Luo Lin's fake body, the violent thoughts dissipated directly, and only a Common fist landed on Luo Lin's fake body.

Next to him, the face of the real Luo Lin changed suddenly. He who was about to face Nobunaga stepped back instantly and dodged directly.

"Sure enough, his powerful attack power is obtained by breaking the false body, even if the false body is not broken or cancelled, his own attack power will be affected.

Chrollo, who saw this scene on the side, showed a smile in his heart.


Chrollo's left-handed thief's ultimate intention appeared, and a nail appeared in his right hand.

He quietly appeared behind Luo Lin who was dodging Nobunaga, and the nail in his hand was inserted into Luo Lin's body in an instant.


Luo Lin's complexion changed, and then, under Chrollo's confident gaze, he suddenly laughed.

"Do you think I only have one fake body?" Luo Lin laughed, and behind him, another Luo Lin quietly retreated.

0...seeking flowers...

"Look at you boy, you have been wandering around the edge before, either Manipulator or Emitter, you have been guarding against you!" Luo Lin snorted coldly.

"There's another fake body?" Chrollo also showed a hint of consternation at this time.

However, Chrollo noticed the difference between Luo Lin and before.

If it is said that Luo Lin before the fake body was attacked, he would directly launch a strong counterattack, but this time, Lu Linkou retreated.

"Nianqi also became extremely thin in an instant. Is the price of the second fake body losing attack power?" Chrollo calmed down a little because of the failure of the plan.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he looked towards Uvogin.

Sure enough, even if Uvogin didn't blow him up, the first Lu Lin's fake body quietly disappeared at this time.

At the same time, the Nian Qi on Luo Lin's body also returned to its original state, no, it was even stronger than before.


Although it is not as strong as the instant burst every time the false body is broken, but the tyrannical aura visible to the naked eye, it is obvious that the opponent's current hard power may not be inferior to Uvogin.

"Is it because this avatar has been manipulated? If manipulation is considered an attack, it should be considered a steady stream of attacks!" Chrollo thought to himself.

"Sure enough, he is a near-perfect ability user. He considered quite completely when designing the ability." Chrollo once again admired in his heart.

However, even knowing that manipulating Luo Lin's fake body will enhance Luo Lin's strength, Chrollo has no intention of letting go.

After all, controlling a false body, even if Luo Lin has a second false body, but according to his previous guess, this almost abolished most of this ability.

"Attack now!" Chrollo gave the order without hesitation.

The moment they heard Chrollo's order [ Uvogin and Nobunaga chose to attack without hesitation.

As for Luo Lin, I challenged him directly, perfectly displaying his terrifying power that is not inferior to Uvogin at this time, and combining his own martial arts.

One against two at a time is not at all a disadvantage.

But, in his heart, Luo Lin was praising Chrollo next to him.

It can be said that Chrollo has almost seen through his ability to think out for himself and express it deliberately.

This kind of thinking ability and intelligence is indeed terrifying.

To be honest, Lu hesitated to leave Chrollo here.

After all, he wasn't sure, with Chrollo's intelligence, would he see something and choose to give up regardless of hatred.

After all, from the original book, we can see Chrollo's kind of rationality, everything is the brigade group is the opponent's course of action!.

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