Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 112 Phantom Troupe Collection X Chrollo Information

A nearly abandoned area on the outskirts of the city.

on the way.

"It's really rare that the head of the group actually summoned us in advance." Phinks said to the people around him with great interest.

"Well, we agreed to gather on September 1st, but we were called two months in advance. This is the first time!" Franklin said in a deep voice.

"There must be a temporary mission!" Shizuku said calmly as he walked beside Franklin.

"It should be! Two days ago, the team leader called to ask me where I was!" Phinks said casually.

"Me too." Franklin nodded at Shizuku and said, "Shizuku should be questioned too!"

"Is there?" Shizuku tilted his head.

"When I didn't ask. Frank Linton gave in for a moment. It's been so long since I saw him, he almost forgot Shizuku's memory.

"410" "The assembly point is just ahead." Phinks said, looking at an abandoned factory building ahead, and quickened his pace.

Franklin and Shizuku also accelerated their pace and walked towards the abandoned factory building.

In the abandoned factory building, most of the members of Phantom Troupe have already arrived.

"Hey everyone, long time no see, we're not late, right?" Phinks greeted his companion with a smile.

Glance around.

"Is Feitan's guy here yet? He keeps saying he's fast, but he's late this time." Phinks teased.

Hearing Phinks' teasing, none of the people present smiled.

"Everyone is here, let's talk about this task!" Chrollo looked at his team members and said.

"All here?" Franklin's expression changed slightly.

And Phinks couldn't help being taken aback, seeing the figure of his companion in the factory building.

Chrollo, Pak Noda, Kube, Uvogin, Nobunaga, Machi, Hisoka, Flak Lev.

Counting the three of them who just arrived, there are only eleven people.

"Shalnark and Feitan haven't yet..." Phinks was halfway through speaking, and suddenly realized, his face suddenly became difficult.

"Captain..." Phinks looked at Chrollo with an ugly face.

Chrollo ignored Phinks, but said calmly: "The mission this time is to snatch a treasure called the No Man's Stone.

"Leader!" Phinks stepped forward with an ugly face, "What does it mean that the leader is here? Where are Feitan and Shalnark?"

"They're dead," Chrollo said, watching Phinks calmly.


Although he had already guessed something just now, Phinks couldn't believe it when he heard Chrollo say that.

Not to mention that Phinks couldn't believe it, Franklin, Machi and other brigade members couldn't believe it.

Only Uvogin, Nobunaga, Kube and others didn't say a word, and were silent on the sidelines.

"The treasure called the Nobody's Stone is currently in the hands of a Luo Lin's professional Hunter. This time, the task is to snatch the Nobody's Stone from him." Chrollo continued at this time

"Captain, how did they die?" Phinks asked in a low voice, completely ignoring Chrollo's words.

Chrollo stopped, looked up at Phinks and said in a deep voice, "You want revenge?"

"Of course." Phinks nodded.

That's all for Shalnark, Feitan is a friend he grew up with from Meteor Street.

"Then listen carefully to my mission." Chrollo said directly.

"Group..." Phinks wanted to say something else.

"Phinks, listen to the captain." Franklin shouted directly.

Phinks paused, then backed away with an expression of unwillingness, and let Chrollo continue talking about the task.

"Luo Lin, a professional Hunter, Transmuter Nen, has the same ability as the Nen Beast Fake. The Nen Beast Fake has no attack ability. After the blow dissipates, my Nen strength will instantly increase by a large amount."

"The weakness is that after being controlled by the Emitter, it will not be able to dissipate on its own initiative. However, during the period when the Nen Beast's fake body is being manipulated, the strength of its own Nen will continue to increase, but it is not as strong as the Nen Beast's fake body being broken down."

"Attention, under the strengthening of the first Nian Beast's fake body being manipulated, Nen's strength is comparable to that of Uvogin, and the Transmuter's bullets even exceed the attack strength of Franklin's two-handed machine gun. Under the strengthening of the first Nian Beast's fake body being defeated, Nen Its strength exceeds that of Uvogin, and it can use a powerful psychic cannon."

"It is suspected that the Nen Beast will dissipate on its own if it is more than 50 meters away from the main body, but this dissipation should not be able to increase the strength of the opponent's Nen

"Having a second Nenbeast fake body, this Nenbeast fake body will not increase your Nen strength after being broken, and when using the second Nenbeast fake body, the opponent's Nen strength will drop a lot."

"A master of martial arts, his martial arts are almost at the peak. He is very good at fighting under the cover of the Nian Beast's fake body. Before he can control the Nian Beast's fake body, it is almost impossible to attack him himself."

"Nen's manipulating skills are extremely strong, and he can almost instantly complete several offensive and defensive power conversions, and he can use the Transmuter method to accelerate his attacks, and he can complete several unstoppable powerful attacks in an instant at a speed that surpasses Nobunaga's swinging a knife.

"The opponent is a Nen player with a nearly perfect combat system. One-on-one is almost invincible, and he is very good at saving his life. It is extremely difficult to sneak attack. At least three people need to be restrained from the front, and then they can be attacked by other people to have a chance to win.

Chrollo said all the information he had observed during the battle in one breath.

After listening to the long list Chrollo said, everyone present except those who witnessed the battle that day was stunned.

This was the first time they had seen their team leader make such an evaluation of a Nen person, and he was still so cautious.

But for Uvogin and the 4.6 leader who personally participated in it one day, it is not surprising at all.

They even felt that the information Chrollo heard from Luo Lin was far less oppressive than what they felt personally.

"Leader... You said that the opponent's Nen is stronger than Uvogin, the power of the bullet is stronger than mine, and the attack speed is faster than Nobunaga... How did these information come out?"

Franklin looked at Chrollo at this moment, and asked in a deep voice.

"I saw it with my own eyes." Chrollo replied without hesitation.

"I saw it with my own eyes, that is to say, you have fought against each other, Shalnark and Feitan..." Franklin said.


"Shalnark desperately entangled the opponent, Feitan used his ability when he was on the verge of death, but the opponent escaped from the attack range in the end." Chrollo looked at Franklin and said truthfully.

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