Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 110: Instant Kill X Terrifying Remembrance X All Members Gather

"As expected!"

Luo Lin looked at Shalnark in front of him, and Feitan, who was lying on the ground behind him and secretly gathering Nen, shook his head slightly.

It was still too much force.

He also didn't expect that Chrollo would escape so decisively and lead people away, leaving Shalnark and Feitan behind.

"Do you want to catch up?" Luo Lin glanced at another airship that was already far away and thought about it.

If he wants to chase, he can still catch up, but...

"Forget it, I used too much force in the first place. If I chase after him, I will really scare people away." Luo Lin shook his head slightly.

"I don't know if killing one Shalnark and Feitan's hatred is enough!"

Luo Lin was distressed, ignored the Shalnark who was rushing towards him, turned around and walked towards Feitan.


At this time, Shalnark appeared behind Luo Lin under the control of his own Nen. Under the control of Nen, Shalnark's explosive strength at this time far exceeded his own limit.


There was no one here anymore, so Lu Lin naturally didn't intend to pretend anymore.

In an instant, Luo Lin's arm flickered, and he continued to walk towards Feitan.

But at this time, Shalnark, who had just rushed behind Luo Lin, saw nothing above his neck, and his headless body fell down directly.

143 Instant Kill!

What's more, the one who killed instantly was Shalnark, who burst out with power far beyond the limit in the state of automatic control.

At this scene, Feitan, who was not far away, stared wide-eyed.


Feitan stared at Luo Lin with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

But there is only one point, Feitan is already very clear when he is dying.

That is...

If he can't leave the person in front of him here today, the brigade will be... in danger!!!

"Oh die, I'll give it to you!"

Feitan roared wildly inside and activated his ability.

This time, Feitan didn't even materialize the fireproof suit used to prevent himself from being burned, and used all his thoughts and his own life to activate his Nen-burned by the scorching sun!

A big orange-red sun-like fireball appeared above Feitan out of thin air, the blazing flames danced, and the terrifying temperature filled the surroundings instantly with the firelight.

The first person to be burned was Feitan himself directly below.

In an instant, the flames blazed on Feitan's body, but Feitan didn't move at this moment, just staring at Luo Lin's direction.

"What a strong resentment..." Luo Lin frowned, looking at Feitan at this time.

He has no doubt that once Feitan dies at this time, he will definitely give birth to after death thoughts, and then strengthen the opponent's ability to a terrifying level.


Luo Lin tapped his fingertips, and a bullet pierced Feitan's head in an instant.

The next moment, Black's thought energy, no, it should be resentment rose from Feitan's body and merged into that orange fireball.

In the next moment, the flame exploded, using Black's lingering resentment as fuel, the orange-red flame was ignited and turned into pure white, as if it wanted to burn everything in this world.

And Luo Lin turned around and left at full speed without hesitation the moment Nian popped his hand.

Sensing the temperature change behind him, Luo Lin leaped calmly and jumped off the airship directly.

The next moment.

A terrifying explosion sounded.

The airship that was more than 100 meters long was completely burned by the flames of the explosion, and a huge fireball like a second sun hung above the sky.

The violent blast wave knocked Luo Lin into the air, but Luo Lin would not be injured by the shock wave if he had been prepared.

Slightly turned sideways, Luo Lin stared at the fireball above his head that looked like a second sun.

"It's really a terrifying posthumous reading! I really don't know if (aicg) if I don't take action, the other party will be killed by my own burning, and the posthumous prison born with the oath and restriction of giving up life will be terrifying! "

Luo Lin was secretly startled.

That's right, this is the reason why he didn't hesitate to kill Feitan even after birth and death.

Nen... This is the ability to go against your will.

If you have a firm enough mind, resentment, and talent, at the last moment of your life, you can give up all the abilities you can get in a sacrifice-like way, which is much more terrifying than simply thinking about it after death.

at the same time.

Above the sky, on the half-destroyed but flying airship, everyone in Phantom Troupe also clearly saw the violent explosion in the distance.

Seeing that far surpassed Feitan's previous "burning by the scorching sun", everyone instantly understood something.

"Feitan he..."

Nobunaga clenched his teeth, looked at the figure that jumped out of the airship before the explosion with a ferocious expression, clenched the long knife in his hand, and Nobunaga walked forward.

"Nobunaga, what are you going to do?" Chrollo's voice sounded, grabbing Kube, Chrollo climbed up from under the airship and said calmly.

Seeing Kube next to Chrollo, they instantly understood what happened, and their expressions became more gloomy every day.

"To kill that bastard, of course!" The one who answered Chrollo was Uvogin, whose face was completely covered with anger at this time.

It was an unforgivable mistake for Uvogin, who considered himself a Phantom Troupe, to die in front of his eyes.

"In the brigade's regulations, is there a clause to avenge your companions?" Chrollo said directly at this time.

"Then kill him too." Nobunaga roared directly, clenching the long knife in his hand.

However, after seeing Chrollo's calm and terrifying face, both Nobunaga and Uvogin calmed down instantly.

"Calm down?" Chrollo said directly.

"Captain..." Nobunaga said unwillingly.

"The rules of the brigade will not avenge your companions, but the thieves will not let go of the treasure they are targeting!" Chrollo said in a low voice.

Hearing Chrollo's words, Nobunaga and Uvogin all looked happy.

"Commander, give the order!" Uvogin shouted directly.

"First of all... all members assemble!" Chrollo looked calm, looking down at the small black dot that was gradually moving away and disappearing below. .

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